
Open Your Bible

John 11:1-18, John 11:28-44, 1 Corinthians 15:12-18, 1 Corinthians 15:55

Lately, I’ve been considering how necessary it is to have friends. Long distance friends are great, of course. It’s crazy that we live in a world where we can pick up a device and have a real-time conversation while living on another continent, or even a mile away. But there’s something essential about the everyday friends you can text last minute when your car engine dies. Friends you can grab ice cream with on the hardest of days. Friends who don’t mind lingering in the living room because you both just really need to talk—about that one guy or interview or the latest book you bought on Amazon.

Christians often say that all we need is Jesus. While I understand where this sentiment comes from regarding Jesus, Scripture all tells us that our Triune, relational God created us for relationship (Genesis 1:26; 2:18), calls us His friends (John 15:15), and asks us to be His own hands and feet (1 Corinthians 12:4–12, 27). So, although it’s true that “Jesus and…” doesn’t accurately reflect how salvation works, it does reflect how community works. Even Jesus didn’t choose to minister in isolation. He allowed people to provide Him with food and relational support. Even Jesus had His own set of friends, one of them being Lazarus.

We don’t learn much about Lazarus firsthand from Scripture. We never “hear” him speak. Instead, we learn about him through the words and emotional responses of his sisters and his friends. “Lord, the one you love is sick,” said Mary and Martha in a concerned message about their brother (John 11:3). Jesus is equally troubled when he hears that his close friend has died. His emotional reaction gives away the depth of His affection, as the Jews watch tears fall from Christ’s face (vv.33–36).

You see, the centerpiece of this story isn’t Lazarus—it’s Jesus. The whole story is funneled through the lens of Christ’s love. Our Savior, the One who gave up life itself for three days, first experienced what it was like to give up His own friend. He was well-acquainted with loss, an experience that allowed Him to sympathize with us on a visceral, human level.

Revisiting the sentiment “All we need is Jesus,” maybe a better way to look at it is this: “Jesus is the only way to salvation, but we need each other to flourish in our God-given identity.” It’s not as snappy, but at least it’s true.

Remember that Jesus calls you His friend. You know that one person who will sit with you in your pain until you’ve exhausted every word in the English language? Or the one you can steal away to your favorite hiking spot with? Not only is Jesus your High Priest and Redeemer, but He is also that sort of friend.

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68 thoughts on "Lazarus"

  1. Diana Fleenor says:

    LEHUA: I pray for your husband’s soul to be awaken out of his dead state and he will believe in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. I’m glad he is open. My husband is in a more content state with his beliefs which do not stand on the faith that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Yet, I continue to pray for that to change.

  2. Diana Fleenor says:

    Last night I watch a sermon from my church and the “take away” was even if we are all alone in this world, “God is enough.” On one hand, I very much understand this is true. yet my mind went to the very thing this devotion brought out…we were made for community. So I asked the Lord to continue to bind these two paradoxical truths together in my mind and heart.

    It’s been along journey in pursuing community which might be able to accommodate my complex illness. Because so many everyday things people use on their persons or in buildings cause me debilitating reactions, the typical meeting together has not worked for many years. Ironically, Covid did not greatly affect my life because I was already doing the community I do have via the computer or phone (though these also must be limited because of reactions).

    As I consider Jesus’ words to Martha about believing you will see the glory of God, I’m praying for these same words to challenge my own hesitant soul, as they did Martha. So I say, ‘yes’ to removing the stone from the tomb of isolation with an expectant hope for the resurrection power of our Lord and Savior to be made evident somehow someway. I pray this not only for myself but for all of us as Covid has made distancing a common experience more so than the more marginalized experience that I and others have faced for years. Be blessed today sisters as the Lord strengthens our faith!

  3. Kirstyn Wright says:

    I noticed a year or so ago that Jesus doesn’t weep when He says Lazarus is dead. He only weeps AFTER he sees His precious friends weeping! He weeps when we weep!!!! ❤️

  4. Mari V says:

    HE knows my name!!

  5. Traci Gendron says:

    I also feel like Mary. I have been praying for a cure for my son, Tanner for over 30 years. We finally had a stem cell transplant trial he was going to be in. He didn’t pass the tests. I feel God has gone silent with me. I want and need to hear him so badly. I want His closeness. I need His comfort. I long to hear His voice.

    1. Emily Guerra says:

      You and your son Tanner are so strong! I would feel the same as you regarding God if i was in your situation. But, take heart! He has done miracles throughout all of time. I pray that He shows you His comfort, love and grace right now. ❤️

  6. Elisha Anne says:

    Jesus loved Mary and Martha sooo much that He stayed two extra days, after hearing about Lazarus!! Would we call this love???
    Do we trust that Jesus knows what we need always, even when it does not make sense? He knows what we need, and has a wonderful plan for His glory!! His power was greater displayed through Him waiting than His showing up when they wanted him too.
    May we trust Him all the more with His perfect timing. ♥️

  7. Alexis says:

    Praying for you Clare and Lehua- Clare; that you know that God is near and hears your prayers. Keep leaning in, keep searching and hoping. He never leaves.

    Lehua- praying that your husband comes to know Christ as his savior. Thankful that he has an open heart ready and willing to hear from his father.

  8. Maura says:

    Praying for your husband Lehua to find our Savior’s love and light and to understand what a precious gift it is. and for you Claire to hear Him singing over you and feel His joy and love overwhelm you. He is here, He does not abandon us, He is our help and salvation. May we seek you Jesus and find you in our conversations, daily tasks, in the crevices we get stuck in sometimes Lord even there you are with us. May your name be on our lips and our eyes on you Lord. Unwrap us from anything that keeps us bound Jesus and bring your glorious light that the world may know your beauty and truth. Shout a Hallelujah Sisters! Thank you for your words Churchmouse and Tina thanks for the beautiful hymn. It also brought to mind the Friends are Friends Forever song by Michael W Smith. I always loved that song as a child and think of all the Christians I have met in my life that have spoken Jesus to me and yes, we are not alone because we have Jesus, but also all the messengers He calls us forth with. What joy to speak Christ’s love to others and that is what I get from SRT daily. You all call me forth with what you share here as well. And one day I know I will get to thank you in person with Much joy as we sing praises to our King. Hugs and love to you all! Go forth Sisters!