so that you may see clearly

Open Your Bible

Acts 9:1-19

Text: Acts 9:1-19

Yesterday we read words from Paul to the Corinthians. Today we’re taking a step back in time to learn more about Paul’s story.

The Saul we are reading about today is the same man we read about named Paul. Have I confused you yet?

Talk about a fresh start—an amazing story of redemption and new beginning.

Let’s first look at how God used Paul, a changed man. A man covered by grace from the Most High.

  • He took 3 long missionary journeys, planting churches, preaching the gospel and encouraging his fellow believers.

  • Paul had a gift of explaining the gospel in a way that resonates with us today just as it did many years ago.

Would you believe that this same man was at one time persecuting the believers? Paul wasn’t just a non-believer, he was actively seeking out men and women who were following Christ: throwing them in jail or worse, killing them.

But God chose Him. He met Saul and blinded him, so that he might see the truth.

Do you look at your past and believe the lies that you’re too messy to clean up? Too broken to be fixed? Are you struggling to believe that His grace and forgiveness covers whatever is in your past?

Paul tells us later on in Ephesians 2:8, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” (NIV)

It is a gift. It is by grace.
There is nothing you can do to make Him love you more.
There is no sin too great for Him.
There is no stain He can’t wash away.

Saul was walking down a path of destruction: God met Saul where he was.

Ask Him today to meet you where you are. He will. It may not look the way you expect—you may be blinded so that you might see clearly. But Sister, there is a fresh start and a new beginning just waiting to be given to you.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 8:38-39, NIV, emphasis added)


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41 thoughts on "so that you may see clearly"

  1. Kelsi says:

    LOVE THIS!! I am not proud of my past and am frequently reminded that I am a sinner. But then there's passages like this that remind me that I'm okay because I'm actively changing my life to live for Him. To go back to how I used to be. To not be led down a wayward path. Our redeemer makes me so joyous that I can work on being a better person and know that I'm forgiven.

    In the words of Rob Bell…"There's nothing you could ever do to make him love you less." we have been saved! Now I pray that I live like Christ today and show love, mercy and compassion in all that I do. May all you ladies do the same and walk with light hearts.

  2. Liza says:

    Just last night I watched this movie called Äbout Time", and I so dearly wanted to hasten my life. I had to move to another country and start my undergraduate ALL over again, and for a year or more I had struggled with accepting it. Even when I thought I did, perhaps I had just buried it with a sufficient amount of complacency to mistake it for acceptance. I am also having deeper issues of having to reidentify myself with my own country, and not the country from which I grew up for most of my life. I have to accept that I'm not American, even if that's where I was raised. It hurts, because it feels like I have to renounce everything I had ever known that makes me, me.

    I know that God has not blinked, and has ordained for this to happen for something. I pray that I will be blinded so I can see clearly His will and be in the center of it, passionate for it and obeying it.

  3. lilinch93 says:

    God chose me. God chose you. God chose Saul.
    Too messed up? Too broken? – NO … You have been saved through faith by grace. <3
    God will meet you where you are just as He met saw where he was.

    So incredibly thankful for this truth. Praise Him because He is Holy.

  4. Emily says:

    In awe by how amazing this plan is!! This was my very first plan last year and I so desperately needing a fresh start during that time in my life! God was there and knew exactly what I needed!! Today I am reminded that I need a fresh start on most days! When I put God on the back burner and turn away from Him, I need a redo. A fresh start to refocus on what's most important, pushing the worldly problems aside and just being there with Him. The coolest part is that He is always there…right where we are…He is there! He gives me a fresh start each and everyday!! I'm amazed by his love and mercy.