Martha & Mary

Open Your Bible

Luke 10:38-42, John 11:19-27, John 12:1-8, Psalm 16:1-11, Psalm 27:4

Do you ever lay in bed at night and worry? Between moving to a new city, the coronavirus pandemic, and having a newborn, in the last few months, I’ve probably done enough worrying for it to be my full-time job.

Sometimes I remember to stop, pray, and give it to the Lord. And sometimes, I stay up way too late, writing endless lists of the things I can do to make life feel a little more under control.

Have you ever been there? No? Just me, then?

If you grew up in Sunday school, at some point, you were probably taught to, “Be a Mary, not a Martha!” And though I’ve always related to Martha, she definitely gets a bad rap. When Jesus came to visit Mary and Martha in Luke 10, Mary sat at Jesus’s feet and listened to His every word. Meanwhile, Martha cleaned the kitchen; I sometimes imagine her banging pots and pans around passive-aggressively, annoyed that her sister couldn’t bother to help out, especially when company is in the house.

After hearing Lazarus is sick, Jesus waits two days before going to see him (John 11:6–7). When He arrives, Mary sits and waits for Him at the house, while Martha runs out to meet Him. “Lord,” she tells Him, “if you had been here, my brother wouldn’t have died” (v.21). But despite this conviction, Martha still has trouble believing Jesus when He tells her Lazarus will rise again; it’s difficult to believe beyond what she sees with her own eyes in that moment (v.24).

Finally, in John 12, we see a dinner given for Jesus before the Passover. At the dinner, Martha stays busy serving everyone, Lazarus reclines with Jesus, and Mary anoints Him with expensive perfume, filling the room with its fragrance.

Our girl Martha is busy! She worries a lot. Knowing her so well, loving her as only He can, Jesus seems to address this head on:

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things,
but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice,
and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41–42).

Through these small glimpses into Martha’s life, we see her cleaning, running a household, and serving. Martha strived to honor the Lord with her actions, but it was often at the expense of actually spending time in His presence. Meanwhile, Mary sat, listened, and anointed Jesus. While both women wanted to honor, serve, and love Him, in the end, it is Mary who “made the right choice.”

It’s easy for us to glorify Mary and berate Martha, but we all have a little Martha inside of us. She was distracted by her many tasks. But how many of those tasks did she feel like she was doing for the kingdom? How many times was she consumed by doing “all the things” instead of focusing on the one, most important thing?

Jesus looked at Martha, really saw her, and said, “You are worried and upset about many things.” Is this true of you today? Have you brought those things to the feet of Jesus? Have you laid them down, and taken time to sit and listen to what He has to say? Or are you busy, working, running around in a flurry, and getting angry at others for not noticing just how hard you’re trying? (I’m speaking to myself here, too.)

What is God doing right now, in this moment? And what does He want to reveal to you about Himself? Is it time for you to sit down, stop striving, and finally rest? Mary chose the one thing, the good part, the better portion. And we would be wise to do the same.

Abby Flynn is a wife, mom of two, and freelance copywriter living in Charlotte, NC. She loves bargain hunting and house hunting. On an average day, you can find her listening to great music, hosting a girls’ night, discovering new coffee shops, or watching the same Paw Patrol episode over and over again with her toddler.

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61 thoughts on "Martha & Mary"

  1. Traci Gendron says:

    I was awake from 3:30 am on. Worrying about my son. I know I have no control. I need to trust. I’m Martha in today’s story. Yet SRT helps me to start my day as Mary. So grateful for all you women here.

  2. Dorothy says:

    Churchmouse, your words had me seeing my sister and I holding hands listening to Christ and then doing the dishes together. Thank you, you had me crying tears of joy because right now I know my sister could use some interaction like this and so can I.
    ERB, you have me wanting to listen, obey and follow. I hope you don’t mind but I will be coping your post to my notebook so I can read it regularly. Your words are very powerful and meaningful.
    Katherine, you have giving me somethings to think about and ponder. I greatly appreciate that.
    Monie Mag, I would have never thought of it that way. Thanks for enlightening me.
    Angie, I’m thankful no one was seriously injured. “Ankles will heal and cars can be fixed or replaced,” would be what my father would tell me. I do know what you are feeling and I will be praying for you.
    Amen, Lehua, Mary Alphs, Alexis, Erin B., Mari V., Diana Fleenor, Lindsay C., Margaret Lindsey, Tessa Bryan, Terri, amen.

  3. Nancy Singleton says:

    Taylor, I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend’s mom, & will pray for all who loved her.
    Churchmouse, I loved what you said about holding hands, helping each other hold tight to the Holy. It can be so easy to slip into busyness & miss relationship-with Jesus, & sometimes even with our dear ones in life.

  4. Angie says:

    Mary, Martha, and Lazarus…siblings and all friends of Jesus. My siblings and I are very different, my husband and his siblings are very different, and our sons are very different, but the longing of my heart is that each one would be a friend of Jesus. I pray that we would be found in His presence, pouring out everything we have and are, to Him and for Him, in a lost world.

    Psalm 16:6 is on my prayer wall. However, after reading today…I want to add verse 5. Verse 5 is the “cause” of the “effect” in verse 6. “Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessings: you hold my future The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.”

    Interestingly Psalm 27:4 is also on my wall, and is the most recent verse I am trying to commit to memory.

    I went into today anxious. I am not normally an overly anxious person. I tend to handle immediate emergencies well. Afterwards, in the thinking and continuing on is when I struggle more.In a week’s time I wrecked my car and broke my ankle (in two separate events). My two favorite things about summer, taken away from me (watching my grandchildren and swimming) quickly. I praised God through the accident. No one else was hurt. Cars can be fixed (but apparently not for 2-3 weeks). I’ll be more compassionate to others in accidents. Lots of nice people stopped and offered help. Lots of people/friends prayed. I praised God through the ankle break. I was watching my grandchildren at the time but, my one year old grandchild was in a baby swing so, she was safe. My 5 year old grandson was able to get to my phone, which had been placed out-of-reach, and no one panicked or cried (although I wanted to). My son came home only 5-10 minutes after it happened because of a random break in his schedule. And, I believe the hospital staff, who saw me two Thursday’s in a row, saw Jesus in my words and actions. My husband’s work was kind and understanding as he left two weeks in a row to take me to the hospital. And hey, I can’t drive for a month so, there’s plenty of time to fix my car now.

    But, when it came to the orthopedic appointment today I gave fear space in my mind. I shared the depths of my heart and fears with God and He answered every one. I type this with tears of thankfulness for my faithful Father, for God who is my Refuge, my Fortress, and my Friend. I know He will use these experiences for good in my life. I will understand better those who go through these kind of struggles and my prayers for them will be heart-felt and more understanding. I have a month that I cannot put weight on my leg…seems like the perfect opportunity for more time in the word and creating/planning random acts of goodness for the Savior. God is good, all the time. I am so thankful.

    This too-often-a “Martha,” will pour out the fragrant oil of praise of “Mary” in thankfulness and deep love for my best Friend, Jesus. Surely, the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places because the Lord is my portion and my cup of blessing.

    1. AnneLyn P says:

      Thank you for sharing, Angie. Praying for patience and quick healing.

  5. Nadine Hall says:

    Stomping on my toes today. I’ve been so anxious and worried about many things, especially our very unknown future. I’m far too likely to try to plan out and try to control the future when the future is in the hands of God. A song by JJ Heller has been a real comfort during this pandemic: “You Already Know.” I have found it so encouraging to remember “We talk so much these days because I have so much to say; You stay and listen even though You Already Know…You go before me, You go behind me, wherever I’m going You’re already there.” I am often worried about many things, but it helps to remember that our Eternal God is already there.

  6. Dorothy says:

    Reading today’s scripture reminded me of a book I started reading in a women’s church book group that I started. The title is “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” by Joanna Weaver. Yes I said started, being a nurse my hours got changed and I ended up not being able to attend to the group any more so the book got put to the side. From what I remember of the book I did I enjoy learning how to distress and let God and Christ into my hectic life more. At that time also my sons were young and I had to spend time with them. Abby asks some of the same questions mentioned in the book by Joanna. I plan on rereading and finishing this book. Joanna Weaver also has a couple of other books that continue along this line of thinking that I may look into after I finish this one. Have a blessed day and let’s all try to have a Mary heart in this Martha world my sisters in Christ.

  7. Jenna says:

    I really love Martha, and I feel like a lot of times we reduce her to her busyness. While in Luke 10, it keeps her from Jesus, in John 11, her action takes her to the presence of Jesus. As soon as she hears he’s coming, she runs to meet him while Mary stays at home.

    It’s to Martha that Jesus chooses to reveal himself when he says, “I am the resurrection and the life.” It’s Martha who recognizes and proclaims him as the Messiah.

    I love both sisters and I think they both show how God meets us where we are and in the way that he’s designed us.

    1. Paige Nichole says:


  8. Terri says:

    I like what ERB said about Martha. To me Martha doesn’t get enough credit for her faith increasing. She knew that she knew that she knew if Jesus had been there her brother would not have died. She probably knew of Jesus healing ministry. Something took her out to meet Him and talk to him about her brother. She wasn’t thinking “out of the box” yet. In this time of strange things happening- virus that shuts down our country, riots all over country, attack on country’s heritage, murder wasps even- it is time to think out of the box and believe God can do things we may not have seen Him do before for His people.