In middle school, I remember begging for one of those plastic Magic 8 Balls for Christmas. When I finally got one, I sat in my room with that ball, asking it only the most important questions in life. Did my 12-year-old crush just happen to like me too?!
Every time I got an answer I didn’t like, I shook that Magic 8 Ball again, and it gave me profound answers such as “Outlook not so good” and “Reply hazy, try again.” It never actually gave me the answers I was looking for, but I kept asking anyway, as if somehow that little toy would give me the assurance I wanted.
These days, most of us don’t rely on a Magic 8 Ball for wisdom or the answers to our greatest questions. But we do tend to look to our friends, endless Google searches, and social media deep dives as if, somehow, the answers to the problems of our lives will be found “out there.”
In the same way, when Pharaoh had his dreams in Genesis 41, he consulted all the magicians and wise men of the day, but they had no answers for him (Genesis 41:8). Yet a royal cupbearer who just happened to be imprisoned at the same time as Joseph remembered him in that moment.
I love that when Joseph was cleaned up and brought before Pharaoh to interpret the dreams, he didn’t try to portray himself as an expert. He didn’t come in with confidence in himself because he knew where his help would come from. He said, “I am not able to,” Joseph answered Pharaoh. “It is God who will give Pharaoh a favorable answer” (v.16). Joseph was quick to point out that through Pharaoh’s dream, God revealed what He was going to do through Egypt. God Himself is the ultimate source of wisdom because He is the originator of the dream and plan (v.28).
Pharaoh recognized God’s Spirit in Joseph, which is why Pharaoh chose Joseph to become a leader in Egypt (Genesis 41:37–38). What a wild turn of events!
When we look at Joseph’s life, there are so many details that had to happen just so for him to end up here at that moment. The chief cupbearer and Joseph were both used by God in this unexpected situation to save countless lives. God provided the opportunity that would change Joseph’s destiny, and it was also God who brought him face-to-face with his brothers again (Genesis 42:5–7).
Way back then, and still today, the wisdom of this world will never give you and me the answers we’re looking for. But we can find comfort in knowing that, just like in Joseph’s life, the God of the universe has written a story that all fits together. He has been forming and working it into place, one puzzle piece at a time. And all the answers and wisdom that we need will come from the faithful One who wrote our story.
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102 thoughts on "Joseph in Pharaoh’s Court"
God will make those who hated you and tried to get rid of you the same people will need you for blessing
Good afternoon, She’s!
God is in the details of our story. One of my favorite songs is The Story I’ll Tell by Naomi Raine. I thought of this song during this reading.
“ Oh, but I know that over the years, I’ll look back on this moment and see Your hand on it. And know You were here. “. May God continue to direct us She’s. Without him we would be lost ❤️ praying for peace over you all.
I love that song!!❤️
Same Rachel! It has gotten me through my child’s heath struggles!
The depth of character lived out by Joseph over the years of his storyline is just so admirable. He walks a humble, highline of integrity and the Lord’s faithful presence and Sovereign hand in his life is evident. A life lived well, walking with the Lord will be rich in the truest sense of the word and reflect the beauty of Jesus no matter what the circumstances we face. This from HRT stood out to me:
“Our role is to live in Jesus, following Him in the upside-down kingdom, allowing God to use all aspects of our lives, especially our afflictions, as instruments for displaying the saving work of Jesus and the goodness and power of God to the onlooking world.”
And this verse, that reminds us that our strength is not our own but comes from Jesus:’It is not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.’ 2 Cor 3:5
I am thankful for Joseph’s example, for the reminders from God’s Word, from the reading and all of the wisdom and insight shared here that spur on, encourage and point me(us) to continue to look to and lean on the Lord to be our strength, wisdom, companion and help and through that He can be reflected in our lives. ✝️
I love too that he is still so human, still displaying the wounds of hisnpast
I don’t remember who mentioned the song Hard Fought Hallelujah but thank you❤️
It was Searching. Thank you.
The reading today is so emotional for me. Family betrayal, and especially the understanding of their repentance dialogues that Joseph understood, it is real healing for him, that he knew his brothers repented and deep down they knew they shouldn’t have done the wickedness upon their younger brother, there was some love left for him. Some other verses stood out, where can we find a discerning and wise man? In whom is the spirit of God to place over this land? This verse taught me how to pray over leadership in the current turmoil of Canada. Please pray for our nation, that there is such a man in whom is the spirit of God, wise and discerning, and an election needs to be held soon. Our currency plummets real bad, homelessness and drug addicts are on the streets (at least in my city) and the province of Alberta, not enough rehab or counselling centers, not enough homeless shelters, and its -25C (-13F) this week. So much chaos, conflicts, and heartaches around. I pray such a man be appointed. “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, Nor from the south. But God is the judge: He putteth down one, and setteth up another”(Psalms 75:6-7). Please keep our nation in prayers. Thank you shes.
praying, Mercy, for God to reveal such a man for your country. I pray his protection for my country as well, Lord help us all.
Thank you Searching ❤️
Appreciate your thoughts, Mercy and right there with you as a fellow Canadian and Albertan❤️
Where do you live? I’m in Edmonton
Calgary…so bad here with many social issues.
Its the same here, Mercy :(
Dear Shes, my Sisters
“Way back then, and still today, the wisdom of this world will never give you and me the answers we’re looking for. But we can find comfort in knowing that, just like in Joseph’s life, the God of the universe has written a story that all fits together.”
A story. Your story. My story. At the hand of God.
I am contemplating next steps in service to my church.
I pray for His counsel & confirmation;
patience & perspective.
He is the One who places us where we should be.
He is the One who prepares & qualifies.
Dear Lord, help me to listen hard & hold fast to You.
All praises to Your Name.
That’s wonderful! I think it’s so important to serve, so I know God will lead your willingness to the perfect place! My faith increases as I serve!
Amen ❤️
I seem to want a “Magic 8 Ball” answer to things, too. But if I think God is trying to teach me anything, it’s to wait for His answer. Just like we can see what God was doing in Joseph’s life – because we get to read the rest of the story – we get to do the same with our stories. We don’t see NOW what God is doing, but when we look back, we see His hand at work. Which builds our faith to know that the future we can’t see will be revealed to us after it happens… and we will see God’s hand at work again, and again… so we don’t fear the unknown future, because as we look back we continually see God’s hand on our lives.
Yep, that’s good Kris! Made me start singing the song…”Fear is not My Future” by Brandon Lake and Dante Bowe!
God is in charge of putting all the pieces of our lives together to make a beautiful masterpiece! We just have to surrender to Him and acknowledge that we can’t live this life on our own.
Praying for all!
Sisters, please pray for my daughter, Amanda. She has breast cancer and will have her second treatment of chemotherapy tomorrow. Please pray that her body is strong enough to withstand the treatment and that she has minimal side effects. Please pray that God is using the surgery, the chemotherapy, and the radiation to come to completely heal her from cancer. Please pray for her husband and kids as they go through this with her. And please pray that I will be able to rest in the assurance that God has her in His hands and will work His miracles in her life.
Teresa, praying in agreement for Amanda! Thanks for letting us know! ❤
Prayers for Amanda, her family, and you as all navigate through her treatments.
Thank you, Grammer Sue ❤️
Praying for your daughter, Amanda. Praying for the treatment and for her family. And for you to as well,Teresa
Thank you, Mari V ❤️
Praying for your daughter and you. God is good, all the time!
Praying for your daughter and all of you!
Thank you, Cheryl ❤️
Praying in agreement that Amanda is healed by the power of the cross, and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding to cover all members in your family to go through this and to finally give praise to Him who can change/ do all things for His glory.
Yes, Amen! You have my prayers sweet Theresa! I know that must be hard being your daughter, good that she has you though, and you are calling your She’s to pray! Thank you Jesus, your will be done, but that you hold her close no matter what.
Thank you so much, Rhonda ❤️
Thank you so much, Mercy ❤️
Praying for Amanda’s healing.
Praying for Amanda – for healing, for strength through the treatments, no side effects, for the family as they stand with her.
Praying for you, Teresa, for peace in your heart that God does indeed hold her in His hands.
Praying for your precious daughter!
Teresa, I am so sorry your daughter is facing this. Have prayed for her, her family and you as well. In Jesus name, may complete healing come and He be glorified.✝️
‘Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’ Rom 15:13
Absolutely love this part of Genesis! Yes, its painful to read, but love it! Can’t wait to continue reading tomorrow to hear/read the rest of the story. SUCH a well-written devo and I’m so inspired as I get ready for work. GREAT reminder that we are all a part of that puzzle piece that Our God is putting together and the assurance that in the end it will all fit together! I (we) can trust HIM! Sometimes when I don’t know the answers (just like we read today) we can rest assured that our God already knows and we just need to wait for the appropriate time as we know our daddy knows best! Love you all SO much!
GM She’s!
I love breaking up the story of Joseph and slowing down as we have, to ponder each phase! I helps us to stay in those moments as we have to in our own story. We don’t like to be in the hard parts…the waiting…does God hear me? When is he going t o rescue me? When we he pay back my enemies? When will this and that happen?
We are impatient, and we want good and prosperity, yet it is in the hard when we are stopped, slowed, have to look beyond ourselves.
I look back of the story of my life, and it is so apparent the thread of God’s tender love and mercies, his protection and goodness, yet where he lets my choices have their consequences. Those are the wows- where I see the…if only’s. If only I had. It hurts that I caused hurt to myself and others, living apart from God’s way for my self-seeking ways.
God knows what and when we need it, but allows for our freewill. I hope in my Christ-following maturity that I will walk in step with him, not trying to hurry ahead, or lag behind. Lord give me wisdom and multiply my faith. Help me in turn help others in their walk with you.
Have a great Tuesday friends. Thank you for prayers for my nephew and grands.
Amen, sweet sister❤️
(heart back)
Amen. Praying over you nephew and grands, may all go well and the peace/protection of God will keep their heart, mind, situation at bay.
Thank you Mercy!
Amen. Your questions at the beginning resonate.
Prayed for your family today, Rhonda. ❤️
I love Joseph’s humility here…he could have just Said, yeah I can do it, I can help you! To ensure he stays out of the prison he was in…but he knew it was only by God’s grace. Not by might or by our power, it’s only by His Spirit! He is where our help comes from!
My thoughts, to, Erica, that even after the success, Joseph remained humble. ❤
YES, and after SUCH a long time of waiting, injustice, etc…
I’m also seeing the growth in my sweetie pie Joseph…when he was young, the brothers/family were offended by the interpretation of his dream but it’s possible he told them with less humility as a teen.
Thank you Jesus for this boy / man / story.
He is a sweetie pie isn’t he❤️❤️❤️
Thank you, God. Your ways are higher and always good! ❤️
…”the God of the universe has written a story that all fits together. He has been forming and working it into place, one puzzle piece at a time. And all the answers and wisdom that we need will come from the faithful One who wrote our story.”
How quickly I forget that it’s God who not only IS writing my story, but that my whole story HAS BEEN written! Psalm 139:16 says, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
If God has written my story and it’s all written in His book, why then do I fret when unexpected, unwanted things happen? God has a plan, and His grace and mercy runs all through it. Everything happens for our good and His glory.
Over time, the injustice that was done to Joseph – all the hurt, rejection and abandonment had faded away. Joseph allowed God to work in him and through him to accomplish His will. And through it all – he took no glory for himself, but gave all the glory to God.
How many times have I sought the glory that was meant for God alone?
Have I truly learned to be humble before God and man and let God do the exalting? Do I look to God for answers, or do I try to figure everything out myself?…This account of Joseph’s actions gives me much to think about.
“Search me o God, and know my thoughts. See if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24
Happy Tuesday She’s!
Yes, God is in control. He has every detail planned…perfectly.
One thing I have learned in this journey of pulling our Lab out of debt…I can’t do it myself!
God has provided everything we need each week as we seek to pay the waaaaay past due bills. Just yesterday, we began the day with very little, and by the end of the day we had enough for payroll this week (which is an enormous amount of money!!!)
I have had to hand over my 5 loaves and 2 fish to Him…
And He takes it and multiplies it!
I give Him all the glory!
He has brought me full circle in this journey and I wouldn’t change a thing. His love & goodness surround us.
I have learned to wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation, my Fortress where I will not be shaken.
My victory and honor come from God alone.
He is my refuge, a Rock where no enemy can reach me.
O my sisters, trust in him at all times.
Pour out your heart to Him,
For God is our Refuge. Psalm 62:5-8
I cling to this and many other verses…
Hugs and prayers to all of you ❤️
Praise God…what a HUGE and WONDERFUL testimony!! Keep sharing it!! What faith! I can’t imagine. Especially thinking of your husband’s part—b/c mine might just be freaking out and trying to figure it all out!
This is what stood out to me as well.
We can see how God put the pieces and events of Joseph’s life together (as mentioned in the devo) so that he was where God wanted him, when God wanted him there.
I can see some of this type of working in my own past and think how wise God is/was, and at the same time wonder, where I can look back and see a path that would have been much quicker to get to the same place, why He didn’t work differently in some areas. Well, the short answer is He’s God and I’m not. In His wisdom, I am where I am today. May I seek His guidance daily and remember my “sufficiency is from God”.
RHONDA J – praying for your niece, that the seeds planted would take root in her life, and for your nephew and your grandchildren, for guidance and protection
LINDA IN NC. – thankful for improved health, praying for full recovery
LYNNE FROM AL – praying for you, Jack and family
Thank you Searching for remembering. He needs prayer so much right now as he just moved into an apartment and will be living alone (so no accountability) His girlfriend still cares about him but until he is sober it is just too hard to live with him. I can choose to worry myself sick over what might happen in the coming days or trust God to bring him to full restoration. I choose God. I appreciate your prayers for him!
❤ Good for you, Rebecca!
Praying for your son, that the power of the Lord can break all chains of bondage over him, and he will be set free to have a joyful and abundant life.
That is so powerful what you just said “I can choose to worry myself sick…or choose God!!” Amen! Surrendered! That’s what we have to do, albeit so hard! That is my word and upcoming Study I am starting next week! We could drive ourselves not only crazy trying to help or control our loved ones, but away from God.
Way maker, miracle worker…that’s my God! Amen!
God has been reminding me of who He is through this study. I am here because of Him.
I don’t spend time with Him and talk about Him because I am wise and faithful, but because HE IS MY MAKER. He is worthy of all of my praises.
Good morning! What an awesome way to start the day. Too often God has already given or is providing us with direction for whatever or situation and circumstances are but for whatever reason, we can hear Him or understand ( see) how He’s moving in our life because for whatever reason “ we’re out of sync… not aligned “. This passage had so many layers but the overall tone, “God Is” and forever will be our Provider, Protection, Shelter…..Love. My prayer for each of us, search our hearts and align ourselves with the word of God.
Amen, TaMorya!
Amen ❤️
Yes ❤️
Amen ♡
2 Corinthians 3:5 It is not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God.
This is one passage that I can totally stand on! While I am loved beyond measure by God, the reality is that I am but dust with God’s breath in my lungs.
RHONDA J – praying for your family, especially yoir nephew and grandchildren.
CHRISTY – praying you hear back about the new job soon.
Thank you, Kelly! ❤️ I sent references on Friday, so hopefully, I will hear back by the end of the week
That is the verse that stood out to me, too, Kelly. “I am but dust with God’s breath in my lungs.” Love that! We sing a song at church (sang it Sunday) that says,
“It’s Your breath in our lungs so we hold out our praise; we hold out our praise…” – Great are you Lord by All Sons and Daughters.
From HRT:
“If we walk away from Joseph’s story thinking God is merely a cosmic dream-giver who guarantees our prosperity, we’ve missed something. Joseph’s story is a shadow of the greater story lived by Jesus—the one who went the lowest, stood before those who could end his life, went even lower than Joseph to death itself, and then, by God’s good plan of redemption, was raised and seated at the right hand of God—not just Pharaoh—to administer hope and life to a famished world. Our role is to live in Jesus, following Him in the upside-down kingdom, allowing God to use all aspects of our lives, especially our afflictions, as instruments for displaying the saving work of Jesus and the goodness and power of God to the onlooking world (1Timothy 1:16).”
Thankful for another reminder of Immanuel, God with us. May we remember and live in this truth today.
Good morning, She’s! I find it curious that Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. Do you think it was due to him changing in appearance as he grew? Or do you think God veiled their eyes from recognition?
Personally, I feel God blinded them to who Joseph was. Would they have brought Benjamin if they knew it was him and feared vengeance? I don’t know, but God’s plan is perfect, so I may not understand fully until glory.
I agree that God blinded them from recognizing Joseph. God’s plan is perfect
Well, as an Official of Egypt, I am guessing that Joseph was dressed like an Egyptian (hair shaved, etc.), and he was speaking Egyptian (an interpretater was used), and it had been over a decade since the brothers had seen him.
Yes, to what Kelly said. Joseph was much younger than his brothers when he was sold into slavery. His older brothers were all grown so Joseph would have changed the most since they last saw him. Plus the fact that they had a lot of time to forget about Joseph and never expecting to see him again – especially not in a place of leadership in Egypt. All that plus his dress and language blinded them to the truth that Joseph was indeed still alive.
Lisa, as I read through commentaries on Bible gateway, I saw this from John MacArthur:
“Recognition of Joseph was unlikely because:
1) over 15 years had elapsed and the teenager sold into slavery had become a mature adult;
2) he had become Egyptian in appearance and dress;
3) he treated them without a hint of familiarity (vv. 7, 8); and 4) they thought he was dead (v. 13).
And this:
“Emblems of office and a reward of clothing and jewelry suitable to the new rank accompanied Pharaoh’s appointment of Joseph as vizier, or prime minister, the second-in-command (v. 40; 45:8, 26). Joseph wore the royal seal on his finger, authorizing him to transact the affairs of state on behalf of Pharaoh himself.”
His brothers certainly would not be looking for their brother in that position. I wonder if they remembered his dream of them bowing down to him?
Thank you Cee Gee for investigating and sharing!
Interesting you brought that up. There was a song I really liked of Adele, called Millions years ago. And in this song that Adele wrote, she also mentioned when she walked back to her childhood area where her little feet used to run, the neighbors don’t recognize her now. A vast change from the humble beginning vs the glorious state. Joseph too was no longer the little brother who was in tears begging them not to sell him, but a second in command of a strongest nation with strong economy despite famine (Mr. Vice President? Joseph) …for the glory of God was on him to vindicate him. It would be hard to recognize. What a turnaround for those who wait on God.
These words were written the day of my baptism, on November 8th 2009..
I have come a long way from the ‘heart breaking’, what’s the point of life days, and as a work still in progress, I am becoming a proper whole person.
The Lord completes me.
It breaks my heart that Julee is not here today to witness this, but my heart is warmed to know that because of her, because of Julee, I stand here today..
These words were written 5 years after Julees passing on her anniversary, the day I gave my life to Jesus for real!
Much has to happen in my life to get me to today, much.. BUT in the words of Maya Angelou ‘.. And still I rise..’
I rise because of Jesus. I rise because my Father God, who has my story etched in His hand, is with me. I do not have all the answers.. Not would I call myself wise or that I have arrived…
He does.
And though I did not know it in my heart then, I do now, and it is to Him I look for the wisdom, and guidance to do life here on earth..
It is well.
It is well, because my God is with me.
My God never fails, and He guides me in the right way.
Wherever I end up on any given day, He leads me on, protecting and keeping me safe, and providing the armour needed to do His will or to bring it to pass on those I meet.
There is nothing in us, (in me) that allows us to claim that we are capable of doing this work.. The capacity we have, comes from God…
Blessed Tuesday, dear hearts.. Covered in prayers, hugs and love, from across the pond! ❤
Cee Gee.. The auto fill still comes up Turner when I type my name..:)
Amen, TINA… And thank you for these much needed encouraging words. It is well, because our God is with us ♥️
I praise the Lord with you, Tina, for His leading, guiding and providing in your life, for your openness and graciousness in sharing it with us, your sisters. For Nov 8, 2009, when you were raised to walk in the newness of life in Christ.
I’ve already saved and passed along your reminder from yesterday, that “God is not in the business of letting go in our trials, He holds on tighter and works those trials for our good.”
Thank you, sister ❤️
Oh sweet Tina……thank you for allowing us to be part of your life. Love to read about your life. KEEP sharing. You have a story tell. Keep sharing. WE love you sweet Tina!
Hahaha, Tina!!! I am amazed at what pops up as a tag for someone on Facebook when I am typing, but Ms. Turner…. that is so cool! ☺
Thank you for sharing the beat of your heart on that special day. You are such a blessing, sister! Love you! ❤
What a blessing you are, sweet Tina!
Thank you for your wonderful story…Thank God for your wonderful story!
Hugs ❤️
Amen “The capacity we have, comes from God” ♥️