Lost and Found

Open Your Bible

Luke 15:1-32

In this study of the Parables of Jesus, we are reading many of the stories Jesus used to teach hearers about how to live as His followers. Each day we’ll read parables in their immediate context, focusing on a different category of parables each week. Then we will work through a series of questions to understand the meaning of the text and take to heart the “secrets of the kingdom.”

Editor’s Note: In this Parables study, Jesus Himself is telling us stories—stories He wants us to reflect on and process. Rather than asking our writers to write their own stories about Jesus’ stories, we thought it would serve you and the text better to provide questions to help you dig into the meaning of each day’s parable. If you find a parable or passage particularly confusing, stop and pray. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you in His Word, and thank Him that we can know Him without knowing all the answers to our questions.


Week 2: Parables about Repentance and Grace

Stories about other people often reveal things to us about ourselves. This week’s selection of parables all deal with themes of repentance and grace, and in them we see that Jesus meant for His parables to stir the hearts of His hearers. As you read, let these parables serve as a kind of mirror, and ask what Jesus is showing you that you might not have otherwise seen. Use the questions below to help.


Day 8 Reading: Luke 15:1-32


1. In the parable of the lost son, what are the younger son’s problems? What does he fail to see? In what ways is the older son also lost?

2. What is the outcome of the story for the younger son? For the older son? What is the father’s role in this story?

3. What is the central point of this parable?

4. What is your response to this parable?


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81 thoughts on "Lost and Found"

  1. Ellien says:

    Jesus rejoiced the day I repented and was no longer lost. I am so very grateful!!!

  2. Amie says:

    This parable is a wonderful example of how all are equal in God’s eyes. All sin, all his people-equal. Just because the older son has been more righteous than the younger son does not mean God will bestow MORE blessings and favor on him than his wayward brother. All the blessings and favor the older son received also waits for the wayward son when he returns, despite his sin. This also is a “get woke” parable to teach us not to be good because we get better things from God, because those who are bad also receive the good and better things. Instead we should be good because we love our father and our fellow wayward brother and want to serve them and make sure our wayward brothers receive equal amount of God’s blessing and favor and are saved in his name. This parable definitely took on new meaning for me today, thank you God The father that we are all equal despite our sin because you died on the cross to appease it!

  3. Veronica crump says:

    For the younger son he fails to see that nothing he has done can separate him from his fathers love.The lord only wants for us to repent and return to him.For the older son he fails to see that salvation is for the righteous and the unrighteous.The outcome for the younger son is that he is forgiven and for the older son he is reassured of his fathers commitment to him.The role of the father is to love all of his children equally.
    The central point of the story is the commitment and faithfulness of our lord.

    The lord is faithful to those who repent and believe on him no sin is too great for his Devine mercy give god glory.

  4. Jennifer Peck says:

    “I will arise and go to my father”. Luke 15:18

    The parable of the prodigal son is the story of the father heart of God. This is illustrated in the actions of the father but also implied through the actions of the son. Once the son had finally hit rock bottom and reviewed his options he chose to “arise and ago to my father”. This is a significant indicator that the son knew the heart of this father, that even at his most desperate and lowest point- his father would receive him. The son had yet to repent and be received but he took the first and most important step which was to go to his father. In contrast, the older brother “was angry and would not go in”. (Luke 15:28). My prayer is for my default setting to be to arise and go to my father.

  5. Cori says:

    “You are always with me, and everything I have is yours.” v. 31

  6. Allison Joy says:

    I had always thought it odd that the older son found out about his younger brother’s return when he heard the party and inquired of a hired hand. I always wondered why he didn’t know sooner. But then I thought about it. The rest of this is pure conjecture. Perhaps these two brothers have always had a contentious relationship, so the father knew that no good would come from telling the older son. Perhaps their relationship was so broken before the younger son left that nothing would be able to mend it, even had the youngest not left. Just an interesting thought, and a reminder to try to see the best in everyone so relationships are ruined for life.

  7. Kim says:

    I have heard this parable all my life, and have always looked at it from the 2 brothers point of view. But , today it touched me differently. I was brought up in the church and came to know God at an early age. Always reading my Bible and doing my best to follow God in all the peaks and valleys of life. I have failed as many times as I have succeeded, but God continues to offer me grace and forgiveness. I am the “good son.”

    But, I have stood in the pew of a small town church. I have watched as someone with a bad reputation went to the front to seek God. Someone asking for that same grace and forgiveness. The thoughts in my head were not of joy for a lost sheep returning. No, they were hateful judgmental thoughts. How could that person show their face after what they did? Yes, I would deny the very same mercy that God gave me. I would judge the “prodigal son” and deny God his lost sheep.

    But for the grace of God go I. Thank you God for the mercy and grace given to us all. Help me Lord as I mature in my life and my walk with you. Help me to always remember the love and compassion you have for me is to be shared with all those I encounter.

    1. Shauna says:

      Wow, so true. How many times have I had to chase those thoughts out of my head!

    2. Moriah Steiner says:

      Thank you for sharing this. I too can relate!

    3. Kayla Martin says:

      I can relate as well to being so judgemental. Thank you for sharing. My prayer as well as our God continues to change us to be more like him all for his glory.
      I’m struggling a bit tonight with physical aliments, crying out to God to heal me and dissolve the pain. I do want to have Joy! And be thankful for his grace. Continual grace. I know I let pain dampen my joy and worry about pain and lack of healing cripple me. Prayers appreciated.

  8. Becky says:

    The part of this parable that spoke to me today is celebration. The older son is also lost, because he fails to see that he ALREADY has his fathers kingdom. Celebrate! All I have is yours! We can celebrate every day. Enjoy! As an “older brother” Christian, I am far too serious and hard working with far too little peace and joy. If I live in celebration (PEACE +JOY), others will see it, and I WILL be a better representation God. Hallowed by Your name in our world today, Father!

    1. Irina says:

      Thank you, Becky! So true! If I would live in celebration of my Father’s Peace and Joy He abundantly wants to provide me with…

    2. Kayla Martin says:

      Love this! Yes Peace and Joy! I need to remember to celebrate always