Making Room for the Poor

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 15:11, Proverbs 22:9, 1 Samuel 2:7-8, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, James 2:1-13, 1 John 3:17-20

Thirteen years ago, at the ripe old age of 22, I moved to Chihuahua, Mexico. I was teaching elementary school to a class of ten students whose parents were missionaries, and I believed I was going to be this generation’s Mother Teresa—compassionate acts would flow through me, bringing hope and healing to the most vulnerable. 

One of the greatest lessons I learned was not in the classroom but rather through walking alongside my friend, Barb. A native of the Pacific Northwest, Barb has called Chihuahua home for over thirty years, and I had the privilege of watching her make room for the poor by extending the love of Christ in simple yet profound ways. I distinctly remember the first time I visited her home, which was on a dirt road about twenty minutes outside of the city. She welcomed me and made me feel at home. But she didn’t just do that for me, her friend. She did that for everyone. 

Rarely did I spend time at Barb’s house without a neighbor stopping by or hearing a story about someone she was praying for or sharing the gospel with. After busy days of teaching kindergarten, she hosted a weekly backyard Bible club for children and a Bible study group for the mothers. She didn’t allow her lack of Spanish fluency to deter her but rather relied on the Holy Spirit to be the means of connection, knowing He would communicate the love in her heart to her neighbors and friends. While many peers in her season of life choose to pursue retirement—she was in her sixties, after all—Barb relentlessly marched forward, determined to demonstrate kindness and hospitality.

Deuteronomy 15:11 says, “For there will never cease to be poor people in the land; that is why I am commanding you, ‘Open your hand willingly to your poor and needy brother in your land.’ ” When I reflect on Barb’s example, I see that loving the poor need not be extravagant or extreme. I simply need to be willing to go where others may not go, do what others may not do, and see the people others may not to see.

Friend, as you consider today’s Scripture, remember this: God doesn’t ask us to do things bigger and better for Him. He simply asks us to walk with Him. We need not overcomplicate a life of love. Barb didn’t, and I will forever be grateful for the lessons learned watching her live a life with open hands, ready to serve and love those in need. 

(144) Comments

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144 thoughts on "Making Room for the Poor"

  1. Hannah Burris says:

    Great reminder to always rely on God that he will always come through and show the path that he intends on you to follow.

  2. LaRae Taylor says:

    Great lessons today that I needed as well. May I surrender to God every moment , listen and obey. He owns it all!!

  3. Jessica Thomas says:

    This is a wholesome reminder that God’s love can be shown through us in the everyday situations. We don’t need to overcomplicate it just walk with him and he will show us the opportunities we have to serve others. Amen

  4. Latoddra Mason says:


  5. Heidi Anders says:

    This came right on time. I am in ministry and was just talking to my boyfriend that I’m not sure what more God would have me do. It is a good reminder that the ministry is reaching out to the poor. It doesn’t come with flashy titles and that is okay. I now know that as I am getting older it doesn’t mean there will be less for me to do but more.

  6. cris hoover says:

    I appreciate the reminder to rely on the Holy Spirit as my means of connection with others. Who is God placing, purposefully in my path?

  7. Brandi Young says:

    So good! Knowing that it is us who must care for the poor…. We must do our part daily to keep our hand willingly open!

  8. Seeking Understanding says:

    “The Lord sends poverty and wealth” What does this mean? God chooses who he wants to be poor? Or rich? Besides how this may affect our thoughts of ‘our position’ what does it say about our view of others? Without understanding, I will opt to read this as: We should value everyone regardless of poverty or wealth.

  9. Ravanne Lindsay says:

    “We need not over complicate a life of love” —- so much comfort in that truth.

    1. Eileen Dowd says:

      I agree and thank the Lord for his mercies every day.

  10. Nicole Powell says:

    God help me to always show kindness and love

  11. Nicole Reese says:


  12. Traci Gendron says:

    I see that loving the poor need not be extravagant or extreme. I simply need to be willing to go where others may not go, do what others may not do, and see the people others may not to see.

    This is very though provoking. How often do we ignore those in need? Do I see what others do not?

    1John 3:17-19 If anyone has this world’s goods and sees a fellow believer in need but withholds compassion from him – how does God’s love reside in him? Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth.

    I say I’m a believer and follower of God, but do my actions speak that??

    1. Donna Wolcott says:

      Doesn’t have to be a believer, all deserve to be cared for. Showing may lead to belief.

    2. cris hoover says:


  13. Cee Gee says:

    Like Searching I thought of the beatitudes as I was studying. ❤
    The verse that stood out to me today was James 2:13b – Mercy triumphs over judgment.
    From the NKJV MacArthur Study Bible:
    “Mercy triumphs over judgment. The person whose life is characterized by mercy is ready for the day of judgment, and will escape all the charges that strict justice might bring against him because by showing mercy to others he gives genuine evidence of having received God’s mercy.”
    Love and prayers to each of you! ❤

    1. Tina says:

      Thank you Cee Gee. ❤️

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ Tina!

    2. Mercy says:

      This is such a strong verse. And we know our God is both merciful and both the judge. The Judge is at the door. But here, we see a glimpse which attribute triumphs over another. I can just cry at this verse.

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤ awww, Mercy! ❤

  14. Mercy says:

    Morning shes, here we are, reading about the good deeds that a good Christian ought to do, yet there are some other opinions. I was once asked my a family member, why do you bother doing all these things, for strangers, why do you pray for strangers, or listen to their troubles, why do you read the Bible, or do these things when you already have a full time job and three kids to raise, so you have that kind of time? These kind of questions come to defer us from serving God and store up good treasures. You know, as Christ followers, sometimes we face these dilemmas. I want to share a great a mystery with you, that I just got an answer yesterday. By the grace of God, I was reading/meditating on my current favorite book The Pilgrim’s Progress (a recent find at a Christian thrift store, brand new book for $2, in updated English version, i had one in King James one too). And the part I read yesterday was the conversation between Christiana and Mr. Good-Heart. She said this to him, “there are strange opinions in the world, I know one that said it was time enough to repent when we are about to die”. Mr Good-Heart responded, “Such are not so wise. That man would have been lax (blameworthy due to lack of strictness, severity or carefulness) if he would have had a week to run twenty miles in his life, to defer his journey to the last hour of that week”. That is such a great revelation to such a mystery. I have always wondered about that. Some doesn’t bother running their race after they receive Christ. But for us, who seeks to please HIM, the author of our faith, we are to stir up one another in good works. From the Scriptures today, God reinforced that, “They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future…”( 1 Timothy 6:18-19). What foundation you may wonder? The one in the world to come. It is a continuation, this life to the next. Another revelation here “Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw—each one’s work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire” (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). Don’t run our race that is meant for the whole lifetime for just the last hour dear God’s children. It is unwise. Lay up good works now, when you can, by His grace.
    Tomorrow morning I will be having eye surgery and will need to take some time off to focus on my recovery. I will be absent from our usual gatherings for a while. I kindly ask for your prayers for my family, my coworkers, that they will have grace for the daily tasks they need to cope with in my absence, and for my nervousness to subside as I go through surgery and begin the healing process. I look forward to rejoining you once I am fully recovered. Wishing you all good blessings under the covering of God’s grace, His mercies and His enduring faithfulness. Much love to you and I appreciate you so much.

    1. Tina says:

      Prsying for you dear Mercy for tomorrow’s surgery on your eye.. know that you will be covered in continuous prayers and love as you recover and recuperate from your op..
      Sending much peacefilled love and hugs dear Mercy..❤️❤️

      1. Mercy says:

        Hugs and much love dear Tina ❤️❤️

    2. searching says:

      Praying, Mercy! For smooth surgery, smooth and swift recovery, all family and coworkers to cheerfully step up and handle things. Especially praying for peace and calm in your heart and mind as you wait for the start time. love you! :)

      1. Mercy says:

        Thank you Searching. I am so anxious because of the hand over work to finish today, emails to send, and some fear if my husband is up for the tasks, and if the kids will listen to daddy, the list goes on lol. Thank you for calming me. Love you sister.

    3. Rhonda J. says:

      Thank you for that, good word! Firm Foundation!!We should be doing faith in action…busy for the Lord!!

      Praying for your surgery tomorrow, I remember when your eyes were bothering you in the beginning. We will miss you and hope it heals quickly!

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Mercy, I am joining our sisters in prayer for you right now as you complete the necessary tasks. I totally understand the daddy situation, but pray all will go better than you imagine and suspect there will probably be much more appreciation coming your way during this recovery! ☺
      Father, please help Mercy finish her pre-surgery tasks. Please guide the hands of the surgeon tomorrow and let this surgery be successful with no unexpected issues. Please protect Mercy during recovery and help her to have patience with herself and what is going on in her home. Thank You, Father, for this precious sister, Mercy! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

      1. Cee Gee says:

        ❤❤❤ Love you, Mercy!

    5. Indiana Elaine says:

      Praying for your surgery and your medical team. God is already in the operating room ready for you. He will never leave you or forsake you. As for your husband, he may surprise you. He may not do things like you would, but let he do it. I just went through surgery and was surprised how my recliner husband stepped up to the plate. Just let him do it his way. It will be okay. Blessings and a speedy and total recovery.

    6. Wendy B says:

      Thank you for sharing.

      Praying all goes well

  15. Kris says:

    Several years ago I was shopping in a mall for Christmas gifts for my kids. I was walking around the toy department when I saw a lady who would appear to be down in her luck. I reached into my wallet and handed her some money. I never felt better at Christmas time than that day. “Hospitality” can take place anywhere – even the toy isle at Walmart.

  16. Kati O’Brien says:

    he doesn’t ask us to do bigger and better he asks us to walk with him….SO GOOD!

  17. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Lord, open my eyes. Help me to see those in need – the poor, the lowly. Let me have a heart ready and willing to give at the moment you ask. Open my hands, that I do not hold what I have so tightly but will be willing to share with others, even when I don’t think I have much. Open my ears to hear Your still small voice when you tell me to go, to give. In Jesus Name Amen.
    Have a blessed Wednesday sisters, as Tina often says – wrapped in love!❤️

    1. Tina says:

      ❤️I love this prayer, Sharon.. I shall copy and prsy it often, especially during this Make room devotional..
      Thank you dear heart..
      Sending you and yours love and hugs..❤️

    2. Carol J Mylin says:


  18. Lara M says:

    “God doesn’t ask us to do things bigger and better for Him. He simply asks us to walk with Him. We need not overcomplicate a life of love.” Love this.

  19. Cheryl Blow says:

    This challenges me to not only be generous but to give my time to people who might make me a CB little uncomfortable. You know, it’s that person who is just different from everyone else. Who needs an ear to listen to all they have to say. Making room for them to feel like they have somewhere to belong.

    Praying for all! Keep posting! Your insights are being used to challenge me more and more.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      “Making room for them to feel like they have somewhere to belong.” yes, good!

  20. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s!

    Today as I am reading this it seems like a no-brainer to most of us. Even non-Christ followers KNOW to give to the needed, donate to charities, be kind with your money to give to the less fortunate. But the phrase to simple “walk with the Lord” is where it is at. Letting His guidance and His knowing be our motivation. Letting the Holy Spirit be the guiding recognition to steer us to who and where we need to respond. Me just throwing money here and there, or going to the homeless ministry to be a’s good, but we are Christ-followrs, meaning following him first to where He shall lead—that takes more diligence, and trust, and not easy like we like to make things. The Almighty ME likes to do as I like to do. Nope–no can do!! We can do nothing apart from Him, if we are to grow and be one with him, and that takes being still, being quiet, and LISTENING!! Thank you Lord for your conviction to grow us in you! It’s not about our resume- it’s about you.

    1. Tami says:

      So true that it’s not bout our resume Rhonda. Great insight!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Great word! ❤

    3. Tina says:

      So good, Rhonda. ” its not about our resume..” Thank you..❤️

  21. Donna Wolcott says:

    Some of the deepest faith I’ve seen was found in the poorest of places. Dirt floors, tattered clothes, no windows, water or indoor bathrooms. I can’t put into words what filled my heart each time, how humble I felt. I’m so grateful to God for giving me these and so many opportunities to serve in places I could never have imagined. Seeing faith in places, where, would I have been so joyful?

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yeah, I never got to do a formal mission trip, I was signed up to go just a month ago, but I withdrew when the leader said- Rhonda there is no way you could hold up with your back- and she was right. But I have always wanted to go to poor areas and be of help and serve. BUT I was able to go to Africa 20 years ago, and go to a village of huts and see what the lived in. And I will never forget going in one and the smell and the dirt floor and the size of a bathroom, with a stall for their goats. I do not from people testifying that their faith, joy and peace is so different then ours. We are so spoiled here and take so much for granted. I have longed for simpler days without the striving for the next best things America’s mindset seems to be. We have simplified and it is nice to not get caught up with the Jones.

    2. Tami says:

      Donna, curious as to where you have been? I have a heart for missions and a heart for the poor. I coordinate short term mission trips for our church. This year we are headed to Honduras with a group of 50. It is always amazing to me to see how extremely faithful people can be in spite of very rough circumstances. A few years ago I was in Nicaragua and met the mom of a young girl. The girl was the same age as my daughter. The woman was sharing how her daughter’s birthday was coming up and that all she wanted was to buy her a piñata but didn’t have the money. I thought about the birthday party I was planning on giving my daughter when we got back – over the top! Although we weren’t supposed to give $, I gave what I had in my pocket, $10. A few days later Tonya was back and waited hours for me to finish up at the med clinic. She showed me pictures of the party and she BROUGHT me a gift to thank me. I was so humbled by this and years later, that story still sticks with me. This woman’s act of kindness was HUGE! All I kept thinking was, she could’ve bought food for her daughter but instead thought of me. I can only pray to be that generous with others. We have soooo much here, and we are always striving for more. It’s eye opening to go on these trips. I always come back home with a profound sense of gratitude, but slowly it wears off (lol).

      1. Donna Wolcott says:

        LaRomana,DR. Medical/construction teams several trips and with the help of several teams over the years we built a hospital. The land had been a dump. I was on medical teams that went out to work in bateys (sugar cane fields worked by Haitians). Guatemala a school across from the largest dump, moms pick trash to support their family. Puerto Rico to repair roofs and churches damaged by hurricanes. As I age I hope God still finds work for me.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Donna I totally agree. In 2006 I went to Peru with my husband who was teaching at a training center for pastors. It was the first time in my life that I saw true poverty. Tin hut homes with no roofs, a pile of stones outside their “home” was their stove. For as far as I could see, this is what it was like – true poverty. Yet, I’d also never seen such great faith among the believers. They had a heart for God. They served, they worshipped, they sacrificed. It was truly a humbling experience and I left there changed.
      Such a clear, clear picture of being poor, but rich in spirit.

    4. Cee Gee says:


    5. Tina says:

      There sure is something about the poorest of places.. I saw the joy, and praise in those in the third world country of Ghana, a place that will always hold my heart.. it is not always what you have on the outside.. but what you have on the inside..The joy and love of the Lord..❤️

  22. Jade Gaines says:

    It stands out to me about the poor and rich. In Deuteronomy it says there will always be poor in the land. At first that it made me wonder about how will the poor be measured in heaven where there will be no one who lacks wealth and abundance. However I’ve found that even in heaven we still have work and will experience trials and tribulations. In seasons where we may lack something as we continue to do work on ourselves spiritually we may experience seasons similar to the poor on earth. Also we may be tested, our foundation broken down and built back up, or we can be refined by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Even in heaven there will be people with more treasures but there will be no distinctions between the rich and poor because by grace we are all saved and we are still called to be generous and take care of each other. He calls us to be kind with an open heart and open hand as He has for us.

  23. Molly R says:

    This topic always makes me think of my mission trip to Argentina in 2005 as a young 20 something. We were there to help build a church, so that was what we did by day. At the end of the day we went back to a small hotel that we had rented out entirely (it was a big team!) and we were able to relax, reflect on the day’s work, and just BE. We had such a neat atmosphere on the team: so much laughter, joy in the work and opportunity, excitement for the next day, and deep, wisdom-filled discussion. Near the end of our time there the maid staff came to us (I think we were all sitting at a meal) and basically told us it was us being US that they were able to see God and they so wanted all that we had. 6 of them accepted Christ right there! Here we thought the “work” we came to do was in the building of the church, but those 6 young women, poor in spirit and finances, longed for what we had in the Spirit and became richer than their wildest dreams! It’s one event I am so humbled to have been a part of. I remember them often, even though I don’t remember any of their names. In the back of the Bible I used on that trip (a sturdy Bible with a metal case) is a note one of them jotted down for me on a sticky note: Te amo MUCHO mi muy especial amiga! It’s a priceless reminder of how easy it is to give away the goodness and love of God -not a thing!

    I don’t always do the Response Questions from the book, but today I felt like I should at least ponder them. So, my thoughts on “Why does the Scripture urge us to welcome the poor?”

    In our frail, self-centered humanity we may well never end up considering them at all. We need the reminder to exercise goodness to combat the lack of it in our brokenness.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      What a great testimony Molly!! Love it, and makes me wonder how to do more just by my example!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      So cool! ❤

  24. Mari V says:

    Good morning sweeties. As I read through the scriptures, followed by the devo, something I try not to do is text. BUT it was my friend Michelle who use to be my boss and an AMAZING friend and now lives in Texas. She was asking prayer for her son who is having surgery this morning. Pray for J. After reading the scriptures and devo, it reminded me of her dad who is now with JESUS! Michelle’s dad was one of the kindest people I know. He was a successful PA with a huge heart for missions and people! He and his wife were a great example of loving JESUS and loving people. A lot like Barb mentioned in this devo. What perfect time to honor my friend’s dad. His name was John. I know that it was him who on occasion would send an anonymous monetary gift.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Prayers for J – that his surgery goes well and he will have a quick recovery.

    2. Tina says:

      Praying for J, and prayerful thst the surgery goes well..
      Sending you hugs, dear Mari..❤️

    3. Searching says:

      Praying that J’s surgery went well, and for a smooth recovery.

  25. Wendy B says:

    The verses are just such a pointed reminder to love as Jesus did – generous in every way. Scripture calls us to put this into action and also tells us that poverty is a multifaceted word and is not just about those that are physically hungry and have a financial need.
    And, this from the devotional stood out. “God doesn’t ask us to do things bigger and better for Him. He simply asks us to walk with Him. We need not overcomplicate a life of love.”

    Lord, open my eyes to see the needs of those around me, to break my heart for what breaks yours. Show me the way to walk with you and live the life of generous love.

  26. Fran Parker says:

    Lord, help us to hear your voice when we’re asked to step out of our comfort zone and show love and kindness in situations that are not our norm. Help us to love others as you’ve loved us.

  27. MemeFaye says:

    This song by Casting Crowns comes to mind today…
    It’s crowded in worship today
    As she slips in trying to fade into the faces
    The girl’s teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
    Farther than they know
    But if we are the body
    Why aren’t His arms reaching?
    Why aren’t His hands healing?
    Why aren’t His words teaching?
    And if we are the body
    Why aren’t His feet going?
    Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
    There is a way
    A traveler is far away from home
    He sheds His coat and quietly sinks into the back row
    The weight of their judgmental glances
    Tells him that His chances are better out on the road
    But if we are the body
    Why aren’t His arms reaching?
    Why aren’t His hands healing?
    Why aren’t His words teaching?
    And if we are the body
    Why aren’t His feet going?
    Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
    Jesus paid much too high a price
    For us to pick and choose who should come
    And we are the body of Christ
    If we are the body
    Why aren’t His arms reaching?
    Why aren’t His hands healing?
    Why aren’t His words teaching?
    And if we are the body
    Why aren’t His feet going?
    Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
    If we are the body
    Why aren’t His arms reaching?
    Why aren’t His hands healing?
    Why aren’t His words teaching?
    And if we are the body
    Why aren’t His feet going?
    Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
    Jesus is the way
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    Source: Musixmatch
    Songwriters: John Mark Hall

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, I love that song too, it was when I first started listening to Christian music only about 22 years ago! It definitely makes us stop and ponder who are WE/I overlooking!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Love that song, too. It was on their first CD! I don’t hear it anymore but that message is timeless! Thanks for the reminder! ❤

  28. Caroline Bridges says:

    If you don’t have the book these are todays response questions:
    What does scripture say about making room for the poor?
    My answers: Open your heart to the people who need it the most, The rich are not to be evil or set their hopes on wealth, generous people will be rewarded with a blessing, don’t show any favoritism, the lord has the world set on the poor, and don’t just describe love in words.
    Why does scripture urge us to welcome the poor?
    My answer: They are the people who need it the most.
    Think of people you know experiencing financial, relational, or spiritual poverty?
    My answer: I feel like I’m the one in poverty and my parents are helping me out. It kinda feels like a problem.

    1. MemeFaye says:

      Thank you for sharing the questions in the study guide… As we saw in the last study, those questions lead to great discussions.
      Have a blessed day!

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thank you Caroline for sharing the questions! ❤️

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Much appreciated, Caroline! Thanks for taking the time to do that! ❤

  29. Mia Faith says:

    Praying for Gene!

  30. Kimberly Reed says:

    I pray for Godly perspective!

  31. Jody Striker says:

    I was really encouraged by the phrase others have mentioned, that God isn’t asking me to do bigger or better. I want to obey Him in the things He is asking me to do. I want to see the people He is asking me to stretch for and to love them well. God, help us to see who we are supposed to make room for and help us to be quick to obey.

  32. Maria Baer says:

    I wanted to say thank you to those of you who encouraged me on Saturday when I posted about the latest issue with the new car (which replaced the one that burned in the fire). I think that event on Saturday was the first time when I hit the “Ok, God— what is going on?” which was followed by “Please forgive me for questioning you, I just feel like when it rains, it pours.” And I wasn’t even angry, more like baffled. Anyhow, my first thought when I got home was come to this forum and vent, because I knew you wouldn’t judge me for having that moment. I hope you all know how much I love you all and appreciate you. I feel so blessed to have this space to come throughout the day and be blessed. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:

      Love your heart, Dear Maria! Thankful that you trust us with your pain… Lifting you to Jesus today! Continue keeping us posted on your journey…♥️

    2. Darby Byrd says:


    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    4. Cee Gee says:

      Absolutely true! We are here for any sister! Love and hugs, Maria! Thankful for you! ❤

    5. Tina says:

      Maria, I continue to pray for you and yours. ❤️

  33. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

    The second verse for the day caught my attention immediately. The author writes, “Whoever has a bountiful eye…” (Proverbs 22:9). There is no further indication of how much does the person have, what do they have, how did they get it…all of the questions that often race through my mind when my flesh wants to question and block generosity. The “bountiful eye” is a matter of perspective. Whoever chooses to see that he is blessed, chooses also to share—no matter how much. I pray today that God will allow me to have a bountiful eye in my circumstances, and to always choose to share what I do have.

    1. Maria Baer says:

      Abby, I love this and didn’t make that connection between the verse and all being about perspective.

    2. Molly R says:

      I LOVE that you caught that and pointed it out!

      “Live each day with a BOUNTIFUL EYE!”

    3. Mercy says:

      Thank you Abby. This caught my eye too and you put it so well.

    4. Tina says:

      Beautiful Abby Hope..
      Thank you..❤️

  34. PTB says:

    “God doesn’t ask us to do things bigger and better for Him. He simply asks us to walk with Him. We need not overcomplicate a life of love.”

    As with many things, it seems I can even overcomplicate helping those in need among us primarily because I have a tender heart for every cause, everyone I walk or drive by. Maybe in part because I’m also thinking I am some sort a modern “Mother Teresa” able to help everyone I encounter. It becomes overwhelming, most often leading to inaction from “paralysis by analysis”.

    Like the missionary example in the story, I need to remember making room for others doesn’t always have to be monetary – although there is a cost associated – the cost of my time and sacrificing other things I’d rather do and more likely, my comfortable lifestyle.

    Praying to get out of my comfort zone, open my eyes, ears and hands in each encounter so I may live life ready to serve others generously with a compassionate heart wherever the Lord leads me ♥️ May it be so!

    1. Wendy B says:

      My thoughts fall in line with yours. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Maria Baer says:

    “God doesn’t call us to do bigger and better things for Him”—what a humbling truth. For years, I hesitated to open my home to others, feeling it was too small, too imperfect for gathering. But now, with the house gone, I see clearly how perfect it was—not because of its size or grandeur, but because what truly mattered was the act of ‘making room.’ My personal journey this season has been a reminder that God reshapes our perspective, teaching us that it’s not about striving for bigger or better, but about simply being present. And this study continues to show us the beauty of presence over perfection.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Amen! Continued prayers for you and your family – and what a blessing and testimony your are to me, in how you have completely given your situation totally to God. I haven’t heard one whine or complaint about losing your home and everything in it. What faith. Praise God. ❤️

    2. Cee Gee says:

      “…the beauty of presence over perfection.”
      I love that, MARIA! Ditto what Sharon said. Special prayers for your family as you adjust through this holiday season without your home. Love and hugs! ❤

    3. Tina says:

      Sending you Maria some peace filled hugs and covering you with continued prayers..❤️

  36. Rea Queen says:

    Love that response question 3 in the reading plan book highlights spiritual, relational, or financial poverty. (Not just financial)

  37. Katy S says:

    This is definitely pulling on my heart this morning. Our pastor always encourages us to be radically generous. Lord, help me to be radically generous, not only with our money, but also with our time. Help me to serve others as You have commanded us to serve.

  38. Jennifer Jackson says:

    The story and scripture verses are so inspiring.

  39. Searching says:

    Heads up – I’m going off the rails today!

    So much to ponder to make room for the poor, especially at this time of year. Thanksgiving (in US) is next week, and Christmas and the new year will quickly follow – so our minds may be drawn to those whose dinner table isn’t overflowing with food, their Christmas trees aren’t surrounded by countless presents and there won’t be much celebrating when the new year rolls around. And I agree that anyone who can help alleviate some of the monetary lack of others should do that in whatever way they are able and are led or lend a helping hand or offer one in comfort as the sweet lady did for TINA.
    But the first thing that came to mind when I read the title of today’s study wasn’t the poor from a financial perspective, but Matthew 5:3 where Jesus says: Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    My question is – am I spiritually poor? Are you?
    Is my focus and dependence on what I have or what I can do, or is it on God, and what He has provided and what He alone can do? Can I ever be thankful enough for what the Lord has done?
    I looked back to the Beatitudes study we did last October (it was also the study done in Nov 2016- new to me last year as I joined SRT in 2017) and what I wrote on that day, including my prayer:
    Dear Lord God, may I be at the foot of the cross worshiping you, admitting my total lack of anything to offer you other than my brokenness and praise, and truly pray: My Father in heaven, Praise Your Holy name. I love You and desperately need You, Your guidance, forgiveness, wisdom.

    HISSPARROW – praying for you as you miss your dear friend that passed away unexpectedly
    MIA FAITH – praying for your neighbors that aren’t believers, that they would be drawn to the faith they see you live out
    MOLLY R – good to see you!
    MARI V – praying you are feeling better today, and for a full recovery before your sister arrives. Praying for her safe travels
    ABBY HOPE LANCASTER – thank you for drawing our attention to doing what we should do without concern what we might get out of it, and not whether we’ll be repaid or whether the recipient shows thanks.
    CEE GEE – what you pointed out yesterday about straying from the right path, great!! ❤️

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL and others who prayed for me about reaching out to someone this week – Thank you! I spoke with her yesterday amid my nerves :) and it went well, praise the Lord!

    1. Wendy B says:

      Yes! Such good reflections.Thank you.❤️

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thank you for your thought provoking question…And Praise God that he gave you the courage to speak to this person – all glory to God!! ❤️

    3. Molly R says:

      Ok, your prayer at the end of your comment made my brain immediately think:

      If I simply just sit at the foot of the cross and just be still and be there, instead of feeling like I gotta then get up and run off to find the person or moment that God has for me to be generous, that that person who needs something but doesn’t know what stumbles to the foot of the cross (where there is always room) I will be ready.

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Good stuff as always! So glad about the lady’s response! Answer to prayer for sure! ❤ Love you!

    5. Mercy says:

      “Blessed are the poor in spirit”. It is a blessed condition to realize we are poor in spirit…or to even admit it. We totally should admit so, and that will initiate our dependency on Him, our drawing close to Him. For how else. He is the ONLY way to be rich in spirit. What sweet truth and reality check isn’t it. Thank you SEARCHING for this pondering.

    6. Tina says:

      Amen, sweet Searching. Amen!

  40. Aimee D-R says:

    Tina thank you for sharing the outcome of why God calls us to make room.

  41. Mary Ann Graves says:


  42. Danielle B says:

    Jessica thank you for the reminder God isn’t asking us “to do bigger and better things for Him. He simply wants to walk with Him.” As we commune with Him, He will guide us. Another reminder God isn’t looking for my striving, He is looking for me to show up as I am. Thank you for loving me and wanting time with me God.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:


    2. Tina says:

      I love this. Thank you, Daniella❤️

  43. Laura says:

    We need not overcomplicate a life of love.

    So true!! Love takes so many forms and as a christ follower, I want to have my ears tuned to the HS for those moments when I need to show love to a stranger in whatever way I can.

    The passage in I Timothy really stuck out to me. I am certainly not rich-rich, but I definitely have enough. And it really is so true what the Bible says about the rich getting into heaven. Relying on your own wealth can be such a deterrent to trusting in the Lord. Paul’s instructions in I Timothy cause me to pause this morning and reflect: Instruct them to do what is good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and willing to share. I want to live my life like this always. To not only be generous with my money, but also generous in good works. To open my eyes and see the needs around me and to be generous!

    1. PTB says:

      Amen! Open my eyes and ears, Lord, so I may see as You see and do as You say

    2. Mercy says:

      Amen ❤️

  44. Crystal Pitzer says:


  45. Linda in NC says:

    Jumping in before I read to ask for your prayers this morning as Gene goes in for the procedure to place the internal catheter. We are to be at the hospital at 9:30 with procedure at 11:30. Prayers please for a smooth insertion to take
    place this time. Every event (good or bad) makes his cognitive ability worse. Last week was so busy plus looking toward today has been very confusing for him. The anesthesia today even though it’s light will not help.
    We were able to attend our annual church soup supper celebration on Sunday evening. So wonderful to be with our multi generational church family! Another praise, so far we’ve collected over 1,620 Christmas shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse. That is the most ever. Think of how many children and their families will be touched for Jesus!
    Loving this new study. Really making me examine how I can do the work of
    hospitality where I’ve been planted in the midst of our circumstances.
    Have a blessed day sweet sisters!

    1. Danielle B says:

      Praying dear sister!

    2. Searching says:

      Already praying for Gene and for you this morning, LINDA. Praying things go smoothly, and a quick recovery for Gene from the surgery and for minimal lasting effects from anesthesia.
      Thankful you could attend the supper, and what an amazing shoebox collection!

    3. Maria Baer says:

      Father, we lift Gene to You today and ask for Your guidance over his procedure. Please help his care team place his catheter smoothly and without complications. We also pray that the anesthesia will work safely and without any issues. Thank You for Your presence and care. Amen.

    4. Carol J Mylin says:

      Lilnda, Dear…I believe that your loving care for Gene just “Oozes” Hospitality… and I’m pretty sure that all who observe your genuine lifestyle within your present limitations, are blessed and encouraged.
      I know that as I read about you and our other sisters who are caring for disabled loved ones, my heart is touched… AND encouraged.. we never know when WE will need help!! Thanks again for your loving, Christlike example! ♥️

    5. Wendy B says:

      Have prayed for you and Gene right now. May all go well and be uneventful for Gene and the Lord bless and encourage your heart as you care for him❤️

    6. Cee Gee says:

      LINDA, I was just praying for you when I woke up and I echo our sisters prayers and praise. Father, please grant Linda and Gene safe travel to and from this procedure. Please guide the hands of the medical team for a procedure with NO complications and no lingering issues from the anesthesia. Please be with Linda and Gene as they adjust to this- another new normal. Father, help Linda physically and mentally and remind her of all the ways she has inspired and drawn others to you in her life of service. Please hold Linda, Gene,
      LYNNE and JACK, GRAMIESUE and STEVE close during these days. Love you! ❤❤❤

    7. Cheryl Blow says:


    8. Cheryl Read says:

      Praying for you Linda too, that you feel Gods peace surrounding you. Praying for Gene, and doctors.

    9. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Praying for Gene’s procedure, right now!…so happy for you that you were able to attend your church soup supper! That must have been very encouraging for you – and 1,620 boxes, wow!!! We have a very small church and only collected 50 boxes, can’t imagine such a huge collection!

    10. LindaK says:

      Praying for a successful procedure and speedy recovery

    11. MARTHA HIX says:

      Praying ❤️

    12. Tina says:

      I have no idea what time it is where you are Linda, but I’m praying for peace of heart for you both.. thst Father God will come through without any hiccups to the procedure or otherwise.. sending love wrapped hugs and prayers to you both.❤️

    13. Mercy says:

      Praying for Gene. What wonderful amount of shoeboxes! Praise the Lord.

  46. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Jessica Mathisen, thank you for telling us about Barb!
    I was reminded of the woman who anointed Jesus. His response to the murmurs of her gift was “You will always have the poor…” just as Deuteronomy 15:11 states.
    MARI V – praying for your sister’s travel and visit.
    MIA FAITH – praying the Lord will use your testimony to draw your neighbors to Himself.

    1. Michelle P says:

      I also thought of this Scripture!! Didn’t realize Jesus was quoting the OT in a way!

  47. Tina says:

    Julee passed away in November. Christmas that year was HARD! Oh dear God, was it!
    I just wanted to continue to hide away, but for whatever reason I also wanted, on the Sunday before Christmas to sit on the Lords house. My husband had taken the boys out leaving me alone at home.
    I walked in a tad late, and sat at the back, on the edge seat so I could make a sharp exit if necessary..
    I was moved along one as an elderly lady joined my row.
    I was doing okay, singing along to the hymns, I can’t actually remember the sermon, but I was doing okay.. until Oh Holy night .. oh dear I started to cry quietly at first, then the shoulders began to shake, my whole being hurt and the tears rolled uncontrollably. And then, there was a hand on mine, the lady that had moved me along in the pew, she did not look at me, she did not speak to me.. but her hand was enough to comfort this Poor in spirit soul, who was so very sad..
    BUT GOD..
    He had sent this angel to sit alongside me, and with a gesture of a touch of hand, I was calmed, no words, just..
    After the service she asked me.. the question and I told her of the last 6 weeks and how my heart hurt..
    She told me she had a poorly husband at home but had been relieved by a visit from her son to come to church that day..
    She took me home, to her house, and on the sofa that I sat, drinking the tea she had kindly made me, I could see the hill where Julee rests..
    BUT GOD..
    Praising Him today for the kindness of this angel, whom I have never seen again, and for all, like Barb and ‘my angel’ who are there in others’ time of need.. whether it be comfort, reassurance, kind words, grace, a cup of tea. A hand.., a food parcel. Time.
    A smile.. My grandma always used to say.. A smile costs nothing, but it can surely brighten up someone’s day..
    Praising you Lord God for the ‘ angels you send into our days. Thank you..Lord God, Thank you.
    Happy Wednesday my people, Happy Wednesday, wrapped absolutely in warming love, as it snows here, and covered in prayers for a God blessed day whatever your day looks like..
    Tina ❤️

    1. Sally B. says:

      What a precious story of God reaching out His hand to you in the body of a stranger, Tina! Thank you for sharing. I am reminded the ‘riches’ that may comfort another are not necessarily financial, but may be a simple touch, hug or smile. And the most precious gift we have to share is the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus!
      May we find someone to share it with today.

    2. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Praising God for the beautiful woman who “made room” for you in your pain❣️

    3. Searching says:

      TINA ❤️ thank you for sharing such a beautiful example of God’s perfect timing. Love you!

    4. Sabrina Barkley says:


    5. Susan Procopio says:


    6. Maria Baer says:

      Angels everywhere to comfort us and remind us that God is never far. ❤️

    7. Wendy B says:

      What a precious story. Thank you for sharing

    8. Cheryl Blow says:

      Beautiful story and lesson for us all. A simple gesture brought comfort.

    9. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thank you once again Tina for sharing such a beautiful story. God always meets us where we are at!

      A happy Wednesday right back at you –wrapped in His warming love! ❤️

    10. LindaK says:


    11. MARTHA HIX says:


    12. MARTHA HIX says:

      Love this. ❤️❤️

    13. Cee Gee says:

      Oh that you could have shared with her what her presence meant to you these many years later! ❤ love you, sister! ❤

    14. Mercy says:

      Thank you Tina for another wonderful story ❤️ You always teach me to share the most vulnerable of stories. Sometimes part of me wanted to bury those moments, and never never recall them for the pain it can bring back. But you always demonstrate such strength and you do this all the time. I am in awe of you all the time. How blessed we are to have you dear Tina❤️