
Open Your Bible

Luke 15:1-7, Luke 19:1-10, Jeremiah 50:6-7, Jeremiah 50:17-20, Ezekiel 34:11-16, Ephesians 1:7-8

This Is the New Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. As we read, we’ll gain a broader understanding of the redemptive story of Scripture. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. 

What Is Luke? This Gospel was written by Luke, a physician and coworker of the apostle Paul. It is a detailed account of the life and ministry of Jesus. Luke places special emphasis on Jesus’s concern for including social outsiders and seeking the lost. Luke is the longest book in the New Testament and contains many stories and teachings found only in this Gospel.

How Luke Fits Into the Story: Luke’s Gospel has a unique focus on Jesus as a friend of sinners and Savior of the world. In focusing on Jesus as the Son of Man who came to seek and save the lost, this Gospel pays close attention to how Jesus engaged with the marginalized. It also highlights His conversations with the religious leaders of the day, as well as His teachings on the nature of the kingdom of God. Luke shows how the salvation, predicted by Old Testament prophets, has arrived in Jesus and is available to the whole world.

Reflection Questions: 
1. How does Luke 19:1–10 clarify your understanding of Jesus’s mission on earth? 
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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102 thoughts on "Luke"

  1. Buffy Rennie says:

    It’s about restored relationship with God through Jesus who made a way clear. He wants your heart, your mind… you. Redemption is turning away from all that has done you wrong and looking to Him for healing, strength, truth…

  2. Buffy Rennie says:

    Heather, A strong biblically based church with a councilor that you both can reach out to is so very important.

  3. Foster Mama says:

    @ HEATHER HAHN – Thank you for ministering to my own heart; indeed He has not given us a Spirit of fear but, WOW fear can certainly take hold so often (especially when we feel we have “evidence” for why fear / doubt / guilt are the most appropriate things to feel)!! NO!! Lord Jesus, this is not from you. I pray for Heather and her husband as individuals but, mostly as a couple, as a church…Lord, I pray that You would come boldly and powerfully into their relationship, making it stronger than ever before. I pray Lord for Heather, for myself, and all our sisters that we would be patient and peaceful as we wait for you to move what feel like huge mountains. Sweet Jesus, reach and hold us, even when we don’t have the strength to lift our arms to You.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Foster mama I needed this prayer for myself as well!

  4. Becky McGlaunWilsford says:

    I had forgotten, redemption is so personal. I always feel like the focus of redemption is turning away from sin (Which makes me feel ashamed and bad for being led astray), when really the focus should be on this very personal, very loving God who formed me and knows me and loves me so much He came to get me out of a dangerous situation. We are his family. It’s very personal.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Amen Becky! I feel the same way thanks for the reminder !

    2. Claire B says:

      I often feel it is our biggest failure – not seeking repentance and accepting redemption

  5. Heather Hahn says:

    Ladies, if any of you be in prayer for my family, I would greatly appreciate it. My husband and myself are in a very bad place right now. I know Jesus will prevail. I’m trying to not be scared of losing my family but it’s a natural human reaction to have fear. I keep reminding myself God didn’t give us a spirit of fear. The book of fluke is one of my favorite books in the Bible. I’m thankful for today’s reading as I have started to stray away from God a bit. Today’s reading gives me solace in knowing that even though I have I& although things are not going well for my marriage at this time, Heaven’s angels are rejoicing my turning back toward shod more fully. My husband and I have been through so much together. I have put the man through too much. We just need prayers so very much at this time. Thank you for reading this & any prayers made on our behalf. May God bless you all.

    1. Victoria E says:

      Heather Hahn I will be praying for you and your husband. Thankful that you are coming back to a relationship with God!

  6. Chris Swan says:

    Let each of us seek and find just one lost sheep and God and all His kingdom will rejoice and our world will return to God!!

  7. Nads says:

    @ MELANIE – I pray that this trip will be a wonderfully memorable one for you and your family; I pray you will be refreshed and that the pace will be one that works for everyone and your health.

    @ ERB – I’m praying for you to continue to see positive changes in your own health and that God will continue to bless this heart of yours that is thankful for the big & little things.❤️ I pray for your brother with all the thoughts and pain I imagine are a struggle and definitely a tough “distraction” as he works to complete his degree. Praying for Wisdom, Discernment, Direction, GRACE, Understanding, Hope, Peace, Comfort, Rest, Restoration, Healing…I pray a huge prayer for your beautiful parents (my “tea-mates”;) ) that God would give them strength, hope, and overwhelming blessings as they support their two kids. Hugs!

    1. Victoria E says:


  8. Anna Cyr says:
