From the crafting of Eden, to the building of cities, from Abraham setting out toward a promised land he’d never see, to a scattered kinship across every tribe and nation, and the future promise of a new creation—the Bible is, in a sense, the story of God’s people seeking and finding a home. Once you see this, it becomes harder to miss, even in the long and detailed records of land allotment tucked into the middle of Joshua.
When I say detailed, I mean all the way down to the borderlands, geographic features, and names of every town within them. You may need one of those handy maps in the back of your Bible or in your Study Book to make sense of it. But God, it turns out, is in the details. So perhaps, we could read this not as a tedious historical list, but as an intricate record of God’s faithfulness to the people He loves.
It’s interesting to note where and how the land division took place. At that time, seven of the tribes had yet to divide up their inheritance, so they gathered at Shiloh, the tabernacle meeting tent. Joshua asked for a detailed document of all the land, then told them he would decide by “cast[ing] lots…in the presence of the LORD our God” (Joshua 18:6). It’s a method that seems to us as arbitrary as a coin flip, but the involvement of a priest and the location of God’s dwelling place suggest that this is a sacred moment of discernment.
As we’ve already explored in this study, land, a place to live, was a matter of economic stability. This was especially true for these descendants of slaves, who carried God’s promise to Abraham in their memories and stories. And yet, they didn’t live happily ever after in the promised land. There would be struggles to come: invasions, corruption, communal sin, and all the consequences to go with it. They would live under the rule of judges and kings and, eventually, Roman occupation. They would be scattered sojourners once again.
Yet hope endures, though no one can quite see what God has been building all along. In guiding them through the wilderness, God ensured their survival. In giving these tribes a home, God laid the foundation for a new nation. In relenting to their demands for a king, God gave them the line of David, and in time, Christ the true King (Acts 13:16–23).
The kingdom is still being built, one with room and space not just for the direct descendants of Abraham, but for all who share in his faith. Even now in redemption’s history, God’s promised land is still being tended, still being built with ever-expanding borders. These lists and maps are just a preview, a testament in writing to God’s faithfulness. And thankfully, they’re only the beginning.

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37 thoughts on "Joshua Divides the Land"
Great is thy faithfulness lord!
My takeaway was in Romans 4:16-22. Do we fully believe God can do what he promised? Do we know God can do God-sized things? We should be fully convinced of this but we still doubt.
It’s interesting how depraved our hearts are. I moved to the land that I’m presently in about a year ago. And even though I love it for so many reasons, my heart aches for the land I came from. This passage reminds me of how God has ordained the very dwelling place we live. And that He chooses this place for our benefit and His glory. And yet, I can see the very same dissatisfaction in me. The enemy comes to steal and destroy. But Jesus…He came to give us life and that life is to be full and satisfying. I am holding onto that truth today. Thank you so much a rich and beautiful study.
Soooooo good!!! I love this group!! I love the devotional and the takeaways! Thanks for sharing ladies!
Thank you❤️
Abraham was FULLY persuaded that what God has promised, He was able to perform. Abraham wavered not, staggered not in unbelief, He considered not the deadness of his body or situation. For God is the God that can resurrect dead things. Dry bones come back to life. God quickens the dead and calls things which are not as if they were. Lord, I pray for the ability to oversee the temporary “deadness” of my resources or situations, to push myself to the point of being fully persuaded, though against hope still believe in hope, according to the Word that was spoken, so shall it be. Amen.
Im amazed at the fact that the land was theirs but the people required additional prompting to go settle there. What inheritance have I been given that I haven’t chosen to move into yet? I think I can get comfortable where I am and I’m SO thankful for reminders that my current dwelling, though comfortable, is less than God’s promised land for me. Just get up and get what’s already been given!
Thank you Darla! That definitely helps it make more sense! :)
God is in the details. He is faithful to the people He loves!
Caroline V,
The MacArthur Study Bible says that this allotment lay W of the Sea of Galilee and ran to the Mediterranean Sea. I hope this helps.
Such a great reminder that God is in the details – even the tedious details of job applications :) He goes before me!
When I read, “The kingdom is still being built, one with room and space not just for the direct descendants of Abraham, but for all who share in his faith.” I said Amen. Jen is so right in saying that “the kingdom is still being built”. As long as there are non-believers out there we need to continue to build His kingdom. So sisters let’s go and build His kingdom and share His Word.
Have a blessed week.
I have a question about Zebulun’s inheritance. In Genesis 49:13 (see Day 18), it says, “Zebulun will live by the seashore and will be a harbour for ships, and his territory will be next to Sidon.” But in today’s reading, and for those of you with the map in the study book, it appears that his territory is not next to the sea? Can anyone clarify this?
The line that begins with Yet hope endures. Hope has been something that the Lord has been teaching me and reminding me of since 2019. Hope is so important for us but something that doesn’t seem to be taught about much, at least not that I have heard. But Paul says these three abide faith hope and love. So much about faith and love but not hope. Remember that the Lord provides hope.
As I was reading about each tribe’s allotment, I couldn’t help but wonder if everyone was happy with what they received. Was there any jealousy or resentment? Of course, everyone is in the Promised Land, but did Simeon think “man, Judah you took too much land and now I get your leftovers in the middle”? Or I didn’t want to be in the hill country. Or so-and-so has more cities than me.
It just showed me that in my sinfulness I can so easily take a good gift and turn it into a bad thing. It doesn’t take long for my praise to turn into grumbling and complaining. We know what’s coming up and how Israel will fall away from the Lord, and it reminds me how desperate we are for a Savior.
I’m thankful that God is not finished with us yet. He’s not done bringing His kingdom or sanctifying us. As I cast my mind ahead, I know that he is already preparing a place for us. In our Father’s house, there are many rooms. I’m sure in heaven the plans and details for those rooms are already written. It will be a good day when we are truly home, and it will be a good day when we are transformed like the church in Acts 4:32. “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”
I love how she brought the details from the beginning to now and how God has been faithful on his promises.
I love the truth that the kingdom continues to be built.
❤️ so good
Angela Sutherland, indeed it is a lot of times the little things that are the big things! Lovely that God blesses all the ways you love your littles they are given stability and confidence in your love and His love through you. Such a gift! And Erb, “Nothing more encouraging or better than perfectly timed provision and a rock solid foundation!” Amen and Amen!! Thank you for your words. He is in the details and the daily mundane tasks. He brings joy the the menial things and light to that which is in darkness. If you have time read He reads Truth today it will bless you. Lift up the name of Jesus with me this day Sisters, for He is worthy of our praise! Our God is able to do so much more than we can fathom! His joy to you all.
Joshua gets his inheritance (19:49-50)
When the land had been distributed, the PEOPLE gave an inheritance among them to Joshua and gave him the city he requested by command of the Lord.
It’s like a sweet little “thank you” to Joshua from the people for his faithfulness and leadership. They Honored Joshua. ❤️
Love this Anita- thanks for sharing!!!
God is faithful even in the details! God is always there to guide us and love us. He has a wonderful inheritance coming for all who believe and love Him. I am just grateful that He counts me as one of His own!
Last week, I sent a letter via snail mail. There’s something special and loving to send and receive handwritten mail with your name, address and paid postage. I saw this list as God’s special mail: each tribe named, each location addressed, and ultimately the paid postage of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for sharing this!
At this point it seems a bit dull, they are getting their land blah, blah, blah. Isn’t that ironic all these exciting stories along the way from Egypt and Pharaoh “let my people go” to right here. It should be the highlight, this is what the end goal was all along. It’s a good reminder of patience and process! Think of all the experience and growth along the way. I want short cuts and speed getting what I want and where I want ASAP. So relatable as we live in the wandering years 20-21. These years of heart aches and battles will be the biggest lessons and memorable stories of the greatness of God. Perspective.
3 Takeaways:
A.(nod to Churchmouse) The question- how long will I wait to take possession (take ownership) of what the Lord has given me?
B. The number of times Joshua told them to WRITE a description of the land; to write a description of the promise. What power is in the writing? To declare. To understand. To identify. To encourage. To promote a plan of action and a course of implementation.
C. Simeon’s portion was within Judah’s inheritance. Simeon means “the Lord heard.” Judah means “I will praise.” Seems to me this is saying that God will hear our cry within our praise to Him.
Mathew 7:24-27 24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
I was just praying before I began reading that God would help me to see Him moving, even in the small, mundane details of my day to day, and then in these scriptures and devotional He reminded me that He absolutely IS in the details. Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on something bigger that He has for me, but I’m reminded that here in my day to day, raising my littles and working to help our family, God is inviting me to serve in these areas and to do so as unto the Lord! This is where He has me now. He knows where I am, and often, when you look back you see that all the little things turned out to be the big things.
I recently read this quote and it hit home hard:
“Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you THOUGHT it would be like and learn to find JOY in the story you are actually living.” -Rachel Marie Martin
When I read this morning’s reading Acts 13:20 Really stood OUT to me!! This whole process took 450 YEARS!!!! FOUR and a half CENTURIES!!!! Wow!!! …And I’ve been complaining that the season God has me in right now has been too long…. *face palm* SUCH a good heart-check for me!!
I am realizing more and more that God is all about the foundation work and the intricate details (which I sometimes see as tedious) that go with it. He wants things on a SOLID and UNMOVABLE Rock not on slippery sand.. Mathew 7:24-27 and He will take whatever time is necessary to make sure this happens!! That, right there (as hard and as excruciating as it is sometimes) is comforting to me.
Lord Thank You for ALWAYS being SO FAITHFUL and for anticipating my needs and wants before I even know how to voice them. You see, and You provide. Not always in the timing I want, but You provide!! And there is nothing better or more encouraging than perfectly timed provision and a rock solid foundation.
I pray that we are each blessed today ❤️❤️❤️
I have to admit that I kind of just scan the lists of inheritance for the tribes. However, I like where Jen wrote that “the lists are an example of God’s faithfulness to the people He loves”. So, all those villages, cities and places that mean nothing to me actually do mean something to me- that God is faithful down to every tedious detail. I’m thankful for this reminder!
Glad that God is in the details!
Joshua asks a pivotal question of the Israelites, and of me as well: “How long will you delay going out…?“ Procrastinating over obedience needs addressed. It was time for the seven remaining tribes to be obedient and take possession of the land God gave them. What about me? What has God called me to do and yet I’m hesitating, delaying, disobeying? It’s time to move forward, to take possession, to fully trust Him.
I’m struck today by Acts 13:20 – that it took about 450 years for the Israelites to grow as a nation and to get to the promised land. Abraham didn’t live to see the full fruit of the promise God had given him; he only saw his son Isaac and maybe Isaac’s sons, but certainly not a nation. It’s a good reminder to me that God isn’t operating on my timeline but on his own. We get to be a part of his larger story even though we might not see the fruit of all his promises in our lifetime.
I have been continually reminded the past few days in this study that God is aware of needs, sees details, and is faithful. Humbled by these reminders this morning. May my live be lived in OBEDIENCE with a recognition that I serve a God who sees me and provides for me.
So very thankful that God is in the details! When things don’t quite make sense, God is there, in the details. When I don’t see the answers to all of my why’s, I can trust that He is in the details. It seems like I am always looking at the “big picture” but it’s the details that bring the big picture together.
Yes we do! God is good!
What a joy to be reminded that God keeps his promises. “The Promised Land is still being built and tended today. The boarders are ever expanding.” This is true even during the darkest days. We serve a powerful God