Love Displayed

Open Your Bible

John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, 1 John 4:9-10, John 13:1-17, John 15:9-17, 1 John 3:1

Scripture Reading: John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, 1 John 4:9-10, John 13:1-17, John 15:9-17, 1 John 3:1

John 3:16 is one of the first verses we use to memorize the gospel in a few words. God loved the world. God gave His Son. We believe and have eternal life. But under the surface, there’s so much more than a simple evangelistic message. Tucked into this translation are three words that gave this well-worn verse a new shade of meaning for me: “For God loved the world in this way…” A version of these words show up again in one of John’s future letters: “God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his one and only Son into the world so that we might live through him” (1John 4:9).

“In this way.” Not just about what God did to love the world, but how. Tradition says both books were penned by John, a close disciple and beloved friend of Jesus. It makes sense that someone who so deeply loved and walked with Jesus would see God’s love not as an idea to agree with but as an active way of life. God loved this world through giving His Son—giving Himself—for a vibrant, eternal, flourishing life that His people can live out now. Following Jesus is an invitation to do just that.

The gospels are filled with stories of Jesus actively demonstrating love. He saw people for who they were, He slowed down, He asked questions, and He defended the disregarded and overlooked. His final teachings to His disciples were some of His most direct. At the Last Supper, He knelt on the floor to wash His friends’ feet, despite their protests and embarrassment. What they didn’t realize at first is that this wasn’t an act of humiliation but of invitation. “…if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you (John 13:14–15).

This is love: to not consider yourself too good to serve others and to give what you have for the life of the world. It is patience and kindness, not self-seeking, always enduring and never ending (1Corinthians 13:4–8). Days before dying by crucifixion, Jesus taught His disciples that “No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) We might hear that verse and think of literally dying for another. But what if laying down our lives looks a little more mundane, something closer to kneeling on a dirty floor to wash someone’s feet?

In the days ahead, let’s not move too quickly past the generosity and love we shared on Christmas. It could begin with reaching out to someone who had a lonely Christmas or taking a moment to really see the exhausted employee bagging your groceries at the store. Where might God invite you to offer your time, your energy, your resources, or your prayers for the life of the world around you?

Written by Jen Yokel

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127 thoughts on "Love Displayed"

  1. Portia Strange says:


  2. Nicole Powell says:

    Thank you God for showing me and allowing me to love like you

  3. Wanda Woehlert says:

    Thank you Jesus, for showing me what true love really means. ❤️

  4. Lolly Regan says:

    Lord help me to see the one you desire me to love on ❤️

  5. Kristen Lowery says:

    Thank you Father for your love

  6. Karen Breaux says:


  7. Jessica Thomas says:

    God has been calling me to serve for the last few months, I pray that I will find the energy to do this and not grumble. I have been put in a position where I have an opportunity to give back to others but with no visible reward and one already exhausted mummy I need to trust God that I am where he wants me to be. To show others love today and patience in the hope that they take that love and pass it on. The rewards may not be seen by me but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist!

  8. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    Gift giving @ Christmas…
    It is complicated.
    Is it displaying Love?
    Or …
    Making impressions?
    Grabbing attention?
    Satisfying urges?
    Looking for reciprocity?
    Searching for validation?
    Buying affection?
    I’ve been thinking about these things as I overspend & underestimate. Compare & calculate.
    Dear God, help me to comprehend & act according to Your definition of Love.
    Beyond my singular self & limited understanding. There is a neediness that transcends a season. Help me to see the truth as clearly as I might, in these days.
    Glory be to the Father & to the Son.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:


  9. Gwineth52 says:

    Amen to you, Dear Sam D.
    And Amen to Kris.
    Love comes in many
    forms & fashions;
    places & postures.
    But yet, it comes.

  10. Charity Harris says:


  11. Kristie Sump says:

    It was so good to see all of the love verses compiled. Love is clearly so much more than just an emotion. It is intentional, and sacrificial. In my busy life, I need to be willing to love even when it is not convenient or easy. I need to be quick to respond when God prompts my heart to serve someone in need.

  12. Sam D says:

    As a mom of a toddler who lives on the opposite side of the country from any support system and a husband who is frequently gone, my ‘love’ can easily become irritable or envious. When will I ever finish a cup of coffee? How many times will I put away this tea set? Will I forever be washing this stinky uniform just to be left alone for weeks again?

    The verses from 1 Corinthians truly convicted me this morning. That is not how my love frequently looks.

    Praying that I take this conviction into action. Praying that I begin believing like John and seeing God’s love “as an active way of life.”

    Done with the right heart and attitude, washing this freshly spilled milk off the floor will be my first step of laying down my life (preferences, attitude, desires) in service of love to my little corner of the world today.

    1. Kris says:

      Don’t let yourself think that “Love” never looks sad or down or lonely or tired or annoyed. You are still doing the right things, even when you don’t want to…. that’s love

      1. Mari V says:

        Agree with Kris! Sam, you are loving right where you are even when it doesn’t feel like it.

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      (heart) Love is for sure raising and caring for your family. I very unappreciated job.

    3. Tina says:

      Sam D, being a mom is a thankless job… in the early days of caring for the little ones.. when you want the best for your child, you WILL bend over backwards for them.. ( God, hang on a cross for us). What I’m saying is .. and still we would fight tooth and nail for our little ones.. we WILL clean up after them, we will take them to the football/ballet no matter how far.. we will, because the underlying factor is love..
      You’ve got this Sam, you really have..
      Blessings, covered in much, much love..❤️

  13. Margaret W. says:

    The John 15 passage really spoke to me today, particularly the reminder that Jesus CHOSE me (v. 16). So often I have felt rejected, unwanted, betrayed, but my Savior CHOSE me for himself! The wonder of that is something I must remind myself of often. ❤️ Also in verse 9, I prefer the older translations which use the word “abide.” It is not used much in modern English, but it conveys much more of a sense of permanence to me—just staying in Jesus’ presence continually. I looked at a few Spanish translations (because I don’t speak Greek or Hebrew ) and found the word PERMANECER. It means what it sounds like: to stay permanently. Most importantly, I noted in v. 11 that Jesus’ purpose in telling us these things is so that we may experience his complete joy. And that is what I want to focus on in the coming year: joy. It is part of the fruit of the Spirit, so it it ours, but we cultivate it by abiding in him. Regardless of how we feel. I need this so much in my life.

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Joy was my first pick of a word of the year 2 years ago…and the word sprung up everywhere and brought me great JOY!

  14. Mari V says:

    The very last part of this devotion, I was JUST thinking about that! I really was! I was thinking about the grocery clerks at Trader Joe’s who ACTUALLY DO bag your groceries as most other stores do not! AND then I read this!! I loved how Jen Yokel pointed out in “how” God loved the world! I also thought of how sweet the disciple John must of been. Love, love love that my, OUR Jesus “sees” us for who “we” are! No matter where we’ve been and who we are, OUR JESUS will ALWAYS love us! NOTHING can separate us from HIM!! My prayer and I will be more conscious that I don’t ever feel like I’m too good to serve others, because I’m not. I’m just as sinful like anyone else! AND if I’m ever found to be like that, I hope someone calls me on it! Right here, here at SHE READS TRUTH, I have found a community where I feel loved and safe and can be myself! I can’t wait to meet you all someday! Happy Friday sweeties! Slept SO much better! Over 7 hours!! PS. The next time I’m in Trader Joe’s I WILL thank them for bagging my groceries!

    1. Danielle B says:

      I look forward to meeting you in heaven Mari V

  15. Brandi Young says:

    I’ve always heard it said “you can’t hate someone you are praying for” this devotion brings to light that maybe it is also “you can’t hurt someone if you are serving them”. Wow

  16. Traci Gendron says:

    This almost gives me anxiety. That normally does not happen reading these verses. But I feel that I can’t be this good. I’m irritable at times. I was trying to read this study today and my husband started emptying the dish washer..very loudly. I couldn’t concentrate. It was irritating. My husbands daughter always irritates me. She changed the entire atmosphere in the house on Christmas Eve. Even my nephew mentioned it. How can I ever love people like Jesus when I don’t even like some of them??? I pray daily that God will change me. That He will soften me.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      Traci, I understand! I was led to read and share 1 John, chapter 1. That helped me this morning. ❤

    2. Rhonda J. says:

      I think we ALL get like that!! On the days my husband is off, my quiet time in the morning is NOT—He is very talkative. And yes, I actually enjoyed my own, quit Christmas, it is just how I like because I used to get so easily annoyed with my in-law gatherings with the alcohol, and ready to leave 30 minutes into it (lol)..SO WE ALL understand!! Thank goodness we are all being “sanctified” when we come to Jesus each day for our daily bread.

    3. Rebecca W says:

      I feel the same way Traci. Jesus help us all.

    4. Tina says:

      Traci, I hear you! I am sitting opposite my older son and right now he’s not my favourite person! I still love him, but his life situation is affecting how I act in my own home!
      Lifting you and yours up in prayer and hopeful God’s love that covers us, will bring a peace even when.. even if..
      BUT GOD..
      Much love, ❤️

    5. Mari V says:

      SWEET Traci!! You, I can tell, are SO kind by the way you comment! I too, as many of us here have felt the way you do. I would get irritable myself of the sound of someone emptying out a dishwasher. This is the main reason, I get up early so I don’t have to talk to ANYONE as I feel it interrupts my quiet time, which is the MOST important part of my day. WE are right here with you. Please don’t allow those negative comments define who you are or your day! We all have those days, its normal. We, I love you VERY much!

    6. Dee Dee says:

      If we are honest, most of us have times like that. I guess that’s because we are human and need His help. I don’t think He expects perfection from us but does probably like to see us growth. I know I can get easily frustrated sometimes with my hubby, myself, my dogs etc and then I can get down and think how I am so bad etc. The thing is, that just gets me thinking about me. If I go to Him and confess my wrongs and ask for His help, I get back on track much more quickly! Thanks for being vulnerable, Traci, I am right there with you!!❤️❤️

    7. Kris says:

      Jesus got irritate with people… and He is perfect love. He got irritated with the disciples when they couldn’t stay awake on a very important night in the garden… He was completely sad when He was betrayed…He was not happy when He was lead to the cross… Being irritated does not mean you don’t love… sometimes it’s because we love that we are irritated with people’s behavior!

    8. R says:

      Boy Traci I know just how you feel! But I want you to know
      how deeply your posts have
      ministered to me over the years I’ve been on this platform! We are human and we are growing day by day! Grab onto the promise
      that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete

      1. Tina says:

        Well said R.. absolutely true!❤️

  17. Nebraska Girl says:

    One Bible Study I attended suggested that we take the word Love in I Cor 13 and replace it with Jesus. Jesus is patient, Jesus is kind, etc. Doing that helps me to remember all the ways Jesus was a role model for us in His earthly life. He continues to be the source of love and the truest form of Love today. +SDG+

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      I like that! TY

    2. Traci Gendron says:

      This is a great idea!

    3. Cee Gee says:

      Great! ❤ Thanks for sharing that exercise!

    4. Adrienne says:

      It was shared with me before that we can put in our name for the word “love” as well. Adrienne is patient. Adrienne is kind.
      Is she?

    5. Tina says:

      That is so good! Thank you, Nebraska girl!❤️

  18. Cheryl Blow says:

    When ready our devotion this morning, I was deeply convicted that I don’t love those closest to me like I should! Praying for forgiveness and a heart to not be so critical but to let God’s love to cover over all! Concentrate on serving, giving more of myself, not being self-seeking, looking to Him for what I need! Putting down the stone and picking up the towel!

    Praying for all!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, amen! So hard not to be self-seeking! I recommend the book “Free of Me,” it was a fabulous study!! I think the author is Sharon Hoodde Miller!

  19. Tanya Evans says:

    I am just thinking out loud. I never read where the disciples were baptized.If they were I missed it. I know foot washing was the grossest, yuckiest, job reserved the least of the house servants.If this were your job, you were the lowest of the low. Jesus was modeling humility.
    It crossed my mind and made me wonder if this was a “type of baptism” into the servant life. Maybe not because John the Immerser (Baptist)actually did immersion.Just wondering if this had a two fold purpose? I am fascinated by ceremonial and ritual cleansings.

  20. Cee Gee says:

    From John MacArthur Study Bible:
    “The righteousness that is credited to the believer’s account is the righteousness of Jesus Christ, God’s Son. …
    As Christ was not a sinner, but was treated as if He were, so believers who have not yet been made righteous (until glorification) are treated as if they were righteous. He bore their sins so that they could bear His righteousness. God treated Him as if He committed believers’ sins, and treats believers as if they did only the righteous deeds of the sinless Son of God.”
    The beautiful passages we read today led me to read and share chapter 1 of 1 John:
    1 We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the Word of life. 2 This one who is life itself was revealed to us, and we have seen him. And now we testify and proclaim to you that he is the one who is eternal life. He was with the Father, and then he was revealed to us.
    3 We proclaim to you what we ourselves have actually seen and heard so that you may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
    4 We are writing these things so that you may fully share our joy.

    Living in the Light
    5 This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you:
    God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all.
    6 So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are not practicing the truth.
    7 But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.

    8 If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth.
    9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
    10 If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts.
    SHES, I pray the truths in this study stay with us through the new year as we seek and serve. It’s so easy to just jump back in the busy-ness pool – daily routine- and forget what we learned in the quiet of this season. Love, hugs, and prayers! Have a blessed last weekend of 2024! ❤ Now off to read your comments!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes!! Amen!! Lord, I want to BE in the light, and share the Light!!! YOU, LORD are light, and in your there IS NO darkness!!

    2. Mari V says:

      Echoing your prayer Cee Gee!

  21. Barb D says:

    In reading this today, I clearly sensed that God wants us to know that the only place that we can find 1 Corinthians 13 love is in Him. Even in the best marriage, aren’t we all sometimes irritable or impatient? Yet, we go through life trying to fill that God-shaped hole in our hearts with anything but Him. I pray that His love would flow through me to others because on my own, my love is so shallow, insufficient, and worldly.

    1. Cee Gee says:

      I thought similarly, Barb, and realized that may be where ‘enduring all things’ comes in! ❤

    2. Gwineth52 says:

      Yes! You’ve captured my thoughts too, Barb D!

    3. Tina says:

      Wonderful insight Barb.. we cannot love as He loves, without Him and His leading..❤️

  22. Kris says:

    This make me think if a calm, disciplined, intentional, slow-but-steady paced life. I don’t think we can love well while hurrying and bustling and scurrying around like crazy-women. Taking a few deep breaths, slowing down our hurried lives, being thoughtful – all of these lean towards a life of loving others better.

    I need this this week. My mother is in her last day(s). My siblings have been called home. We will be sitting around her bed until Jesus comes and escorts her home. But family doesn’t always come with wonderful, loving relationships. So, I need to know that I need to slow my heart rate, slow down my thoughts, take some deep breaths, allow the peace that Jesus already gave me to reign inside of me. I need to “love” my siblings this week. I need patience and kindness. I want to not only have peace but to be peace in this tumultuous week.

    1. Michelle P says:

      Kris, God’s comfort, grace, wisdom and peace to you as you serve Him in this way. Sorry for the pain you are currently suffering.. ❤️ may God be near to you in all ways.

    2. Traci Gendron says:

      Praying for you Kris.

    3. Tanya Evans says:

      May you walk and be sustained in the strength of our ever present God and the Son and his Spirit as you walk through the final days of your mother.

    4. Cee Gee says:

      Echoing our sisters sentiments, Kris. What a tough time for all of you. May God’s Presence be felt in a mighty way and may your mom’s transition be one of peace. ❤ Hugs, sister!

    5. Adrienne says:


    6. Mari V says:

      Oh Kris…praying for you.

    7. Tina says:

      Kris, holding you and yours in prayers as you sit with your mama..
      Praying for your heart to hold tight to Jesus’s peace and His love..
      Holding your hand from afar, dear heart..❤️

  23. Danielle B says:

    I know the focus is love, but what stood out me was John 15:10, 11, specifically 11. In the challenges of this year and growing God has been doing, if I’m honest I lost some of my joy in the recent months and weeks. I needed the reminder that remaining in God’s love and being obedient brings His joy. Ladies, it is so easy to get bogged down in the hard places, But God wants us to look for His blessings in it and find His joy!

    As others have commented Jen’s encouragement to love in the mundane speaks volumes. I’ve read and know at our cores we all want to be seen and known. How can we help people experience that in the simple and mundane ways?

    1. Christy says:


  24. Abby Hope Lancaster says:

    I have a sticker on my water bottle that says “can’t throw stones while washing feet.” During today’s readings, I kept thinking about that simple message in multiple ways. In John’s account of the last supper, it says “and he loved them until the very end.” Judas was seated at that table. Judas was still counted as a disciple. And Jesus loved Judas until the very end, even washing his feet in these final hours. Furthermore, while Jesus is washing the feet of the disciples, I can’t help but wonder if it’s thinking about and praying over these feet as the first carriers of the gospel. Isaiah 52:7 says, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’” Jesus knew his remaining disciples (after Judas’ death) would be the ones to carry His love and message of salvation to the rest of the world. If not for those feet, even our lives would look vastly different. Lord, help us to allow the words of 1 Corinthians 13 permeate our hearts in such a way that we willingly and with joy exchange our stones for towels, and we find ourselves choosing to follow the example laid before us by Jesus to bless and honor and cherish those around us until the very end, no matter the circumstances that we may or may not know.

    1. Cheryl Blow says:


    2. Rhonda J. says:

      Amen and Amen. That is so good Abby! That’s what I feel like going to jail…that I am going to wash their feet, and then I realize mine were first washed by—– the KING himself!! The Lord of Lord washed my dirty, filthy feet! And I am blessed tremendously. Then our ladies start washing feet to those around them, hopefully, they certainly wash mine!

    3. Adrienne says:

      I need a sticker like that!
      So. Good.

    4. Mari V says:

      Love this Abby.

  25. Rhonda J. says:

    The song by Phil Wicham plays now that is so good with today’s lesson “The Jesus Way!” If you curse me, then I will bless you
    If you hurt me, I will forgive
    And if you hate me, then I will love you
    I choose the Jesus way

    If you’re helpless, I will defend you
    And if you’re burdened, I’ll share the weight
    And if you’re hopeless, then let me show you
    There’s hope in the Jesus way

    I follow Jesus
    I follow Jesus
    He wore my sin, I’ll gladly wear His name
    He is the treasure
    He is the answer
    Oh, I choose the Jesus way

    If you strike me, I will embrace you
    And if you chain me, I’ll sing His praise
    And if you kill me, my home is heaven
    For I choose the Jesus way

    I follow Jesus
    I follow Jesus
    He wore my sin, I’ll gladly wear His name
    He is the treasure
    He is the answer
    Oh, I choose the Jesus way

    Simple/complex Love. The Jesus Way.

    1. Mari V says:

      Just queued this, thank you Rhonda!

  26. Rhonda J. says:

    We are so fickle with our love- we love when we are loved, and when people make us feel special and good, yet it can turn so quickly, yes? Our relationships instead of being solid and immovable, it’s like a tug-a-war…where we pull, they pull…and someone keeps falling across that imaginary line that we put there!

    I like when things are smooth, I’m not a conflict person and try to avoid it at all cost. Confrontation—freezes me up. But yet, any long term, real relationships are going to have some skirmishes. And your going to have to learn to communicate in a real and effective way. Letting things fester only make the wound grow, and become infected if not quickly resolved. It is being upfront and sharing your feeling, with love and care with each other, trying to grow and maintain your relationship. Of course the biggest and most challenging is that of a spouse. How many marriages end because the other person isn’t meeting OUR needs? But, I don’t want to go there- I want to share how loving on my jail ladies have showed me a NEW kinda love that overflows my heart. I have developed many friends that have gone on to prison- and I wanted to make sure I reached out on Christmas to tell them I am praying for them and love them, and hope they are hanging in there. I was happy to receive 3 messages back this morning. To see how MY LOVE—JESUS’ LOVE have changed their life and mind shift as they have to be in an awful place like that, truly shows me God’s love, his transformational love. Oh it is a beautiful thing. They don’t get much love- and you may not even feel like they are deserving if they have done something illegal or hurting someone else- yet, I was a sinner too. I was a selfish, lying, thieving, scamming, murder as well. Only God knew some of the things I was doing, in the dark, but somehow the light broke through, and he called me home, and wrapped his arms around me despite myself and dumb decisions. And he wants that for the ladies in jail—and the homeless, our neighbors, our families, EVERYONE!! So let our sacrificial, free-of-us…love spread everywhere we go. Let us start making an effort…reaching out to those that need “Christians” to help them. Join organizations, donate money, shop for the poor, get involved this coming year!! We can’t get neutral or complacent-caught up in our own life. Giving our life to the Lord, means stepping out to give our self tirelessly to furthering his kingdom, not our own! Time is short, love is fickle, we need our Jesus more than ever!

    1. Mari V says:

      I can “hear” your passion Rhonda!! I want to be more like you, BECAUSE, I know WHO you follow!

      1. Tina says:

        Amen.!!!! ❤️

  27. Tami says:

    “If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you.”
    I keep going back to the fact that Jesus is LOVE in ACTION. He showed love to people by his actions. He laid down his life for us! I love what Jen Yokel asked, “what if laying down our lives looks a little more mundane… noticing the needs around us and not moving too quickly past them?” Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours and give me vision to see those around me who are in need of your love. Have a blessed Friday ladies!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, Tami! And oftentimes, it starts with humility.

  28. Aimee D-R says:

    Father help me to love the way You do. I. Jesus name, Amen

  29. Marla Robinson says:

    1 Corinthians 13:12 CSB
    For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, as I am fully known.

    Fully Known and Loved by God❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, a good reminder! Just like in relationships…we only see what we see, good to note. It’s not always about us, often it is not! Sometimes if we knew all the circumstances (seeing fully) we would be embarrassed by our actions and reactions!

    2. Michelle P says:


  30. Erica Chiarelli says:

    How can I serve today?

  31. Jody Striker says:

    ❤️ So good! Thank you, God, for this invitation to love. Help us to be generous in love towards others, as you have been generous towards us.

  32. Kelly (NEO) says:

    On this second day of Christmas, I am thankful that God demonstrated His lovingkindness through Jesus!
    I have house guests so cannot linger here…my mom’s surgery went well. Thanks for the prayers.
    Have a blessed day ladies

    1. Danielle B says:

      Kelly I’m glad to hear your mom’s went well!

    2. Cee Gee says:

      Praise for successful surgery! Thanks for taking the time to update. Enjoy your company!

    3. Adrienne says:


    4. Tina says:

      Kelly, glad to hear moms surgery went well. Hopeful, now recovery is as simple as..
      Much love..❤️

  33. Lori says:

    I am always struck by Jesus’s default – that his first response is love for any person, to any situation. I am so far from that at times! But yet Jesus chose me, He loves me anyway despite my massive inadequacy. Praying that my default response could always by love.

    1. Tami says:

      I love that Lori! Let that be our default too!

  34. Maria B says:

    So many thoughts are coming to me after today’s devotion—thoughts about redefining sacrifice as a simple, humble act of love that reflects the heart of true service. It also brought up deeply personal reflections, like this pivotal moment in my marriage where I feel grief and a need for growth. Scriptures like 1 Corinthians 13, which was read at my wedding, resonate so strongly with me right now. I love how a devotional can bring so much to the surface, even when it feels overwhelming. While we often look to scripture to see how it applies to us, I’m reminded that it’s not always about us—but we can still find solace and guidance in Jesus’ words. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m grateful Jesus is constant, even when we feel lost or in pain.

    1. Carol J Mylin says:


  35. Lisa R says:

    God’s love is beautiful, pure, sacrificial, unimaginable, unthinkable…and it is real!!! He has been showing it to all since the beginning of time and, until I read through the Bible this year, I never understood just how much he really does love us. Even when we go astray; even when we are unlovable; even when we love ourselves more- he is always waiting for us to repent and come back to Him. Praise Him for this and may we all find it within us to show love in His way!

    1. Tina says:

      Much love..❤️

  36. Tara B says:

    With “Am I patient? Am I kind?…etc”, but to be 100% transparent, I usually begin to think of others (one specific) and begin using their name…and not in a righteous way. I am confessing that I am listing their wrongs. Ugh. And that shows my true heart. I know I need to focus on myself and changing my heart. Lord, I confess my cold, unforgiving heart to You when it comes to my estranged husband. I can give excuse and excuse for why I continue to count his wrongs when they can happen weekly, but it is wrong of me. Lord, please change my heart. Turn my heart from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. That is first and foremost. My heart change. So my children and others see You in me. So that my estranged husband sees You in me. I need You, Lord. Humble my heart and spirit. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    1. Lori says:

      Tara, this is so beautiful and honest. We’ve all been there in some way!

    2. Tami says:

      Tara B. I sooooo get this. My heart can be like that to my husband now… and I often pray for God to remove my heart of stone. It is so difficult to do it on my own, I fail daily and then feel discouraged. I’ll be praying for you!

    3. Carol J Mylin says:

      Dear Lord,I thank you for Tara’s humbled heart… I also thank you that you SEE her, and understand where she is… and what she is going through. You also SEE her estranged Husband… and understand what he needs…. my prayer is that you would grant Tara your peace, and wisdom to walk in Your Ways…without condemnation. May she receive healing for the pains of the past( and present) and may she receive good counsel, to help her walk through this pain and emerge strong and healthy for you and your service! Amen

      1. Dee Dee says:


      2. Tina says:


    4. Rhonda J. says:

      I do that too. :( Lord, help us to be humble and look at ourselves, and keep trying to be more like you! Amen

    5. Barb D says:

      Oh, Tara, isn’t loving so hard sometimes? Have you ever read Lyssa Terkeurst’s book FORGIVING WHAT YOU CAN’T FORGET? It really gets to the heart of the type of love you are seeking to live out. Praying for you, sister!

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        I was just recommended that book by my pastor as maybe the book for my small group. It seemed a lot to tackle though!! But I do want to read it!

    6. Cheryl Blow says:

      Tara, thanks for your honesty! As I read this today, I was convicted for how I’m more critical for my family instead of loving them! I am praying with you!

    7. Cee Gee says:

      Tara, a favorite verse that helps me a lot in my similar thoughts:
      Ezekiel 36:26
      And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.NLT

  37. Tara B says:

    So often, I want to re-write 1 Corinthians 13

  38. Vicki M says:

    The NIV version of 1John 3:1 says: ‘See what great love the Father has LAVISHED on us, that we should be called children of God.’ I so love that word ‘lavish’! It speaks to me of the richness of God’s love – generous, abundant, extravagant love! The love that gave us His only Son to die in exchange for our sins and the same love that continues to be lavished on us daily as we seek to try to imitate that love to others, in my case, oh so imperfectly. Father, help me to glorify you in reflecting your abundant love by reaching out to others with kindness, patience and love. Amen

    1. Danielle B says:

      Lavished is such a good word and always stands out to me too!

    2. Barb D says:

      I love that translation, too, Vicki! Something about the word “lavished” really helps me to sense how extraordinary God’s love is.

    3. Tanya Evans says:

      Lavish to me is like frosting a cake and not holding back on the icing!

      1. Rhonda J. says:


  39. Ash Daniel says:


  40. Tina says:

    I LOVE 1 Corinthians 13! Absolutely LOVE it! It really does point is to the example and display of love as should be!
    I think of love in these days and my heart hurts a little, not because it doesn’t exist, but because it is so watered down, or to each individual, the meaning is what they believe it to be. You just have to sneeze in the wrong direction and a war could break out!
    Love is a four letter word that is and can be costly, on many levels. It is no more patient than it is kind when life does not go according to the plan of one’s heart desires! Love in our 21st century living, can be, and often is envious, comparing what we have to the ‘Smith’s down the road! And oh how arrogant and rude, when self seeking rears it’s ugly head.. Being irritable seems to come with the territory of love, in these modern days.., No patience and time for others..
    Don’t get me started on the ‘recording of the wrongs.. That list, oh that list..
    BUT GOD..
    Instead of losing patience, with us, or holding us accountable in our cranky, unkind, self centred, arrogant, boastful, rude, self seeking, recorders of wrong, He is kind to us. He continues to LOVE us!
    Instead of remembering our wrongs.. He sends His Son, via virgin birth, to show us what Love looks like in His grown years.. What being a brother or a sister to another should look like.
    His love for us is deeper than deeeep, and it covers our dirty traits, Thank you Lord God!
    His love is a cleanser, not just for our souls, but our filthy minds, hearts and beings!
    WHEN we have experienced God’s love, truly experienced His love, in ways we cannot fathom, it is then, that we can move towards true meaning.. And the ability to display love to another without any ill, and as we receive it from our Father God..
    When we have Faith, in the Father God, and Hope is our favourite word, because we KNOW, and love, is all we can feel when things aren’t perfect, we can rejoice in the truth of a loving God, who came in love to save us, through His beautiful display of love in His actions and on the cross.
    Happy Friday dear ones!
    Much love, as always,
    Tina ❤

    1. Karen Elizabeth says:

      This is so beautifully written. Thank you ❤️

    2. Vicki M says:

      Thank you Tina. Just beautiful! ❤

    3. Nancy says:

      Tina, thank you for your words of inspiration!

    4. Tara B says:

      Beautifully and Truthfully written, Tina! Your words are right on the nose. Thank you for sharing.

    5. Indiana Christina says:

      What a beautiful addition to this devotional, Tina. It really hit the nail on the head.

      It’s in truly embracing and understanding the generosity of God’s love for us deep in our bones that we can be conduits of that love and display it to others.

    6. Jen F says:

      Thank you Tina ❤️.

    7. Maria B says:

      Oh Tina, sister, the way your words always speak to us. But I caught my breath when you mentioned the “recording of the wrongs.” Phew— that list that tends to imprint inside us and festers without us realizing it. Thank you for always being so eloquent in your words.

    8. Carol J Mylin says:

      Dear Tina…PLEASE Write That Book!! Surely there is an editor out there who could take your beautiful writings and help you present an amazing treasure to this world! I’m serious! ♥️

    9. Susan Richardson says:


    10. Barb D says:

      I am so grateful for your insights, Tina! ❤️

    11. Danielle B says:

      Lord thank you for covering our dirty traits!

    12. Cheryl Blow says:

      Amen! Your insight is always a blessing!

    13. Cee Gee says:

      Tina, this is so beautiful and FULL, I am going to have to read it several times! Beautifully expressed my sister across the pond! Hugs and love on the wing! ❤

    14. Mari V says:

      Love you sweet Tina!! Thank you for being SO real!! Sending you a “tight” squeeze across the pond!

    15. Denise N says:

      Thank you for this insight Tina. It’s speaking to me personally. I’m struggling to love my mom, just from a tumultuous childhood and continuing into adulthood. Now she has early onset dementia. I know she isn’t in her right mind, but it’s hard to love her and be patient. My husband is such a blessing to me because he is so good with her. But I feel guilt because I am her daughter. So I need to show her love how Jesus shows me every minute of my life. Again, thank you for sharing this.

  41. Aubree McElreath says:

    I love the verses in 1 Corinthians 13! They give such a clear picture of faith, hope, and love!

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:
