King of the Nations, Come

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 36:16-38, Isaiah 9:6-7, Jeremiah 10:17, Luke 4:16-21, Ephesians 1:3-10

O King of the nations, and their desire,
the cornerstone making both one:
Come and save the human race,
which you fashioned from clay.

I am not a betting woman, but if I were, I would bet people have mused about what heaven will look like since the beginning of time. Though curious, I usually leave the heavy lifting to the scholars because I have something else on my mind. I imagine the moment I get to wrap my arms around my grandmothers again. And while clouds and a street paved with gold would be delightful, I cannot wait to enjoy a tête-à-tête with my favorite people in Scripture. 

However, I have no clue what I’ll do when I meet Him—the object of my affection, the love of my eternity, my reason for living. Jesus. 

We all know what it’s like to be reunited with an old friend after many years, but to be reunited with our Creator? That is a reunion that eclipses everything else. It is likely the others will fade into the background, and my once overzealous attitude about meeting them along with it. Still, I wonder what I’ll do. Like the song by the band Mercy Me, “I can only imagine //… Will I sing Hallelujah? / Will I be able to speak at all?” In the midst of all of the confusing subjects we could contemplate forever, one thing is clear: we live for that day. 

Ezekiel 16 describes Israel as an unsatisfied adulterer whose actions were so unsavory that even Philistine women were embarrassed by the Israelites’ indecency. The Israelites were God’s chosen people, those who were supposed to bless other nations through the example they set. In contrast, Philistine women were those who sacrificed children and obeyed their lusts. It reveals the great lengths to which Israel had gone to abandon her Lord. As a result, judgment was announced, and it was evident that there would be no avoiding it. 

And yet, even in the midst of exile, the Israelites had hope. Isaiah reminded them to have hope in reconciliation with their God because a King would be born: One whose name would be “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). 

Jesus is that King. He fulfilled that promise to all people as King of the nations. His words in Luke 4:16–21 brought the hope of reconciliation to everyone: the poor, the captive, and the oppressed. Today, despite the many ways it feels like we have been exiled to a disreputable place, we can have hope, too. 

Today, we wait with hope and expectation for the day God will bring everything, both in heaven and on earth, together in Christ (Ephesians 1:9–10). However, until that day comes, we can imagine. We can imagine what it will be like to live without fear, to gaze at our Savior, and to delight in the peace and contentment His presence creates. We can imagine our King because He is coming.

(52) Comments

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52 thoughts on "King of the Nations, Come"

  1. Regina Price says:

    Come, Jesus, come

  2. Karen Breaux says:

  3. June Pimpo says:

    I just can’t wait for heaven. It’s gonna be so amazing. All the pain and suffering is gone. Jesus, get us ready and may you help us by your spirit to make heaven crowded!!

  4. Wanda Woehlert says:

    I wait with hope and expectation for the day God will bring everything, both in heaven and on earth, together in Christ.

  5. Emily says:

    My grandma is in hospice and will be with the Lord very soon. While I’m grieving her here, I know what awaits her is wonderful beyond all imagining. This devotion brought me comfort today, and reminded me that I will see her again in glory. Thank you ♥️

  6. Monie Mag says:

    Who should not fear you, King of nations?
    It is what you deserve. For among all the wise people of all the nations and among all their kingdoms, there is no one like you.
    Jeremiah 10:7
    Jesus there is no one like You!
    Thank you for coming and fulfilling the Father’s plan for our redemption and salvation ❤️

  7. Claire B says:


  8. Shamra Hicks says:

    I cannot wait to meet Jesus!!! While I hope that day will come when my boys, their wives, and my grandchildren have given their lives to Jesus/rededicated their lives to Jesus, the anticipation is still there to be wrapped in His arms! I can only imagine what that is going to feel like that. I only picture being crawled up in His lap when I need to be comforted, but one day I will actually be IN His lap! I will be in the great I Am presence!

  9. Rhonda J. says:

    Thank you Michelle for that wonderful prayer, and others praying for our jail ministry and my growth!! It really has made a difference in my walk!

  10. Rhonda J. says:

    I wrote a comment this morning, well, the GM She’s and a sentence or two and never finished!

    Celebrating with you Heidi, congrats!

    I too love “I Can Only Imagine” and have told people for years it is one of my funeral songs! My mom and I also discussed that very song and our funerals the night after an ambulance ride to the hospital from respiratory failure that we thought she was in the clear, but ended up passing 4 days later. It was the last real conversation we had. I knew she couldn’t wait to go see Jesus though, and that is such a comfort to know she is with Him. And now, talking to my dad yesterday he said he is ready and can’t wait to go too, he is almost 80 and not very good health. I agree with Sharon, that advent is waiting expectantly for our Saviour’s return for the church! Oh Glorious Day!

    I can’t believe Christmas is in 3 days!! And then 2024!

  11. Kelly (NEO) says:

    HEIDI – cheering you on to the finish line. Don’t get to hung up on the grades, focus in the transformation that has come from the class.

  12. Hannah C says:


  13. Heidi says:

    WE DID IT LADIES!!!!! WHOOOO-HOOOOOOO!!!!!! Those of us who were around at the end of spring semester last year, I know you remember the panic!! :) Lol! Much less panic this time around and we didn’t have to stay up til 1:am submitting things!!! :) :) :)
    Fall 23 is O-V-E-R MY FRIENDS!!!! And now I can get to celebrating the birth of our glorious Savior… ahhhhh…. relief.

    Ya’lls comments… some had me encouraged and some had me giggling and all had me feeling loved and covered and peaceful… No way I could have accomplished this without His power, so thank you thank you!!!!
    **(and i’m aware, at this point i’m going to need to have DTS sign your names to my diploma as honorary graduates!!!!!!)

  14. Ariana Strickland says:


  15. Keli Miles says:

    Amen! ❤️❤️

  16. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m praying that I can rest in the peace and joy of Jesus during this season. I can’t wait to meet him one day and look into his eyes. It’s weird to think that I am with him everyday, but I have never seen him. I pray that I would become more and more like him until that day.

  17. Lakechia Smith says:


  18. Traci Gendron says:

    “I Can Only Imagine” was one of the beautiful songs I chose for Tanner’s celebration of life. This song has such an impact on me. Brings me to my knees in tears as I try to imagine what seeing the face of Jesus will be like. “Will I be able to speak at all?” I’m not sure, but I long for that day. The day that I will also see my lovely son again.

    Praying over the requests today. Much love to all of you.

  19. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    One thing this advent season has done for me is to remind me that yes, we celebrate Christ’s birth every year at this time – praising God that He sent us His Son. But how often do I think about Christ’s return? …not often enough! The advent celebration was instituted so we could look forward to Christ’s return. I just mentioned to my prayer partner this morning – that we need to be conscious of the fact that Jesus IS coming again, and to live as if He were coming today!

    As I read the scripture readings it screamed out to me – the sin that stained our hearts, we were filthy, unwashed sinners with hearts of stone…But God! He called us to salvation, gave us a heart of flesh – washed us white as snow and lavished us with the riches of His grace –
    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus. Thank you heavenly Father.

    May each of us “wait with hope and expectation for the day God will bring everything, both in heaven and on earth, together in Christ.” Amen!

    @Rhonda J. – praying that Nicole will join you at church and that she will find a church family where she can continue to be fed and grow. God bless you as you continue to serve Him in ministering to women.

    @Deanna Rasch – hope your husbands surgery went well, I trust he is now recovering.

    @Heidi – you are blanketed in prayer – you’ve got this! No amount of stress or worry will change the outcome, so give it into the hands of Jesus and trust Him to help you through. Also praying for Kin. May she learn to lean into Jesus and leave all of her fears and anxieties with Him. ❤️

    @Searching – thank you for your prayers, they are much appreciated! Praying for your family members friend who is dying and also for their family. Such a sad time for them at Christmas. And prayers for the friend in ICU.

    @A Walton – so sorry to hear the sickness is spreading through your family, praying you all recover quickly. And praise, praise, praise that your car is finally getting fixed!!

    @Kelly Neo – thank you for prayers for my knee – please continue!

    Prayers for all of my sweet sisters – the ones we “see each day” and the ones who are silent. Love you all and look forward to one day meeting in our future, forever home! Blessings!!

  20. Mari V says:

    My FIRST day off!! And I FORGOT to turn off one of my alarms (but glad I turned off my 4:40 am alarm off) and to top it off I was awake for over an hour in the middle of night! Yet, I feel rested. I’m taking my time today reading through the scriptures. I’ve been sitting here for over an hour and love it! I can’t wait for the day that WE meet Jesus face-to-face. Our Creator God! Our Savior! Forever and ever ETERNITY with HIM! No more tears, worries, anxiety, heartaches, heart breaks, sickness….no more of this earthly flesh. WE see Jesus and won’t remember our time here on earth! Perhaps today! I’m off for 2 weeks, and what I’m most looking forward to is taking my time in the WORD and here with you. OH……I must add before I sign off. These precious, precious kindergartners (whom I will miss SO much), blessed the teacher and I with abundant gifts (gift cards) and some were VERY generous!! Again, My God, My Jesus’ way showing me He has me! Happy Friday sweet She’s!

  21. Michelle Patire says:

    @Gramsiesue – continuing to think of you and Steve. God be near to you both and give you peace in this time as you continue to trust Him and lean on Him. He sees you and is with you. Lord help our fellow She❤️

    @Lynne from Alabama – God give you rest this holiday season and help you find space to just be and enjoy yourself. ❤️ May the Lord of Peace guide and keep you. Love you. ❤️

  22. Michelle Patire says:

    Love reading all your comments :)

    @Mari V ❤️
    @Mercy ❤️
    @Searching ❤️
    @Kimberly Z ❤️

    @Rhonda J – Praise God for His work through this jail ministry! Thank you, Lord, for making Rhonda and her friends vessels for your glory! May she continue to shine light and draw others to you. May Nicole stay the course and choose to be wise in her second chance at being a free person in this country and may Your heart remind her of truth. May she walk with the knowledge that her actions have consequences and choose wisely the better course. Help her and protect her from the evil one. ❤️

    @Heidi- congrats on the end of your first semester of your second year ❤️ God bless you and give you rest in this holiday season. May you be still and enjoy your time with your family. ❤️

    @Michelle Smith ❤️ Amen love this song… was listening to it last night.

    @Libby K- I thought similarly. You could feel the silence as the Scripture says all eyes were on Him after he sat down. They did a scene of this in the Chosen, which was amazing. But I imagine it being even more intense as I see the hearts wrestling with His words. What a powerful moment. ❤️

    @A Walton- thankful for your car being fixed, finally! God give your family peace and healing in Jesus name. May the sickness leave and the Lord be near to you all. ❤️ you are a fighter, friend. God bless your work and efforts for His kingdom!

    @Cee Gee- ❤️ God bless you this holiday season!

    @Gayle C- God’s strength and peace to you, in this time of testing… May you keep close to His love over everything in your mind. May you lay hold of your inheritance in Him. Peace, joy, goodness, mercy, self-control/sound mind- He is able to provide all things through Christ. ❤️

    @All my Shes facing sickness (@Donna W, Theresa D, and others..there are a few more of you here)
    God sees you and is with you. God heal you and give you peace this holiday season. May His face shine upon you. May you rest in His kindness. May you see love where you lie. God bless you all. ❤️

    @To my silent Shes- thankful you are here with us ❤️ God bless you friends!!

    @Tina- praise God for new life!!! ❤️

    Love you friends so much ❤️

  23. Donna Wolcott says:

    Heidi, prayers for clarity as you finish your paper and for moments of peace to keep you going! You’ve got this!! Congrats Tina on little Maisie, a perfect present. Thinking and praying over requests. Thank you dear Jesus was the gift of Hope!

  24. Gayle Craik says:

    But God has a kingdom waiting for us!

  25. Ruth Tear says:


  26. Cheryl Blow says:

    I can only imagine! This song truly describes the way I feel when I think of Heaven and being in the presence of Jesus, King of Kings, Lord of lords, Prince of peace, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Wonderful Counselor! We have much to hope for today! Immanuel, God with us, walks with us today!

  27. Adrienne says:

    HEIDI… prayers throughout the day! One of the preschoolers this week was singing,
    Jesus, Jesus.
    Jesus in the morning.
    Jesus in the noontime.
    Jesus. Jesus.
    Jesus when the sun goes down!

    Now I’m not singing praises TO you, but I will be offering prayers FOR you in the morning, in the noontime and when the sun goes down. (It’s probably blasphemous to exchange Jesus’ name for Heidi, but you get the idea. ❤️)

  28. A Walton says:

    Sickness is still raging in my family. My husband and son came down with it as well as my daughters still dealing with it.

    Good news though- my car that has been in the shop for four months is finally getting fixed today. Thank God! Thanksgiving for your prayers.

    1. Tammy Stecker says:

      Flu B is running amok in our family too! The five year old had the worst case so far. It took two weeks for him to recover. Praying he doesn’t get it again because both parents have it now. It seems to be everywhere!

  29. H Armour says:

    “Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!” I think Heaven will be more like a garden – like an Eden – where we will be redeemed and all things restored – where we will walk and talk with the King of Kings! “On earth as in heaven…your kingdom come”
    Maranatha. Come!

  30. Laura Dianne says:

    HEIDI Praying for you as you finish out the semester. May you have clarity of thought and confidence that you are completing the assignment correctly and thoroughly.

    As I was listening to one of my regular pod casts yesterday, I was reminded of a discipline I started back when I walked through a very dark valley. I took ten minutes after reading my SRT study to just be completely silent – praying, talking to the Lord, allowing my mind to completely focus on Him and nothing else. It took a lot of practice and discipline because my mind wandered so many times, but it was also life-giving to me during that very hard time, and I felt God speaking to me, truly speaking to me, not always, but a few times. I held onto those things that He put in my heart and they literally carried me through the valley. I’m not in a valley now, per se, but so many days my heart is heavy and worries creep in. So often weight loss, or exercise, or some other discipline is what I focus on to really be serious about in the new year. This year, my focus needs to be on this prayer time, sitting with God and just talking or listening.

  31. Theresa Storie says:

    Amen! Blessings and love to all of you!

  32. Cee Gee says:

    “Today, we wait with hope and expectation for the day God will bring everything, both in heaven and on earth, together in Christ…” Yes, Liv! We wait IN HOPE!
    Ephesians 1:9–10 (NLT)
    9 God has now revealed to us his mysterious will regarding Christ — which is to fulfill his own good plan.
    10 And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ —everything in heaven and on earth.”

    Oh, what a day that will be!
    So many songs come to mind, but I settled on this one by Bill and Gloria Gaither.

    What a day that will be,
    When my Jesus I shall see,
    And I look upon His face,
    The One who saved me by His grace;
    When He takes me by the hand,
    And leads me through the Promised Land,
    What a day, glorious day that will be.
    There’ll be no sorrow there,
    No more burdens to bear,
    No more sickness, no more pain,
    No more parting over there;
    But forever I will be,
    With the One who died for me,
    What a day, glorious day that will be.
    What a day that will be,
    When my Jesus I shall see,
    When I look upon His face,
    The One who saved me by His grace;
    When He takes me by the hand,
    And leads me through that Promised Land,
    What a day, glorious day that will be
    Oh What a day that will be,
    When my Jesus I shall see,
    When I look upon His face,
    The One who saved me by His grace;
    When He takes me by the hand,
    And leads me through that Promised Land,
    What a day, glorious day that will be.

    HEIDI – Praying in agreement with you that you will accomplish the necessary elements in this paper and for patience and fortitude for those long afternoon chores! Praying for Kin’s anxiety also! ❤ Funny side note: my spellchecker changed Kin to King! How appropriate for today! I kind of didn’t want to correct it!

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – Praying that your knee issues don’t take away from the fun time planned. ❤

    SEARCHING – Thanks for those update requests. Praying for wisdom for each medical team and for strength to fight for each patient. ❤

    Praying for all of you sweet SHES!

  33. HL says:

    Praying for you Heidi that He will give you focus, peace and joy to finish this well. ❤️

  34. Stacey Brothers says:


  35. Searching says:

    HEIDI – praying for content, peace & speed in completing your paper and other assignments today. “We” did it last time :) – You can do this! Praying peace and calm for Kin as well.

  36. Searching says:

    King Jesus, King of Nations, our King, my Jesus – we can try to imagine heaven, and the day we first see Him to fall at His feet in worship, but the best we can imagine will pale in comparison to the reality. Overwhelmed by thinking about that day.

    Liv Dooley got my attention with this statement, “In the midst of all of the confusing subjects we could contemplate forever, one thing is clear: we live for that day.” Not only what we contemplate, but also things we worry about, fear, struggle to handle, wrestle with turning over to God – in the midst of all that our lives involve, never lose sight of what we live for – eternity with God and Jesus.

    TINA ❤️ thank you for sharing about Maisie, and reminding us to be ready, to stay ready for His return!

    Update – my friend’s daughter in ICU continues to improve after the surgery.

    Prayer requests – close friend of a family member is in what seems to be her last weeks or days, and so many are heartbroken. Praying the friend comes to know the Lord, and that these breaking hearts are comforted.
    Also, I found out yesterday the daughter of another friend is fighting in ICU with sepsis. Praying as the medical team scrambles for the right tools to fight it.

    KRIS – yes, craving God’s wisdom, and patience as MICHELLE P mentioned- would have saved me a lot of trouble in my younger years.

    Praying for:
    SHAMRA HICKS – financial wisdom, mentor to guide you. Is there a church near you starting a financial class in the new year?
    MERCY – protection and guidance for Lisa and husband
    DONNA WOLCOTT – healing for you and husband
    RHONDA J – Nicole, coming to church and joining class. Thankful for you!
    GWINETH52 – peace in the midst of all! Agreeing with CEE GEE that a nap is needed!
    GAYLE CRAIK – wisdom in treatment decisions, as you consider all things related to choices and providers
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – praying for your knee!! Maybe consider borrowing, renting or getting a wheelchair? We’ve used a small one many times over the years – called a transport wheelchair – bought at walgreens I think.

  37. Heidi says:

    All this Ezekiel passage whispers in my head is “…while YOU were still sinning… while you were STILL against me… while YOU were STILL making a name for yourself, a life for yourself, placing YOUR own image above my own – I in love, in mercy, in hope for you, died for you.”.. (my own paraphrase of Romans 5:8). He’s standing there, watching His own people socially, emotionally, spiritually prostitute themselves – and for what? Well, what do I CHOOSE daily to do it for..? Temporary comfort? Temporary gain? Temporary acceptance? The list is longer than this site can contain. But, categorically, the reason is “my own self”. I don’t build a name for Him, I do it for me; I don’t encourage others to seek Him in their needs, but rather, see ME. I become my own god and, in addition, try to become the god for others as well. What a horrific trade out! Talk about a cheater-brand!! Praise His holy name that He comes in anyway, offers His love and forgiveness anyway, sees my sin and takes it away anyway. God, thank you. Be my God, be my savior, be my reason for all that I think and do. Be glorified and honored by the representation my existence leaves on this earth.

    1. Teresa Donley says:

      HEIDI, i’m praying that your paper will come back with an A for all of your hard work and study. I’m also praying that as you go about your other assignments today and tomorrow, you will feel less pressure and when it’s all over be able to relax and enjoy your family for Christmas, I pray for your daughter that her panic attacks and anxiety will be healed. I pray that she too is able to relax and enjoy her Christmas break. I went to seminary as an adult and took all of my classes online. I remember well working against a time deadline to get something turned in, it was all worth it when I finally got the diploma and when I began working full-time for my Lord. Blessings on you.

    2. Tammy Stecker says:

      Amen. You are spot on. May we see our filth every day and draw closer to Him as we acknowledge it over and over. I pray that I never forget the weak flesh that is me. I pray I’m always convicted! I needed your post. Thank you!

  38. Heidi says:

    FRIENDS!! We’re getting so close, Christmas is literally around the corner!! What a journey… I’ve been able to pop-in here and there and read comments, updates, prayers, though there have been a few days I have missed. THANK YOU to those who have so kindly remembered me/finals in prayers these last couple of weeks, and who have remembered my little Lady, Kin, and some of her struggles. Her anxiety/panic attacks have been increased the last week or so. Some of this comes when large schedule changes happen (ie. being out of school/out of usual routine) but it’s hard to see her go through it.

    TODAY is it. I have (at the time I’m typing) about 11 hours of my semester left. It will be a challenge as one class kind of “tossed in” a huge paper in addition to its OTHER huge paper and I’m overwhelmed. Up early this AM to prayerfully, hopefully, quickly get this last one knocked out as the prof wants it in (for some reason??) by 1:00pm. Then from 1-5:30 I will be working on little side assignments that won’t be difficult, just time consuming, that are for a pass/fail class. Then? I will be done with the first semester of my 2nd year in seminary!

    This class that I have the paper due by 1 eastern time- I have done well on all the papers turned in, however with the weight put on THIS ONE PAPER, I am fearful that I will not do all he is wanting and I’m worried it will jeopardize my grade to the point of retaking it. I really, really do not want that to happen for many reasons, but a lot because I have done so much GOOD work for this class it will feel like an enormous waste for one thing to tear that down. I’m asking for prayers of clarity, understanding, wisdom, focus, creativity in writing, and efficiency in time/work.

    I’ll be checking in here throughout the day as I take my little 5min brain breaks… I love to read your updates and prayer requests, and if you have any encouragement to leave, I love reading that too!! ;) I need to go back and finish the reading today then get to my work!! If I happen to pop in your head today, will you toss a prayer up for me??? :) Happy morning, She’s!!! :) :)

    1. Teresa Donley says:

      I put my reply to this post under your other one. Hope you see it.

  39. Libby K says:

    Can you imagine being in the synagogue when Jesus read the prophetic words about Himself? It said all eyes were on Him. I can imagine you would hear a pin drop. Something about what He read or how He read it must have greatly impacted them because they read those words all of the time. And then for Him to then declare that He was the One the scriptures point to? Gives me chills.

    1. Tara B says:

      I was thinking the same thing, LIBBY K. What it would have been like to be there when the KING OF KINGS read the scripture just as it had been read many, many times before. What a sight! What amazement l. Would I have believed? Oh I pray so.

  40. Kristine Loughman says:

    Ah, there is always hope. I just need the courage to pursue it, to claim it. I tend to lean into the disappointment of hope unfulfilled, instead of leaning into the “but God” moments. Give me the courage to keep hoping in expectation!

  41. Michelle Smith says:

    All Hail King Jesus! (Check out the song if you haven’t already, it’s beautiful!) King of the Nations we welcome you!

  42. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Liv Dooley, thank you. “We can imagine our King because He is coming.” Come, Lord Jesus.

    TINA – ❤️

    MERCY – sounds like Lisa and her husband are in a spiritual battle! Praying the Lord strengthens them in the fight.

    RHONDA J – rejoicing about Nicole and her faith journey. Praying she will join your
    upcoming class as a first step.

    GWINETH52 – praying you find a way to clear room for rest.

    GAYLE CRAIK – praying the Lord gives you clear direction with treatment

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying for quick healing for your knee

  43. Alisabeth Jordan says:

    ❤️these are very well written

  44. Tina says:

    My work colleagues and i have been excited for the last 7 months as we waited in absolute joy filled expectation for the arrival of the long awaited little person! These last 3weeks have not necessarily been torture, but I can tell you waiting is clearly not something we do well at!
    In the office, on the streets, over lunch, the question and enquiry was, has the baby arrived? Did anyone know how things were fairing when we found out mum was in labour..
    Little Maisie, with her little button nose and all her tiny tiny fingers and toes, chubby cheeks arrived on Wednesday.. Oh the joy!
    King David dancing before the Lord with all his might, has nothing on the great cheer and joy when we heard.. some of us broke out our semi retired hips in joyful movement!

    If this was the joy when the ‘glad tidings’ came about little Maisie, oh my days, what joy, what joy will there be for the second coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ!

    For little Maisie, we had a timeline for her arrival..

    BUT GOD..

    For Jesus’s second coming, we don’t, which means we need to be ready, today and every today because ” we do not know the hour, or the day, when or where, how or otherwise.. we need to be prepared.. mind body and soul.. for the Hope and and great expectation for that day when the Lord God, will bring everything together, both heaven and earth in Christ.
    LIV DOOLEY, the author of this devotional, says, we can imagine, oh absolutely let’s imagine, but I think we need to be ready too, for the THE KING OF THE NATIONS.for He is for sure, coming soon.


    Happy Friday my dears, wrapped tightly in love, hugs and prayers. ❤️

    1. Mary Ann Graves says:

      Amen. In awe will I fall down?

  45. Adrienne says:

    Reconciliation… Thank you for that, Jesus!

    Blessed Friday, sweet sisters!