Light of the World, Come

Open Your Bible

John 1:1-5, John 1:9, John 8:12, Genesis 1:1-5, Isaiah 42:5-9, 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Did you know that the moon, as bright and luminous as it is, does not produce its own light? Yes! The moon gets its brightness from the sun. When we observe it glowing in the night sky, we are actually seeing a reflection of the sun’s light. The sun is the original light source for our world and our moon.

The same can be said of God’s people, past and present. Like the moon, we can’t produce any light of our own. Since Adam, every human heart and mind is darkened in its understanding as sin corrupts our nature. We are blind to God’s goodness, like those sitting and perishing in the darkest prison, grasping for light (Isaiah 42:7). I remember what that darkness felt like before Jesus shone the God’s light of love into my heart—how dim life was, how uncertain, frustrating, and hopeless the cycles of sin, brokenness, and glory-seeking made me!

And yet the One who created light came into the world to be a light to us (John 1:9). He testified of Himself, saying, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). He mercifully came to light our path and lead sinners out of darkness into His kingdom of marvelous light. Jesus invites us to simply follow Him as He illuminates the path. 

As the Son is the source of our light, we reflect His brightness. During this season of Christmas lights and decorations, it is good to remember that we are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). We reflect Jesus Christ, the light and life of humankind (2Corinthians 4:5–6). And even as we experience deep valleys and heavy rain clouds of sorrow in this life, we know it will not last forever. Joy comes in the morning. Take comfort, beloved! Because Christ came into this dark world with His glorious light, we have an everlasting and sure hope.

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214 thoughts on "Light of the World, Come"

  1. Cindy scott says:

    Caitlin I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. We lost my dad, also at the age of 57, also just a few weeks before the holidays. That’s been 20 years ago now. Which is so hard to believe. I actually believe my true walk with Christ BEGAN(!) when Dad died, talk about the ultimate sacrifice a parent makes for their child. Ugh. He died from complications of his cancer treatment and died knowing I knew Christ, even tho I’d lived how I wanted to thru my young adulthood, but on the surface appeared to be super righteous sparing my family and parents all the poor choices I was making. When he died and in those super rough early days and weeks after I was comforted with a few dreams, and signs I’d discover when I was still, or thoughts in the pits of the toughest emotions, or out for a walk in the silence. I knew where Dad was and I could no longer deny the hope and truth of Heaven and God’s promise to us. His quirks and talents and beliefs live on thru me and my siblings, which is also comforting, I continue to live in the way he raised me to make him proud, continue his legacy, and I know Dad knew Christ and I’ll see him again. You’ll hear lots of words offered from people trying to make you feel better. No one knows what to say and no one has the right words. But accept them and lean on those people sharing memories and tears (and one day laughter) with them. XO