Looking Forward!

Okay, friends. Here we are again. We’ve come to the end of another book of the Bible and are preparing to step into the next. Are you ready?

Before we do, can we just say again what a privilege it is to read through God’s word with you? As leaders, writers, editors and community leaders, we want you to know that we are very much in this with you. We are reading along and learning with you and from you, and it is just amazing. Thank you for sharing your time and prayers and insights with us. God is around and among you, and it is a beautiful thing.So, next stop? Why it’s 2 Peter, of course!

Many of you have said how 1 Peter touched your hearts and challenged you, and our prayer is that 2 Peter does the same. It is a short book – only 3 chapters which we will cover in 8 days – but it is so full of wisdom and truth. We hope you will find the Lord there in Peter’s words.

Also, can I let you in on a little secret? We have big things planned for the summer, you guys. Big. And we are SO VERY EXCITED. All caps excited.

The first big thing? A four-part study on Women of the Bible. Over the course of the summer, you will be introduced to over 30 — thirty! — amazing women from the Old and New Testaments. We will catch glimpses of the gospel story within their stories on this whirlwind Bible tour, and it’s going to be super fun. (This will kick-off Monday, July 8 – we’ll be doing a little change-of-pace study between 2 Peter and Women of the Bible.)

The next big thing(s)? Well. We’ll let you SEE (hint, hint) that for yourself here in just a few short weeks. Wheeeee! We can’t wait. ;)

See you back here tomorrow for the start of 2 Peter!


The SheReadsTruth Team
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17 thoughts on "Looking Forward!"

  1. LaurenC_ says:

    I am also so very glad I found SRT last summer. This is such a good, good place! God is here amongst us! I've never before had the discipline or desire, frankly, to commit SO deeply to His Word but by doing so here, my life has changed forever. I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm so honored to be a part of this community and so blessed by the journey I am taking with Christ. I have to say, I honestly assumed the writers & SRT team were already months ahead of us in their study, reading, and writing. Sort of like how a magazine operates, you know? Writing articles in November about spring planting or shooting the cover of the Christmas issue in July. I felt a sense of comfort when I read above that the team is here with us, reading along as we read, even though they've already written, read, and probably re-written and re-read these plans. Oftentimes I've participated in a Bible study where the leader held herself/himself to a higher standard in a way – all knowledgable and not needing to read and hear God's word like the rest of us taking the study. I feel a true sense of community here at SRT. No pretense, no judgment; just honest women needing to hear and share and learn about God's word. It's such a blessing.

    On a personal note, I want to thank you all once again for your compassion and support over the past several months and especially the last several weeks leading up to my mom's move to a care facility. Monday was the most painful and difficult day I have ever experienced, yet I knew in my heart that mom needed to fully transition into this final stage of her disease. It was surreal to experience such grief and peace simultaneously. Each day has gotten better. From what we are hearing, Mom is adjusting quite well to the facility and that has helped to ease my heart. Even though we knew this time was coming, it is still a process of grief and I am taking it one day at a time. I have felt your prayers, sisters. I have been lifted up by them, strengthened by them, calmed by them, and so very comforted by them. I can't adequately explain how truly grateful and blessed I am to know you. Even though it has happened through this MacBook Pro screen, I do feel like you are all the sisters God meant for me to have. The words are so simple but they are from my heart: thank you.


    1. Diana says:

      Hi Lauren, As I was reading the comments from yesterday's devotional I came across your yours. I want to tell you that I was where you are right now with your mom. But I had to put both mom and dad in a facility. It's one of the most heartbreaking experiences out there. They were in assisted living, but then had to be moved the the dementia wing which was even more heartbreaking. When that happened it was very stressful. If you ever need encouragement or if there is anything I can do please let me know. As one friend told me (she had gone thru this with her parents also), this is a journey and the Lord will bring you thru it, just cling to Him. Praying for you.

      1. LaurenC_ says:

        Thank you Diana. You’re so right, it is one of the most heartbreaking moments out there. Today is the Alz Assoc Longest Day. I’m at the beach, one of mom’s favorite places. It’s now a place where I can feel closest to her, walking & looking for shells as we always did. A beautiful, peaceful remembrance. Bless you & thank you for checking in with me.

    2. mr. thomas & me says:


      Somehow scrolling through past posts and reading random comments you popped up as someone to read. In January we did the same thing with my dad. His dementia was far past our care-taking abilities, but the move was nothing short of scary, sad, and yet freeing. As a family we knew it was the right thing to do for him and for ourselves (as well as what he'd want us to do), but that doesn't make the relinquishing of "control" -as much as you can be with such a disease- over his care and disease.

      Six months later we are finally starting to adjust to life without him here daily. Visits are important for us and are so hard and so emotional while being a reminder that God is protecting and caring for each of us in the ways we each need. Much prayer has come and will continue to come your way (and Mama's too). As she nears Heaven and restoration may your heart find peace in Him and pieces of her in the little things -like the beach!

      1. LaurenC_ says:

        Thank you for reaching out. Since we moved my mom 10 days ago, I have realized that she was truly stuck between two worlds. When with her family, she saw herself as a wife & mother and connected with us emotionally as family. But she did not truly understand how to function in life anymore living with my dad & having the rest of us in the family come to visit. Now that she lives in the care facility, she is no longer stuck. She is where she needs to be for safety and care (and where my dad needs her to be as he was simply unable to do it anymore) but she is also in a stage of life she finally relates to & can understand. She is at peace and has adjusted remarkably well.

        In the last 10 days I have found myself experiencing fluctuating bouts of grief, especially when I’m on my way to visit her & after I leave, but when I am with her I know a peace that only comes from God. I know that to be true. He has her in the warm embrace of His protective arms and I know we have honored mom and are loving her even more fully by allowing her to leave what we want/need her to be (wife, mother, friend, sister, functioning adult) in order to enter what SHE needs to be. I pray that you & your family will receive this peace in due time; I can find no other explanation than it came to me from The Lord. This time of such painful grief will pass, I know, but even now I can’t help but be grateful for God’s mercy & tender care made evident by how mom has accepted this season of her life. She doesn’t know she’ll never go home again but she doesn’t need to know. Her home awaits her with Jesus, who has promised to wipe away every tear and restore us to joy, giving back these years of sorrow and pain and confusion, plus more than we can imagine. Praying for your father, your family, & you.

  2. Cynthia says:

    Thanks! Looking forward to 2 Peter and Women in the Bible. Since the hint is SEE; I will take a guess that MAYBE you are going to highlight some of the videos posted a few weeks ago…THEN MAYBE NOT. :•\

  3. Jan says:

    I love reading and learning along with you guys and am excited about the women of the bible. Fun! Thanks so much for all your hard work!!

  4. Brittney says:

    I am excited to join back in. Last July, I started She Reads Truth and then found a year-long Bible reading plan through the app. I have been doing that, but I'll finish it in July. First off, thank you for getting me into the habit of daily reading! I NEVER would have imagined I would have the obedience to read the entire Bible! Second, I can't wait to join back in with y'all in July when I finish! :)

  5. onerebelheart says:

    I'm so glad I found She Reads Truth! Sounds like things are just going to get better and better around here!

  6. Candacejo says:

    Bring it on!!!

    Love you guys and appreciate your sacrifice! ♥

  7. Sounds great. I’m looking forward to what God has in store for this community.

  8. mackenzie says:

    Excited to keep reading with this community!