When I graduated from seminary, our commencement speaker took an unusual approach to the graduation speech. He congratulated us, of course, but then proceeded to tell us (winsomely and kindly) just how difficult ministry is. Because no matter how many books we had read or talks we had practiced giving, the hands-on ministry to real people in real, hard situations would be immensely challenging. Thankfully, God is on His throne, and we are never alone.
This is, essentially, Paul’s goal in the third chapter of 2 Timothy. He is writing to his protégé, a young pastor working in Ephesus, a city known for its prevalence of false religious teachers and its peoples’ propensity to follow them. And so Paul gives it to Timothy straight: hard times are coming.
The “last days” (2Timothy 3:1) Paul uses here is a phrase that Peter used in Acts 2 to describe the time after Jesus’s ascension, so this isn’t referring to some future time for Timothy but rather to the on-the-ground realities of his current ministry. It also applies to us, as we are still living in the last days awaiting Christ’s return. And so what can we expect? Hard times. Particularly in regards to preserving the truth of the gospel against false teachers.
I look at Paul’s list of characteristics, and I certainly see myself in some of those words. Likely we all do, but the point Paul is making is that when people (who as false teachers, claim Christ) are governed by those things instead of by the Word of God and a saving faith in Christ alone, we should beware. Why? Because each of those things in Paul’s list suggests a priority given to something other than Jesus Christ. The list builds on itself: first love of self, then money, which leads to pride, which leads to being ungrateful, which can lead to love and pursuit of pleasure over God, and ultimately denying the power of God in their lives. It is a gospel of self-control: if I can earn more, own more, have more fun, have more followers, then perhaps I don’t need Jesus.
Paul urges Timothy to stand in faith and truth when his flock begins to stray, and Paul uses his own experiences as an example in verses 10–11. But Paul gives God the credit for helping him stand firm and in doing so gives Timothy an example to follow. He gives us an example as well.
Living a godly life isn’t easy, but it is the one God calls us to. And God and his Word should be our north star, the source of our wisdom, and our roadmap for living. When false teachers or the temptations we face to pursue our pleasures over God come our way (which they will), we can cling to the example of Paul and Timothy, and the promises of God to rescue us.

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53 thoughts on "Know Hard Times Are Ahead"
Simple words to apply today. Needed to read this to assure me the pressing is worth it.
I have loved this Timothy study! It is a reminder to let Gods word shape us, not our ideas shape it. It is a reminder to remember Gods word. Meditate on it daily. The Word is truth and we need to invite it in daily to correct us, rebuke us, encourage us – and others!
Heads up, Sisters – Day 18 (for Thursday, May 19) devo & scriptures are misnumbered as Day 16 (so there are 2 “Day 16” postings. Title is for the day is Preach the Word. Posting this on Day 17 also as I was so confused!
Hi Michelle,
Thank you so much for your openness and sharing your testimony on Spotify. I ended up following you on Insta; I’m apeachinfresno.
I came out of the prosperity movement and have seen first hand how harmful this false teaching can be. It really warped my view of Christ for a while. Thankfully found sound teaching and now attend a church that is run by the holy spirit and teaches the gospel.
Praying for all requests here; have a wonderful day she’s!
PATTY – I quit using the app and now use my computer. I find it so much easier to read and comment on my laptop.
I like the comment that it is a gospel of self control. One of the important fruits of the spirit that seems to get a bit overlooked.
Jennifer Loves Jesus- I am right there with you. I also would not trade what I’ve been through, as it has certainly drawn me closer to my Savior. Hallelujah.
Thanks for sharing your podcast testimony Michele Patire. I just listened on Spotify. Just curious if your brothers and sisters listened to it. I remember you asked for prayer for them to have a relationship with Jesus. Praying for everyone here and your requests for you and your loved ones.
@claire B– I just followed!! I love some of the things I looked at!!
@Mercy — thank you for your kind words. I am careful when I share this story but I have been in the SRT community enough to know that you ladies are usually receptive of truth ;)
This verse came to my mind as reading the list of last day people characteristics. “This is how the Lord responds: “If you return to me, I will restore you so you can continue to serve me. If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them; do not let them influence you!”
Jeremiah 15:19 NLT. It takes the Spirit of Truth, Spirit of wisdom and discernment from the Lord for us to know what is truth and almost truth. Thank you @Michelle Patire for sharing your experience. I totally agree and am encouraged by your boldness in exposing the work of the devil. Praying for the requests shared. May we come to Him diligently to practice hearing from Him besides learning His Word to discern the deadly pitfalls in these last days. Be blessed dear beautiful sisters.
Life will be hard in general… but WE have GOD! But many of us only pray when we are happy… we shouldn’t treat God like that…. instead, we have to pray ALL THE TIME. Including when its hard! We shouldn’t let our feelings get in the way and we shouldn’t let the culture around us, the culture that thinks God is dead.. get in the way of us having a relationship with God.
We should put in the work to have a good relationship with God, and I think that starts when we go to Him Every day, regardless of how it is going
Good morning sisters… Today’s word spoke to me so much. Please pray for me today, I went to sleep with Benadryl due to an allergic outbreak last night, so I woke up really groggy and with some sinus pressure/headache but had to rush off to work. I prayed behind the wheel the whole time and made it safely to my destination, but I have a long work day ahead of me. The whole time during my drive, I kept thinking “I need to read SRT today as soon as I get there,” which I’m so glad I felt that way.. It felt like a craving for God’s Word, His Truth is nourishment for my spirit and soul. He has carried me so far and I know He won’t stop! I am so blessed and grateful, and know He doesn’t waste pain. I am comforted knowing He is with me and that Jesus led first.. We never have to suffer alone, and the suffering He went through was way worse than anything I may go through. But He did it for me. For us…
Forgive me for rambling, ladies.. Thank you in advance for the prayers. Praying for the requests here and for our world, which sounds a lot like today’s reading. Have a blessed Wednesday, hugs!
Michelle Patire…I have a friend who has an Instagram “ministry” called Provokedtoproclaim. She discusses false teacher and other pitfalls that that are not theologically sound. Check it out.
Paul tells Timothy to stand on faith and truth. That spoke to me because we really have to be aware of who we are going to listen to. Faith and truth. If you really believe. The holy spirit leads us in righteousness for this is the will of God. Hallelujah!!!
Romans 8 “38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” really stuck with me today. Another item that caught my attention was Melanie’s last paragraph. She really packed a lot in a small amount of words.
This prayer was in my devotional Bible and I wanted to share it with you, my sisters, “Dear God, Give Your daughter the ability to see that no matter where she is, You are with her and will never leave her. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Be blessed and remember “we can cling to…the promises of God to rescue us” sisters.
Power means the present , effective working of God in and through believers’ lives. Godliness means genuine piety, including holiness, reverence, faith, and love and devotion to God”. Paul linked Power to the presence of the Holy Spirit, and this power enabled perseverance through suffering and faithful defense of the gospel.
It always seems that God works in my life and I’m sure in the life of all of you and feel that these devotions come at-just-the-right-time.
Todays reading and thoughts were so encouraging to me. My husband and I lead a little community of young adult orphans in Tijuana and it is so hard to watch them navigate their inner struggle and the world around them. Today’s verses are my reassurance, my confidence and encouragement that I am exactly where the Father wants me to be.
Praying for your, Taylor.
Beautifully said, Jennifer loves Jesus.
Try uninstalling (deleting) the app and reinstalling. There might have been and upgrade that was missed.
I don’t think my hyperlink will be posted. It said awaiting moderation than disappeared.
The podcast I share my testimony with false teachers is called “Beyond Just Christian”
and th e episode is called “How the Scales Fell from My Eyes by Michelle Patire”
There are two episodes- part 1 & 2.
I hope my story helps people equip themselves in this war against trust.
Here is the podcast of my testimony! There are two episodes. This is part 1.
When I read about false teachers, I’m reminded of my own story. (if you ladies are interested, I can link the podcast that shares my testimony). I was a new follower of Jesus. I had known Him most of my life, but when I moved to the city a few years ago, I was in hot pursuit of Him. But I also was with a group of friends who called themselves Christians, went to seminary, yet wrestled with doubts.
Some of these friends began engaging in things of the occult. All of them read books by teachers who maybe were once Christians but didn’t affirm the Word of God. People like Rob Bell, The Liturgists, Richard Rohr– these were some of my favorites. People who include the Bible in their teaching but don’t submit to Christ.
Anyways. So as a new follower, this confused me, as I began to read those books, too. I fell into the deep, deep, pit of New Age beliefs and very progressive Christianity. That taught Jesus wasn’t Lord, hell wasn’t real, and God is only love (not a judge who is full of wrath against evil). A heaviness was laid upon me and it took SO much prayer, confession, and time with the Lord to find freedom.
It’s only by God’s grace I engage on this website. He has plucked me out of the pit and put me in His green pasture.
I share this to say beware. Beware of the false teachers because they look like good people teaching good things. And maybe some of their teaching is good. But it is a slippery slope.
May God give us eyes to see and ears to hear the truth in all the lies.
@Lindsay Setters– I’m touched the Holy Spirit was allowing me to speak to you. May He continue to heal you and help you in your battle against living with for approval of man. May He set our eyes on Him and help us live free of this temptation.
Thank you Jesus for setting an example for me
Nothing can separate us from the love of God when we are in Christ. I have lived this truth. I pray that my life will be an encouragement to those who can’t see a way forward. When to step ahead will hurt. When to stay will hurt. When affliction seems too much to bear. I will grasp your hand and point your eyes toward Jesus, hurting on that cross, eyes full of love. How can it be that He stepped ahead each day knowing He would suffer and die on that terrible day, in that terrible way? He understood the love and mercy of His father. He was the God of Israel, and He came to us and for us. The power that is in His blood, is in ours who believe in Him. When I see the beauty of a river and the sound as it moves over the stones, or a waterfall with its misty rainbows, I am moved at a level so deep I can hardly contain the joy that wells up in me. This is what it feels like to love Jesus. This is what it feels like to be loved by God. I hold on there. Evil cannot penetrate my soul because I am held in the wings of the Creator. He is so good. I would not trade the pain I have experienced if it meant changing the intimacy with our Father now. I will not shrink from the hard things to come because I know I will conquer all with Him. Lord, lead us, not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. I know You will. I know You already have. I know You will come again to deliver us from every bit of darkness we see right now. In You there is life everlasting. And here now You have given us a love that binds us together in faith. May we hold strong and remind each other of Your promises as we wait for Your return. Until… Maranatha.
Today is my best friend’s grandmothers funeral. It is a sad day but we know she is with Jesus, her husband, and my best friend’s mom so we are comforted. Last night I was spending time with my best friends family and I felt an attack of the devil on my heart and mind. I have always felt a part of my best friend’s family, but I got hit with a wave of loneliness last night that made me uncomfortable and sad. I realize now it is an attack from the devil, so I’m glad I came and opened my Bible with you all this morning to fill my Word with God’s truth instead of lies. I wrote in my journal “Cling to the promises of God to rescue me” and will be clinging to those promises today as we mourn. I would appreciate your prayers ladies <3
Thank you ladies for your faithful comments! I learn so much from you all! Have a blessed day; God is on His throne!!✨✨✨
I need You Lord. Amen
Today is day 17. It won’t go ahead until tomorrow. If that isn’t the issue, maybe try restarting your phone?
“Living a Godly life isn’t easy, but it is the one God calls us to.”
Gonna let that simmer in my brain and heart.
“Living a Godly life isn’t easy, but it is the one God calls us to.”
Patty, I don’t know how to fix the App, but if you search “She Reads Truth”, the devotional will come up…hope this helps!! ♥️
“Each of those things suggests a priority given to something other than Jesus.” What a good reminder that it’s important to keep Jesus first, so that we aren’t placing ourselves above Him.
Ladies, my devotional page is stuck on day 17. Do you know how to correct this problem?
Thank you for any assistance you can give.
@blessedbeth – it’s funny because I feel like I may need a similar day like that today.
Shes, please pray that God will strengthen my faith today, and draw me closer to Him! We need to stand firm and let God and His word guide us…every day. He will never leave us or forsake us (even if our feelings may try to convince us otherwise)
SANDI STANLEY – praying all goes well with your husband’s surgery today❣
Amen that we have the word of God to shield us and the Holy Spirit interceding for us during these hard times. I’m in the early stages of a new relationship with a Godly man and feel Satan’s attacks on my heart so strongly! SRT family please pray for me to have strength and rest in God’s goodness during this season.
Praying for you and the relationship. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend reading The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller. I’m reading it after a difficult relationship and it has given me many helpful insights for the future.
Yesterday I took a day to stay at home doing chores, baking for neighbors and filling my myself with His strength. I realized it was what He wanted of me and today I feel I can face the world filled with His strength. Have a blessed day ladies!
We in the USA are not the norm. Our life of relatively little persecution because of Christ is not what most Christians face. May I, we, be faithful when trouble comes. May we stand with Christ and not walk away.
SEARCHING – yes! Coffee is in hand this morning! ☕ Praying all you SHEs have a blessed day!
Am I the only one reading these verses from 2nd Timothy and thinking the godlessness described could have come from the headlines of today’s newspaper?
Continuing to pray for requests.
And JUDY … always coffee first ;)
Thankful that the tough times ahead are all in God’s hands. While I am not ignorant of the fact that trials are a part of life, I’m even more grateful that Jesus is with me.