New York has been known for decades as “the city that never sleeps.” Twenty-four-hour diners, cafes, and bodegas are commonplace. At any hour of the night, I can walk down to my corner bodega and order a bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll, and no one would even bat an eye at the time. Sometimes I see this as a luxury—I can have anything! At any time! But other times, I realize that it’s no wonder we’re all so exhausted all the time. New Yorkers just don’t get much sleep, and we hardly ever truly rest.
Whether you live in the city that never sleeps, a sweet, sleepy suburb, or somewhere in between, rest can be hard to come by. In a culture where who you are is so often seen as dependent on what you do, we often run ourselves ragged trying to prove that we’re good enough. We push and push and push, striving for the next paycheck, the next promotion, or the next benchmark of what we think our lives should look like. When someone asks us how we’re doing, we say, “Busy, but good!” Busyness is seen as a sort of badge of honor. Add in holiday craziness to already jam-packed schedules and by January 1, we’re walking around with dazed looks on our faces, unsure what day of the week it is.
Our culture might promote this hustle lifestyle, but Christ calls us to a different way of living. He calls us to true rest.
But the beauty of this rest is that it’s not something that we have to strive for. We’re not working for the weekends when it comes to the rest that Christ offers. Jesus says in Matthew 11, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” All we have to do to get this rest is simply come to Him. He gives us this rest because He is the rest for our souls. We find true rest when we find ourselves rooted and established in him.
The rest provided to us in Christ gives us cause for joy, for celebration. We find joy in Christ’s rest because we finally can lay down the burdens we’ve been carrying and delight in His presence. We can dwell with Him in the house of the Lord. No more striving, no more running ourselves ragged. When we slow down and bask in his presence, we find that true rest isn’t dependent on our performance or persistence at all. It’s only dependent on the person of Jesus Christ. All we have to do is sit with Him.
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119 thoughts on "Joy Through Rest"
God thank you for allowing me to rest and not feel bad about it
This message is perfect for today. I’m obviously reading a few days behind for a reason. Life is chaotic at the moment but today we rest, it’s the first day of the Christmas holidays and we all slept in, even the 3 year old. A reminder that life doesn’t need to be busy, it is NOT a badge of honour. I’m reading my bible in my pj’s and having a coffee with just a few bits to do. Rest is really needed right now and God has given this passage to me for a reason! Amen
Same! ❤
Such a great reminder during such a busy season. ❤️
I am so in need of the rest that only comes from Jesus
This was so so needed!
Rest is the hardest thing for me to do. Jesus, show me how to rest in my life. Amen.
In this busy holiday season in scrambling between- working harder to provide for our family, buying Christmas present, making Christmas presents, seeing others this is a timely reminder to rest. I feel the Lord saying “ can’t you just sit with me for a moment ? Let me give you some peace of mind today “ every time I reach for my bible. What a loving God we have who sees our efforts but also has our best interest in mind and reminds us To rest…
I want to thank you all for your continued prayers for me this season of life. These SRT scripture readings have brought me daily joy in community the past 3 months. I am excited to continue reading on with you all in this next year.
❤ looking forward to future studies here, too, Sophie!
We all need to “just sit with Him a moment,” don’t we?
Jesus is the true rest for our souls, when we are weary or burdened we can come to Him and rest in His arms of grace and be surrounded by His peace. Thank you Jesus for being who you are we have all we need in you Amen
I remember when I first retired I didn’t know how to be still. There was a day that the snow was falling and I decided to sit down and knit. I turned on a cooking channel. I felt guilty. That was 17 years ago. I still find it hard to just be. I really like a day that I accomplish things. But I know I need to sit and rest with God. I’m trying to allow myself that.
Rest is not something you equate with having a newborn, and yet I feel the most rested I ever have. I feel like I finally understand what it means to walk and not grow weary. My mom was like why don’t you start weaning so you can have some help, and I told her I can’t explain it but even though it’s hard and inconvenient, I cherish our breastfeeding moments. I think it’s because it forces me to sit and rest every 2-3 hours whereas usually I’m like how much can I fit in to my day. It is so refreshing to be like none of my chores matter more than feeding my baby and I can let it go. Maybe when you’re doing something that really matters in God’s kingdom that’s what it means when his yoke is easy. Bc this is not easy but it sure does feel refreshing.
I love that great wisdom! It is those precious moments that matter, and just being in the quite and still, staring at the little precious one! They grow so fast, the first year will fly! I only had one, so I am glad I was the same and treasured the experience!
Lanie, you have wisdom beyond your years! Little Iris is blessed to have you as her mom! ❤
This was such a blessing to me tonight! My husband and I are expecting our first in just a little over a month, and I’ve been thinking a lot about how our lives will change once our daughter is here. As someone who also enjoys being busy, it’s so encouraging to hear from another new mom about the joy in slowing down and enjoying this precious time with our new babies. Thank you for sharing!!
Congratulations Abby! It is the absolute best.
What a joy and blessing Abby! I remember the anticipation is almost bubbling over in those weeks before!! Prayers for you and your new little family!!
Well, my sisters.
I confess to my current “push”, “persist”, “perform” hustle. Not much resting right now, only rushing. Feeding & entertaining guests. Sending & returning packages. Checking in on ailing neighbor & caregiver.
Egads! No wonder my energy is starting to flag!!! No wonder I’m starting to feel snappy, not happy.
Sweet Jesus, help me steal away with you to a quiet space of solace. Stop me from being so hard headed & heavy handed. Lead me, guide me, along the “right paths” to freedom. Fill me with grace, not activity. I pray to allow “only goodness & faithful love” to pursue me. And to sit, closer & closer, to You. In your lap, even!!! Poor, ragged me.
Someone said in this week’s podcast, to keep the 23rd Psalm on repeat, silently or audibly, during stressful – or really, all times. King David, and his Lord, King Jesus offered it in all humility & simplicity, for a reason. Not just a season.
I am finding that recovery from surgery has forced me to rest, and as I begin to step slowly back into my regular responsibilities, I need to watch my pace carefully. I need to make time to be in nature to enhance my healing, but that is hard to do when I have no control over the weather, my strength or my pain level, or the health of my son’s caregiver. And recovery of my strength takes hours of exhausting physical therapy every week! It has truly been a daily exercise in faith and letting go, and I know it will continue to be. But one small step I am taking is prioritizing this devotion over urgent chores such as paying bills (which must also be done.) God give me strength to do what is most important and let the rest fall in place. Like Mary did.
I have been loving my Saturdays. That is when I Sabbath because I work for the church on Sundays. I feel like my relationship with God has become so much more a joy to look forward to because of this time set aside. His rest is so much more fulfilling than any of the “rests” that I find, movies, naps…… He is so good!
“Busy, but good!” Guilty! 100% I don’t feel right if I’m not busy. I kind of get anxious almost, like I am forgetting very important things that need to be done, by me, right now! Resting in Jesus is something I definitely need to learn and live. Just like I want joy to be part of WHO I am, I want RESTing in Jesus to be too.
I watch my little granddaughter a few days a week. She is napping now, and I thought, rest for her is all the time. She is busy, unless she is sleeping, but she doesn’t worry, she doesn’t fret, because she is confident in the people who take care of her to have her needs met. She may cry if they are not met immediately sometimes, but that content little face is a true picture of how I want to be resting in the knowledge of Jesus’ provision and love for me. We can learn so much from little children. Jesus was on to something!
Dear Laura
I can picture your granddaughter now. Such peace & assurance.
My prayer is you find your own rest, as completely & sweetly.
Thanks for encapsulating the feelings so beautifully!
Psalm 23 has been a close Psalm to my heart this year. I’ve memorized it and repeated it so many times. I memorized the ESV version, but while reading the CSB version today, I made a new connection between verses 1 and 3. Knowing God is my shepherd, I can rest in knowing I have what I need (v.1) for the right path He’s leading me on (v.3).
Lord, you know the path you’re leading me on well, even in the darkness (to me), you know the way for you are the way, the truth, and the life after all (John 14:6), and when it is dark, you are my guide, which is why I can rest easy and not fear. You provide me with all I need abundantly for the path you’ve called me on, and you lead me along the right paths for your name’s sake. So I can find joy in your rest, laying down all of the burdens I’ve been carrying, and delight in your presence.
When I am overwhelmed and weary, that is a “check engine light” reminder to surrender to God and rely on Him to do the heavy lifting. All I can do is ask God what the next step of faith He wants me to take is.
Rest allows us to be fully present- when I am rushing to the next thing or going over my to do list I cannot be present with those around me (known and unknown) because I’m so “busy” I may not notice the need of a stranger, the hurt in my kiddos eyes when I tell them I will “look at their artwork later” or the Holy Spirit guiding me. Lord thank you for your rest- help me to trust you so that I may fully enjoy your presence!
Holy Spirit has been nudging me to look deeper into words. It’s like everyday a word stands out to me. Today it was soar.
They will soar on wings like eagles.
In doing so this is what I gathered and it truly blessed me. I will never look at this verse the same or eagles for that matter:)
Soar: to reach high places beyond one’s imagination, upward flight.
Eagles have a unique flying style- they wait for large gusts of wind called wind thermals. Instead of flapping their wings to stay in the air. Eagles can wait for days for the right wind to catch and even seek out storms to find the best wind thermals. The Bible uses this metaphor of soaring to teach us that we should wait patiently for the Holy Spirit to provide the “second wind” that will help us soar.
I don’t want to be a bird just flapping in the air. I want to be like an eagle relying daily on the help of the Holy Spirit.
This has been A YEAR for me. The Lord is teaching me what it means to truly trust Him and cast my cares on Him. It has been a battle but so thankful for His patience and how He has continued to fight for me to experience this rest. This year we fully took over our family business. Which is a car business at that. My husband has always ran it but my father in law owned it. Pretty scary in the economy we are living in on top of our oldest being a senior and thinking of the expense of college and boy is senior year expensive:) but oh has he grown me and stretched my faith. Showing me daily that He is right there with me. Just three months ago I was crippled with fear of all the what ifs. Today I can truly say I have placed it all in His hands. I cannot tell you how many nights I have woke up replaying some of these verses from today. I cast my cares on you Lord..I cast my fear and worries on you.. thank you that you want to take this from me.. your yoke is easy and light. It is not heavy! What a Savior! Thank you thank you for your rest! For your help! For your comfort!
He renews my life; he leads me along the right paths for his names sake. Even when I go through the darkest valley I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me. Dark valleys and hard times are part of those paths – yet He will be with me. His comfort is near and freely given! I don’t deserve a bit of it yet he freely gives me His presence, His strength, His love, His joy!! And when I start to go backwards He reminds me.. give it to me!
Thank you for that wonderful insight about the word soar and for sharing your testimony. Praying for God’s continued comfort and provision for you and your family in this season. ❤️
This is SO good!! Thank you for sharing!
Loved today’s reading and devotional. Perfect timing as rest is something I’m struggling with-not related to “busyness”. Just trust/rest. Shakes my core to sit in unrest and distrust where I’ve been good at it before. Perhaps the Lord is showing me I wasn’t truly trusting and faithful? I don’t know but could use some prayer here ♥️
The thing I do when I’m at that point of not trusting, is to look back and ask, “where/when has God NOT taken care of me?” All thru the bible when people were in tough spots, God ALWAYS came thru… not just sometimes, but EVERY SINGLE TIME. God is NOT untrustworthy. Our own perspectives need a heart change to see that EVERY TIME in ALL THINGS God is on time, doing the BEST for us. We just have to change what we think His best is, and allow His best to be our best.
Lord,give me the ruthlessness
to rest!!!!
Amen & Amen, R
May we be as rigorous about rest!
How often do we read through something and not even digest it because we know it “so well”? I read , and then re-read Psalm 23… TWICE! (After the first reading of it today, I thought, “Adrienne, what did you even read?”)
I think it all goes back to the busyness aspect. (I have a pin saved on a Pinterest board that reminds me to stop glorifying “busy”! I’ll post it on our Facebook page.)
This translation says He LETS me lie down in green pastures. A different one says that he MAKES me lie down. Sometimes I feel like He has to MAKE me. I need to change my attitude and LET Him.
I am surprised that Mary and Martha were not in today’s reading. I am SUCH a Martha and wish I were more like Mary. I have a book by Joanna Weaver, called “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.” Guess I should go re-read that too, huh?
Wait… don’t answer that.
lol! I think we all have some Martha! Did you see The Chosen episode this latest season on that? It was good! I love how it brings the scripture into more vivid example to us!
I did… I was, like, “Oh, Adrienne… I mean Martha!”
The Pharisees “RESTED” in their knowledge of the law. Jesus wants us to REST in our knowledge/relationship with Him. The Law could not save the Pharisees, and neither it nor good deeds will save us. There is only one SAVIOR and that is Jesus. I believe the rest He is referring to is the security/trust in the fact that we don’t have to work out our own salvation. I like how Warren Wiersbe states this:
“The Lord’s Invitation
Matt. 11:28
Jesus said, “Come” (11:28). The Pharisees all said “Do!” and tried to make the people follow Moses and the traditions. But true salvation is found only in a person, Jesus Christ. To come to Him means to trust Him. This invitation is open to those who are exhausted and burdened down. That is exactly how the people felt under the yoke of pharisaical legalism (23:4; Acts 15:10).
Jesus said, “Take” (11:29). This is a deeper experience. When we come to Christ by faith, He gives us rest. When we take His yoke and learn, we find rest, that deeper rest of surrender and obedience. The first is “peace with God” (Rom. 5:1); the second is the peace of God (Phil. 4:6–8). To “take a yoke” in that day meant to become a disciple. When we submit to Christ, we are yoked to Him. The word “easy” means “well-fitting”; Jesus has just the yoke that is tailor-made for our lives and needs. The burden of doing His will is not a heavy one (1 John 5:3).
Jesus said, “Learn from Me” (11:29). The first two commands represent a crisis as we come and yield to Christ, but this step is a process. As we learn more about Him, we find a deeper peace because we trust Him more. Life is simplified and unified around the person of Christ. This invitation is for all—not just the people of Israel (10:5, 6).”
Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.
Born to Be Our Savior is a beautiful, restful song I found on The Praise Porch Youtube channel. I can’t find lyrics, but here are a few I will type:
“Peace for the weary
Rest for the soul
Jesus our Savior makes us whole.
Born to be our Savior,
Born to set us free,
Heaven’s love has come to earth- a gift for you and me.
… Jesus Christ our Savior
Born to set us free
Born to bring us hope,
Born to bring us light…
Jesus Christ is with us on this holy night.
Born to be our Savior
* I have only listened to this song on this channel. I haven’t vetted it.
Thank you for sharing Cee Gee!!!
Psalm 23 is well known verses, and there are two current songs out that I love that sing it out!
Phil Wickham- Psalm 23
Riley Clemmons- Still Waters
Both are lovely!
I am not a “burn the candle at both ends” kinda gal–I move at a slower pace naturally I suppose. In the rearing kids season I only had one, easy boy. And although I did have my own business for 8 years that was definitely hard, I still loved it and wasn’t too spent. But here’s the thing (Tina’s phrasing!), no matter our lifestyle, we have to find rest in the Lord, making time to be with him, walking with him throughout the day, hand and hand. I put a lot of time into my physical body over the years, not a maniac, but a good 3 times a week for most of my adult life. So I often say I wish I would have put that much effort into my spiritual body as well. The triceps sag regardless, the tush spreads, and the lower tummy gets flabbier, it’s a given. So although it’s good to take care of your body and keep your flexibility and strength, you can only fight aging in so many ways. BUT GOD- He is our source of LIFE, everything! Why don’t we feel that NEED, our living water??! Why is it we go to him when we are exhausted and depleted? I wish I would have built my relationship with the Lord in my 20’s, it would have given my soul rest from so much misery- self inflicted. But after a couple of decades of reliance on self, I finally started opening my Bible, found SRT, and it is life-changing! I truly have rest in the Lord this Christmas. No tree, no decorations, no business, no distractions. Just the Christian Christmas tunes playing and thanking God for his gift, his beautiful gift to me.
I pray each of you find rest in him in this advent season! Don’t get to caught up in the “to do’s” that you exhaust yourself. Simple is good for the children. They will never be satisfied gift wise, so might as well not try in my experience. Teach them it’s in the giving, not receiving. How many are left with a too low banking account afterwards? I pray we find ways to rectify these wayward ways America has gone to give our children everything they put on that list!! Do they have a list for giving? A card, a picture drawing, a note of love for their teacher or grandparent? It’s never too late to flip it around! Let’s be intentional with HOW we do Christmas, maybe even take notes of what mattered and what didn’t to read next year before Advent? Just some thoughts! Sorry to go on!! Good conversation though for our FB page?!
Actually, my 6-year old granddaughter stayed with us last night. After supper, she jumped up and rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. She also made a bracelet and gave it to me. When she wins prizes at school, she shares her wins with friends on the bus and her sister. She is a very giving little gal.
How Wonderful!! Love to hear that! What a sweetie!
Thank you, Rhonda, for sharing! I really connected with what you said about putting the effort in to your physical body and wishing you had put it into your spiritual body. I have always been very quick to prioritize the physical body, neglecting the spiritual. But recently (ie. over the last year), the Lord has been working in that area by helping to point me towards him first and towards exercise second. I’m ashamed to say that it took Him sending some major life changes (new job and new baby) that completely removed my time for exercise to help me prioritize that time with Him. It has helped me realize that my relationship with exercise was one of control and an effort to ease my anxiety – being forced to “let go” of the every day exercise regimen has really forced me to rely on the Lord in those moments when my anxiety starts to spiral. It has been a wonderful time of growth on the spiritual side, and I can see so clearly now the positive impact that has had on my self-image and my relationships as well. I also really appreciate your thoughts about a “giving list” – with a now 17 month old, I have been doing a lot of thinking on how we will keep from falling into that “get get get” sentiment with her in the future, and I like that idea of a “giving list” instead of a “getting list” Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing Kira!
And glad that designated with you to think ahead with your daughter! I just remember the first four or 5 years how you could buy lots of little cheap things for them to wrap up and throw in their stockings! Then (too late) I realized I had taught him to enjoy LOTS of presents under the tree, and Legos and toys were more expensive! I had created a monster, lol. He was the only one, so I hadn’t thought ahead. But I love the idea of keeping it to a number of gifts, such a 3- something want, something need, and something to do.
I also loved the tradition of 2 presents on Christmas Eve of an ornament and Christmas pajamas. (but even those can get expensive the bigger your family!)
Entering into God’s rest is hard! We have such a “accomplishment” mindset! I’ve had to learn to really sit and be still with God to be able to enter into His rest! But Psalms 23:3 lets us know that when we do, “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”
It is in the rest, that we are restored and can follow Him.
Praying for all. BARB in Wisconsin. Rhonda and all the caregivers, moms of all the prodigals, mom’s, busy working women, s as bd all the rest. May you find time to sit still before the Lord! Even if it is in the bathroom for 5 minutes! I did do this many times as a mom and working. Would offer up a prayer and just have some peace and quiet!!
Have a v blessed day!
Jesus be my rest!
I wrote a post commenting on today’s scripture – and then it was gone! So I’ll just say…
When it comes to “slowing down and basking in his presence” – I have lots of work to do on this!
My life is filled with busyness, I’m always doing and going and crossing off everything on my (very long) list!
I’m more of a Martha than a Mary and that’s something I really need to work on!
Rest is important – it’s vital, not only to our physical well being, but to our spiritual as well!
Lord, help me to slow down today, to stop and bask in your presence, to rest and get restored.
…I haven’t read all the comments yet because I have to run out the door (see – I’m not resting, but running!!) but will come back later to read them and pray for your requests.
Have a blessed Thursday sweet sisters!
Same, Sharon. I commented on Mary and Martha also before I even read your post. ❤️
I often will look up the meaning of a word and today I looked up “rest.” I was looking for a Hebrew meaning and one noted, “rest is not so much as sleeping or reading a good book, but a “settling in.” Trusting . Secure. Drawing near. Something to ponder. Have a blessed day!!!
Oh that’s a GOOD definition of rest! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for that, Dawn. Maybe I rest more than I think I do. Heeheehee!
I love the permission to rest. To quiet ourselves. To just sit with the Christmas tree lights on, with soft instrumental Christmas songs playing, drinking my favorite coffee concoction. Just sitting. Allowing my heart to wonder about the wonder of Jesus’s birth. Rest. We all so need it. I’ve often asked, “Where in the bible does it say we will be rewarded for our busyness?”. I can’t find it. I can’t imagine Jesus hurrying around, snapping His fingers trying to get everyone moving. As I’ve slowed down, I’ve enjoying the process of things more, enjoyed the journey not just the end goal. Rest = Peace.
So. Good!
Hey Kris…
“I can’t imagine Jesus hurrying around, snapping His fingers trying to get everyone moving”.
That image cracked me up!!
All we have to do is sit with Him. I imagine all-of-us She’s around the world whether early morning hours or evening, gather with coffee in hand or tea, “reading-the-WORD-together” and it brings me great JOY! Even if I didn’t get good sleep, I can’t wait to sit with my JESUS and spend time with HIM. AND with all of you! “Quiet-time” is my favorite and most IMPORTANT part of my day. Its when I read, cry, pray, listen, confess and confess some more knowing MY JESUS loves me and you very much and longs for us to spend time with Him. My time with JESUS IS my lifeline. Can’t start my day without spending time with HIM! AND when I have, my day is MISSING something. AND of course we need physical rest which is hard to do! TOMORROW is my last day before a two-week Christmas break (the world calls it Winter break). Trusting my Jesus to provide and looking-forward to much needed physical rest. Funny….the music teacher and I were talking what we’re going to do and I said, “rest and run”. We laughed, but its true. I want to sleep in (which is normally 7am) and go running which I enjoy so much! LOVE YOU ALL my sweet SRT sisters!
Beautiful! Your joy overflows in the Lord!
We were reading at the same time as usual this morning! :)
I guess my emoji didn’t show up I gave you a smile, smiley face with a bunch of hearts around it.
I remember those days when I worked for the school system and got a real Christmas Vacation. I envy you!! Enjoy the time God has given you!!!
I am taking a more restful Christmas this year. Buying candy instead of baking cookies. Decorating less. My kids have not complained. We are going through stressful times with our daughter. And my soul appreciates just lighting the advent candles and reading the bible aloud to trying to cram in one more Christmas movie or event. I feel closer to God this year. And I believe it is because I am resting. Thank you Lord for giving me the oportunity to rest this Advent season.
Amen! It all ends so quickly anyway and leaves us depleted! Prayers for daughter!
Praying for you Sarah! Sometimes buying things is more restful then making it. Praying for your daughter.
Did your daughter get released? How is that going? Praying for you and your family, dear sister! ❤️
Thank you for rest. For being God with Us. For your comfort in your nearness
So thankful for the rest that Christ offers.
Rest comes from trusting. The sheep in Psalm 23 lies down in green pastures because it trusts the shepherd will provide and doesn’t feel compelled to eat while the grass is green. It drinks at quiet waters because it’s not afraid of the dangers around it. I’m so convicted that often I don’t rest in the Lord because I don’t trust Him like I should. But He freely gives strength and comfort and REST. Oh Lord, help me to trust you more. “You keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You.” Isaiah 26:3
Jennifer, you nailed it on the head. This is me! I don’t fully trust Him so I continue to fill my day and “control” my day. Such a good word this morning! Praying we lie down in green pastures and drink from still waters!
Ouch. Maybe I don’t trust as much as I think I do…
REST. Such a personal topic for me. This past year has been a revelation of my need for rest. I e always liked being busy, but this year, I wore busyness like a badge of honor, pushing myself relentlessly. And it left me burned out and jaded; don’t ask me much about my personal relationships during that time, because my only memories are of work and an exhausted me. I was burned out, I walked away from the work I was doing.
Looking back, I see how God’s hand was at work. Through prayer, I sought guidance, asking that doors would only open if they aligned with His will for my life. This summer I found a new job—one that not only aligns with my values but offers the flexibility and joy I had been missing. More importantly— it offers me rest. I truly believe that surrendering my plans to God and trusting Him with the outcome made all the difference.
I’ve come to deeply appreciate the importance of rest and the intentionality of embracing moments that make me pause. More than anything, I continue to learn the value of centering my life on how Jesus calls me to live.
Great testimony of how trusting can lead to just what we needed, even when we don’t know WHAT we need!
Thank you for sharing, Maria ❤️ so grateful that you found a job that provides you rest
Rest does not mean not doing any work, for even Jesus talked about sharing His yoke, which was something the animals work to work the land. It is relying o Jesus to do the heavy lifting, so to speak. It’s more about relentless striving and a chaotic pace.
May we know the difference and truat Him to lead us to balance and peace.
Praying especially for all the caregivers today, that Jesus would give you a deep sense of rest as you care for your loved ones.
Yes! Rest is a posture of our heart, mostly. Being at rest inside in the midst of “doing” is still very possible.
Thank you for this!
Yes! I stay connected (resting) with Jesus throughout my day. That’s why it is so important to bury his word in your heart so it is constantly with us!
Rest. You know I often think rest is something that I have to earn. I have to get everything done. Then, I can rest. Just one more thing. I need to accomplish this. My mom used to put it this way and her heart was right but my mind took it to a wrong place. She used to say “do what you HAVE to do, then, you can do what you WANT to do.” The problem with that is we can always finds something that has to be done. But if we follow the example of Sweet disciple Mary, we can choose the better part amidst all that still “needs” to be done and turn to the one thing that is “needful”. Resting and being in Jesus’ presence! So much good in today! Have a good one, she’s!
Yes… “Only one thing is necessary…” (Luke 10:42) ♥️
I feel this way. I go go go. No time for rest. This year I am forcing myself to and I feel so much closer to God.
Couldn’t help but be reminded as I read these passages how much importance God places on rest- from creating the Sabbath and commanding us to keep it holy, to Jesus regularly retreating for prayer and rest in the Father and commanding His disciples to do the same. If it’s something Christ does, so should I.
Maybe the hurry, the busy, the overwork leads way to our weariness which blurs our minds and removes our attentiveness to God. When we don’t remain “ready”, sin creeps in and burdens ensure. God knows this is why we need rest. To remain fixated on Him and not of our own ambitions or busy schedules!
Great insights!!
Thank you Jesus ♥️
Rest … as elusive as the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow when I look for it on my own. I know that, and yet my exhausted self still tries to find it. Lord, help me turn to You for all the types of rest I need and to sit in the joy that’s waiting.
These verses ❤️
My quiet time in the early morning is cherished time – with the Lord and with my sisters here. Thanks to each of you who meet me here throughout the day, praying, studying and encouraging. Thank you, SRT, for the work that goes into making it happen each month – I look forward to the book for each study.
Praying for:
LYNNE FROM AL – praying for healing, hope you are feeling better today. ❤️
MARI V – ongoing financial provision, and I love your kids!! ❤️
MELANI – your brother’s recovery
LEXI B – continued healing from church hurt
ERICA CHIARELLI – financial provision
FOSTER MAMA – wisdom and guidance in the fostering decision ❤️
LISA H – for Cora ❤️
BARB D – your community in beginning the healing process from the tragedy. Your service is appreciated! Praying for protection and wisdom.
THEA – for wisdom and guidance in working out the details for living near your in-law’s.
CINDY DIAZ – your job search, that the Lord will guide in applications. So sorry about the layoff!! We dealt with a similar situation many years ago, also at the holidays – God had other plans, and they were great.
SARAH M – daughter’s release, for protection and guidance for you
KRIS – loved the recitation of issues and reminder to focus on Jesus
CEE GEE – ❤️ another new-to-me song, will look it up
Oh Searching I feel your first paragraph. Lord you want me to rest so I’ll try to find your rest instead of showing up and letting Him do and be my rest. A challenge I too struggle with daily!
Amen to your prayers ♥️
Come, thou long-expected Jesus. Let us find our rest in Thee.
Yes Kelly H, come Jesus come!
I have that tune in my head now!
Of course, there are worse things! ❤️
Lynn from Alabama. Oh how I relate to you! No time off in a year and a ha!f has been so hard for me! Laughingly told my DIL that was what I wanted for Christmas! Will it happen?? Probably not, but our strength is the LORD. My hubby and I were laughing the other night about our marriage vows almost 61 years ago… for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health and how much has changed in those areas over the last few years. Our joy comes from God. Praying daily for you and other caregiver friends. May you quickly recover from sickness. Not fun for us and particularly during this season. Love you sweet sister!
Isn’t ironic that we have to work so hard to find rest? That we even have to be told by Jesus that He can give us rest for our souls? This has been my journey for the last few years and I wonder know how I kept going, burning through my tasks whereas now my life looks so different – very deliberate time for stillness and quiet, Sabbath days with rest (albeit sometimes that might only be a few hours) and I know when my soul needs to catch up to my body. I no longer want to “busy but good” to be part of my vocabulary because God has shown me how much I need REST!
Dear Beloved Lord Jesus. We enter into your Peace today. We take a Deep Breath. We pause and lift up on hands to worship you Lord Jesus. It’s all about you. We surrender all to you. We Love you Lord Jesus. Fill us with your Joy. We look forward to the Hope that you know the Plan. We ask you what is the best next step of Faith we can take today? Help us to do all things through you who infuses us with Supernatural Strength. We rejoice in you Lord Jesus. For the Joy of the Lord is our Strength. Now Lead us to your Glory. In Jesus name amen
What a beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing this.
Amen! I love the question you posed. What is the next best step of faith we can take? Something to ponder…
Amen ♥️
Beautiful prayer Anna
Amen! ❤
Thank you for sharing this prayer Anna.
Off on a bit of a rabbit trail this morning Ladies, but the pairing of knowledge and rest for the Matthew 11 passage got me to wondering what the two have in common. Maybe it’s once we have knowledge of who the Father is and how much He loves us, it’s an inducement to rest… We can stop trying so hard to prove something. Because after all, ‘He’s got the whole world in His hands’!!
Random thoughts from a body that’s on year-end overload for your Thursday:) Hope it’s a blessed day for each of you!
Sally that is such a good insight! We need to know and trust who God says he is. If we don’t then how can we rest in Him?
Sally, I love this insight because I was wondering the same. Thank you, sister.
Great rabbit trail, Sally! Pretty much what one of the commentaries I read inferred. I may still include it when I write my comment. ❤