At first glance, Joseph’s story reads like a set of extraordinary circumstances lived by an ordinary man. If that’s the case, it would be enough to hold our collective attention for maybe a moment but not thousands of years. So why is it we are still talking about him?
Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob (Genesis 37:3). You may have heard of his coat of many colors or perhaps the time his brothers sold him into slavery (vv.3,27–28). Joseph stood firm against the temptations of Potiphar’s wife, even though doing so landed him in prison (Genesis 39). He’s the one who relocated the baby nation of Israel to Egypt and protected them from eventual famine (Genesis 47).
These are the facts we see on the surface, but look again. There is an undercurrent to Joseph’s story that points to a deeper truth. We see it written all over Genesis 39. We read that the Lord “was with Joseph,” and when his master realized this, he also saw that “the LORD made everything he did successful” (vv.2–3). The Lord remained “with Joseph and extended kindness to him,” blessing “the Egyptian’s house” and making everything he did successful (vv.5,21–23). It’s clear that while on a human level Joseph’s life was marked by betrayal, fear, and desperate circumstances, on the supernatural level his story is about so much more because of God’s favor.
When Joseph’s brothers plotted his death, God preserved his life.
When the schemes of man made Joseph a slave and a refugee, God gave him favor in a foreign land.
When he was falsely accused and thrown in jail, God infused Joseph’s prison time with purpose.
When there was no way for Joseph to free himself from his shackles, God set him free.
When Joseph was cut off from his family, God made a way for radical reconciliation.
When Joseph lived in a land of famine, God filled his storehouses.
God used the circumstances of Joseph’s life to tell a bigger, more important story: the story about His glory.
God’s story of grace is the undercurrent of our lives too. He proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). He remains faithful to us, even when we are not (1Corinthians 10:13). He is “rich in mercy, [and] because of his great love that he had for us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses. [We] are saved by grace!” (Ephesians 2:4–5).
The reality of God’s grace turns every moment of rejection, every false accusation or overlooked achievement, every fear and every famine, into an opportunity to showcase His glory. Thousands of years later, we are still compelled to remember the story of a shepherd boy turned slave, who was transformed from a prisoner into a man of great power—not by Joseph’s strength of character or accomplishment, but by God’s design and power.
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91 thoughts on "Joseph in Potiphar’s House"
Amen ✝️❤
Good afternoon. She’s’
Joseph bore fruit wherever he was planted because of God’s grace and favour.
Amen and Amen
This devotional was VERY helpful for me to see what God wants us to understand through Joseph’s journey.
Same here!
The verse that comes to mind for me as I read and reflect on Joseph’s story here is 2 Corinthians 12:9 – But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
And 2 Corinthians 4:7 where we are reminded -But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us
Although like jars of clay we have cracks and chips. I am thankful that its through these imperfections God’s light can shine through us. Just like God was glorified through Joseph’s bleak circumstances and the thorn in Paul’s side.
What a story. Can we trust God when we are in prison? Can we trust God when we receive outrageous accusation regarding sexual misconduct? Joseph did and God gave him great favors. I just love Joseph’s character so much. Joseph reminds me of the young king David very much. Both are with gentle heart despite wicked situations. Thank you Lord for these examples of the patriarch. Joining you in prayers for the new week, for new victories in Jesus’ Name. Be blessed dear sisters.❤️
Oh, to remember…
not by my circumstance or character…
but by God acting out His grand design & purpose.
God, the One greater than any ambition or aspiration.
God, the One conveyer of substance & salvation.
God, the One who writes & edits the Story.
Oh, to let His truth resound in my heart.
Glory to His Name.
Amen, Amen!!
So many great comments! They have truly blessed me! God was with Joseph through it all! That says it all. We can overcome anything knowing God is with us!
Praying for all! Asking for prayers for myself. I’ve had the flu, through with that but I have a cough and congestion that won’t go away. I’m on the 2nd round of antibiotics! I would appreciate your prayers.
Got’em! ❤
Right there with you!! Praying for you!
Praying for you both! :/
Praying for your speedy recovery.
Praying for good health soon, Cheryl!
Amen, Tina! Beautiful
Wow the masters wife was not a nice person. But I love seeing how God is faithful once again. He lifts Joseph up time and time again.
“The reality of God’s grace turns every moment of rejection, every false accusation or overlooked achievement, every fear and every famine, into an opportunity to showcase His glory.” …I would do well to remember this every time I face these similar circumstances! They are never to be about me, but about His glory.
Genesis 39:10 – Joseph refused to go to bed with Potiphar’s wife, reminded me of Hebrews 11:24 – Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. This thought came to mind – both suffered the consequences of obeying God’s call in their lives…We all know that we suffer the consequences of sin, but do we ever think about the fact that there are also consequences of obeying God. There are times when we choose what’s right but will still suffer. For example, if one stands up for being honest – and refusing to lie, at a workplace where it’s expected of you, you could lose your job….If we choose to share the gospel with someone we are burdened for, we might lose that friendship…believers in other countries are in prison for sharing the good news of Jesus…it all goes back to what Erin said, “The reality of God’s grace turns every opportunity to showcase His glory…much to ponder from today’s reading!
Psalm 1:1-6 is my desire and prayer – that my delight would be God’s word, that I would indeed meditate on it day and night, that I would be like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding fruit and not withering.
Father let it begin in me today. Fix my eyes on you and my heart on Your word. You alone are worthy.
@ Wendy B – praying that God will remove every bit of cancer from your body.
@ Tara B – praying for your brother Michael.
@ Lynne – prayers for strength and grace as Jack continues to decline, and for wisdom for you as you are faced with difficult decisions. I am so thankful that you will have the opportunity to get out of the house for a bit today. Enjoy your coffee, praise song list and just plain praising the Lord! ❤️
Have a blessed Monday sweet She’s!
Something I read yesterday that goes along with what you posted…
“If we are to walk in the light as He is in the light, we will strive to be good and do good, and we should be prepared to be treated as He was treated.” Jen Wilken
Your comment on having consequences for following God reminded me of something I heard in a podcast a while back. The speaker (I don’t remember his name) said “It doesn’t have to be worth it to do the right thing”. That has really made me think…too often we want to see the recognition or positive outcome of making ‘good choices’. But shouldn’t knowing that we did the right thing and followed God be enough?
This is so good Sharon, thank you!
Really good, Sharon. Thank you!
Love your thoughts and, thank you so much❤️
This is one of my favorites of the Bible! Joseph! Once again, it’s funny how these ‘stories” are covered so quickly in a chapter or two, or few, but have so much relevance and insight for those that “mediate” and study it! God’s word is “Alive and Powerful!” It is living a useful for His children! I actually use the story of Joseph as an example to my ladies in jail. That although they are in jail, God can use that time for purpose! I have one lady that is wrongly there, and she stays strong and has been used greatly by God to encourage other ladies (from them telling me how much themselves). And just recently she went on to prison but in her letter she put “I led 2 people to Christ..” WOW! Do you know as a Christian for 55 years, I have never in conversation have led someone in the prayer of salvation!? Now since, in the last couple of years we have as a group led many, which is the most amazing thing EVER, but never myself outside of there!! That has since become my mission—to ALWAYS be ready and willing for God to open my eyes to see and give reason for WHY I follow him! While the ladies are there in jail—they can “choose” their attitudes and how they spend their time. Will they grumble and complain, or will they pray, read the word, build others up…..These are questions for myself today! Will I…??!
No matter what shall come my way….fair or not, hard or not, what I want or not. God KNOWS what I need. Lord may my steps stay on your path, one step at a time, only focusing on today with the lamp at my feet. Lord, guide me. Help me. I will lean on the everlasting arms. You are my portion, you are my strength!! Thank you Father God—in Jesus name! Amen.
Thanking ya’ll for wonderful comments, insights, and wisdom as usual! Prayers covering all of your requests and unspoken.
I have a couple of requests…if you could pray for my nephew that got arrested early Sat. morning. He has court this morning..praying he is able to receive a reasonable bond to get out or it is dropped completely. Also for my grandson and granddaughter still, for another episode happened again with police being called. Appreciate your power of prayers said and lifted!! Prayers change the atmosphere.
Oh, Rhonda! How I love your stories of your “jail birds”. You have made such an impact in so many of their lives. It warms my heart.
Praying for your nephew and grands!
Hugs to you ❤️
Thank you Sue!! And thank you for always encouraging me with Jail Ministry! It truly is the best thing I have ever been a part of, and I have made so many lasting relationships! I have been going weekly for 2 years now!! What a blessing!
Rhonda I am so sorry to hear about your nephews arrest, and for the turmoil in your grandchildren’s family. I must be so heart breaking. Prayers for them all, and for you. ❤️
Thank you Sharon. My grandson didn’t get taken in (I hope, actually I don’t know) We only hear through the granddaughter, and her phone turned off as I was talking to her. But that was their 2nd call there this week!
Thank you for the prayers for my nephew!! The prayers worked for the bond- at first it was outrageous, and the lawyer was able to get it dismissed. That was my exact prayer! Thank you Lord Jesus! I only wish my nephew could know!
Praying alongside Sharon for your nephew & grands ❤️
Thank ;you!! And thank you Mercy!
I can remember in college, I didn’t really know the Bible so well, but I did believe in Jesus. My sophomore year is when God spoke to me and told me if I was calling myself His child, I should stop living like the world and get back to church. It took me a few more years to truly surrender my all to Him, even though I did go to church every week. Yet in the midst of my wrestling, like Joseph, God was with me. Because God was with me, I had blessings in my life I did not deserve. People spoke well of me. My college blessed me and honored my work there. Even as I lived with pride, a potty mouth, and was resistent to breaking up with the guy God told me wasn’t meant for me… God still blessed me and used me for His glory at that college & in my workplaces.
It really is Him that gets the glory at the end of the day…
Who are we that He is mindful of us?
Amen Michelle! Praise God that He is always with us and NEVER gives up on us!! ❤️
Amen! I can say a lot of the same! He had favor on me because of his mercy and grace…and I sing of his glory…now!
I was just thinking earlier how I thought I could be used to the younger 20 somethings at church…you know to minister to them and basically tell them of how God transformed all my horrible choices into a great testimony. And then- my niece text me and is so sad and hating her life, and I was able to share with her. She said she has been praying every night…but I wanted to make sure she was praying to Jesus (she has believes somewhat of manifestation~!). If you all don’t mind saying a prayer for her, and that the seeds keep getting watered! (heart)
Yes praying for her – and that you keep sharing Jesus with her as God leads you!! ❤️
I loved the story of Joseph and every time I read it, I learn more and more about God’s glory.
As with most of this study so far, I have been so humbled to think that I knew the stories, but realize how much of the beautiful and messy details I had glossed over or forgotten due to my lack of true meditation on the Word. Today was no different! The thing that stood out to me the most was the use of the word “successful.” We live in a world that craves a successful status/appearance, often caring little at the cost at which it comes. Anyone today would look at Joseph’s circumstances and laugh—a slave is successful?? God really struck my heart today—how do I define success? What am I chasing? And when success, like so many things, is fleeting, what’s my response? Lord, help me to know that the only success worth gaining is that of following You wholeheartedly, boldly, and without fear of the future.
Great thoughts!! What does successful look like to me? May I just follow God’s path for me, than I shall be his kind of successful! Shining his light! Being His hands and feet. Following His precepts, and His goodness will follow me all the days of my life!!
The rule follower, type A, person in me feels the unfair, unjust, undeserved hardship of Joseph’s story. And yet, we never read anything in Joseph’s response on reaction of “why me?” We see character, honor, right choices and decisions, standing firm in difficult circumstances and a steadfast faith. There is so much we can learn by having our feet(lives)firmly planted in the Lord, in delighting in Him and walking in obedience to Him.
“But the LORD was with Joseph and extended kindness to him.” Gen 39:21
Lord, thank you that you are with us and that walking with you is where we experience your kindness, your hand at work and fulfillment in life.✝️
Yes, Amen Wendy!
Sisters, sharing a sermon I watched yesterday, on anger in life and in relationships. Worth a listen I think.
Hopefully this gets you there, test searched in my browser and it was the first video that popped up:
(should show as January 26, 2025 Sermon, Be Angry and Do Not Sin, ALL THE RAGE)
Thank you, SEARCHING! I copied and pasted to my browser on my Kindle and it didn’t show up.
I tried on YouTube and it was #6 on the list.
Black and gold geometric graphic with All the Rage in gold letters. Hope that is helpful! ❤
Thank you so much for posting some extra info to find it – crazy the way the internet works!
❤ Agree!
I’ve heard somewhere in a commentary or maybe a sermon that Joseph was as close in character that of our JESUS! I believe it as we read that he wished no harm, or revenge on anyone. To me, he seems like he was a very sweet guy! The kind of guy we want to raise and would make a great husband for our daughters. Happy Monday sweeties. Thankfully I made a full recovery and feeling normal again. Prayers are appreciated (speaking of dreams in today’s reading) I had a nightmare with the one I once called husband, it felt real BUT thankfully I realized it was just a dream, hopefully someday I won’t have them any more.
❤ Glad you are all recovered!
Joseph’s faith in God is inspiring.
After so many chapters of seeing disobedience and deception, how refreshing to read about Joseph and his faithfulness to the lord through so many trying circumstances and as Potiphar’s wife tried again and again to tempt him, he remained strong and faithful to the Lord. The Lord was with him and showed favor on him, even when it didn’t look so bright, like being thrown in prison. God, help us all to remain faithful to you in ALL circumstances and thank you that you are always with us. Grant us favor in your sight, O Lord, and may we walk worthy of that favor giving you ALL the glory.
Amen ❤️
Biblegateway verse of the day:
Psalm 59:16
But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress.
Love, hugs, and prayers, dear sisters. May our God supply all your needs, sending healing, comfort, strength, patience- whatever the need- OUR GOD is able and He is faithfully with us even when we don’t feel it. Love you all! ❤
Perfect verse!
Thanks for sharing ❤️
Father help me to remember that You are faithful even when I am not. Please show Your Goodness and Mercy in this time of doubt and challenge. In Jesus name, Amen
As highlighted in the devo, the LORD (all caps in NKJV, Yahweh) was with Joseph though all the mistreatments and through all the successes – even in prison, as we see that Joseph was trusted and given a position of responsibility and authority there, and in him being able to provide the interpretation of dreams.
When I look back at my life, I can see times when God was with me, protected me, brought me through the valleys (many, many of my own making :/ ) – some of them are flashing through my mind as I’m typing and I’m tearing up with gratefulness and thankfulness for Him being with me.
I’m reminded to look closer as I go through each day, knowing He is with me through the frustrations, the heartaches and the blessings – can I look close enough to see Him in all of these? Surely in some of them if I’ll pay attention, though not in all of them right now, as He is constantly working – on today in real time, and on my tomorrows as I move toward them. Whoop worthy, KELLY!
I chuckled as I read the footnote in NKJV (Bible Gateway) for Psalm 1:2, as it defines “meditates” as
“ponders by talking to himself” – I guess I’m meditating on something most of the day :)
MERCY – glad to hear your call with your mom went well, and praise the Lord for His working in her life
SOPHIE M – thankful for the good news from your daughter’s checkup!
TARA B – praying for your brother Michael and family
TAMI – praying for BJ, his daughters and the family; for Chela as she begins another week of school and also for your biopsy results
LYNNE FROM AL – praying ❤️
Beautifully spoken, SEARCHING! Hugs!
Lol I ‘meditate’ lots, too! ☺ Joining in your prayers and praises! ❤
Thank you for your prayers, Searching!
Whoop, whoooooop
I love Psalm 1. Such a great reminder of how we are to walk, stand, sit NOT with the wicked but in God’s truth and in God’s strength and presence. When I read about Joseph and the unfair circumstances that kept getting thrown at him, I could get really discouraged for him. His life seems pretty hopeless. Everyone is against him and he is truly on his own. Yet throughout his story, I see his character and the favor of God. In spite of his circumstances, God elevates him because of Joseph’s character which is actually God’s character shining through him.
How many times have I been in situations that were unfair and undeserved? Did I walk with God through those times, shining His character as I continued on, one day at a time? Sometimes yes, sometimes no, if I am honest. The good news is that Psalm 1 shows us the way to do that…delight in the Lord’s instruction and meditate on it day and night. And that person WILL bear fruit in its season and WILL NOT wither and WILL prosper. Wow, what a promise!
For those who like to listen to podcasts, a great listen is a Relatable episode by Allie Beth Stuckey where she interviews Bevelyn Williams, who was in prison for protesting outside an abortion clinic and was recently pardoned by the President. Her story is incredible and I was reminded of it as I read about Joseph, because she truly did experience God’s presence with her throughout her prison time and she never lost faith that God would work out the details to get her out. It is episode 1130 for anyone who is interested.
Well said Laura! Definitely inspires me to trust in the Lord through ALL things and circumstances, not complain and wine about unfairness and grumbling…but rather show faithfulness and security in the Lord!!
I have seen that ladies story when she was arrested, and then released recently with others in the same circumstances (how unbelievable!!?) and follow Ally! But usually don’t listen to full podcast but going to look this one up, thank you!! I admire those that give up their own time to do the work of the Lord! It’s quite amazing really! I am pretty adamant in my stance of pro-life but would I stand outside and pray for hours?! Or March in freezing weather? It is a big issue that I thought all Christians would be on the same side, those are the things that make me scratch my head.
We do not read of Joseph saying “If God is with me, why is ____ happening?” In the downward spiral of going from bad to worse, Joseph seems to have had a stedfast trust in God’s power to sustain him.
TARA B – praying for Michael’s recovery and for a clear report about the tumor.
LYNNE FROM AL- praying your day was restful and restorive. May God give you wisdom and peace about next steps with Jack.
LINDA IN NC – praying your infusion today helps to restore your strength.
Love this – he never found pity on himself or questioned Gods love for him.
Yes, amen, may I have steadfast faith Lord!!
Thank you Kelly! He is worried there is something else wrong, but the doctors tell him he is doing well and that everything looks great. I am praying for his faith to grow stronger through this and for his walk with the Lord even more so.
Thank you, Kelly. Both of us seem to be over the flu. Cough lingers.❤
I pray that your hand will be on our families, protect us, guide us, and use us for your glory. Amen
Yes amen Teresa! We sang one of my favorite songs at church yesterday “I Speak Jesus!” I pray all strongholds be broken on all my family!!
Thank you, Abba Father !!
We are alive by God’s grace! Without Him, we are nothing..
Amen, Erin Davis, Amen!
I love this read today!
Verse three of Psalm 1, is so Joseph’s character and story, isn’t it?
He planted himself so firmly beside the flowing streams…
The God of his father and his father’s father.. He had heard the stories of God and he believed.. He held fast to God. He placed his trust in God. He didn’t know it, BUT GOD, had chosen him for a purpose..
That bears fruit in its season..
His journey, though he was chosen by God for a purpose, was not straightforward, there were a few pit stops along the way.. These pit stops did not stop him believing, rather, he knuckled down even more, because God was with him..
He faced every obstacle, with trust and hope in his father’s God, now His.. And he was fruitful. He bore fruit, even in the trials..
..and it’s leaf does not wither..
Truth is truth. It never changes. It’s the same told today as it is tomorrow, or five hundred years from now.. Joseph knew the truth in his heart. He knew God. He had not physically seen Him, or been in His presence, unlike his grandfather, but he knew Him in his heart, and that truth, that ‘leaf’ never withered.
Whatever he does prospers..
When God is with you, as He was with Joseph, when life throws you lemons, and sour, bitter, sharp seems to be all YOU see ahead, believe, that things WILL work out for good. God is not in the business of letting go in our trials, He holds on tighter and works those trials for our good. We prosper, as Joseph did, because he held fast to the God he trusted and believed in.
Lord, may I plant myself firmly beside you, and as I do may I bear the fruit to share with others in the season, knowing that YOU are my truth, my truth, that never changes, always the same from the beginning of time, and in times to come.
For your glory, Lord, may I always flourish in all You choose for me to do, and Lord, may I do it well.
With a thankful heart for your presence, love and care, Lord God, in Jesus’ name I pray..
Happy Monday! Covered in prayers and wrapped in love and hugs for a God present and blessed day..❤
What a beautiful way to start the week, TINA! Artfully delivered, sister! Hugs winging their way across the pond! ❤
So wonderfully said, thank you, Tina. Wrote it down in my journal ❤️
Praying that prayer alongside you, Tina! ❤️
Yes, beautifully said Tina! Reminds me of one of my often quoted scriptures dealing with daily chronic pain and leading the group at church with chronic pain-
2 Corinthians 4:17
“For our light afflictions, which are but for a moment, are working for us a far more eternal weight of glory!”
Oh Tina!
Just this!
I’m writing it all in my journal to re-read, again and again and again.
You have such a way with words…can’t wait for that book you’re going to write!
Hugs across the pond sweet sister. ❤️
“God is not in the business of letting go in our trials, He holds on tighter and works those trials for our good.” So good!