Joseph Is Sold into Slavery

Open Your Bible

Genesis 37:1-36, Psalm 5:4-12

The ugliest moments of my life have been marked by jealousy. It masquerades as fear, insecurity, and relationship-crushing meanness. Envy dehumanizes everyone around me; it removes their own agency as creative, talented, smart image-bearers of God. I no longer see them as their own persons but rather as measuring sticks for my own worth. Too often, I think, “I’m better than so-and-so at that, but nowhere near as good as that other person.” If jealousy is my economy, cynicism and narcissism are the currency I trade. If that sounds harsh or out of proportion, it’s not. I think that jealousy and envy are the root of most conflicts between people, and unadmitted jealousy festers and slowly destroys relationships.

Envy is threaded through the Bible, a throughline of sin from Cain and Abel, Rachel and Leah, Saul and David, the Pharisees who watched Jesus draw crowds to Himself, and more. In history, art, and literature, examples are rampant. In Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago cautions Othello about such envy: “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”

Joseph was the victim of his brothers’ jealousy, which robbed him of his family, his home, his dignity, and almost his life. His brothers stripped him of his robe and would have killed him, but instead, they sold him to a band of traders. It was perhaps the equivalent of death in their eyes; they expected to never see him again and delivered the news of his death to their father, Jacob.

As modern readers, we know how the story goes: Joseph trusted the Lord, and the Lord protected him. He rose to power in Egypt and eventually saved his family from famine and forgave his brothers. But the moment we read about today in Genesis 37 doesn’t have any of that goodness—only pain. And by not reading ahead, we must face the devastation that jealousy wreaked on Joseph’s brothers. Jacob mourned the loss of his son and could not be comforted. Joseph was sold again, this time to an Egyptian official. No longer in control, Joseph had lost all agency at the hands of his jealous brothers.

This is that same “green-eyed monster,” and throughout Scripture, we are warned against its fallout. Proverbs 14:30 cautions that “a tranquil heart is life to the body, but jealousy is rottenness to the bones.” Ecclesiastes 4:4 tells us that “all labor and all skillful work is due to one person’s jealousy of another. This too is futile and a pursuit of the wind.” And James 3:16 advises that “where there is envy and selfish ambition, there is disorder and every evil practice.”

Scripture certainly doesn’t hold back about the consequences of jealousy, and neither should we. As I read about Joseph’s story, I’m aware that I should “let the story read me” too: Where is my jealousy hurting people that I love? Where is it corroding my heart and sowing disorder? Where is it disordering my priorities away from Christ and toward my own selfish gain? These are important questions to ask because jealousy isn’t something to be taken lightly. My prayer is that I never will.

(85) Comments

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85 thoughts on "Joseph Is Sold into Slavery"

  1. Karen Breaux says:


  2. Nicole Powell says:

    The story of Joseph is one of my favorite because it teaches me that sometimes you have to keep quiet about your dreams to yourself and even family sometimes doesn’t want you to win and family can have envy of you worse then friends but God will always cover you and he will make the same people who hated you need you

  3. Wanda Woehlert says:


  4. Wendy B says:

    The rule follower, fairness seeker in me always gets a bit defensive of Joseph’s story even though we read that he does come across as better than his brothers. Instead of just choosing to ignore Joseph or treat him poorly like many people would do with a family member they don’t like, they actually think getting rid him is the best option and that is some level of hate. Goodness, families are always messy. The questions Melanie poses to “let the story read us” are so challenging and definitely something I need to consider. I think a lot of the times that I can feel hurt, upset or angry actually stem from jealousy and these are things that I need to recognize and ask the Lord to work in my heart.

  5. Jody Striker says:


  6. Paula Mourin says:


  7. Crystal Pitzer says:


  8. Teresa Donley says:

    The story of Joseph and his brothers, and all of your insights, are a good reminder to me that God has no favorites. I always felt that my sister was my mom’s favorite, and even my sister admits that she was. It caused much strife between us growing up, and even in our adulthood. I just need to remember that Mom was human, with human faults and feelings, just like Jacob. But God doesn’t have favorites, and He loves me just the same as everyone else, even the so-called greats of faith. He loves me even when I’m jealous, even when I’m dark with sin. He loves me just as I need to be loved. I need to rest more in His perfect love. ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      YES, AMEN!! Thankful God loves everyone equal, no Favorites!

  9. Gwineth52 says:

    Hello Shes
    Now Joseph was a little show off & a snitch. And his brothers hated that & wanted to get him for good.
    But as the devotional writer says, “let story read me”. Where am I? Whose part am I playing?
    She writes:
    “If jealousy is my economy, cynicism and narcissism are the currency I trade …
    and unadmitted jealousy festers and slowly destroys relationships.”
    Ouch! That’s the real gotcha!
    Admitting it & asking God to help me slay that “green-eyed monster”.

  10. Michelle P says:

    I am one of 7, and I some of us joke around when my mom is being especially nice to one of us, that they are her favorite. Truthfully, I thank God my parents have never played favorites. Naturally, my younger siblings got “off the hook” with more, but raising 7 kids is a miracle in itself in this day and age, especially. My prayer is that when I one day have children, I don’t play favorites. ❤️

    God bless you ladies. Still having a hard time keeping up with comments, but here every day reading for the most part, alongside you. ❤️

    I am hosting another open mic at my job on Valentine’s Day. I am so excited to see the Lord move again!! :) both of my bosses (husband and wife) will be present and I am praying they will feel the Lord’s loving presence ❤️
    I have three songs I chose to play myself that I pray ministers to them. ❤️

    Praying peace to you all in Jesus’s name!!

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      How Exciting!! Which we could tune in! Oh to be able to come and watch you!! (lucky I have heard you play through our connection on IG!) You are SO talented, and you use your music to minister to people!! Praying it will plant seeds/water to the owners. (I think you said they are Muslim?)

      1. Michelle P says:

        They are :) thank you!! Good memory ❤️

    2. Adrienne says:


      1. Michelle P says:


  11. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”

    Sadly, today’s reading runs rampant with jealousy, causing such great grief and sorrow.

    If it is one thing that I’ve battled the most in my life, it is jealousy. I struggled with it as a young adult and I still struggle with it today, many years later. Jealousy is not new, nor is the author of it, they been around since the beginning, . But it is still destroying relationships and families, businesses and nations. It is a very powerful and deadly thing when we allow it to continue. It is like a cancer that has infiltrated our very souls and there is only one cure – Jesus Christ. If I am to be cured of this dreaded, sinful disease of my heart, I must confess it and forsake it once and for all.

    These questions that Melanie asks,
    ” Where is my jealousy hurting people that I love? Where is it corroding my heart and sowing disorder? Where is it disordering my priorities away from Christ and toward my own selfish gain?” – are in deed not to be taken lightly. They must be answered, the sin must be identified and confessed – laid down at the feet of Jesus and left there.

    Satan knows where we are weak. He knows how to stoke the fire – but only if we let Him. We must flee from him, from temptation and draw near to God.

    My prayer for today….
    Father God, please intervene at the very onset of even a thought that will lead to jealousy. Remind me that your way is perfect and you have a plan. Do not let me forget that You are greater than the evil one and that I can overcome sin and temptation when I draw closer to you. Please help me and any of my sisters here who struggle with jealousy. Do not let it continue to ruin relationships. Help us to overcome it with Your presence, by Your strength and by Your name. In Jesus Name, Amen

    My heart and prayers go out to all the families that lost loved ones in last nights plane crash. May they draw near to God and may He minister to each heart.

    Have a blessed day sisters, walking in the light of His love. ❤️

    1. Rhonda J. says:

      So true, jealousy is Dangerous and leads to strife and destruction. Thank you for your insights!

    2. Christy says:

      Thank you for sharing your prayer and insights ❤️

    3. Carol J Mylin says:

      ♥️ thanks, Sharon. Once when I confessed jealousy in a group, a friend came to me and said,”you definitely aren’t a jealous person”. I think this is a good example of how we(especially in America) try to push sin under the table, because we are so “Nice and Good”… DON’T believe it! We are sinners saved by grace… yes, there are times when satan tries to trip us up with “false guilt” (that’s another story) . I’m so thankful that when God brings a sinful behavior to my attention, that He has already provided a way of escape through the precious blood of Jesus! Sin can be forgiven and washed in the blood of Jesus… and that, my friend is GOOD NEWS!! ♥️

      1. Dee Dee says:

        Good words, sis!❤️ thank you Lord!

      2. Rhonda J. says:

        Yes, that’s good Carol!

    4. Mary Penn says:


  12. Rhonda J. says:

    I look at this story in light of how I see two of my grandkids being treated unfairly by their mother. The oldest was never shown love and even was berated and criticized from the youngest of age, then came along his sister five years later. The mom in contrast, although still somewhat harsh at times, would hug her and give her love. It was hard to see as the grandmother. I could see the future coming of how this would come about- that the oldest of course would be resentful and lash out himself, not even understanding why. And the youngest thinks of him as well as “the bad one” always the one making trouble. It makes the oldest one not like the favorite child much, wondering why she was so loved and him not. It is so different when we can see it from a wider angle, this perspective from the start,how the mother and father don’t even realize what they have done.
    These grandkids are 17 and 12 now. Very disastrous times with these dynamics and toxic family. They are all fighting to maintain some kind of control.
    Just 2 nights ago a fight was bad enough for the cops to be called once again.

    Families are messy. But Jesus is a restorer of the messy. He makes the road straight, he makes beauty from the ashes. He makes our tests our testimonies. I hope and pray that my grandkids will make it through and somehow God will help this situation before something terrible happens, worse than already has. I worry about him not only turning to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain of not feeling worthy, but to want to end it more permanently. If you could pray for him that a Godly friend or mentor is there for him. We feel quite guilty that would moved away during these precarious years where they need our stable love and refuge.

    Thank you for the comments, and sorry to veer off, but God must know you sisters and prayer warrior/intercessors were needed.

    1. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      I will be praying for your grand-kids Rhonda. ❤️

    2. Rachel says:

      What a hard situation to watch. I pray that God opens the eyes of mom & dad to their destructive parenting and holds the kiddos (especially your grandson) close and reveals His loving Father-heart to them. ❤️

    3. Adrienne says:

      Will do, sister! ❤️

    4. Michelle P says:

      Praying ❤️❤️❤️

    5. Mari V says:

      Sweet Rhonda I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m on my 10 minute break and I’m praying for your family.

    6. Dee Dee says:

      Praying, Rhonda!❤️

    7. Teresa Donley says:

      Oh, Rhonda, I’m so sorry for your grandson, and for the problems this has caused in his life, and the life of his sister. I’m praying for God’s intervention in his life and the life of your family.

    8. Mercy says:

      Praying for them. This hurts me.

      1. Foster Mama says:

        ❤️ Same.
        Praying Rhonda J.

    9. Grammie D says:

      “He makes our tests our testimonies.“ Thank you for that nugget! I needed that encouragement for the trials my own family is going through.
      Praying you see “God Turn it Around” in your family. Just heard that song for the first time yesterday. Blessed me and hope it will bless you, Rhonda.

      1. Rhonda J. says:

        Funny you mention that song…I know it but hadn’t heard it in awhile till yesterday, and I thought about how God CAN turn things around!! Thank you Grammie D!

        Thank you ALL for your prayers! I know some of you (Kelly Neo) have prayed for him after previous requests through the years!
        These are my ‘step” grandkids by marriage to my husband, so it’s been a bit tricky to navigate-

    10. Wendy B says:

      I’m sorry that your grandchildren are in an environment that offers different levels of preference and affections. This makes me so sad:( Have prayed❤️

  13. Cee Gee says:

    Melanie said, “Joseph was the victim of his brothers’ jealousy, which robbed him of his family, his home, his dignity, and almost his life. His brothers stripped him of his robe and would have killed him, but instead, they sold him to a band of traders.”
    Wiersbe NKJV Study Bible –
    “Joseph’s story is also one of the richest illustrations of Jesus Christ found in the Old Testament. Joseph is like Jesus in that he was beloved by his father and obedient to his will; hated and rejected by his own brothers and sold as a slave; falsely accused and unjustly punished; considered dead and gone; yet finally elevated from the place of suffering to a powerful throne, thus saving his people from death.”
    Each brother received 2 pieces of silver. As I read that I wondered ‘what did they do with that silver? Did the weight of it eat at them all the way home or did they hurry into Dothan to spend it on something thereby lightening the load of guilt.’ Just some meandering thoughts today like Searching said. ❤ ☺
    Another random share: I awoke around3 this morning with the 4th verse of Love Divine, All Loves Excelling – hymn by Charles Wesley- running through my head. I haven’t heard or sung that song in many years. What prompted it?! I just received it as a gift and went back to sleep! ☺
    4th verse:
    Finish, then, thy new creation;
    Pure and spotless let us be;
    Let us see thy great salvation
    Perfectly restored in thee;
    Changed from glory into glory
    Till in Heav’n we take our place,
    Till we cast our crowns before thee,
    Lost in wonder, love, and praise!
    Love, hugs, and prayers! ❤

    1. Christy says:

      Wonderful insights thank you for sharing, Cee Gee ❤️

    2. Adrienne says:

      Love that hymn! ❤️

  14. Traci Gendron says:

    This brought up something I used to say. My mom’s license plate said “Conroy 3”. I would tell my sister that it should have been Conroy 1. That my brother was my moms favorite. I realize that we all 3 are so different. I can actually understand why my brother would have had a little more of her heart. He’s a good guy. No hormones running through his body making him crazy moody like us girls were. He was just easier. I know my mom loved us all it just took maturity to understand it.

  15. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Good morning, sweet sisters! I just noticed today that the bad feelings between these brothers got really bad when in Genesis 37:2 Joseph brought a bad report about some of his brothers (aka he tattled). I only have one sister but in my household tattling was a big no-no. Nothing good comes from it. Many times in today’s world terrible things happen. God doesn’t plan these bad things but uses them to His glory! Have a great day! ❤️

    1. Margaret W. says:

      I’m just realizing that Joseph was probably significantly younger than many of his brothers, so of course he was more immature than they were. It kind of makes me give grace for his annoying behaviors, even if his older brothers couldn’t see it that way (except for maybe Reuben). Jacob was hardly father-of-the-year here, but he had been tricked into marrying Leah and bullied into having children with his wives’ servant girls. I would think THAT might feel a bit dehumanizing. And IIRC, Rachel had died by this point. So there is a whole lot going here. No wonder this family was dysfunctional! But that is good news for us; it means that we are all just the kind of people God can use. And it probably will help keep us from getting “too big for our britches” as my mom used to say.

  16. Foster Mama says:

    As y’all know, Joseph was my favourite in childhood. I would have my mother alternate reading his story to me with others (e.g. Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, Joseph, Samson, Joseph, David,…).

    It is a bit different as an adult but I’m still so impressed with how (spoiler alert!) he fairs when he’s in Egypt and his forgiveness.

    I have to admit that as we’ve studied the past few days, I had more compassion for Jacob than I’ve had in past. I always wondered why this guy got to be “Israel”….but as we’ve SO often realized as we study together, beloved sisters….God uses the most regular, flawed, misguided, etc. people.

    Thank you, my Jesus….as such a flawed lame tool in Your toolbox, You still choose to reach in, hold me, smile and find ways to use me. May I yield to You in a You intend for me.

    1. Foster Mama says:

      *ALL You intend for me.

    2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      Amen! ❤️

    3. Gwineth52 says:

      Yeah, Foster Mama.
      Jacob did kind of “aid & abet “ this family drama. Happening then & happening now. While we “see it”, it doesn’t mean we have to “be it”. Jacob too suffers in this twisted tale. It’s only us, the modern readers, who know how the story really ends. What the brothers meant for bad, God meant for good.

  17. Mari V says:

    Search my heart..oh LORD Wow! The ending of this devo is has me thinking “what areas of my life might there be jealousy” As I’m out of time for the moment this is my prayer right now.

  18. Libby K says:

    Wow. That devotion really gets me to search my heart. Lord, reveal in me where there is jealousy, envy or any other sin.

  19. Searching says:

    First, praying for the families grieving after last night’s plane and helicopter crash in D.C. – heartbreaking.
    Thoughts are all over the place this morning …Favoritism leading to prideful comparison & Joseph’s taunting his brothers about his dreams, all fueling jealousy. What a mess.
    Jacob’s misguided trust in his sons and what they inferred with their statement-Look at this robe and determine if it is your son’s (acting ignorant-who else would the one-of-a-kind belong to?!) They didn’t outright say Joseph was dead, Jacob didn’t question them that we know of, became consumed by grief.
    Joseph being sold in Egypt…God was still working His plan.

    LINDA IN NC – thank you for the update! Praying you both recover quickly from the flu and that Gene’s procedure goes well with the squamous cell removal. Thankful your testing results came back good, and praying the home health nurse will be successful in getting more help for you. ❤️
    MERCY – ❤️ praying for safety and peace of mind as you travel to the job sites. Joining you in keeping Israel on my prayer list.
    ADRIENNE ❤️ love those songs
    TERESA DONLEY – yes, the regrets when we look back. Thankful we are forgiven and can now keep our eyes on the Lord. ❤️
    KRIS – praying for comfort in your grief, and peace between your siblings
    CHERYL BLOW – so happy for your grandson’s salvation, and love his eagerness to spread the Word ❤️
    MARI V – praying for full recovery
    CEE GEE ❤️
    LYNNE FROM AL – praying, sister ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Mari V says:

      Thank you Searching…I’m back to work. Wasn’t feeling the greatest in yesterday morning, but the sub teacher made me stay in from recess to rest more because she wanted to make sure I come back today. That was SO sweet of her. This morning I am much better. There are MANY teachers/staff out due to this brutal virus of cold.

      1. Foster Mama says:

        ❤️ May God carry you today.

    2. Mercy says:


  20. Sherry says:

    I have to share a story. When my mom died a few years ago, and we gathered for her service, her 16 grandchildren got to laughing about how each of them thought they were her favorite grandchild. Well done, Mom! God does not have favorites but I’m pretty sure I’m His favorite. Well done, God! ❤️

    1. Searching says:

      :) ❤️

    2. Pam Fite says:

      That is great Sherry- thanks for sharing that!

    3. Foster Mama says:

      Awesome Sherry ❤️ I love this… both about your mother …and you!! :)

    4. Lynne from Alabama says:

      Sherry, I love this! What a wonderful grandmother she must have been! ❤️

    5. Darby Byrd says:

      Aw I love this!

    6. Rhonda J. says:

      Yes, thank you! Reminds me of my Madre with all the grand-kids, she had a way of making them all feel like a favorite. Gave them all just what they needed in their personalities! It is indeed a gift!

    7. Lori Lackey says:

      ❤️❤️❤️ Sherry, that is so sweet! I pray my kids and grandkids feel the same!

    8. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

      So lovely to hear Sherry! ❤️

    9. Heather O'Malley says:


  21. Laura says:

    From HRT: …our sins condemn us and separate us from God. But He doesn’t send us into spiritual slavery; we choose slavery, and yet all the while, He pursues us.

    It’s comforting to know that God knows the plan all along. Even when we turn towards sin and get off track, He uses it to accomplish His plan. All along, Joseph was meant to someday “save” his family. But was it supposed to happen THIS way? Is this the plan that God intended? I don’t think so! But God is there, in the midst of our sin and rebellion, in the midst of our jealousy and scheming, and He WILL accomplish His plan. This is something I love about the OT. That through all of this mess and disaster, we can see God moving His plan forward.

    1. Heather Meadors says:

      Laura: Love that perspective, thanks for sharing

    2. Christy says:


    3. Mercy says:

      Thank you so much for sharing that from HRT. Our sins separate us from God. Our sins toward others also separate us from others, even the hidden sin of jealousy and envy. Joseph was meant to save his family and a whole nation from the seven severe recession to come. he saves those who persecuted him. A foreshadow of our Lord Jesus. it is just incredibly hard on a human level, but here we know God is with Joseph to enable him to forgive such hatreds from his brothers.

  22. Kelly (NEO) says:

    “For you, Lord, bless the righteous one;

    you surround him with favor like a shield.”
    One does not need a shield unless in battle. God’s favor does not mean we won’t have trials or enemies.
    In some ways it makes sense that Jacob favored Joseph and Benjamin because they were the sons of the one woman he loved and had worked 14 years for. Jacob’s home life growing up should have clued him in to how it feels to have your father favor one child over the other, but the brokenness is perpetuated. BUT GOD…He works with it to bring His plans to pass.
    MERCY – prayer for your workday today to be full of God’s peace and protection.
    LINDA IN NC – thanks for the update on you and Gene. Continued prayers for strength and endurance through the day.

    1. Searching says:

      One does not need a shield unless in battle. God’s favor does not mean we won’t have trials or enemies.
      Good point, Kelly, thank you.

    2. Cee Gee says:

      I marked that verse (Psalm) for memory! I love your insight on that, too! ❤

    3. Mercy says:


  23. Starr Marie says:

    Loved today’s reading ♡

  24. Tina says:

    I asked Mr Google, for clarification, what I already knew. How many brothers did Joseph have..
    This is what he said..
    Joseph has eleven brothers; one, Benjamin, is his full brother through their mother Rachel; six are half-brothers through Rachel’s sister Leah, to whom his father Jacob is also married; and four are the sons of the two concubines whom Leah and Rachel gave to Jacob so that any children they had would count as their own.
    Well, there you have it! A absolutely good reason why jealousy and the likes would reign in these dynamics..
    I mean, Jacob, is not hiding the fact that Joseph and Benjamin are his favorites, and then to single Joseph out with the coat of many colours gift… what was he expecting? Thinking?
    Let’s face it, as ‘people of the world’, even with our image of God profile, something is going to snap in someone if not all the siblings..
    I am the eldest of 7 children.
    The sister after me called one evening , asking if she could visit ( travel 100 miles) I said of course.
    She arrived with a bag of sorrow and heartache and hurt because she felt that though she did most for mum, mum did not love her.. I asked why she thought this.. she replied that mum never appreciated what she did for her and two, she never hugged her or showed any sign of love.. she was always moaning at her..
    I let her talk for a bit to get all off her chest, then said that mum had never hugged me.. and that I suspected that that wasn’t her love language.. I also mentioned that I always thought one of the five sisters was her favorite as she lived away from home and when she returned for a visit the house is painted and cleaned from top to bottom.
    As I was saying this, the phone went and it was the sister, I believed was mum’s favourite.. I mentioned that our sister was with me and that she was feeling sad because she felt mum didn’t love her.. she said.. ” ..but I don’t think mum loves me either”
    Okay stop. What?
    Long story short, the 5 sisters gathered on an away day and realized we were each jealous of another because of what we saw or believed of mum’s actions in our presence..
    Funny that..
    Love for our children is a complex thing, we love them each differently because they are different.. even twins are different, they may look the same, but…
    Jacob however, had no filter. He showed favouritism, openly.. ergo disharmony!
    BUT GOD..
    He has no favourites. None whatsoever!
    He loves us ALL the same. In our ugliness. Jealousy. Ingratitude. Disharmony. Feelings of doubt. Disgruntled-Ness.. He loves us. In our pyjamas, tatty clothes, designer wear, mangled hair, coiffeured or not, He sees us equally!
    For my part, I feel safe, secure in that knowledge for sure, and the knowledge thst nothing can separate me from His love..
    ‘… but I enter your house, by the abundance of your faithful (and unconditional)love.
    I bow down towards your holy temple in reverential awe of You..
    Lord, lead me in your righteousness because of my adversaries;
    Make your way straight before me..
    Lord lead me away from jealousy and envy and disorder, and disharmony..
    In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray..

    Happy Thursday, ya’ll!
    Praying you well, and sending much, much love across the ‘choppy’ pond this morning.❤️

    1. Julia C says:


    2. Sally B. says:

      I’ll absolutely agree, Tina, favoritism is bad news and as we’ve seen, created disastrous consequences in Abraham’s family so far. But I’m not letting the brothers off the hook that easy – to want to kill Joseph feels quite extreme to me!
      (But…I only had 3 siblings!!:)
      Love this long story of God’s intervention in Joseph’s life and His continued provision to keep His promise to Abraham.

    3. Mary Ann Graves says:

      Well said. Amen

    4. Searching says:

      “He has no favorites” – thank you Tina for the reminder. ❤️

      1. Foster Mama says:


    5. Kelly (NEO) says:

      Thank you, Tina. Gives me a reminder to be more understanding of how my mum interacts with me and my brother.

    6. Pam Fite says:

      Thanks for sharing this, Tina.

    7. Pam Fite says:

      Thanks for sharing this, Tina. Many of us probably feel the same way about our moms.

    8. Foster Mama says:

      Such an enlightening story Tina❤️

    9. Cee Gee says:

      “He loves us ALL the same. In our ugliness. Jealousy. Ingratitude. Disharmony. Feelings of doubt. Disgruntled-Ness.. He loves us. In our pyjamas, tatty clothes, designer wear, mangled hair, coiffeured or not, He sees us equally!
      For my part, I feel safe, secure in that knowledge for sure, and the knowledge thst nothing can separate me from His love.”
      Amen! ❤ Sending love back to you from a warming up South!

    10. Lucille Prosser says:

      Thank you Tina because after reading this it made me realize my siblings and I had jealousy but my parents loved us all the same and differently because we were different.

    11. Mercy says:

      Amen Tina. Yesterday we read that when Jacob returned to meet with Esau, and was so afraid, he lined up his children in the order of concubine children go first, then Leah’s, then his truly beloved wife Rachel’s son Joseph stand last. I was thinking, geez…he set the other boys as human shield in case his brother Esau attacks, and Joseph is the last one and must be clearly his favorite. He could have lined all the kids on one line, but no he didn’t. How would all the other kids feel? It’s so hard for all involved.

    12. Margaret W. says:

      I solve this problem by telling all of my children that they are my favorite, and I make sure that they all overhear me saying the same thing to all of their siblings. It’s a trick that I learned from my late FIL, who had spent 10 years telling his older son’s wife that she was the favorite daughter-in-law. When I married the younger son, he said the same thing to me. We both knew it, but one day we caught him telling one of us (don’t remember which) that we were the favorite DIL without realizing that the other was right there. It was great fun to catch him at his own game, but I decided to do the same intentionally with my children, even though I only had one at the time. Now I have 5, and they are all my favorite. I cannot fathom how a parent can love one child more than another, even as I certainly find one more annoying than another on a regular basis. I just have enough that it changes daily, if not more often.