
Open Your Bible

Matthew 3:1-3, Matthew 4:12-25, Ezekiel 18:21-32, Joel 2:12-13, Romans 2:1-11

This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. As we read, we’ll gain a broader understanding of the redemptive story of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. 

What Is Matthew? The Gospel of Matthew is a testimony of Jesus’s life and ministry told from the eyewitness perspective of Matthew, a Jewish tax collector who became a disciple of Jesus. This Gospel affirms Jesus as the Messiah promised in the Old Testament, and the reigning King who inaugurated the kingdom of God on earth. It also describes Jesus coming to call His people to turn away from their sin and toward Him. 

How Matthew Fits Into the Story: Our introduction to the New Testament, Matthew’s Gospel contains the greatest number of direct connections to the Old Testament while also looking forward to the Messiah’s future return. Matthew writes of Jesus as the climax of salvation history—the fulfillment of every prophecy and promise made to Israel, the incarnate presence and wisdom of God Himself, and the reigning sustainer of the Church. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. How is Jesus’s call to repent an invitation to follow Him? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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170 thoughts on "Matthew"

  1. Diana Lozon says:

    Repenting destroys the wall between us and Jesus.

  2. Holly Davidson says:

    He asks us to come as we are, no more, no less, just to come, to be with him. What a love that is!

  3. Katy Rice says:

    This first day of this reading plan has reminded me that our sin separates us from Jesus. We are called to put away our sin which leads to death, and be welcomed by Christ’s forgiving arms!!-now aiming to be holy and righteous!!

  4. Ariana Eller says:


  5. Cynthia Gonzalez says:

    So happy to be apart of this community and learn about Gods forgiveness and love ❤️

  6. Kelsie Kupihea says:

    He wants us to recognize our sin and our need for a savior – if we believe we havent sinned – we dont need a savior. The obly way to be saved from our sin and death is theough jesus and in order to follow jesus we must turn away from our sin.

  7. Betty says:

    God is patient and is always waiting for us to turn from our old ways and walk with Jesus instead – this is the beauty of redemption

  8. Elise Burk says:

    Repent means to acknowledge that we are sinners. It’s the very first step. It’s like an alcoholic and admitting. You can’t move forward without acknowledging. And then ask for forgiveness for your sins. It’s the start with your life in Jesus.