Light of the World, Come

Open Your Bible

John 1:1-5, John 1:9, John 8:12, Genesis 1:1-5, Isaiah 42:5-9, 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Did you know that the moon, as bright and luminous as it is, does not produce its own light? Yes! The moon gets its brightness from the sun. When we observe it glowing in the night sky, we are actually seeing a reflection of the sun’s light. The sun is the original light source for our world and our moon.

The same can be said of God’s people, past and present. Like the moon, we can’t produce any light of our own. Since Adam, every human heart and mind is darkened in its understanding as sin corrupts our nature. We are blind to God’s goodness, like those sitting and perishing in the darkest prison, grasping for light (Isaiah 42:7). I remember what that darkness felt like before Jesus shone the God’s light of love into my heart—how dim life was, how uncertain, frustrating, and hopeless the cycles of sin, brokenness, and glory-seeking made me!

And yet the One who created light came into the world to be a light to us (John 1:9). He testified of Himself, saying, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). He mercifully came to light our path and lead sinners out of darkness into His kingdom of marvelous light. Jesus invites us to simply follow Him as He illuminates the path. 

As the Son is the source of our light, we reflect His brightness. During this season of Christmas lights and decorations, it is good to remember that we are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). We reflect Jesus Christ, the light and life of humankind (2Corinthians 4:5–6). And even as we experience deep valleys and heavy rain clouds of sorrow in this life, we know it will not last forever. Joy comes in the morning. Take comfort, beloved! Because Christ came into this dark world with His glorious light, we have an everlasting and sure hope.

(214) Comments

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214 thoughts on "Light of the World, Come"

  1. Cindy scott says:

    Caitlin I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. We lost my dad, also at the age of 57, also just a few weeks before the holidays. That’s been 20 years ago now. Which is so hard to believe. I actually believe my true walk with Christ BEGAN(!) when Dad died, talk about the ultimate sacrifice a parent makes for their child. Ugh. He died from complications of his cancer treatment and died knowing I knew Christ, even tho I’d lived how I wanted to thru my young adulthood, but on the surface appeared to be super righteous sparing my family and parents all the poor choices I was making. When he died and in those super rough early days and weeks after I was comforted with a few dreams, and signs I’d discover when I was still, or thoughts in the pits of the toughest emotions, or out for a walk in the silence. I knew where Dad was and I could no longer deny the hope and truth of Heaven and God’s promise to us. His quirks and talents and beliefs live on thru me and my siblings, which is also comforting, I continue to live in the way he raised me to make him proud, continue his legacy, and I know Dad knew Christ and I’ll see him again. You’ll hear lots of words offered from people trying to make you feel better. No one knows what to say and no one has the right words. But accept them and lean on those people sharing memories and tears (and one day laughter) with them. XO

  2. Karen Breaux says:

    “I am the light of the world.” My life is warmer and brighter because of my relationship with Jesus.

  3. Addie Brockmeyer says:


  4. Tess B says:


  5. Payton Malone says:


  6. J Bucur says:

    Needed this exact reading today. Thank you

  7. Cassi Price says:

    I needed this. I’m reading this as I can’t sleep in the middle of the night. I often can’t sleep because of worries, but they do look so much better in the morning. I am focused on letting God’s light shine through the darkness in these times of no sleep and worry.

  8. Kelly Cantave says:

    Joy comes in the morning
    Really needed to near this devotion today

  9. alyssa casas says:


  10. Kelsie Rielle says:

    Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

  11. maggie haas says:

    Love this!

  12. Jenea Wells says:

    I don’t know how to answer the pause and reflect questions in the book and I feel stupid.

    Would anyone be willing to share their experiences in seeing Jesus and hopes for th

  13. Kyleigh Kimball says:

    I feel as though the chaos around me can dim so much of my light. But then I pause and focus on the real reason I’m even on this earth and I see it’s all noise compared to what is most important.

  14. Victoria Barela says:

    What incredible encouragement we gain from receiving and being and giving the LIGHT!

  15. Regina Price says:

    Joy comes in the morning ♥️

  16. Caitlin Schlatter says:

    This was a tough read for me. My daddy passed away suddenly two months ago at only 57 and I am still shattered. For the first time ever I am dreading the Christmas holidays because I feel like I have no light at the moment. I know God hasn’t left me and he’s the only thing holding me together, but I still feel so alone and can’t seem to keep my focus on Him. I am just struggling with feeling God near me through all of my grief.

    1. Jo Bradshaw Dobbins says:

      I’m really sorry. I can’t imagine. I don’t know how you feel in particular, but I just wanted to say that I’m praying for you right now that God would comfort you in a special way. I hope you feel His presence with you even now.

    2. Abigail Woodall says:

      Praying for you this holiday season, Caitlin! It’s so difficult to lose a loved one especially around the holidays. May the Lord fill you with love and be your light both in this season and always.

    3. Pam Outt says:

      Praying for you. The pain will never completely leave but with time you will again be able to feel all the love and smile at the memories. Right now let our Lord carry you through and remember He never leaves you.

    4. Amber Bentley says:

      I feel this! My dad passed at 55 in September. It wasn’t sudden but his death paired with what feels like everything else in life going “wrong” have made me feel distant from God. I know he cares. It’s just hard.

  17. Joya Lang says:

    Jesus, the light of the world ❤️

  18. Missy Haussler says:

    “Joy comes in the morning. Take comfort, beloved” I needed that. And I love the illustration of the moon not having a light source in its own. It comes from the “son”

  19. Madison Lyman says:

    We may experience deep baskets, but they are temporary. There is new mercies and comfort from His love. The Light is coming again and He will not fade.

  20. Sofia O’Sullivan says:

    Needed this today! My marriage has had a darkness in it and being reminded that the light of Christ shines through me was exactly what I needed. Showing God’s love & light to my husband this morning through empathy and touch has already lifted a veil on our relationship

  21. Christy Moye says:


  22. odile Godlewski says:


  23. Elise White says:

    Light shines on what darkness tries to hide!!

  24. Kendra Edwards says:


  25. Tania Vallejo says:


  26. Amelia Capilongo says:

    May I remember to shine God’s light it when I see darkness around me.

    1. Kristyn Bryan says:


  27. Gillian Thompson says:

    May I reflect Your brightness, Jesus!

  28. Meggan Haslett-Davidson says:


  29. Venus Glass says:

    Jesus thank you for your light. Let my light shine before men that they may see my good works. Let me glorify the Father today in all my ways.

  30. Lori Smoll says:

    I’m finding it interesting to consider the relationship between light and life. It comes up several times in the readings. Still pondering that.

  31. Munchkin says:

    @KatieGrace You are not weak. You are hurting. Give your hurts to God, so that He can guide you and help you. Also, try to see a counselor who can help you figure out why you are drinking so much and help you give you coping skills. You’ll be in my prayers, and I’m glad you reached out. Please keep us posted.

  32. kaitlyn scott says:


  33. Sarah Simms says:


  34. Brandi Gross says:

    @Katie Grace Praying for you sweet sister. Praying that our Father would comfort you with His grace and peace . Praying today You feel His love in an awesome and powerful way. He makes the way when there seems to be no way! He’s always always with us! Much love!

  35. Ebony Lewis says:


  36. Katie Grace Morton says:

    I need prayer with a struggle of drinking alcohol too much…i am using it to escape and it is hurting me and i feel so weak.

    1. KC Irvin says:

      There is nothing too much for Jesus to help you overcome, his light will always overcome any darkness. ❤️

    2. Jen Behrns says:

      Praying for you!

    3. Leslie Warnick says:

      Katie Grace Morton… I will pray for you! I too struggled… I am now almost 3 years alcohol free! I joined a group called sober sis.. it’s a faith based community and led by a woman of God named Jen Kautch

    4. Gina McCuiston says:

      Praying for you, Katie. ❤️

    5. Teresa Donley says:

      KATIE – I’m praying for God to take the desire for alcohol away from you. My sister is fighting that same battle, wanting to quit, but not finding anything that has worked for her yet. I encourage you to keep looking for a solution that works for you. I pray that you will soon be able to celebrate your sobriety.

    6. Amy EB says:

      If you are looking for resources to help you work through alcohol dependency in a Christian community, you might find help through Celebrate Recovery (

  37. Laura Trupiano says:

    Beautifully written

  38. Trini Duran says:

    His light will continue overcomes the darkness

  39. Lisa Browning says:


  40. Lisa Browning says:


  41. Georgia says:

    Joy comes in the morning, friends ❤️ what a sweet promise from our loving Father

  42. Courtney Baxter says:

    Lord let your light in me shine for all to see! Help me be strong and share this glow with others.

  43. Dina Lozoya says:

    The light can not be hidden!

  44. Mari V says:

    Melanie Smalley, I agree with TRUTH SEEKER. Maybe even if you post the vicinity of your area, I’m sure that someone here at She Reads Truth can help you. By looking at the Time you posted there’s a three hour difference as I’m in the West Coast. I am sure someone in your area can help you locate a church maybe even reach out to She Reads Truth. You have a family here that’s praying for you.

  45. Truth Seeker says:

    Where do you live
    I am sure that there are SRT ladies who could help you find a church
    and a Christian community
    and if not then at least all of us SRT ladies would be able to pray specifically for you to find your church home.
    Lifting up prayers for you now my sister in Christ

  46. Mari V says:

    @ Melanie Smalley, I’m praying for you right now.

  47. Cheryl Karnes says:

    I’m so thankful for God’s light that shines into and through my life. I’ll be in prayer for this group as we seek His face, reflect on His Word, and look forward to His coming again.

  48. Melanie Smalley says:

    Would appreciate prayers-I moved to a new city eight months ago and I’m struggling to find a church and a Christian community. Thank you!

    1. Hannah Elliott says:

      Hi friend! Our church has many small groups across the country. What city are you in? We may be able to help connect you!!

    2. Nancy Reynolds says:

      Praying with you! It’s not easy to move! Good for you to take the first step!

  49. Emma Elliott says:

    Spending today thanking God for being the light in my life. For waking me up today and allowing me to live. This season is so hard for me to slow down, but I’m loving these sweet moments where I can remind myself what it’s all about.

    1. Sue D says:


  50. Adrianne Gehm says:

    Amen thank you Jesus

  51. Shelley Merkley says:

    Great and meaningful message.

  52. Emma Boksan says:

    amen ❤️

  53. Elizabeth Woodall says:


  54. Dianna McFarland says:

    Even when knowing Jesus and talking with Him, listening to Him I still walked a hard long road when I was young. I wanted what Jesus was offering (His Light) but I only wanted it show me easy, comfort, what I thought was fun and good. All these years later (over 50) I am more intentional about my time with Jesus. I am desiring to have Him shine through me, which means being persistent in hard, giving Him glory while worshiping in and thru pain, and being an example of His love to all who around me.

  55. Mikki says:

    Oh to be the light shining the way in hopes that others may see His glory!

  56. Lily Hunter says:


  57. Michelle H says:

    I am reflecting on the dark path of anxiety I struggled with until I accepted Christ. I still have anxiety, but now I also have security that allows me to truly rest and have peace. He has brought light into my life.

    1. Brittany Murrell says:

      I too struggle with Anxiety. I am learning to trust in Christ and seek rest in his truths. It is a hard battle, but I am thankful to have the peace of the Lord in my heart. I know even when my mind tries to take over that my soul can rest in him.

      1. Kayla A says:

        Wow, Brittany, that last line really spoke to me! I even wrote it down. As someone who also battles anxiety, this is such a beautiful thing for me to remember.

  58. Michelle Patire says:

    Yay!! Thank you, Lord! Glad you see the post @Cherrie!!! :)

  59. Kristi says:


  60. Elizabeth Fisher says:

    I pray that I slow down this holiday season and sit with God ❤️

    1. Nancy Reynolds says:

      Amen! And same for me!

  61. Stephanie Cook says:

    This reminded me of a song that Chris Tomlinson has with Brett Young called be the moon.

    Me like the moon that reflects the sun! It’s a wonderful song, go take a listen!

    1. Amy Smith says:


  62. Laura Amadeo says:

    Praise the Lord for His light. Sometimes the darkness can seem so overwhelming but His light is the glimmer of hope in my life.

  63. Cate McCollum says:


  64. Aja Palmer says:

    Lord Jesus, I thank you that there’s no end to Your Light. Thank you for being my/our Eternal SONshine ☀️❤️

  65. Kilee Moore says:


  66. Beth Fraser says:

    Possibly my favourite Advent tradition is having an Advent candle. Every evening sitting enjoying its glow is such a visceral reminder of ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ Gentle, beautiful light. But the challenge is exactly what the devotional note says: remembering that it’s beautiful, inviting, warm, Christ-like light I’m meant to reflect to others…

    1. Michelle H says:

      Love this!

  67. Rhonda J. says:

    @ ECS- Yes, you can see the comments on your laptop at the SRT site, at the bottom of the devotional. As far as leaving a reply to a particular person’s post, I think you have to have the “paid for” SRT app. You can still access it on your phone by website though as well. We just address people by a @ and their name so easy to see.

    @KARRI WEST- Sorry for the loss of your mother, and that your first Christmas without her will be especially hard.

    @Gayle Craik- I’m sure your light is shining! Continued prayers for the cancer to be gone!

  68. Missy Csonka says:

    So grateful for this Advent season. This is my first time actually practicing in this season of hopeful waiting for Christ’s return to us. I have never seen Advent presented this way. It was not a “thing” (not to be disrespectful at all). Am I the only one wiping my tears away as I listened to this podcast for the upcoming week?? Tears of sadness but of Joy too knowing that not all is lost and that I do have hope in Jesus. I really want to reflect on this Christmas season as as I never had before with a grateful and full heart ❤️. Much love and hugs to all my SRT Ladies!

    1. Roberta Underhill says:

      @Missy This is my first time participating in Advent from this perspective. I’ve done Advents every Christmas since my sons were little, but never in a Christian perspective. I’m looking forward to adding this to my holiday season this year.

  69. Mercy says:

    @CHERRIE BREWER: may God shift your focus off the past and what could have been. But gaze on HIM and glorious future ahead. And maybe a comedy show. God is able to make all things new and beautiful in its time. I pray you rejoice. Many Christmas I have spent alone, eating alone, and I signed up for shifts at Xmas night and Xmas day at the convenient store I used to work at… because I had no one, for 4 years. The girl who always worked at xmas. BUT GOD…he brought the smiles of strangers to warm my heart. I came home alone to a student house where everyone left for home. Home alone. I pray God will give you strength, and joy despite circumstances. It was really quiet but I loved it, no chaos or stress…thanks to God changing my perspectives ❤️ bless your dear heart.

  70. Donna Wolcott says:

    Hi Kelly, thanks for asking about my friend, she is in Ukraine now with a medical team but only for a short while. The bigger move will happen after the first of the year. In all the years I’ve known her and in all the countries she goes as a medical missionary, Jesus’s light shines brightly from her. I had a day with some challenges and I’m afraid my light wasn’t shining very brightly. Lord I’m sorry! You are all lights in my life each and every day as you reflect your faith in our Lord and Savior. Thank you.

  71. CHERRIE BREWER says:

    Just saw your message. Thank u so much for your response. I have seen and used the older comment button in the past.
    Thinking about how Cheist’s reflection is seen ro the rest of the world in the midst of pain and grief. Continuing to pray for my ficusvto be on Hik even ad I grieve the lost hopes and dreams. Will look for your request on FB

  72. steph Gutmann says:

    Sometimes, saying “Thank you” to Jesus, for leading me through that darkest season, with His light, hope, and assurance, just feels too small. His light has shone in my heart; I pray it will be the light for others to come to full knowledge of Him too.

  73. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that I would reflect the light of Jesus to those around me. I feel convicted that I am sometimes so wrapped up in my own world, that I forget to really see those around me. I pray that I would see the needs of those around me and try to meet them. ❤️

  74. Jessica Thomas says:

    I once heard (Annie F Downs) that we are the only bible non Christians read, we need God’s light to shine out from us so others may know the love of God themselves. He is our light source! ✨️

    1. Andrea Rooker says:


  75. Devin Mccray says:

    I think it’s such a beautiful thing that in all our brokenness & darkness that Jesus would in turn use it to testify to his glory and allow our pain to reflect his light and grace for us all, through everything. We are just as loved in our pain and struggles as we are in our victories and sometimes it truly blows my mind that Jesus loves me so much even as a sinner that he would die for me so that I can live and not be separated from him.

  76. Teresa Donley says:

    @KRIS my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine how I would react if my daughter told me she was moving to the other side of the world. I know that I would be devastated. I’m praying that God will give you peace in this time, and the assurance that He is with you, and with your son.

  77. Lakechia Smith says:

    We are the light of the world ❤️

  78. Ashleigh H says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for bringing your light to our dark world and in our individual lives with our own stories of your goodness. Help us to cling to that light as we live in our dark world.

    Praying for all the prayer requests mentioned today. My prayer for myself and all of us is that we are intentional in this season of busy to slow down and lift our eyes up as we anticipate Jesus’ return.

  79. Michelle Patire says:

    I am reposting this for Cherrie in hopes she sees this. I posted this morning the same message – WE SEE YOU!

    @Cherrie Brewer- I pray you see this response, today. ❤️ There are many of us responding to you each time you post. You need only go back and click “Older Comments” and to view more messages (this button is located on the top of the little chat box.)
    I have also tried to message you on Facebook to let you know we see you. I pray God gives you wisdom and helps you figure this website out. He can do anything!

  80. Ashley White says:


  81. Teresa Donley says:

    Oh my goodness! 126 comments – lots of ladies reading The Word, and celebrating the Light of the World.
    I loved today’s devotion. The moon has no light of its own, but reflects back the light of the sun. I want my life to be like the moon. I want to reflect the Light of the World so that everyone I meet can see the light that Jesus brings to me, and can bring to them as well.
    There is a Chris Tomlin song that my husband and I heard for the first time in a concert. Its lyrics speak so deeply to me, and help me express that I want to be the moon.

    I Want to be the Moon

    … You’re the Lord of all creation, God, You made me in Your image
    And I’m just a reflection of the love that I’ve been given

    Everybody wants to be somebody
    I wanna be somebody too
    If I’m gonna be known for something
    I wanna be known for You

    … I wanna be the moon, up among the stars
    Fly around the world
    Lighting up the dark at night
    I’m nothing without the Son’s amazing grace
    On everything I do
    If You’re shining on me, I’m shining right back for You
    I wanna be the moon
    Lord, I wanna be the moon for You

    … Yeah, there’s gonna be some cloudy days
    Sometimes, it’s gonna cover up the work You’re doing in me
    But still with every breath I breathe
    … I wanna be the moon (I wanna be the moon)
    Up among the stars (up among the stars)
    Fly around the world (fly around the world)
    Lighting up the dark (lighting up the night)
    I’m nothing without the Son’s amazing grace
    On everything I do
    If You’re shining on me
    I’m shining right back for You
    I wanna be the moon
    (Lord, I wanna be the moon for You)

  82. Keli Miles says:


  83. Meghan Yoder says:

    God, be my guiding light and may I reflect that light to others so they can have You as their guide, too.

  84. Hannah Buck says:

    I love the imagery of us being like the moon and reflecting the Light of Jesus to the world. Such a good way to picture it.

  85. Haley Mosteller says:


  86. Karri West says:

    I am only 28 and lost my mom to a 25 year fight with cancer last December 23rd. The Christmas season was her absolute favorite! All year I have been dreading this time as we come up on the one year anniversary and the pain of not having her with us this year. All the lights, music, cold, darkness subconsciously make it more difficult but I am excited to be extra intentional about spending time with Jesus and relying on him. Thank goodness he is the light of the world and that my mom is celebrating with him this year!

    1. Celeste Austring says:

      I’m 28 too. I’m so sorry you lost your mom. Praying for you and your family as you face this season without her ❤️

  87. Heidi says:

    DEANNA RASCH – so tough… and sounds so unexpected. Remember YOU are not expected to have all the answers or know what to do in the moment. We are all praying for you and your son’s situation. The number one thing you can always know is right, is to love like Jesus… literally. Things we functionally see Him doing over and over – He never cuts us off, He always makes himself available, He sees our difficulty (even when WE are the ones who caused it!) and enters in to love us through it. If your son can know he always has your love, I honestly think that’s so huge. Engage. Pray. Remember that God is not taken back by any of this and He will 100% guide your heart…

    1. Deanna Rasch says:

      YES. Thank you! Such wise and kind words

  88. Donna Mitchell says:

    Hallelujah! Thank you for reminding us that we are the of the world

  89. Kris says:

    I have a heavy heart this morning, as was reluctant to share it here amongst people I really don’t know. My son Jon, age 31, is moving to New Zealand. This month. He is single, met a girl over there who we’ve never met, and is actually upending his life here in the states and moving to a foreign country to be with her. I recently heard Cece Winans tell about her son who moved to Australia when he was younger and found Christ over there. I believe that God is alive and well in New Zealand, but to me he is moving to the other side of the world. I’ve known for a few months that this was a possibility, but I didn’t expect it to happen so fast. He got his Visa to move on the 18th of December. With the time coming up soon, I’m having a hard time with it. I really could use prayer that GOD’s will be done in Jon’s life.

    1. Kendal Ragland says:

      Praying for you ma’am ❤️❤️

    2. Deanna Rasch says:

      Praying for God’s will to co

    3. Deanna Rasch says:

      Praying for God‘s will to be made known in his life. And for you to have peace and the right words to say to him to encourage and love in this really difficult time. 

  90. Allison Shirley says:


  91. GramsieSue says:

    Janet Caldwell,
    I also do the Lectio study and prayer.
    It was a sweet morning filled with The Light of the World.
    Hugs as you take your hormone blocker and work thru the Medicaid tangle.

  92. GramsieSue says:

    Deanna, I know your heart is hurting. You are shocked. Confused. Anxious.
    All the things.
    My sister had to tell our parents she was pregnant. Her boyfriend refused to marry her. Never paid any child support.
    But my parents supported her until she could support herself and the sweet baby boy.
    Everything worked out in God’s timing.
    Was it our plan? No
    Was it God’s plan? Absolutely!
    And He was there. Always.
    He is our hope!
    Hugs to you as your family navigates thru this. ❤️

    1. Deanna Rasch says:

      Thank you so much!

  93. April Parrish says:


  94. Emalee Harris says:


  95. Janet Caldwell says:

    As I read through all these comments…I see the LIGHT of JESUS shining through. So much grace and love for all. It’s beautiful to read. I’m writing these requests in my advent book and will be praying for each of you.

    I am still battling Medicaid over my brother Victors renewal. It’s so overwhelming! Very day seems like a new problem to deal with. My husband told me last night, he hasn’t seen me happy in a long time. I guess I didn’t realize how I appear. Having my brother come live with us during this season of retirement is hard. It’s so life changing. While he is fairly high functioning, he is like a child and he has mood swings that are just hard to deal with. I was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer but fortunately it was caught very early, the treatment was minimal but I do have to take a hormone blocking drug for three years. I know you ladies can understand how our hormones wreak havoc on our emotions. It hasn’t been too bad tho but it’s all so overwhelming.

    All this to say, today in this devo plus one I do called LECTIO 365. My theme for this advent year will be. LET THERE BE LIGHT!! Im praying light over all of us. The darkness can not overcome the light.

    1. Teresa Donley says:

      JANET CALDWELL – I pray for you as you work through the bureaucracy of the Medicaid system. I pray you get someone patient and kind at their office who will help you navigate the system to obtain all the services you need for your brother. And I pray for you with the new hormone blocking drugs. I pray the side effects will be minimal and the results be no more cancer.

  96. Bebe Rogers says:

    This is such a great reminder! We are the light of the world!

  97. Cheryl Blow says:

    I am thankful for the Son who is the light of the world. Praying as I go through my day that I will reflect His light to those around me.

  98. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning sweet SRT sisters! We are entering another Advent season and I am so excited that we are all here! May God use this time to draw each of us closer to Him!

    CHERRIE BREWER—It was heartbreaking to read your words! You are so loved by this community but more importantly by our awesome God! May you feel this love and our prayers even when your name isn’t mentioned. ❤️

    DEANNA RASCH—Wow! What a lot to take in all at once! My momma heart breaks for you as this is not the plan you had for your son! May God give you peace and wisdom on how to handle this. Your son and his future wife and grandbaby will need all the support you can give. Once you see that first grandchild your heart will melt! ❤️

    SARAH COOK—May God shine His light on you in a very special way this Advent season! ❤️

    FOSTER MAMA—Don’t beat yourself up over your prayer! I’m sure that it was just what needed to be said and God used it for His glory!

    Dear sisters—Please know that you are prayed for every day! ❤️

  99. Tricia C says:

    DEANNA RASCH I am praying that you will be the reflection of the Son to your family, including this blessed grandchild. Though not ideal circumstances, God can still be in the story. ❤️

    1. Deanna Rasch says:

      Thank you! Remembering that He is always in all things and situations is what I’m clinging to

  100. Soma D. says:

    I am thankful to be a part of this study. I am encourage by all the comments and to be a part of this community. Please pray for the light of Jesus to shine brightly in me and to those around me.

  101. Aaliyah Rardin says:

    It’s so important for us to remember the hope that we have in Jesus and that we are a part of shining His light.

  102. Katie Nordgren says:


  103. Cee Gee says:

    RHONDA J -❤

    MARY and TINA – We sing that song at church! You are right; it is perfect for this study! ❤

    SEARCHING – like minds! I shared a verse yesterday that mentioned ‘the Gentiles’. ☺
    Thankful that she has been listed as stable and praying for improvement each hour! ❤

    WELCOME TO ALL NEW SHES!!! It was so exciting to read through yesterday’s comments and see many first timers!

    Praying for each request knowing God sees and knows every need and is working His purpose out in each of us. We have HOPE – the LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

  104. Sandra Hernandez says:

    I woke up with this song in my heart, and I had to laugh out loud when I read the title of today’s devotional. Thank you Jesus. Message received and acknowledged

  105. Lelia Petsch says:

    In John 1:1 replace the word “Word” with Jesus. He was there in the very beginning of the creation of the world. He was and is the light of the world. When God created mankind, he didn’t do it alone. It was God and Jesus Christ together so we can have a relationship with them as one. Jesus is the light of the world and no can come to the Father except through Him. As Christians we are called to shine His light to the world. I have this image in my mind of being the light. It’s like a lighthouse shining its light on the rocks on the shoreline, guiding the ships coming into the harbor safely

  106. Gayle Craik says:

    Through my darkness, ovarian c, I pray that I continue to shine Gods bright light of love to all. May God show me the light so I may reflect that.

  107. Mari V says:

    Joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). I remember someone gave me that verse many years ago when experiencing hard times. As Christians we were never promised a pain-free life. I keep in mind that we (me, I) are sinful beings living in an imperfect world in need of a SAVIOR. Thank you Father God for sending us your one and only son Jesus to light up the world giving us hope and may we do the same to others. And just as Beverly mentions that even though we may experience sorrow and pain, its through those experiences and our faith in our (my) Jesus that reflects that hope.

  108. Cindy Johns says:

    I too remember what that darkness felt like before Jesus. It’s the darkest place I’ve ever been and a place I know I never want to be again! I am forever grateful for the Light of the World and the LIGHT he produces through me.
    My past is dark and unguided but that’s why I choose to no longer stay there…
    I refuse to dim my light any longer, and I’m thankful that Jesus came to show us how to shine bright, not only for ourselves, but for those around us!

    1. Tricia C says:

      Amen Cindy. I also remember. Not a good time. I’m so glad I have Jesus and can shine bright for Him.

  109. Cindy Johns says:

    Isaiah 42:8 “I am the LORD, that is my name”
    That leapt off the page for me!
    There is something about THAT NAME!

  110. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Thank you God, for sending Jesus – the light of the world, not only for your chosen people, but for the Gentiles as well – which includes me!

    Love these advent studies!!

    @Cherie Brewer – you are seen, you are loved – you are prayed for! Be encouraged, you are not alone – we are all here, and Jesus is right there beside you!
    @Deanna Rasch – what a huge burden to be saddled with this weekend! But not to big for our Almighty God! May He give you wisdom, words and everything else you will need to help your son transition for high school kid to husband, dad, head of a home. Much prayers for you all.

  111. ECS says:

    If I use the website version with my laptop, is there a way to see all the comments? I feel like I don’t see them all and it doesn’t seem to let me respond to a specific person’s comment, just at the bottom of the page so I feel like the comments don’t get associated to the original message. Am I doing something wrong?

  112. Munchkin says:

    @AishaJack I know the holidays can be tough. I pray God give you peace and help you see the joys of the season and the tiny miracles around us. I’ve had some tough years before with Christmas. I’ll be praying for you. Please keep us posted.

  113. Michelle says:

    Oops I meant *to grow in the knowledge of the glory of God*

  114. Aisha Jack says:

    I need to remember that the light of Christ is in me and not fall into depression because of loneliness during this holiday season.

    1. Beth Fraser says:

      Aisha Jack – praying for the joy, comfort and peace of feeling God near throughout the season. But also that God will help you with the circumstances that have caused loneliness in this season before, in such a way as to bring you into (offline) community. I don’t know you, so I am aware that this might seem an impossibly big prayer in your circumstances, but he who ‘also made the stars’ is far bigger, and he sees you, hears you & loves you xx

  115. Michelle says:

    Today’s readings lined up with The Bible Recaps reading today – specifically for 2 Corinthians 4:6. Praise God for shining His Light into our dark hearts. TLC shares that ‘the knowledge of the glory of God’ means to know and see God rightly, to see Him in the face of Jesus. Praying we all continue to grow in the glory of God as we behold Him!

  116. Michelle Patire says:

    @DEANNA RASCH – wow so many women sending encouragement to you this morning. I am in agreement, may God give you the strength to love your son in this process he is in and speak guidance and hope when he needs it. God knows and I pray you grieve in the ways you need to, as well. A friend of mine is going through something similar and she told me she needed to grieve the future she had imagined for her son. But God dreams of a better future, so I pray you hold onto hope and know He works all things together for His glory and our good for those He loves.

    @Cherrie Brewer- I pray you see this response, today. ❤️ There are many of us responding to you each time you post. You need only go back and click “Older Comments” and to view more messages (this button is located on the top of the little chat box.)
    I have also tried to message you on Facebook to let you know we see you. I pray God gives you wisdom and helps you figure this website out. He can do anything!

    Happy Advent, Shes. ✝️

    1. Deanna Rasch says:

      Thank you, Michelle. Trying to keep these thoughts in mind as well. He is in every situation. 

  117. Rhonda J. says:

    Jesus is the LIGHT of the world! I love all the christmas lights that shine in the darkness, those outside and in my house! I usually leave them on through the cold, dreary month of January to remind me of the light of Jesus! Something about the twinkling lights brighten and enlightens our hearts and spirits! That’s why you see them everywhere now in restaurants, backyards, weddings…they add celebration, renew the atmosphere, and make fresh! The light renews and makes fresh our rebirth in Jesus Christ and we are to carry that light (something new and wonderful glowing) to the world’s darkness. The funny thing, sometimes we are not aware we are even in the darkness and sometimes we feel the darkness overwhelming us. Lets be the light this Christmas, this advent and look around us daily to see where we can shine!!

    @Deana- prayers for you and your son (and his girlfriend). It seems overwhelming and earth shattering, but it could also be such the most wonderful blessing, a grandchild! My niece was pregnant from a one night stand, living with my sister and completely unprepared and now my great niece is turning 2 today! And she just got married 3 weeks ago to a wonderful man! Prayer is amazing how it makes beauty from the ashes! Love him during this hard time!

  118. Gail F says:

    Whew what a relief! I don’t have to generate the light! I can’t generate the light! Instead I can walk closely with my Savior and allow his light to reflect off of me! It is going to be a good day:)

  119. Ann says:

    Light. How badly we all — the world — needs it. God knew I would need this study this morning. Yesterday afternoon was dark in our family but there is always light.

    Reminds me of the folk song “I am the Light of the World”. There’s a version sung by Marj Snyder on Youtube if you’ve never heard it.

  120. Tina says:

    @deanna praying for your family. Hopefully you can look for glimmers of light in this situation. Your son must feel overwhelmed. He may be struggling too- your mother’s love is important. I pray that God gives you strength and you feel his presence in your heart in your darkest moments.

    1. Deanna Rasch says:

      Thank you for this extremely important reminder. The fact that he’s waited so long to tell us, and that he has had so much pressure that he has been dealing with alone breaks my heart.

  121. Munchkin says:

    @CharHight Thank you for being a light in the darkness of the school system. So many kids get lost and I thank you letting God use you to show kindness to the students.

  122. Deanna Rasch says:

    Ladies, your kindness and prayers are so appreciated. I am working to set aside my emotions so I can be what God calls me to be in this child’s life. I am not finished raising my own kids… Please, Lord, let me be a reflection of your Light.

  123. Munchkin says:

    As I was reading the passage for today, I thought of how God lights our path to let us know what the next right thing will be. I don’t know how many of y’all are familiar with Emily P. Freeman’s concept of the next right thing, but it’s basically that we want to know the big things of what to do when sometimes God shows us simply the next step to make. All these next steps add up to big things, but we have to be ready to take that next step. I’ve been practicing that in my life for a while now, waiting for God to show me each step. It has helped me learn patience and how to trust Him more.

  124. Melissa Rivera says:

    This aligns so clearly with what we shared in bible study yesterday!! Praise God for bringing light even in our darkness.

  125. Adrienne says:

    Ahhh… yes, we did (study John)… just looked back through my plans… You can never have too much of the Bible, right? I am listening to the podcast “Let’s Read the Gospels” with Annie F. Downs. a lot has caught my attention this year. I often catch something I hadn’t before. And the Gospels are so familiar. Thank you, God, for shining your light, so that I can see what I hadn’t seen before.

  126. Adrienne says:

    I don’t remember… have we studied the book of John with SRTi n the last few years? I just love that book. The readings from it this morning were fabulous!

  127. Adrienne says:

    2 Corinthians 4:4… the god of this age… That’s “little-g-god” not “big-G-God”!) I feel like that is where we are in this world. Let us show & tell the world, sweet sisters about our Jesus! (Sorry… preschool teacher coming out… I just love Show & Tell… it lets others know what is important to us!)

  128. Zhanae Bailey-el says:

    Amen !

  129. Katie Megee says:

    Only God can open the eyes of the blind, but I pray that the light we reflect is so bright that He can use it to draw hearts toward Himself, that people will be curious, that they will want to know, “What is that light? Where is it coming from?” Shine brightly out there today ladies!!

  130. Kim Hill says:

    I wanna be the moon, up among the stars
    Fly around the world
    Lighting up the dark at night
    “I’m nothing without the Son’s amazing grace
    On everything I do
    If You’re shining on me, I’m shining right back for You
    I wanna be the moon
    Lord, I wanna be the moon for You”

    1. Tricia C says:

      KIM HILL I love it! Thank you for sharing!

  131. Sarah Scheaf says:

    Takes me by the hand! Yes!

  132. Kerri Darby says:

    My dry & weary heart is absolutely quenched by the Word this morning. The Light of life is also the One who calls me into righteousness…AND takes me by the hand and keeps me there. In Him. By His way. Oh how I needed to read this anew!! Thank you, Lord!

  133. Pamela Aileen says:

    Deena I know your mind is going but stop for a moment. I was a 14 yr old girl who had her first baby at 15 on Christmas Day. My sweet parents were always there even though my Mom was not asked to play piano again and my Dad was asked to resign as Deacon. I, the teen who sat on the front row, now sat on the back row between my parents. They were faithful to me but not as much as the Lord has been. This was coming up on 44 years. My girl is a blessing, my parents have gone home, and my Jesus is so so faithful to me. Enjoy and love this new family. Show them Jesus through your love. They will need every ounce of their hope and all your faith!! God bless you!!

  134. Mary Cole Wilson says:

    Praying for you Deanna. Everything you are feeling makes total sense. I know it’s easy for me to say this being an outsider, but I am a believer that any new life is a gift given from God, no matter the circumstances. I pray that through this season of unknowns and uncharted waters you and your family will see God’s hand in all of it. I pray it will all work out your favor and for God’s glory. Much love.

  135. Julia MacFarland says:

    I am grateful for every opportunity to shine the light of Jesus into this dark world in this season and everyday. Please help me God, amen!

  136. April Grant says:

    I have participated for many years with SRT Advent. One of my favorite parts have always been the images at the end of each day. Are those no longer a thing?

    1. Allison Bentley says:

      April- you have to pay for them now. I thought the same thing and reached out to SRT.

  137. Aimee D-R says:

    Father let Your light shine!

  138. Char Hight says:

    I’m looking forward to the Advent reading. This will be my first one. Thanksgiving was my first SRT devotional study. I am praying this week that as I go back into the work place (I’m a 6th grade math and science teacher) that I can hold on to the truth that I am called, chosen, and faithful. I pray that despite the circumstances and challenges that arise each day, that I can be the light and remember that I received mercy. And I can show others mercy.

  139. Abbie Merhoff says:

    praying that i can reflect this beautiful light in a way that glorifies god!

  140. Tara B says:

    Praying for you and your family, Deanna.

  141. Searching says:

    My favorite part of the selection shared by KELLY (NEO) from Isaiah is the last line, NKJV says “As a light to the Gentiles,” rather than nations. In verse 8 from Isaiah in today’s reading it says “I am the Lord, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images.”
    This Gentile is praising Him this morning for His Light, remembering all glory and honor goes to Him.

    DEANNA RASCH – you have so much to process from this weekend’s revelations, though I am reminded that the Lord was not caught off guard. Praying for the Lord’s strength, comfort, wisdom and guidance as you show His love to this young couple and your soon-to-arrive grandchild; that others will come around to support them as they grow as parents and as a married couple, that they will turn to the Lord and seek His wisdom for each day.

    Friend’s daughter still critical but stable as of this weekend’s update. Thank you for your prayers!

    CEE GEE ❤️

    MARY and TINA – yes, here we are to worship. I had forgotten about this song. Thank you.

  142. Caroline Hovey says:

    I read a devotion once that said God’s first act was putting light into darkness, and separating light from dark, and he has been doing that ever since.

  143. Maria Baer says:

    I feel to blessed to be with you all and doing this study. Advent always has a special place in my heart, because it is through an Advent study that I came to truly understand how God’s love is so much about relations, and it was the puzzle piece that truly brought into perspective our Lord’s love for us. Sending many prayers that this study prepares our hearts with expectation, as we await the birth of Jesus. Have a wonderful day, sisters.

  144. Elaine Morgan says:

    Hi Deanna. I can tell you from experience that he needs your support now more than ever. He is choosing to do what he thinks is the right thing to to do. It’s a tough one to process but just love them and be helpful. Prayers for them and for you.

  145. Maria Baer says:

    Oh Deanna— what a weekend you had. Sending many prayers to process and deal with this, but also for peace as you walk through this journey. This is a journey my parents had to walk through with my brother. It is not an easy one, especially when those involved are so young, but have faith. God will show you the way. I pray the Holy Spirit gives you clarity and discernment as you process and deal with it all. Hugs to you.

  146. Lorene Huffman says:

    I appreciate the connection made between Christmas lights and being the light of Jesus. This is going to be a reminder to me everytime I look at them now—a reminder of my life assignment!

  147. Jessica H says:

    Praying for you now.

  148. Foster Mama says:

    @ TOR H – I was thinking the same…Yes, may we shine as brilliantly and humbly as the moon.

    @ DEANNA RASCH – Praying God holds each of you in His hands through this

  149. Kate K says:

    Praying for wisdom and understanding Deanna Rasch.

  150. Patricia Ivery says:

    Sending a prayer Deanna.

  151. Jean McGlone says:

    Prayers for wisdom and comfort for you and your family

  152. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Although the Lord was speaking to Israel when He said, “I am the Lord. I have called you for a righteous purpose, and I will hold you by your hand.
    I will watch over you, and I will appoint you to be a covenant for the people and a light to the nations,” Jesus has called His church to do the same.

    Help us to shine, Lord!

    CHERRIE BREWER – praying you see that we are responding to you and the Lord will give you comfort as His light shines into your darkness.

    DONNA WOLCOTT – has your friend left for the Ukraine yet?

    CHANGED LIFE – how are things between you and your husband?

    ELLE K. – how is your mom?

  153. Bonnie H. says:

    Praying for you now Deanna.

  154. Deanna Rasch says:

    Our 18 y/o son, still in high school, moved out this weekend, told us he is engaged and that his girlfriend is eight months pregnant. I am in a tailspin and begging for prayer to process and deal with this the way God wants.

    1. Suzanne Woodward says:

      Praying for you.

    2. Megan Hadley says:

      Deanna this must be so shocking and disorienting! Praying for so much acceptance, love and peace. And also evolving joy for this new life that is coming.

    3. Julia MacFarland says:

      Thanks for reaching out for prayer. Praying for you and your family. May God bring you peace and understanding as only he can.

    4. Michelle Bridges says:

      I have a 17 year old daughter so I understand that feeling of a tailspin you are in. God reminds me (a lot lately) that I did some of the same foolish things. It was because of those foolish things I realized that I needed Jesus to save me from myself. As much as I don’t want my daughter to make the same mistakes, I believe that God’s plans for her life are grander than mine could ever be. I’m praying for you momma heart.

    5. Mia Faith says:

      @Deanna Rasch – I know what you’re experiencing, as I have walked this path with a daughter. ALSO, I walked this path myself. I married at 26, had my first child at 17. We have been married for over 45 YEARS!! We both love Jesus with our whole hearts! It may be the beginning of something so amazing! Not easy…but there’s hope there. A baby changes everything!

    6. Teresa Donley says:

      Deanna, I’m praying for you, your son, future daughter-in-law, and this precious baby who is about to enter the world. May God bless each of you as you walk this path.

    7. Debbie Griggs says:

      Praying for grace and peace! God is the giver of life…so grateful they are choosing life. I have seen the hand of God through my similar story 40 years ago…what a legacy God has blessed me with. He is so faithful. I pray you have strength
      To now and hoy to come in future

  155. Tor H says:

    I want to be a moon for Jesus! Let his light be a reflection upon my life. This is a dark world we live in and we need more moons! We should be a reflection of the son of God. Let God’s light shine through us!

    1. Nikki Buttery says:

      Love this

  156. Ellen says:

    I, too, thought of this song as I read this mornings verses.

  157. Mary Ann Graves says:


  158. Tina says:

    CHERIE BREWER, my heart hurt to read your post! YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY SEEN,not just by us, but by the One who holds you in the palm of His hands..
    You are never alone… ever..
    YOU are loved, YOU are welcome, YOU are seen..
    God bless you dear sister in Christ. ❤️

  159. Tina says:

    (Below) not above!

  160. Tina says:

    Absolutely the perfect song for this devotional..

    If I may, I’ll carry on from MARYS (above) words..

    Opened my eyes, let me see
    Beauty that made this heart adore You
    Hope of a life spent with You
    Here I am to worship
    Here I am to bow down
    Here I am to say that You’re my God..

    BUT GOD..

    ..And only GOD is worthy of our Praise..


    Happy Monday wrapped in love and prayers for a God blessed day..❤️

  161. Mary says:

    Thank you, Light of the World, for humbling Yourself to come into our dark world. For shining into the dark spaces of our lives and filling us with Your light so that You can continue Your work in and through us.

    I know it’s not typically a Christmas song, but I think of Here I Am to Worship by Tim Hughes, as it starts with
    “Light of the world
    You stepped down into darkness”

    Here I am to worship this Christmas because He alone is worthy.