
Open Your Bible

Mark 9:33-37, Mark 10:35-45, Isaiah 52:13-15, Isaiah 53:1-9, Philippians 2:5-11

 This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. As we read, we’ll gain a broader understanding of the redemptive story of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. 

What Is Mark? The Gospel of Mark is a fast-paced narrative about the ministry of Jesus. Likely written by John Mark, who knew both Peter and Paul, this Gospel emphasizes Jesus as both the Son of Man and the Son of God. It also shows Jesus as a humble servant leader, willing to suffer and die on the cross. 

How Mark Fits Into the Story: The Gospel of Mark clarifies the nature of the promised Messiah. Though many individuals in Jesus’s day tried to claim the title, Mark redefined it in light of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. Jesus, the one, true Messiah, was a suffering servant, both fully human and fully divine. Mark’s Gospel shows us how Jesus’s authority, in both teaching and miracles, is present alongside His humanity. 

Reflection Questions: 
1. How do today’s readings about Jesus’s character and demeanor change your understanding of God’s posture toward His people?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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93 thoughts on "Mark"

  1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    How much does God love us? So much that He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for us all. Jesus – King of Kings and lord of Lords came humbly, obedient as teacher, servant and savior. In return God highly exalted Him and gave Him a name above every other name. God could have asked a thousand things from us, but He simply asks us to believe and receive Jesus and obediently follow in His steps. Jesus who knew no sin became sin for us! (2 Corinthians 5:21) I’m forever grateful for the cross and that Jesus came to seek and save (me) the lost! Glory to God!

    Prayers please for my daughter Emily who will be having 4 wisdom teeth removed today. She is very nervous and concerned that she might have a panic attack in the midst of it – or pass out. Please pray God gives her His perfect peace and takes away every anxiety. Thank you in advance!

    @Erb – praying wisdom, discernment, clarity, grace and peace for your brother as he meets with the doctor today.
    @Taylor Hite – praying that God will have every piece of your heart and that you continue to walk with Him each day and grow in His knowledge and wisdom.

    1. Mari V says:

      Praying for your daughter Emily.

  2. Omorinsola Ajayi says:

    God is a humble God. He meets us where we’re at. He loves us so much that He would come all the way down and die for us- ultimate humility. A lot of people think that God is so distant and hard to reach, but it is the opposite. God is always trying to reach out to us, if anything, we are the ones who are hard to reach. If God can die for us, there’s nothing else He won’t do for our own good.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Omorinsola.

  3. Victoria E says:

    Sometimes when I have a sinful attitude I get afraid that God will punish me for it. Then I realize that “God does not punish us as we deserve” and that Jesus has already borne the cost of my sin. It makes me want to change my attitude so as to honor this great sacrifice that Jesus made. Some days (ok everyday) I just feel like I can’t wait to meet Him face to face. @Taylor Hite welcome back! So glad you are here

  4. Victoria E says:

    CeeGee, that reminds me of this verse from 1 Samuel: “People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” 1 Sam 16: 7

  5. Angie says:

    What I remember from former studies of Mark is that he was younger than the other writers and not super brave. I think he was the one that Paul had some issues with because Mark would get afraid, but Barnabas took him under his wing. He was also the guy who ran off naked when the soldiers came to get Jesus. (I guess one of them grabbed him by his clothes and Mark just ran off without them instead of being caught.) I’ve also heard commentators say they think he may have been ADHD, which shows a little in his writing style.

    Why share those little tidbits? The teacher in me, I guess, loves that today’s readings exemplifies that God creates us uniquely and perfectly for His purpose for our lives and the kingdom. Our God is perfect. Perfect in who He is and what He creates. I know that…yet love and need the reminder at times when I want/expect perfect in me or others. (Just being brutally honest here.)

    He called Mark and used his service for the kingdom, right where he was. That young man is able to share the happenings of Jesus life a little differently than anyone else. The four gospels are written by 4 very different men so that we can “see” Jesus’ life through different perspectives, using their human strengths and weaknesses.

    The disciples were worried about who would be greatest in the kingdom. James and John even tried to get a promise for Jesus’ right and left. Jesus said, see this sweet, innocent, pure child; right here is your goal. These men were Jesus disciples, strong followers. Jesus knew and loved them as they were, while He continued to grow them as they served.

    The Isaiah verses both break my heart and bring me to repentance. I understand that Jesus couldn’t be this super handsome guy that people would follow because of his looks or charisma. They needed to come because they recognized He was the Messiah, God, and chose to follow with their hearts and lives, not their eyes. At the same time I am convicted that sometimes my eyes lie to me and I think because someone/something is beautiful it is good, or when someone/something is not clean, pretty, together that somehow they are “less than”. I am so thankful Jesus gives us the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us. I am so thankful, in a culture where what we see so often draws us that the Holy Spirit heals our eyes so that we too can be drawn to the heart first. I am so excited to one day see my Savior face to face and the radiant beauty of my Jesus.

    1. Bridget Vaschak says:

      Thank you for the tidbits, Angie!

  6. Rachel Blessum says:

    The theme of humility was strong in the readings for today. Why am I so proud and haughty when my savior was meek and humble? I also love the inclusion of prophesies from Isaiah in the readings, they are a comfort that God’s big picture plans are always being unfolded.

  7. Lisa Z says:

    Maybe it is just that I have been watching my grandson for a few days, but I was struck by the gentle nudge toward the higher ways that Jesus spoke to the disciples after James and John asked for such audacious recognition. When the 10 were indignant after hearing of the brother’s request, Jesus says “Those regarded as rulers..lord it over them…BUT IT IS NOT SO AMONG YOU.” Somehow it just totally struck me that Jesus spoke as a dad, speaking life into a child. He did not say don’t do that or it is wrong to act that way. He just stated “it is not so among you.” Not in the future (as in, you will LEARN to act right), but in the present, as in I KNOW you act in a more godly fashion. As in, He has taught them and expects them to embrace it. The confidence of a parent who has done a good job and can send out the kids knowing they will behave. Not condescending. Not punishing. Just expecting the best from us because we know whose we are and how to share the awesome love He gave us. This is the first time I met Jesus in this fatherly fashion. Loving this study! Love and prayers to all you SRT sisters!

  8. Kathy says:

    Sisters, I ask that you please pray for my daughter, Sara, and her husband, Will. They have just this past weekend moved to Wake Forest, NC, which is about 8 hours from where I am. (The hardest part is that they also moved my 16-month-old grandson with them. But you can fly from Chattanooga to Raleigh for about $150 round trip.)
    They desperately need to be back into a relationship with God and back in church. They are both Christians they’ve just kind of lost their way. They lived in Wake Forest when they first got married so they have connections there and they had a church there. My deepest desire is that God will bring them both back to him. Will is searching for what to do with his life but has lost sight of the fact that he needs to be looking to God first. They both need to be looking to God. Please pray that God will use this move to bring them back to Him