I don’t have a huge “bucket list,” but there are a few things I hope to experience on this side of eternity. My top ten includes watching the aurora borealis paint the sky directly above me, finally learning to ride a bike (yes, really), and hanging a mirror ball from my living room ceiling, much to my 12-year-old daughters’ dismay. An odd choice, sure, but it doesn’t surprise them in the least. I’m a shimmy-shaker from way, way back; honestly, I’ve always prioritized dancing at home. What I lack in skill I make up for in enthusiasm—again, much to my daughters’ dismay.
When I read Ananias and Sapphira’s story, I see enthusiasm, though for what is less clear. The husband and wife so wanted to be a part of the growing church that they sold their field and gave the earnings to the church—well, a portion of it. In theory, this is a very admirable act; one gospel-spreading Barnabas did the same (Acts 4:36–37). So, where did Ananias and Sapphira go wrong?
Sharing their resources is a good thing, and holding back some of the profits for themselves wouldn’t have been wrong, if they hadn’t promised it all. After seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit, the amount of money shared was at the discretion of the individual, so no one’s hand was forced. Peter says as much when confronting Ananias in his lie: “Wasn’t it yours while you possessed it? And after it was sold, wasn’t it at your disposal?” (Acts 5:4).
The lie was the thing; they were deceived by the enemy and agreed “to test the Spirit of the Lord” (v.9). Seeking the approval of their community, they told the apostles they’d given everything, while still holding back something for themselves. They tried to deceive God’s people, His church, who are the temple of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8;2:4;Ephesians 4:4–6). So in reality, the couple “lied [not] to people but to God” (Acts 5:4). Their offense, a bold lie, was an offense against God and God alone (Psalm 51:4). They valued the approval of others above obedience to their Holy God.
Jesus Himself cautioned, “No one can serve two masters…You cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24). Because He wants our wholehearted devotion, He values obedience and holiness. Ananias and Sapphira’s actions could’ve tainted the holiness of the early Church, leading people astray, but God would not allow it. He dealt with their sin, and a healthy, holy fear and reverence of the Lord was reaffirmed within His Church (Acts 5:11).
Our actions mirror and reflect what we value most, casting either shadow or light over our surroundings. So, it’s worth asking ourselves what we’re truly devoted to. Are we seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and obeying Him, or do we seek the approval of others first? Honest answers can lead to much-needed change in our lives, drawing us closer to God and keeping Him first on our ever-shifting list of priorities.

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62 thoughts on "Lying to the Holy Spirit"
❤️ May I always seek the approval of God before ever wanting the approval of man.
So the thing I got out of this was actually different than the point of the devotional piece. I was realizing that in Acts they were fulfilling prophesy of how God offered them to live in Duet. They shared everything and no one was lacking and God was near them. And then in Deut it said that when you listen to God’s voice there will be no Poot among you! I never realized that before! So cool!!!
Amen ,thank you very much
The is no comparison to God, no equal ❤️
My job is around and depends on the approval of others – how difficult and convicting!
Terany, no one deserves to be approved by God. By His grace we are loved and saved.
Heavenly Father, help me God to prioritize you over all else, and to renew this priority daily in my choices and actions. Lord God equip me as your early church with boldness to speak, grace and holy fear
I seek others approval first because I know I fail too much to be approved by God. How do learn not to do that?
God already knows, so attempting to lie to Him was not good. If they had told the truth they would have been ok. We need to keep that always in mind. He knows it all.
God already knows, so Tate
Wow! Convicted catching up with SRT this morning! I read things very ‘lierally’ so the devotion has revealed a whole new perspective and I am convicted at how many times I make promises to please or appease others rather than making promises to please my Lord and Saviour.
I agree! Reading the text alone, the way the Lord deals with Ananias and Sapphira seems harsh and frightening. But in reality God is asking for honesty and whole hearted devotion to him, and we cannot deceive him no matter how hard we may try. This phrase regarding seeking the Holy Spirit’s approval and guidance rather than that of others puts some things in my life in perspective for sure. What a powerful devotional!
You have not lied just to human beings but to God. Being honest about where we are at and what we are willing to give is important to act in integrity. Nothing is hidden. Thank you that the holt spirit convicts and does not condemn. Lord thank you for the truth of your word and thank you for your faithfulness and that you never lie. Help me to be truthful in words and actions, and not to withhold or deceive.
God already knows our heart, and by attempting to lie to him, for any reason, is sinful and it means we aren’t 1000% invested in our relationship with Him. We care to much about how we’ll be perceived, instead of caring of how He perceives us.
What a lesson
This trading really struck a chord with me. I especially loved the quote from devotional “Are we asking the Holy Spirits guidance and obeying Him or do we seek the approval of others first?” I wrote this down and will be thinking about it this weekend.
DOROTHY, I can’t say whether she is a Christian or not, but Dana K White has some good books out. She also has YouTube videos that cover the same basic things for those of us that struggle with housework and clutter.
This was the comment that stood out to me the most today as well.
I also attended a Christian school from grades 4 – 8.
The classes were smaller than the public schools which I loved
but when recess came and we all went to the playground I observed that the girls from higher income homes congregated and belittled the lesser income girls.
I was welcome to join the “upper” girls as I was their peer but I chose to gather the “fringe” girls to befriend each other and not feel bad about the “upper” girls attitudes towards them.
We had our own group and we had a good time together.
Granted that with only 5 girls in the class that would be difficult to do BUT if your daughter wants to stick it out I advise you to listen to her. She apparently is aware of her value and praise God for that !
We learn a very important lesson with this study today. That it is always wrong to lie to God. We should all avoid it, even avoid telling white lies to God. God is our father, and He deserves truth and respect from us. Furthermore, we shouldn’t treat God like someone we can fool. He knows all of us! Instead of lying, we should embrace the truth, and embrace that we don’t need to put on a mask to come to God. We should always come to God as honestly as we know how
Thanks Deepak for sharing the link to hymns. Congregations started singing together during the time of Acts. I listen to Albert Mohler podcasts and he said today is the 20th anniversary of the song “ In Christ Alone”. The Presbyterians wanted to change a verse in their hymnals from The Wrath of God was satisfied to The Love of God is magnified but the writers didn’t agree and used their copyright to preserve the words. The writers of the song said Jesus didn’t die for the love of God, He died to save us from our sins. Praying for everyone and adding requests to my prayer list. Peaceful blessings to all.
God’s reaction to this couple’s sin has always seemed drastic. I think maybe God was trying to make an example out of them.
So true
Sadly I can’t remember who commented this, but it spoke volumes. The power of a lie, the punishment of a lie. I hate lying and always have. There is no need for it. Have I done it, yes. My son went to a Christian school and I saw the influence of money. Those who gave a lot, got more. It was such a mistake on the schools part. We all recognized it. It was not christian behavior from the leaders. I struggled with this in the school and church. I had to finally tell myself, they are human. Just as I am and I make mistakes. The key is recognizing them and not continuing to make the same one over and over. I do believe the church needs to be careful. They need to be held accountable or the christian church could collapse. I pray that we all seek Him first. God’s approval over the approval of others.
I really appreciated the devotional and the comments today! This story always used to petrify me, making me wonder if I was giving enough. I can now see it’s not the amount, but the heart attitude of Ananias and Sapphira that was the problem. Brooke P I am continuing to pray for you.
Interestingly enough I find the correlation between ananias and sapphira’s “mistake” and the American Church today. There are too many churches out there that aren’t willing to speak the truth and help with all the issues that have been presented at our feet today. Our American churches need to be showing us how to navigate through these difficult times. But many have their heads in the sand unwilling to speak the truth, unwilling to show their people how best to deal with our struggles today. If the American Church doesn’t stand up and stop cowing to the numbers we will fail as Christians in the United states.
Whenever I read through this story in Acts, it makes me sad. Why did they have to lie, why couldn’t they be honest? One lie – yet the consequence was so costly! Their whole future life, gone in a split second because of a foolish decision. Although it’s sad, it is a good reminder that sin has consequences, and that nothing we do is hid from God. Not only are there consequences, but our sin effects those around us. Imagine their families who were left to grieve – maybe they had children, brothers, sisters, parents. When we sin, it’s like throwing a stone in the water – the stone sinks to the bottom but in hitting the water it creates ripples. The ripples of our sin effect those around us and sometimes it spreads far and wide.
Father God, please make me aware of Your ever presence. Help me to always tell the truth, even if it hurts. Let me be a light and example to those around me. Help me to walk in the Spirit so I will now fulfill the lust of the flesh. In Jesus name, Amen.
@Karen – praying for your daughter – how sad that this kind of thing happens even in Christian schools. Praying for you as well – I know your “mom heart” must be breaking.
@Ruth Long – praying you have greater self-control, that you will heed the Holy Spirit and will not be tempted to lie.
@Dorothy – praying for your aunt,cousin, and that God will place just the right book in your hands to help you be motivated and inspired!
Have a blessed weekend my SRT sisters!
Loved this one today, and all the comments from you ladies. I have struggled with white lies for years,often as a coping mechanism to help deal with me chronic pain. To me it seemed easier than saying yet again that my pain was preventing me from living the life I wanted or promised. Father please remind me that just as my money is yours, so is my energy and ability. Help me too be honest with others and with you. Please give me wisdom to see truth and lies as black and white, not gray.
Karen I have two girls, 4th and 2nd grade and we have been homeschooling success the oldest was in kindergarten and experienced severe bullying, even with the teachers approval or so it seemed. Homeschooling is not for everyone but it is doable for almost all families, if they rearrange their priorities. I’d love to help you figure out if it can work for you. Did you speak yet to the other girls families? So many times at that age especially the group think comes on strong and encourages them to act corporately in a very different way than they were raised individually. I know, as a mom, I’d much rather know than not know. I’d suggest speaking to the moms first. Possibly even without telling your daughter until after. I’ll be praying for you both!
Thank you sisters for your encouragement to each other. It is a great motivator to me each day. Praying for you all.
Kara, thank you for such a thought provoking devotion! There’s just so much to take away and really pray about here today.
Sarah Joy: I really connected with your thoughts this morning…thank you for sharing.
Ladies, I am joining with you all in your prayer requests each day. Let us all remember: “ God is our abundant provider!”
Diana Davis. Th best teaching on the Holy Spirit I have found is the book “The Holy Spirit Today” by Dick Iverson. It is well worth your time and money to explain who the Holy Spirit is and the relationship He wishes to have with you through Scripture.
Karen, praying for your daughter right now. I work at a school. And this is something I do not like to see. I don’t see it often at our school but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I had a student in my youth group small group who also feels alone at her big high school. My mothers heart aches with yours Karen. Praying for you sister. Praying for your daughter.
I have often wondered when I read about this why did it matter what they gave, but after reading this I understand now. They promised to give all the proceeds. All of it. But the fact that they held back and some for themselves was deceitful. They cared more about looking “good“ in front of others. I pray and seek my God, that I will always check my motives before doing something or making promises. Couple of days ago my son and I were having a conversation about promises. He said he doesn’t like to make promises because he fears not being able to keep them. But I reminded him that we are human and if he’s ever in the place where he cannot keep a promise, then he needs to be honest and let that person or persons know right away. I’m sure they would understand.
Kara’s question, “Are we seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and obeying Him, or do we seek the approval of others first?” isn’t that hard because I know that sometimes I’m devoted to God and Christ and other times the approval of others. I would like to say more often towards God and Christ but I know that it is the other way. Recently though I have been trying to change it. I have been watching less TV and spending less time on social media and more time either in the Word or reading Christian books that will help me.
By the way does anyone no of any good, if possible Christian based, motivational books — ones that will help motivate me to do the things I need to (clean and organize my apartment, work on my CEUs, etc.).
Thank you to all those praying for me and my family. Please continue to pray for my aunt and cousin.
Sisters, I have rambled enough, be blessed with the glorious Holy Spirit and spread the wonderful and great news of Christ our Savior. Halleluiah!!!!
I feel humbled by this morning’. I read the verses and my heart turned to judgement. Why would they lie over giving to the Lord? How could they ignore the Holy Spirit in this? Then, I read the devotional… But God, in his gentleness, nudged me out of that frame of mind by pointing out the millionth time my mind has wandered from a five minute devotional toward something that needs to be done in my day or bought. He reminded me of the materialistic mindset I often have. I cannot serve two masters and need to allow the discipline to push me towards the Father who loves me rather than the lies of the world. I am praying for all the prayer requests here.
Really very informative, meaningful and useful article thank you for sharing will try to implement the same. Good for all age groups now a days to learn such innovative and motivational thoughts.
Much to ponder this morning. What really struck me was that they lied to look good to the people, friends family. They could have gone and honored God and said we sold it for 1,000 here is 500 for the church, but instead they wanted to look good and said they were giving all. Compare this to the woman who has two coins to her name and humbly gives it all to the offering. Lord God, help me to be obedient in giving with a humble and thankful heart. For truly You are my Abundant provider and nothing I have is not from your hand. Sisters, I confess I have believed in my past that money might save me or my loved ones, but God has shown me time and again this was an idol that I put above God, the only Way is Jesus, He is my riches, my salvation, my lifeline . So thankful. Praying for your requsts and His love over you Sisters. Know in the things you are facing, He is faithful, see Him healing, providing, fighting, changing things. He is faithful!
This passage is so interesting- it always confused me in the past but today it seemed a lot clearer thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t that they didn’t give “enough”, it was that they LIED and TESTED the Holy Spirit by holding back.
It sounds so familiar with present day American Christianity- a lot of people want to “look” like Christians by going through all the motions at church & tithing… but their hearts aren’t all in. They want to be part of the group but won’t 100% commit. Sounds very familiar with our culture!! People pleasing is something I fall into so easily so this hit home with me.
May God keep our hearts & motives pure so we can please Him more and more!
That was such an interesting observation about looking good for the church but holding back part of something promised in it’s entirety. I know I’ve lied a lot in life, and sometimes, it does not feel voluntary. I want to break it but when it’s halfway through my lips it’s too late. Could someone pray for me? For greater self control and less fear of telling the truth?
This devotional really got me thinking. Where have I prioritized people’s praise over God’s? As I have wrestled with people pleasing for years, I need the Holy Spirit to continually illuminate those areas where I’m looking to others for my worth instead of standing in my daughter of the King status.
KAREN – that’s so hard. Girl drama is heartbreaking.
Ahh, sorry for the multiple posts! I didn’t realize that was happening every time I hit the enter button lol. Anyway, I just wanted to say that God pointed out to me using that verse that the apostles were devoted to prayer. He’s been speaking to me about my prayer life for some time now, and I fear that this is an area I may be deceiving myself about. I want to be more intentional about spending time in prayer, seeking the Lord and interceding for others.
The devotional encourages us to ask ourselves what we’re truly devoted to. As I was praying about this, a verse that we read at the beginning of this week came to my mind:
“All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.”
- Acts 1:14 ESV
The devotional encourages us to ask ourselves what we’re truly devoted to. As I was praying about this, a verse that we read at the beginning of this week came to my mind:
Karen, lifting prayers for you and your sweet daughter..Praying that God would give you wisdom, clarity and discernment in the situation at her school.
Holy Spirit please guide me. Amen
Long time reader, although only occasional post. Please pray for my daughter who’s in a toxic environment at school. She goes to a small Christian school and there are only 5 girls in her class. She’s being ostracized, always the one left out. It’s her 8th grade year and she wants to stick it out, although I’m contemplating pulling her from the situation. Unfortunately there are no other clear options. She is a quiet, sweet, smart, mature girl (the others are quite immature for their age). It’s breaking this mama’s heart to see her hurt so much.
I am definitely not an expert, so hopefully some more people chime in here also. But I think it’s just a re-filling in the sense that they had been pouring out, and the Holy Spirit was re-filling and re-strengthening them to go out and continue doing God’s work.
Diana Davis – I think “filled with the Holy Spirit” reflects the source of the power to do what is happening. The Spirit is a permanent resident but His influence ebbs and flows as we access His power to live. Kinda like the electricity at a switch…it is always there but until the switch is in the “on” position the “juice” is not flowing to power the lamp.
I think this is a good explanation to your question: https://www.compellingtruth.org/filled-Holy-Spirit.html
This makes me think, “Have I truly surrendered EVERY aspect of of life to the Lord?” Am I holding back or lying while pretending to be fully devoted to God. Praying that I would see and repent of any part of me that wants to cling to earthly things.
I have a question or thought. Throughout the readings this week I saw the phrase, “then they where filled with the Holy Spirit.” I thought once we received it we always have it. This seemed like it comes and goes. Are we refilled at times? Does He come and go? Is it different now than it was then?
In seasons of good and seasons of bad, I want to keep God first. When God made it evidently clear I should be in Delaware for this season, I truly had no choice but to surrender because all of MY plans for myself had fallen through. Now as I potentially enter into a relationship with someone who loves Jesus (finally lol), and this is something I’ve prayed and longed for, I STILL want to keep God first. I want to live open-handed (Deuteronomy 15:8) with my money, my relationships, my life. The Lord has blessed me with a great job that I love but I so easily stress about my student loans, paying rent, and still enjoying life. I remember a few months ago when I was really stressing out about how I was EVER going to pay off my student loans I heard God whisper to me “Taylor, your money isn’t really YOURS in the first place. It’s mine. Trust me.” WOW. I pray that in every season I/we will seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and obey Him, because the Lord’s will is SO much better than any plans we have for ourselves.
Also thank you SO much for all your prayers about my arm pain and my (hopefully) new relationship :) Your prayers mean so much to me <3 Lifting up all the prayer requests mentioned! I hope everyone has a blessed fall weekend!
I think this is what I’m so struck by. It’s not that they kept the money. It’s that they promised it all for the praise/approval of others then lied and kept some of the proceeds back. How often in church or even school fundraisers or whatever do we see that person who gives mainly to have their name proudly displayed? Giving should have the right motive. None is morally above one not able to give financially. For no one can serve both God & money. I ask for humility in our giving. May we always have the right heart.
Awed by His holiness
Lord please guide me to become more humble like you. To not get caught up in worldly things, but to focus my eyes on you only. Amen.
We should be generous in meeting the needs of others but we must give of what we’re asked and what we promise.
“Our actions mirror and reflect what we value most, casting either shadow or light over our surroundings. So, it’s worth asking ourselves what we’re truly devoted to. Are we seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and obeying Him, or do we seek the approval of others first?”
I will be pondering this today. Lord, show me what I am truly devoted to. Show me where my heart is divided. I want to seek You and You only. I want to see You, God. I want to hear You. I want to follow hard after You and You only.
Have a blessed and wonderful weekend. Next week is my fall break and it couldn’t come at a better time. I love my students but we all need a break from each other.
This story reminds me of the man and his family who were judged when they took spoils from the battle of Jericho. He did not fear God and thought he would be the exception to the need to obey.
From the He Reads Truth devotional today:
“What do we do with this? For starters, we should consider again the holiness of God. If God is holy, if He is all-powerful, if His demand for righteousness could be satisfied only by the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf, then we should fear Him. And if we are prone to forget that God is holy, then it is gracious of God to call our hearts to fear Him. If we are prone to seek glory for ourselves, though God alone is to be glorified in our lives, it is grace to teach our hearts to fear. If we are prone to live as though God isn’t real, it is grace that He should arrest our hearts with a fear of His holy, present power.
The fear of the holiness of God is a gift because God is, in fact, holy and to regard Him as anything less is to miss who He really is. The sober story of Ananias and Sapphira invites us to commune with God as He is—the Holy One who created the heavens and who knows our names. May He give us the freedom of a holy fear.” Russ Ramsey
JESS – so thrilled you perservered and overcame the obstacles to reading. Look forward to “seeing” you here.
Praying for your requests ❤
The power of a lie … the punishment of a lie. Even a so-called white lie causes damage or separation as it is not the truth. Do we think we can do or say anything that God doesn’t know about? This is so convicting to me, even as I now try to think before I speak to make sure it’s the truth and that I haven’t “stretched” the truth (a lie). When I look back at things I’ve consciously lied about/bragged about, it was usually things to make others think of me more highly in some way … Something I did (that I didn’t do), an accomplishment of mine (that I didn’t achieve), an act of kindness (that I maybe intended but never followed through) … Lord, please forgive me and guide my words.
JESS – what great news!
DOROTHY – praying for Aunt Betty!