
Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 4:31-38, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Galatians 5:6, Galatians 5:13-14, 1 John 4:7-21

Of all the aspects of the fruit of the Spirit, love feels like the most universal and, somehow, the most elusive. If you’ve ever tried to explain what it’s like, you know what I mean. Love can feel like analyzing every word of every conversation between meeting someone and confessing your feelings. It can feel like the comfortable silence of deep friendship. It can feel like filling your Instagram feed with pictures of a new baby, or late-night scrolling through photographic memories of a faraway friend. We write songs about it, cry while watching movies that try to portray it, maybe even try to deny it, declaring it a lie when our hearts are broken. 

But Scripture tells us that the true definition of love is found in who God is. In fact, it’s one of the surest things we can know about God, a virtue greater than even faith and hope (1Corinthians 13:13). Scripture tells us “God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him” (1John 4:16). 

The famous “love chapter” of 1 Corinthians 13 outlines many attributes of this love: patience, kindness, not insisting on its own way, rejoicing in truth, hoping and enduring everything. Enduring wars and disease and hatred. Outlasting empires and buildings and movements. In this litany of love’s attributes, I see the face of God. I hear God’s invitation to make ourselves at home in this love and let it transform us through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

This sort of love is nonsensical, if you think about it. It isn’t a vague, obligatory love for people who are like you, and it goes beyond the bonds of family, friends, or spouse. This love extends the circle wider and wider, transcending rational thought about who is worthy of love; it persists no matter what and in any circumstance, without condition.

The apostle Paul said, “The whole law is fulfilled in one statement: Love your neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:14). What could that look like today, as we imitate Christ to seek the welfare of our neighbors? When we make ourselves at home in God’s transformative love, we are changed. We are empowered to join God in repairing the world, to press on and show our neighbors what we value and to whom we belong.

“You were called to be free, brothers and sisters; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love” (Galatians 5:13). May it be so in us, the Holy Spirit growing love in our hearts for the flourishing of our families, our neighbors, and all of creation.

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122 thoughts on "Love"

  1. Nicole Brink says:


  2. Cara Bruinius says:

    You are not alone at all. the leading when I should have been left.the love when I could not see be..

  3. Helena Dacenay says:

    This scripture really spoke to me about how partial the world is, even the “good” (knowledge, prophecies, service, etc.) Without love it is NOTHING and none of it is perfect. Only Christ is. And when he returns it will all end. The pandemic, social injustices, political upset- we must be christ to the world through love and compassion ❤

  4. Jessica Scott says:

    I keep hearing “love is love” from the world. And I think, what the heck does that mean??? I like how I can go to the Bible and get the truth about love. I will keep my eyes on the truth rather than the world’s definitions. They are flimsy and not the truth.

  5. Michelle M says:

    Nhu I loved that suggestion as well….while inserting it revealed to me that despite what happens in my life or what I do Jesus loves me even when I feel like he doesn’t.

  6. Kammy Walker says:

    Agape love. ❤️

  7. Chrissy Hughes says:

    This reminds me of a few songs that have really helped me lately as I have been dealing with fear and anxiety. They have been a great reminder of God’s love casting our fear.
    – Antoine Bradford “Trust in You”
    – Ross King “Things I am Afraid Of”

  8. Nhu says:

    This is a fully packed lesson. Love is ACTION, love is full of good deeds out of the attribute of Love. Thank you Churchmouse and Erin for the suggestions to insert our name, Jesus name into the word “Love” in the love chapter. When I do this, lots of things shockingly jump out and it reveals the areas I need to work on. I am so thankful of the insights everyone shares. Thank you Jesus that you first loved me, and find me worthy to pursue me all this time from the darkness, that now I can be transformed by Your Great Love. I was lost until Love came down from Heavens and Love died for me. Love has called me to be His, and Love has dwelled within me. Love has called me His Own. And Love lives through me.