Making Room for Others

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:3-8, Romans 15:7, Acts 15:6-21, Galatians 3:27-29

Several years ago, I was invited to a friend’s house to pray. The agenda was simple enough: eat snacks and mingle, settle in to spend time alone in prayer, then encourage each other.

I’m not always comfortable with group events, and nine times out of ten I’ll choose a quiet evening at home over a social gathering, especially on a weeknight. But this time I went. Mostly compelled by an opportunity to catch up with some friends and the possibility of a slice of cheesecake, I reassured myself that the tender-hearted time wouldn’t last too long.

Several months later I couldn’t recall how the food tasted or what shoes I wore or how awkward I felt. But I clearly remembered how the Lord used that gathering to soften my heart in a very specific way. That night, in the quiet of the solo prayer time, the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart just two words: make room.

In the days that followed, I considered the different ways I could make room: in my heart, on my calendar, in my home. I thought about who I could make room for: the new women moving to our burgeoning city, the people I know who need more than they have to offer, and the guy who definitely eased his way in front of me in line at the concession stand last weekend. But even before any of that, I can make room for my Lord, who promises me His presence whether I take time to be present with Him or not (John 14:16–17).

As I penciled down a list, I realized all the ways people had already made room for me:

Here is my time—it’s yours now.
Here is this meal—I want you to be nourished.
Here is my forgiveness—I know what a gift it is to be forgiven.
Here is this space to sit—I’d rather you have rest than me.
Here I am entering into your sorrow—I was comfortable, but you need comfort more than me.

Even more extravagant than the hospitality offered to me by others is that offered by the Father Himself:

I was an orphan; He calls me His daughter (John 1:12).
I was a foreigner; He made me a citizen (Ephesians 2:19).
My sin separated me from God; He brought me near (Ephesians 2:13).

Hospitality, I am learning, is often untidy and almost always inconvenient. But making room is not about my own comfort. It’s about taking something I presume is mine and offering it to someone else.

Jesus made room for everyone, for all types of people—neighbors, the poor, His betrayers, strangers, children, and so many more. It was a mark of His ministry: giving Himself and offering Himself to others and to the Father. Jesus made room because His is a gospel for all people. The apostle Paul wrote, “For those of you who were baptized into Christ have been clothed with Christ. There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; since you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:27–28). In the gospel, there is no “other”—there is only “us.”

By His grace, God makes us living testimonies of Christ’s life by this truth: “We love because He first loved us” (1John 4:19). In being inconvenienced and uncomfortable and messy, we find a nearness with God because Jesus was these things and more on our behalf. We are learning to make room for others because while we were still sinners, room was made for us.

Thanks be to God.

(247) Comments

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247 thoughts on "Making Room for Others"

  1. Hannah Burris says:

    Making room for God, my family, and friends and whoever else God puts in my path.

  2. Rebecca Kutz says:

    Amen. Making room for quality time with my kids, husband, people at work and extended family.

  3. Braeden Rachel says:

    Making room for others even for those that make it hard!

  4. Staci Towns says:

    Making room…not just an outward invitation but an inward invitation of the heart.

  5. Kristin Langrehr says:


  6. Hannah auffant says:


  7. Gjizelle Malan says:

    Amen! Thank you Lord! Help me make space in my life❤️

  8. LaRae Taylor says:

    Lord help me make room for those You choose may together we glorify you.

  9. Tonya Brown says:


  10. Kelsi Kaaihue says:

    I’m making room, for my family, my in laws. The people who have hurt me tremendously. I am graciously forgiving because he did it for me.

  11. Heather Parsons says:

    Amen! Making room can def consist of multiple facets of our Faith & our character.

  12. Marissa Peck says:


  13. Jordan Arnold says:


  14. Jennifer Ragan says:

    Praying that God will help me make room this year. Make room for Him, for others, for whatever may come.

  15. Jessica Schuurman says:

    When the people don’t come… but there is so much room … ♥️

  16. Latoddra Mason says:


  17. Krista Nicholls says:

    Embracing our differences and realizing that we all make up the body of Christ together could unite us like no other. If everyone was the same what a boring body we would be! :)

  18. Kalenia Young says:


  19. Maile Winkleman says:

    How amazing is our Father ❤️

  20. Jana Reed says:


  21. Kelly Unger says:

    I have a neighbor who I have always gotten along with. We have differing opinions on politics and when he found this out, he became passive aggressive towards me. I have since had hardened feelings and I don’t want to feel like tbat especially since for years our families have gotten along. I’m hoping this will help and remind me to love thy neighbor and hopefully I van rub off on him as well.

    1. Krista Nicholls says:

      It wouldn’t hurt to drop off a sweet treat or something by as a peace offering.

  22. Bokamoso Thokoane says:

    This is my hope to to be able to make a room for others

  23. Faith Joshua says:


  24. Faith Joshua says:


  25. Heidi Anders says:

    I love how these devotional fall around the holiday times. It is so easy to get in the business of things that we forget to take a moment and make room for those in our lives. I work for a ministry and working here as a staff member I have a list of things I have to do. I needed this reminder to make room for others. Sometimes we have to set what we have to get done on the back burners because people are more important and their souls than what we have to get done. Father help me to make room for others and let go of the things that take up too much space. Amen!

  26. Kati McDermith says:

    Such a timely lesson, lately there’s a struggle in our own family to make room for each other. Somehow we all became too protective of our time. Forgetting we are on Gods time, serving His purpose. I’m grateful to have this lesson to usher me into a new year where I want to be more welcoming into my home.

  27. Carla Burke says:

    I miss the Scripture image at the end of every days reading.

  28. Ashley Allen says:

    I have never been good at “making room”. I have met a group of women who have truly become my “tribe”, and they always make room for me. My struggles, my need to vent or cry, they always make room and time for me. I am slowly learning the importance of making room and I pray I listen to the tugging on my heart that is telling me to “make room”

  29. cris hoover says:

    Making room makes me think of the Inn that had no room for Jesus. It’s a good season to apply this to our heart and lives. Focusing on and resting in making room for Jesus…

  30. Cristy Laya says:

    I think often people hear hospitality and think hosting people in their homes. I love how Day One shows you it’s more than that. As I was reading through the comments some said how great is it that we are all different. I thought to myself yeah it is great. Then realized how hospitality through us should also be different. Living it where you are and finding the space (physically or emotionally or both) to love people with the gifts your were given in whatever way that looks like.

  31. Margherita says:

    This is my first Bible study and thank you for sharing this. All of my life, I have been struggling to accept and make room for others because of all the trauma and experience I went through directly or indirectly through family members. Please pray for so I can embody more of this. It really get to the point of depression thinking just how incapable I am in opening space for others and consistently doubting people.

  32. Halley Ward says:

    This study is so timely. With the holidays coming up, I’m having to put aside differences and gather with someone who really hurt me. While I try to forget about it in the moment and “get it over with” for the sake of peacekeeping, that’s not the godly perspective. And I know that. I’m having trouble reconciling my thoughts toward true forgiveness and hospitality toward this person. It’s also a timely study because just last night I was telling God how I haven’t made time for him. I have plenty. But I spend it purposefully distracted – mostly on my phone. For no reason at all. A lot of the time, I’m not even enjoying it. I’m just addicted to it. I really want to give that time to His mission instead. If you read this and have a moment, please pray I can do that.

  33. victoria murphy says:

    I’m about to order a planner to be more on top of things so that I can give more of my time to him!! I feel like recently I’ve been so focused on myself I overthink absolutely everything and the reminder that I need to surrender EVERYTHING I have to the lord so that my mind doesn’t overthink because all that matters is that I am filled by him! When I do something and I overthink by their action or reaction I will meet that with doing more, loving more rather than a spiral of feeling unworthy. And meet it with grace!

    (this is my brain processing hehe)

  34. Sara Moore says:

    My life has been very chaotic for the last year. I feel like I am nowhere near as close to God as I want to be because life has been so all consuming. I am praying that this study will lead into Advent and then into 2025, and I can truly make room for the Lord once again starting today.

    1. Kim G says:

      This is my hope too ❤️

  35. Brandi Young says:

    Making room…. for so many things. That word MAKE really stood out. It just doesn’t appear. We have to put in the effort to make sure that it is there. Like she said. It’s uncomfortable and inconvenient. But in the end, the inconvenience and the discomfort give away to community and accountability and friendship and freedom where it counts most. In a relationship with Jesus Christ!’

    1. Nikita Cook says:

      Well said! Love this perspective

  36. Rachel Williams says:

    This is something that has been on my heart for a number of months now. I’ve been thinking about the busyness of everyday life and feeling as though I’m not making the room that I need to for the Lord or those around me. I am so excited for this study and the opportunity to recenter and refocus on making room.
    This really surfaced the challenges I’m having personally within my family as well. My oldest sister and I have not spoken in almost 2 years. Her behavior towards me has been hurtful and challenging to work through and respond with grace. This has reminded me that despite whatever hurt there is, I need to continually make room for forgiveness and grace towards her. Despite the challenges of the situation, the Lord keeps reminding me of the power of His grace and forgiveness in this situation with my sister. I trust Him fully to heal our relationship and I pray I can continue to make room for the forgiveness and love for those around me. I have been so blessed to receive the same from Jesus.
    Thanks be to God!
    Have a great weekend ahead and blessings to you all!

    1. Mackenzie Christian says:

      I feel the same way too. Life can get super busy. But I want to make more time to connect with the Lord and family and friends

  37. Michelle Rutherford says:

    This is a timely read. With the holidays approaching and my work calendar overloaded it’s past time to make room. I’m looking forward to the next 13 days :)

  38. Kat D says:

    Maybe this has already been noted in earlier comments, but HRT devotion is well worth the read.
    “… the transformative power of the gospel to change our hearts from othering to welcoming (Romans 15:7). This is the catalyst for how Jesus takes all sorts of different people and in His love makes them one (Galatians 3:27–29).”

  39. Faith Caudill says:

    At times I find it difficult to “make room” because I don’t have much to offer, but it’s not always about the things but about the time/effort/etc that can be given instead

  40. Sarah Sucharski says:


  41. Emily Nichols says:

    Is anyone not able to purchase the plan?
    I can’t get mine to work at all so I’ve only been able to read day one

    1. Justine Tschetter says:

      Same here! I’ve tried a couple times.

    2. Megan Friesen says:

      It won’t let me purchase it either

      1. Emily Nichols says:

        Mine finally worked! I tried all day yesterday and it just let me!

    3. Justine Tschetter says:

      Emily, it’s working for me now!

      1. Emily Nichols says:

        Mine still isn’t working! I’ll keep trying!

  42. Connie Beers says:

    Please pray for my friend Kerry her daughter has passed pray she finds peace and comfort

    1. Pamela Woodbury says:

      I’m so sorry I will pray for her.

    2. Lala F says:

      Praying for your sweet friend . May she have peace that surpasses understanding.

  43. Skylar Pritchard says:

    Beautiful read. I loved the story of how we can make room for people…and then most importantly…make room for our Lord. Wow. Thank you.

  44. Michaela Hawkins says:

    What a timely and beautiful study.

    Do not make it difficult for people to see god in you, turn to god, and walk away from sin. Instead, make it easier for them by providing them with the love necessary for them to take these steps.

    It is incredible that my simply loving others, we can build the kingdom. Lord, use me to build your kingdom through love and a heart for others. Lord, I pray that people see you through me.

  45. Stephanie Mack says:

    Amen❤️ I needed this today

  46. Danielle Lynn says:

    Thankful for this nudge to make room. It isn’t about what I can give, but rather it is about what the Lord can use me for. Here I am, Lord. Use me. ❤️

  47. Lexi DeMarco says:

    I could not have discovered this read at a more perfect time. God has been knocking on my door for quite some time as I just ignore and go about my life being I’m “too busy”. I have a feeling I’m going to go through a roller coaster of emotions through this.

  48. Danielle Alexander says:

    So excited for this to be my first reading plan with She Reads Truth! Already opening my eyes and heart to how I can make room for more.

  49. Mandy Frank says:

    This reminds me of a comment my friend made to me recently about how I never host and they need a chance to come to my house. Things have been chaotic for a while and I haven’t felt like I was in a place to welcome people in my home due to the amount of people cohabitating with me. I see now I need to take another look because it was already weighing heavy on my heart.

  50. Lydia Lix says:

    Echoing what others have said, this is such a timely study for me. I have felt the desire to close off and shut down, but this was so insightful that we are to make room. Highly recommend the podcast episode for this week if you haven’t given it a listen yet.

  51. Laura Breen says:

    I love the sentiment that “in the gospel there is no other there is only us”

  52. Natasha R says:

    What a timely study for me! I am emerging from a long season of hibernation (I call it my hermit season) which started with the death of my husband in 2020. I needed this time to grieve, heal and grow closer to God. This study comes at a time when I am starting to open myself up to new experiences and new personal connections (making room!). I feel like I am turning a page a starting a new chapter in my life, and I’m excited to see what God has in store for me. Kinda scary, but so very exciting!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Natasha, my condolences on the death of your husband. You are going to be blessed in this community. I am so glad you decided to join us! ❤☺❤

    2. Victoria E says:

      Hi Natasha ! I’m excited you are here too.

    3. Wendy B says:

      I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord continue to give you strength and comfort as you sense a move towards things that are new.
      You will be blessed by this SRT community ❤️

  53. Tricia C says:

    Please make sure you listen to the podcast! It is so good!

  54. Carla Dimitroff says:

    Hello. new here. :) Wondering if Im supposedto be reading the scripture first and then the devotional or the other way around. Or if it doesnt matter at all? thank you so much! So excited to be here.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Hi, Carla; SO GLAD you are here! I have done it both ways. It’s really your preference for your learning style. Looking forward to your comments! ❤☺❤

    2. Tricia C says:

      Welcome Carla!
      So glad to have you join our community! I prefer to read the scripture first. I know many do the devotion first to get some sort of insight into the scripture. Either way works great!

    3. Lala F says:

      Hi Carla ! I agree with Cee Cee it’s really your preference. For me I start with devotional as something to focus on.

  55. Amy Nero says:

    I love how she reassures me that hospitality is often untidy and inconvenient. I always think my house has to be spotless and organized to have people over. That’s not the case, to make room is to share your life with people and being real makes it more comfortable.

    1. Tricia C says:

      I am right there with you. People don’t care about my house so much. They care that you are making room for them. ❤️

  56. Lindsey Mahler says:

    I love John 4:19, it was my uncles favorite verse. We lost him unexpectedly last year so every time I read it, I think of him.

    I think God wants us to welcome others because maybe there’s someone who doesn’t know God’s word, God wants us to get His message out there.

  57. Brenda P says:

    I love thinking about who is included

  58. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    We “Make Room”in this very “heart space” day by day, in time freely given & guarded. In the prayers. In the peace of sisterhood. In the pleasure of conversation. In all our “messiness, uncomfortable , inconvenience” no one is turned away.
    By the nearness of God.

  59. Julie Ford says:

    Jesus made room for me, show/ teach me to make room for others

  60. Molly says:

    “We are learning to make room for others because while we were still sinners, room was made for us.”

    I love the image that we are all still students of hospitality. I absolutely love hosting and it’s easy to have people I know and love over…harder to welcome those that are less like me. I’m still learning.

  61. Oluwakemi Akintola says:

    Making room is allowing God to work through us for humanity. We are created out of love, God want to exhibit is love through us when we are hospitable

  62. Mercy says:

    Hospitality- what a beautiful gift that comes with much efforts. I miss that season in my life. I used to have a small bible study group coming over to my home on a Tuesday night. I would prepare food beforehand, making appetizers, and finger foods (kid friendly), print out song lyrics in large print so the elders could see, and also prayed that there would be enough street parking that day (and praise God there was always enough room on that small cul de sac I used to live in). I would write down prayer points and memorize them so I could pray out loud when opening the study. It was such a sweet time. My husband was very happy too when many people came, it was the highlight of our week, his heart was so full of joy. I could hardly sleep when the day was over. I would be thinking what I could improve next time. Then there was a season of Covid, that the Lord told me to open my home to a young seminary student, who is now a pastor and our friend. I didn’t know what cost that would come with it, but it was a big stretch for me. God calls His people to such high standards. It is never convenient being a Christ follower. We lay down our comfort when we let others in, we lay down our convenience, within measures. I find that being just hearers of the Word is easy, but to be doers, then we live out Christ. But GOD is gracious and sometimes He will give me discernment on when to say yes and when to say no. Now with three young kids, I can hardly host anything, the living room is overtaken with toys, and I can get embarrassed to have anyone over. But I hope that one day, such season will come back, the closeness of fellowship will return, and this time around I will have three little assistants, that I will have their participation in prepping, to bake treats, prepare song choices. I thanked God for that beautiful season I walked through. And I pray for more to come.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      How wise of you to recognize that God requires different things in the different stages of life and that we should be thankful and not remorseful over those changing stages. ❤

      1. Mercy says:

        Thank you dear. I never thought of it that way. Truly we really need to rest on God’s providence navigating through each stage, with its own unique demands.

      2. Michelle P says:

        Amen ❤️❤️❤️ love the reflection, Mercy.

  63. Nicole Powell says:

    This is so powerful God thank you

  64. Asia Hébert says:

    This study is very timely with the holiday season beginning and preparing to host friends and families over the coming weeks! A great reminder to think of hosting others as an offering and thinking less about the inconveniences and stress it may cause.

    1. Marina S. says:

      Love this!

  65. Kristina Finney says:

    Just in time for the holidays <3

  66. AliceV says:

    I recently finished a book by Rosaria Butterfield called The Gospel Comes With A House Key, in which she describes what she calls radical, ordinary hospitality. An amazing book which shows the many ways hospitality can be extended to others, I can heartily recommend it. It made me think about ways I can put into practice this radical, ordinary hospitality in my life.

  67. Kimberly Reed says:

    I’ll be honest, this one will challenge me. I contemplated even starting it! I know hospitable people-I’ve seen the examples of this done successfully and the heart that makes it so. I’m not inhospitable but prefer privacy. We took my Mother in 6 years ago after her home burned down in CA Paradise fire. I live in New England. I moved 3k miles a way for a reason. I’m challenged. My home doesn’t feel private, emotionally safe and I am really leaning into Jesus. My husband is such a blessing! He has such a good heart but at times he is also challenged. Finally empty nesters but unable to enjoy that stage of life. So…please pray for me that I will hear from God and yield my will to His and learn from Him and all of you who seem to really have a gift here in this area hahaha.
    Here we go!

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Please stay here, Kimberly! Praying for this study to bless you beyond measure.

      1. Kimberly Reed says:

        Thank you! I’ll definitely dig in ♥️

        1. Cee Gee says:


    2. Traci Gendron says:

      Kimberly I can imagine how hard this must be. Prayers for your situation.

      1. Kimberly Reed says:

        Thank you Traci I truly appreciate your prayers ♥️

    3. Maria Baer says:

      Kimberly, I echo Cee Gee. I’m am also going through this. We took in my mother about 3 yrs ago. Was meant to be temporary, but it has extended. Like you, my husband has been such a blessing, and he is so welcoming. There’s been days when it’s challenging, but it’s gotten better. So I will join you in this journey and in prayer.

      1. Kimberly Reed says:

        Thank you Maria! I covet your prayers! I trust God to open my heart and lead me ♥️

    4. Danielle B says:

      Kimberly, I appreciate your honesty. I actually read today’s devotional and thought oh man this is going to challenge me as I navigate new healthy boundaries in my family, especially with my prodigal sister. How do you show the love of God while creating health in family dynamics? I look forward to your future comments.

      1. Kimberly Reed says:

        I appreciate your input! Praying for you and the others that this will be challenging for. God’s grace is sufficient right?! Love hearing from those that this comes easy to as well. ❤️

  68. AZ Walker says:

    This study is good for me too! My mother turned 82 yesterday and I spent the day with her – Olive Garden, watched a Christmas Hallmark movie and played with her little dog. I am usually rushed and yesterday I just cherished the time with her. I also sat with an elderly woman from church at a memory care one late afternoon after work who had been so sweet to me over the years but now doesn’t remember me. It felt good to hold her hand and talk to her and play a game with the group. Overall I just want to give God my time and be a Martha!

    1. Gwineth52 says:

      You don’t have to be a Martha, AZ!
      Just being yourself, following your own natural instinct, sounded good enough.
      This study will (my hope!)solidify & spark old/new actions within us all!
      By His Grace.

  69. Traci Gendron says:

    This study has come at a perfect time for me. What Raechel said in her devo hit me. I am the one that’s house is most often perfect. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. So I have the opposite problem of not wanting my house messed up. How sad is that?? But I have had the desire to have a Christmas gathering this year. I feel like I’m coming out of a time of caretaking and not having the time or energy for anyone else, but all of a sudden I’m wanting those interactions. I need to be hospitable!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I love the thought of that dear Traci…I believe that he is indeed directing your path!

      1. Traci Gendron says:

        I’m surprised by it myself. My favorite time of year is Christmas. I love all the old songs that point to Jesus. They make me cry actually. Kind of funny that I love it!! lol

  70. Maria Baer says:

    For those who are interested in reading my blog about hospitality— it is called Kindred and Company (not as in a brand, but as in all are kindred when we come together as company in Christ). I focus on Christian hospitality and how it doesn’t have to be perfect.

    The url is

  71. Angela Wiegman says:

    This study came out at the perfect time. Abba has been talking to me about making room, making room for us to have conversations, making room for those in my life who are important and being aware of what I’m giving room to- like not letting fear have space in my head, but making room for truth… not giving extra time to watching reels etc…. but.. choosing to.make room to make space for the living God to invade my day to day life. It’s a mindset shift and it’s hard…. but this study came along at the perfect timing for me!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      That’s good!

  72. Donna Wolcott says:

    If you don’t have one of the new spiral books, they have 3 response questions for the day.
    1. What does Scripture say about making room for others?
    2. What does Scripture urge us to welcome others?
    3. Think of a specific person in your life who is different from you. How will you extend hospitality toward that person?

  73. Donna Wolcott says:

    These words and readings could not have come at a better time. If only they could be heard by all Americans. May I add, “love they neighbor”, no need to say if they…..
    Prayers for peace and blessings on each.

  74. katie babirak says:

    So glad this is a topic that is being addressed. It is so needed to remind us all to accept all not just by our words but by our actions. Hospitality is that gift we can give

  75. Cee Gee says:

    RAECHEL MYERS! As I was basking in the blessing of the By Faith study, you hit this homerun! Thank you for showing those of us who are socially challenged that hospitality in Christ has such a deeper meaning! This is so poignant to me:
    “Here I am entering into your sorrow—
    I was comfortable, but you need comfort more than me.”
    That, to me, is the BEST descriptor!
    “In being inconvenienced and uncomfortable and messy, we find a nearness with God because Jesus was these things and more on our behalf. We are learning to make room for others because while we were still sinners, room was made for us.”
    God bless you, SRT STAFF!!! ❤❤❤

    1. Traci Gendron says:


  76. Fran Parker says:

    I’m thankful for this reminder to make room for those that may be going through circumstances that may be hard for me to understand at the moment. That’s when I need to rely of God’s love to reach out to them, to show them how much He loves them.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes! Amen Fran!So Good!

  77. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love reading everyone’s comments!

    Making room for God and others! Sometimes I get so focused on the task that I miss the people around me! Lord, help me slow down my pace and see those around me! Help me to be open for your divine interruptions! I surrender my day to you to make room for more of you and others!

    The verse of the day on YouVersion is:
    ““Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    In order to make room, we have to be peacemakers. I felt this went so well with today. When you make room for others, your toes will get stepped on by the very people you’ve been called to invite into your life. I pray that I will not be easily offended or to take offense.

    Praying for all!

  78. Rachel says:

    I appreciate all of your comments and insights and vulnerable sharing! I am in a season of being called to “make room” when often I would prefer to hoard (thanks for that, Bessie!) my time/time with my husband. We both work at a University and I am in grad school. Our plates are full to overflowing, so I would often prefer to NOT make room for one.more.thing. But each time we have agreed to make room despite feeling depleted, God has met us with abundant grace in the moment and supplied all that we needed to do what He asked us to do. It is building my faith in such a sweet way!

  79. Sarah M says:

    I struggle with hospitatlity. I feel my home is never clean enough. Even, when it is. My Grandmother opened her door to whomever knocked. She fed then if they were hungry. It might only be a sandwich, but she gave without apparent worry that it was not good enough. My lack of hospitality is due to feeling Not good enough and fearing judgement. I pray that I can be hospitable like my Grandmother, and as God desires me to be.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      I understand that! Si much of the influence in our society through TV and social media is for ‘over-the-top’ spreads and decorations. It’s daunting for just average folks like me! ❤

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      I’m with you, Sarah M.
      It’s that Martha (Stewart) complex once more!
      People care more about how you make them feel rather than if your place settings match!

  80. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Good morning ladies! I am excited for our new study!
    I don’t have a problem with being hospitable, but I think at times I spend to much time doing for others and making room for others that I “crowd out” Jesus.
    I must first make room for Him, daily and as I do, He will “expand” my room for others. He loved me first, He made room for me – while I was a sinner how can I help but make room for Him.
    Praying for your requests – have a blessed Monday!

    Have you any room for Jesus,
    He who bore your load of sin?
    As He knocks and asks admission,
    Sinner, will you let Him in?
    Room for Jesus, King of Glory!
    Hasten now His Word obey;
    Swing the heart’s door widely open,
    Bid Him enter while you may.
    Room for pleasure, room for business,
    But for Christ the Crucified,
    Not a place that He can enter,
    In the heart for which He died?
    Have you any room for Jesus,
    As in grace He calls again?
    Oh, today is time accepted,
    T’morrow you may call in vain.
    Room and time now give to Jesus,
    Soon will pass God’s day of grace;
    Soon thy heart left cold and silent,
    And thy Savior’s pleading cease.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Ooh, that is a great reminder, SHARON!!! ❤☺❤

    2. Mercy says:

      That is an excellent point Sharon. Don’t crowd out Jesus while making room for others.

  81. Caroline Bridges says:

    If you have the book, you get the same Devo in the editor’s letter and some reflection questions each day. Here are today’s:
    What does scripture say about making room for others? (Gives out each set of verses) Romans 12:3-8, Romans 15:7, Acts 15:6-21, and Galatians 3:27-29.
    Why does scripture urge us to welcome others?
    Think of a specific person in your life who is different from you. How will you extend your hospitality towards them?
    I would share my answers, but I’m short on time. I might come back later and do it.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Oh, thank you, CAROLINE! ❤

  82. Liz Lester says:

    Already loving this study, glad to be a part of this beautiful community. Thanks for making room! ❤️

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Glad you are here! ❤ ALWAYS ROOM!!!

  83. Mia Faith says:

    So good. Last week, I attended a lunch/gathering for widows. I knew not a soul, but I knew they were a Christian group. The welcomed me with open arms and open hearts. I am the youngest in the group by 10 years, but I felt the love of Jesus pouring through these ladies who are farther along this path.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      So happy for you Mia, that God led you to this group. Continued prayers for you as you walk through this next season of life.❤️

    2. Mari V says:

      Glad you went. LOVE you sweet lady.

    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes, Mia. How fortunate you are! And they too!

    4. Wendy B says:

      What a blessing to have that community to share time with❤️

  84. Mari V says:

    First. Raechel…this is SO well written and I can tell its from the HEART. Good morning and Happy Monday sweet She’s. Still under the weather, not worse, but not better and I can’t afford to miss work. Oh well….that’s life. After reading this I felt convicted as realized how much I think of myself, my needs, my wants and plain-ol self-centered. Yesterday though I was under the weather, I had an opportunity to “make room” but instead I was perturbed and still am. Won’t get into details as there was more to this story. BUT definitely need to think more of others even when inconvenienced. Please pray for my heart as this involved my mom. It gets challenging when I live here in her home.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Oh Mari, sorry you are not feeling well, and have to work still today. It must be challenging living with your mom as an adult and your two children there—-It would be for ANYONE!! I remember visiting my parents and love them so much, but you wear on each other quickly after only 4 or 5 days, so give yourself grace!! I would not be able to do it…like I have said- I am so want my way…my temperature, my tv show, my dinner- when and what!! Lord…free of us, more of YOU!! In Jesus’ name…AMEN!!

      1. Mari V says:

        AW…..thank you Rhonda! On my way to work now feeling prayed for and encouraged.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Prayers, Mari! It’s easy to get ‘perturbed’ when not feeling your best! Forgive yourself first and then ask for forgiveness from your mom, then just move on, sis. ❤☺❤ Maybe you can share this devo with her. Praying you feel better soon!

      1. Mari V says:

        Thank you Cee Gee for your encouragement. I was already thinking to do that when I get home from work.

  85. Annelyn P says:

    SRT along with all of you are a big part of my daily life. I appreciate each of you as you share your life with all of us. Rachael’s reminder that ‘making room’ is messy and rarely convenient hit me. I am praying that I will be open to what God would have me do regardless of my to-do lists and my tendency to isolate.

  86. Madison Hoagland says:

    Wow. Needed to hear this and thank some friends for making room not just in their home but in their heart for others. God is good.

  87. Kris says:

    This will be a good study for me. I’m not big on hospitality. Not because I don’t like people, but because I feel the need to make everything perfect in my home before someone comes over. I also often feel that my home isn’t good enough, because it’s very small. And I have two dogs. What if people don’t like dogs?, or they get dog hair on them? AND because I really value my “alone time”. But I have often wondered if God would like me to get over all these excuses and start having people over, because my home is very peaceful and cozy, I think people would like to come there if I could just relax and enjoy the time with friends. I’m excited to see what God does in me during this study.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Who doesn’t like dogs!!? lol. But makes perfect sense to me! When my husband wants to socialize in our little neighborhood —-I quickly shoot it down, even last night when a couple text they were going to drop something off for us…I sent my hubby down to greet them…man, I am bad. Too lazy to go down, excuse of keeping the dog quite. (they were walking their dog.) I just didn’t want to do what I didn’t want to do!! ughh.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      LAURA, I could have written that comment – just substitute cat! Thanks for sharing a sentiment that I think is likely true for many. ❤☺

      1. Cee Gee says:

        *KRIS!!!* Apologies- blurry eyes and brain apparently! ☺❤

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Kris – encouraging you to take that step and open your home. The thoughts you have about it being to small or not good enough are all lies from the devil! The surroundings don’t matter, it’s the heart of love that is being extended. Once you start having people in, you’ll love it! ❤️

    4. Gwineth52 says:

      You made me think it may not be our literal homes we need to open to others, but our hearts. Meeting in a cafe for a cup of coffee. Dropping off fresh baked muffins. A kind note to a lonely neighbor. These things count, too. An extension of ourselves!

  88. Amber Malquist says:

    I’ve been in a sort of season of isolation, in an effort to “protect” myself – my peace, my thinking, my heart… which in some ways has been beneficial (I think it was needed, just as Jesus often withdrew to spend time with the Father) because I’ve simultaneously been in a season of healing from hurts and working through frustrations. I feel God calling me out of this isolated season though. This study is coming at the perfect time.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      That’s good self-reflection. I think that is needed, just like you said, that Jesus had to take time outs for peace and time with his Father! But yes…don’t get too comfortable there, it makes it easy to stay in that place!

    2. Kris says:

      I have been in a season like that – somewhat of a wilderness season where God is doing some deep cleaning and fixing and restoring. But I, too, have been starting to think that maybe it’s time to move forward.

    3. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ been there too!

  89. Cee Gee says:

    I read the last 2 words in the 3rd paragraph of the devo and this song popped into my head! Before reading the Scriptures I have to share it so I am not distracted as I read! Back later! ❤
    Make Room (feat. Matt Maher)
    Song by
    Casting Crowns
    A family hiding from the storm
    Found no place at the keeper’s door
    It was for this a Child was born
    To save a world so cold and hollow
    The sleeping town, they did not know
    That lying in a manger low
    A Savior King who had no home
    Has come to heal our sorrows
    Is there room in your heart?
    Is there room in your heart?
    Is there room in your heart
    For God to write His story?
    Shepherds counting sheep at night
    Do not fear the glory light
    You are precious in His sight
    God has come to raise the lowly
    Is there room in your heart?
    Is there room in your heart?
    Is there room in your heart
    For God to write His story?
    You can come as you are
    But it may set you apart
    When you make room in your heart
    And trade your dreams for His glory
    Make room in your heart
    Make room in your heart
    Mother holds the promise tight
    Every wrong will be made right
    The road is straight, the burden’s light
    For in His hands, He holds tomorrow
    Is there room in your heart?
    Is there room in your heart?
    Is there room in your heart
    For God to write His story?
    You can come as you are
    But it may set you apart
    When you make room in your heart
    And trade your dreams for His glory
    Make room in your heart
    Make room in your heart
    Make room in your heart
    Make room in your heart
    Songwriters: John Mark Hall, Matt Maher. For non-commercial use only.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      How have I never heard this song?? I thought I knew every Casting Crowns song–But you mentioning Matt Maher…brought the song “Be in the Room” to my mind and put a different spin on “make room!” It’s making room to let God move-
      I just wanna be in the room
      Wanna be in the room when you move
      And I’m not leaving
      Not leaving till you do
      I don’t wanna miss it

      I just wanna be in the room
      Wanna be in the room when you move
      And I’m not leaving
      Not leaving till you do”

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Well, sis, you introduced me to one I’ve never heard! Thanks! The one I shared is usually played at Christmas. I love it! ❤ ☺

  90. Sarah Wong says:

    I feel I’ve been in a rush to make room for a lot of good things/people in my life, but I have been struggling lately to make room for Jesus. I listen to amazing podcasters who speak from a solid Biblical worldview, I attend a Gospel-preaching church, but I forgot that I need the quiet and still time to really make room for Jesus to speak into my heart by reading his word and meditating on the Truth. The Holy Spirit led me to this app today to start a study, and this is the perfect one. Praise be to God!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Welcome Sarah! Oh!- are you about to embark on a beautiful journey! That’s when my relationship with Jesus truly changed, when I got in the word myself daily- and then found SRT!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Sarah, SO GLAD you found us! You will be so blessed in this community! ❤☺

    3. Mercy says:

      Amen Sarah. Jesus is the most gentle friend you will ever have. He is not the hard master like the world and religion has made Him to be.

    4. Gwineth52 says:

      Welcome, Sarah.
      Thanks be to God indeed!

  91. Michelle P says:

    “This righteousness is given through faith in h Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 2for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” (Romans 3:22-23)

    Everyone belongs!!!
    Every person is handcrafted by God (Ephesians 2:10) and has a purpose in the body. The Holy Spirit is not exclusive! (Acts 15:8-9).

    Good reminders ❤️

    The other day I was talking to a regular at work because she overheard my coworker and I talking about King David and the book he was reading. She asked me my favorite Bible story and I talked about Jesus’s hospitality in John 21, when he invites his disciples to have breakfast with him after He is resurrected. Hospitality is definitely something so near to my heart. I remember growing up, feeling like I didn’t fit in… struggling in comparison and allowing the enemy to convince me I don’t belong.
    If I hadn’t experienced that, I don’t think I would feel so deeply passionate about bringing people together and into the body of Christ. It is important to feel like you belong. Christ makes us feel like we belong, when everyone else rejects us. So should we do for others in His name!
    Lord Jesus, help us to want to make room for those longing for joy, hope, and peace. I think about the difficult people in my life. Lord, help us to extend grace and belonging, with wisdom and good boundaries, as we pray for their healing. Lord, often we don’t let people in because they hurt us. Help us, God… please help us to have grace-filled, wise, and compassionate hearts. Forgive us when we fail. Thank you, amen!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Amen Michelle! Yes, I love how you focused on that- the belonging, ALL!! We are all different- but are ONE in Christ!! Yes, I see you as amazing of putting on these venues in community to bring all the different talents together in one place, and your heart shows of your love and desire for gatherings, even for your own family! I love that you connect that to your own early trials of not fitting in! God uses our own messes for our messages!

      1. Michelle P says:

        Yes, thank you Rhonda. It is never wasted ❤️❤️❤️

        1. Rhonda J. says:

          That song I commented under CeeGee–“Be In The Room” I can see you and your mother and others jamming to that like the video with Matt Maher and Ben Fuller and Elle Holcomg–youtube it!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤☺❤ ‘Making room’ for those who have hurt us- especially when we know that even with an apology, there will likely be no change – is the hardest challenge here!

      1. Michelle P says:

        Amen, even harder when they don’t apologize! Lol. But we can extend mercy. ❤️

    3. Traci Gendron says:

      Yes! I have felt feeling going to a new church where no one talks to you. We all need to feel like we matter.

    4. Mercy says:


    5. Danielle B says:

      I needed this reminder to be gracious to those who hurt us. I appreciate and resonate with while being healthy with good boundaries

  92. Rebekah Leoni says:

    This devotion is timely for me as the Lord has impressed on my heart to show more hospitality lately. I’ve always had excuses for why I can’t: this is my mom’s calling, not mine; my space isn’t big enough; I’m not a confident cook; I don’t have the time; I don’t have anything to “offer.” But all of these excuses are flawed because they point back to me. Serving others isn’t about me, it’s about pointing back to God. May I bravely, courageously, make room for others to show your love, Lord.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Great observation, Rebekah; thank you for sharing! ❤☺❤

  93. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s!

    It’s always fun starting a new study! I too like the frame work of “making room.” Not just hospitality-which I for sure could not just work on, but START on! I used to love hosting, but have grown to be a homebody of routine. I have mentioned before that I may represent myself as someone that “does” a lot for ministries- going to jail and homeless, leading groups, greeting at church and alter team..and on and on. And I LOVE being a part of all these BUT, they are all things I’m choosing that I like and enjoy doing. When it comes to making meals for those I know could benefit-no way, I hate to cook. When it comes to talking to some neighbors that I don’t particularly like-nope. When I know I should answer the phone and talk to someone reaching out to me…nope, I hate to talk on the phone. My husband wants to go out for dinner or a car show—you guessed it, nope I don’t wanna!

    I need to make room for the places God is working on me. It’s always about me, I need to be more flexible for his transformation…after all, that is my word-transformation. Keep working in me Lord, keep my heart pliable and knead-able. Help me to soften to those I don’t want to! Free me of me, and let the Holy Spirit be the moving force in me! Make the Lord the center of my life, where all things flow from there–In Jesus’ name!

    1. Adrienne says:

      I hate to talk on the phone too! I need to remind myself that it is a way for me to “make room” and show hospitality to someone who does like to talk on the phone.

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:


    3. GramsieSue says:

      Oh, girl!!!
      I need to Make Room!!

    4. Tami says:

      Rhonda I love your honesty! You are really quite funny:) I laughed about the part with your husband! I do the same thing. I’m thinking I need to make more room for him:)

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Yay, someone finally picked up my humor…haha! :)

    5. Cee Gee says:

      So much recognition here! I like to cook, but never feel that my offerings are worthy, hate to talk on the phone- but phone rang as I was typing this, so I just did! Haha-

      1. Cee Gee says:

        Rhonda, ❤☺❤

    6. Gwineth52 says:

      “Keep working in me Lord, keep my heart pliable and knead-able.”
      Love this imagery, Rhonda J.
      Makes me feel…somewhat… up for baking a loaf of raisin bread for the grandsons!!

  94. Ashley Boo says:

    I love this, I’m open to making room for The Lord. Just joined a women’s small group for moms and this presses on my heart after waiting so long to join in fellowship. Making room for community and in my heart for the ways he will use me.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Good for you! Small groups are such an important part for growth and relationships with our sisters! You will make some very special relationships- especially with ones in the same season as you!

  95. Maria Baer says:

    God continues to speak to me in this season of my life, and it fills me with awe. First, it was through a study on faith, and now it’s through a study on hospitality. For a while, I felt drawn to hospitality but was too afraid to step into it. Recently, I began to stretch into this area and “make room.” After the event that happened over four weeks ago, I sat down and started writing a little blog about Christian hospitality. These moments feel like confirmation that I’m on the right path, and it brings incredible joy to my heart. I’ve been praying for discernment and clarity for so long, and this feels like an answered prayer.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I would love to read your blog on this time of reflection, please share!

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      That’s great Maria – Praise God! ❤️

    3. Cee Gee says:

      ❤ continued prayers, Maria!

  96. Carol J Mylin says:

    “In the gospel, there is no “other”—there is only “us.”

    By His grace, God makes us living testimonies of Christ’s life by this truth: “We love because He first loved us” (1John 4:19). In being inconvenienced and uncomfortable and messy, we find a nearness with God because Jesus was these things and more on our behalf. We are learning to make room for others because while we were still sinners, room was made for us.“

    Thanks Raechel, for this convicting message!

  97. Jody Striker says:

    This is a great framework: more room. I also loved the questions for reflection. Where has God made space for me? Where can I make more room for Him? For others? ❤️

  98. Kim Weed says:

    Make room. So many opportunities to serve the Lord in those 2 words.

  99. Jessica Hertzog says:

    I really am interested to think of hospitality in terms of more than inviting someone into my home, but “making room” – for more grace, more prayer, more forgiveness, more time, etc – to be poured out to others as God has so graciously poured these out to me first.

    1. Sandyd says:


    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, same!

    3. Kris says:

      YES! Hospitality is more then having people over. I love your thoughts on that.

    4. Gwineth52 says:

      Appreciate the way you put that, Jessica!

  100. Sabrina Barkley says:

    I have several “enemies” who were once dear friends from church, due to an elected position I know God placed me in. Just Saturday, one blatantly greeted my husband while giving me a look of disgust. Please pray for me as i try to bless those who curse me and continue to stand for what is just and right. Jesus did t say to make room for only those who love you. He said to bless those who curse and persecute you. I am convicted today to make room in prayer for my enemies alongside my friends.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Wow, that’s tough, prayers for you as you navigate and give grace to those that come against you!

    2. Michelle P says:

      That is tough, Sabrina. Though I believe God will help you learn so much through this painful experience. It is so hard to feel rejected, especially by people who you once were near to…. I understand that… and certainly, Jesus understands that more than anyone. I pray you find comfort in Him, as you serve Him. He was rejected by many, but for our sake, He allowed it… and now we are brought near to Him. I pray this experience would grow you into a greater display of His glory and goodness. I pray you would feel seen and loved by God when others turn from you. I pray you would not dim your light, but continue in your position with excellence and love. I pray you would be an example to those who hurt you. I pray their hearts would soften and see your efforts of love. I pray for reconciliation in places of brokenness… Jesus, please unify your body, and help them see they are not at war with another, but with the enemy of their souls, Satan. How awful is it when the body seeks to destroy one another instead of the enemy himself!!! God, open their eyes to see the truth and want to fight for good! Let them see that you delight in brethren that dwell in harmony. Lord, please comfort Sabrina and give her the confidence to speak up if she needs to… and submit to you as you lead her into paths of righteousness for Your names sake. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen!❤️

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      I am so sorry for your situation Sabrina. It is especially hurtful when our “enemies” are brothers and sisters in Christ – this was never meant to be. The important thing is that you continue doing what God called you to do, and the elected position that He put you in. He will bless those who bless their enemies, so keep on praying for them, and ask God how He can use this situation to bring Him glory. Prayers for you! ❤️

    4. Mercy says:

      I walked through this season too Sabrina. Someone did the same thing to me, she greeted my husband nicely and told him that she was sorry that he was married to me. I was deeply hurt. Forgiveness takes time. Forgive them for they know not what they are doing or saying. Praying that the Lord will heal the pain. When we let people in, they can hurt us, thus GUARD your heart with all diligence, even when you practice hospitality.

  101. PTB says:

    Hospitality is a topic near & dear to my house -my husband and I both work in the literal hospitality industry! – yet I have so much room to grow in allowing it to infiltrate my entire life.

    I am excited about learning what scripture says about hospitality and allowing it to soften my heart to be more like Jesus in how I make room and welcome others. (AND challenging myself to post here so I can learn from all you other SRT Sisters!)

    The opening summary for this study states it perfectly:
    “Biblical hospitality is about more than sharing a meal or inviting friends over. It is the work of making room in our lives for others. …
    The needed welcome we receive from Jesus will lead us as we learn hospitality from Him. For while we were still sinners, Christ made room for us.”

    As Christians, I do believe hospitality is a personal value in action – an intentional “posture” in how we show up in a room, with eyes and ears like Jesus, welcoming and compassionate.

    Extrovert and introverts alike can show hospitality by being the needed light in the room for someone lonely, nervous, hurting or downcast,
    by being a partner in celebration for someone experiencing joy, excited about life’s blessings and praising God together.

    No matter the situation, hospitality is an equal opportunity lifestyle, because – GRACE!

    “For by the grace given to me, I tell everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he should think. Instead, think sensibly, as God has distributed a measure of faith to each one.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬ ‭CSB‬‬

    1. Dawn says:

      Thank you PTB for your thoughts. I copied them into my study book. Love how you describe hospitality as a “posture “ in how we show up in a room, with eyes and ears like Jesus. Welcoming and compassionate. I often think of hospitality as making my home a welcoming place-but to think that my words, my actions, (and reactions), are the heart of hospitality!

      1. PTB says:

        Awww Dawn, thanks for this note, it touches my heart. I’ve done many SRT studies and read posts but never comment, thinking I don’t have anything useful to contribute or profound to say … which is all an ego-performing thing. You’ve encouraged me greatly, grateful!! ❤️

    2. Kris says:

      Love your “posture” comment

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Yes and Amen, PTB! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. ❤️

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Love this, PTB! ❤☺❤

      1. PTB says:


    5. Gwineth52 says:

      “No matter the situation, hospitality is an equal opportunity lifestyle, because – GRACE!”
      Amen to that, PTB!

      1. PTB says:

        Amen! ❤️

  102. Felicia P says:

    I pray God gives me strength to make room and extend grace to my students with special needs. Please pray for me to show them the same grace my Lord showed me when he welcomed me into his family.

    1. Sabrina Barkley says:

      Thank you for seeking the Lord in your career. May He richly bless you with patience and grace for each day.

  103. Adoma says:

    I was chatting the other day with a friend who had lost her mum and we were reminiscing the kind hearts and hospitable natures of our departed mothers.We wondered why we seemed unable to extend ourselves and ‘make room’ for people in the way that they did… a hot pot of soup for a grieving family, an hour of counsel for a rebellious teen and on and on….
    But maybe, we are afraid of what it will take from us in terms of time, and other resources.But God wants us to ‘make room’ for others regardless of the cost because as Jesus said in Matthew 25: 43: we may not see Him in the warm cozy church building but rather in the stranger without a coat or the sick child in the hospital.I would hate to miss extending a hand to Beloved Jesus.
    May our hearts be always softened and ready to make room for others as He did for us.Amen

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤❤❤

  104. Bessie H says:

    I tend to be a hoarder. Not literally, but of my time, my energy, my resources. Even my prayer time is most often focused on me. God is showing me that it is all about Him. In humbleness, I yield myself to Him. May He open my mind and my heart to serve Him by making room for others.

    1. Sabrina Barkley says:

      Me too! Amen ❤️

    2. Aubrey Jaklich says:

      Oh wow! This is eye opening for me. Hoarder of my time and resources….ive never thought of it like that. Thank you! Praying we both learn to give more.

    3. Carol J Mylin says:

      Well said, Bessie! I see myself in your comments…and in my need for change! ♥️

  105. Terri Bottiglio says:

    Amen. There is so much hurt, anger, & fear in our country. I pray we make room in our hearts to be patient with each other & remember Jesus’ greatest commandments: 1) love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, & mind – and 2) love one another. Let us be peacemakers & pour out God’s generous love with everyone we encounter.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Amen! ❤

  106. Megan H says:

    I love Galatians 3:27-29 ❤️

  107. Aimee D-R says:


  108. Crystal Pitzer says:


  109. Tami says:

    My days (like all of yours) can been busy between work, gym, home, church etc… It takes intentionality to “make room” for others. To sit and just ask God to show me who could use encouragement, a text, a helping hand, a meal, a smile even. I heard Joyce Meyer say once that she prays every morning to show her 3 people to encourage that day. I would like to find ways to be more intentional like that.

    1. Mercy says:

      ❤️ I love Joyce’s stories, I find her so real and incredibly funny. She was so honest when saying we often pray but when God shows us whom to help, we don’t actually want to do the work of blessing others (especially the story of her reluctantly making the fruit salad for her husband Dave lol).

      1. Kim B says:

        Ouch! I love this too!

  110. Searching says:

    Right out of the gate, the first part of the first verse got my attention: Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think …
    For me, it could be thinking of myself more highly (though I try to be conscious to never do that!), but can also be thinking of myself as less than others as well as different than others. All of that adds up to me being a loner … so much history behind that. There’s a level of uncomfortableness that is difficult to get past in being around other people (in person! Love each of you that gather here!)

    KIMBERLY Z – good to see you pop in!

    1. Tami says:

      Oh boy Searching! I get the comparing where you always find yourself lacking. It’s terrible. And yes I too have once had a lot of baggage related to that. It was an SRT study on Exodus a few years ago that showed me how much of a sin it was to compare myself to others. The devo talked about Joseph and his brothers. It was like God shown a light on what I had been doing and broke the chain of comparison off of me. It still rears its ugly head once in a while, but I’m much better at catching it and containing it.

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Searching, I also fall into the trap of thinking of myself as less than others as well as different. It’s called the “sin of comparison”. Way to often I let my mind go there and Satan just runs with it! – We are who God made us, and we are all gifted with different things. Praise God we are not all alike – how boring that would be!
      Love all my SRT ladies too! ❤️

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Sister, I understand that! The home life I had as a child did nothing to develop social skills in me. I love a quiet meeting if sharing, but still am uneasy in large groups. Getting better at that, too, with intentional exposure, but at age 70! ❤☺❤

    4. Mercy says:

      Searching, I understand that loner complex to some degree. I locked myself in because of the harsh rejection season i walked through. Sometimes it feels safer. But on hindsight, it indicates a fear that has not been dealt with, that needs to be uprooted. Praying for you dear sister that any fear and hurt that has brought you into this isolation, the cave season (though you might have grown accustomed to it and choose to remain there) that the Lord may heal and bless you with beautiful new friendships. You are the salt, and the light that needs to be placed on a hill. So many others could see, and also will be so blessed to walk with you. You are so wonderful. I love your beautiful heart and your faithfulness to SRT community.

  111. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I, too, would pick a quiet evening at home after a workday and being around others over a night spent with a group. However, I need to make room for relationships if I’m going to grow as a child of God.
    Loved this: “In the gospel, there is no ‘other’ – there is only ‘us.’”
    God establishes our unity in Him at the moment of our salvation. We don’t have to work for it, but we should live it.
    God be with you this Monday, ladies. Praying for your requests. Thank you for your prayers for “T” finding safe housing. She returns to work today and still has many ??? about here life.

    1. Searching says:

      Continuing to pray for T, KELLY ❤️

    2. Tami says:

      Kelly, me too! I’m an introvert and hard to push myself past my comfort zone. I just started a going to a women’s Bible study to make more room in my life for relationships with other women.

    3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Thanks for pointing this out Kelly, sometimes I read right over important “nuggets”, this was one of them…“In the gospel, there is no ‘other’ – there is only ‘us.’”

      Thank you for asking about my sister Arian. She returned in the fall to her part-time substitute teaching. They don’t allow full time for substitutes (because then they have to pay full benefits) – something she said she would not do. But, it does give her income even if it’s not steady and somehow – by God’s grace – she is surviving on what she makes!
      I will be praying for “T”, I’ve added her to my prayer book. ❤️

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Praying for T! ❤

  112. Jay-Anne FirstLadyCampbell says:


  113. Laura says:

    My husband and I love to host events at our house. He’s the social one, I’m the organizer. But I often am a Martha and worry too much about the cleanliness of my home, the quality of my food and having activities to keep the guests entertained instead of just being with the people we are hosting. God has stirred me over the years to change, and I have to some extent, but I can still do better. My mom is such a good example of a Mary to me because she never worried about any of things I worry about and was just available to people no matter what. And still, at almost 90 years old, people come to her and want to be with her. I pray that I can be more concerned about showing the love of Christ than how clean and pretty my home is to others.

  114. Sally B. says:

    I love this definition of hospitality: “It’s about taking something I presume is mine and offering it to someone else.” Like Raechel points out in the devotion, I would way rather stay home for some peace and quiet than attend a noisy social gathering – especially after a long day of work. Since I don’t have to cook for anyone but myself, I am not good at it and rarely offer to do it for others. But I love being able to run errands for folks or provide an act of service where I can. The definition above provides room for offering time and willingness as an act of hospitality and not just a home cooked meal! Thank you Raechel.
    Blessings to you all as we begin this new study.

    1. Tricia C says:


  115. Tricia C says:

    I’m not always very good at this. With family, sure. But other people, not like I should.

    I just need to look to Jesus and how He loved all.