
Open Your Bible

Judges 2:1-23, Judges 21:25, Proverbs 21:2-3, Mark 12:28-34

This Is the Old Testament is part of a twelve-week thematic overview of the entire Bible. Each day we’ll read a thematic selection from a different book of the Bible, along with supplemental passages that show how the theme of that day’s main reading is found throughout Scripture. We’ll also read a brief summary of each book and a reflection on how the book fits into the larger story of Scripture. This week, we move from the Pentateuch into the second section of the Old Testament, the Historical Books.

What Is Judges? The book of Judges chronicles the period after Joshua’s death, which was characterized by an ongoing cycle of Israel’s sin, God’s judgment, and His deliverance. This deliverance came through twelve leaders, known as judges. 

How Judges Fits Into the Story: Judges records how the nation of Israel survived the dark days of the judges entirely by the grace of God. In His mercy, God sent oppressors as reminders of their rebellion, responded to their cries, and raised up deliverers. Judges demonstrates the fundamental problem of the human heart—when God’s people forget His saving acts, they go after other gods. In the end, the book of Judges illustrates an eternal truth: in spite of our sin and rebellion, the Lord will continue to build His kingdom.

Reflection Questions: 
1. What does God’s response to the destruction and disobedience described in today’s reading tell you about the nature of His kingdom?
2. How does today’s reading shape your understanding of the story of redemption?

Take time to reflect on your responses and share what you are learning with others in the community in the comments.

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73 thoughts on "Judges"

  1. Jessica says:

    Sisters, first of all I want to say how encouraging all of your responses are! How beautiful is this community!

    However, I’ve seen a few of you use “Gods” (capital G) when talking about false idols in your posts. Though your message is correct, it would actually be “gods” (lowercase g) when referring to false gods or idols. There is only one true God, everything else is a god. A little thing, but it matters when talking to non-believers.

    I am so enjoying this study! Learning something new from every day!

  2. Cathy James says:

    Totally agree with you.

  3. Ashley M says:

    These passages also show what can be lost generation to generation if we aren’t intentional about passing along the greatness of God.

  4. Dorothy says:

    God is such a forgiving God. Time and time again the Israelites, His Chosen people, would stray but time and time again He would take them back. Time and time again I stray and time and time again He takes me back, all I have to do is ask for forgiveness and have faith in Jesus Christ.
    Lord, help to do better. Thank you for forgiving me when I fall or stray. I praise Your name and rejoice in You, Your Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Be blessed my sisters.

  5. Cynthia Johnston says:

    Mary Ann, I am praying for you. ♥️

  6. Jimin says:

    Thank you God for a reminder to live our lives in obedience. When I read this Bible, I felt that anything that we put before God can be our idol. For me, I think sometimes life gets in the way and there are so many things that I feel like I should do before I spend time with God and by the end of the day, I’m too tired to spend time with HIM. Lord I thank you that you are a God of redemption and that you never forsake us but instead gently call us back into your arms. Sisters, please pray for salvation of my husband, Daniel. Grateful to have found this community. Thanks you and God bless you all. May we walk together in one with our one and only mighty God!

  7. Maura says:

    ERB, so glad to see your comment. I am really rarely on facebook, but maybe email would be good. I process so much email at work that I tend to avoid it at home too. But we could study there. I am running behind today so have to make this quicker than normal. The start of ch 34 a proclamation to listen caught me. And the measuring line of desolation and the plumb line of chaos in verse 11. The owls were funny to me because I have always loved owls, but I have been staying with my sister Emily’s recently and their neighborhood owls, Orpha and Owen, have left the remains of several bunnies fo me to clean up, needless to say not as fond of owls right now. This retribution of Edom it says is to uphold Zion’s cause. So He is again fighting for Zion. I too love Isaiah 34:16-18. especially that His Spirit will gather us together. His joy to your day my friend. Keeping your brother and you in my prayers!

  8. Alexis says:

    Mary-Ann: Praying for your addiction to wine. With God, nothing is impossible!
    Lydia V: Praying for your dad and a successful surgery.
    Free Indeed: Praying for your grandmothers surgery.
    Tina: Praying for Ollie’s healing
    Angie: Praying for your recovery.

    I have a request to add as well: I need wisdom regarding my job. I need to be able to trust God with the outcome and know that He is with me through all this. Thank you <3