Jonah’s Call

Open Your Bible

Jonah 1:1-17, Psalm 104:24-26, Matthew 12:38-42

Scripture Reading: Jonah 1:1-17, Psalm 104:24-26, Matthew 12:38-42

Pulling the coarse blanket tighter and rolling over, Jonah sighed as he sank deeper into sleep. The warm dark cabin around him creaked and groaned as the waves outside surged with increasing intensity. The sailors above deck scanned the horizon and glanced anxiously up at a grey sky heavy with the strength of the Lord Almighty. God was coming for Jonah.

The prophet was running away, but God pursued him like only the Creator and Lord of the sea could: with a furious ocean tempest. Jonah tried to flee from the very presence of the Lord, thinking he could hide if he found an old boat heading in a new direction.

But God is fierce and awesome in His pursuit. Jonah never had a chance of hiding. Even the inanimate dice the sailors used to cast lots pointed him out as the one running from God (Jonah 1:7). God had called to Jonah, “Get up! Go” (Jonah 1:2), and now all creation seemed to be shouting, “Return!” God uses wind and waves, even dice—everything in creation stands by to obey its Creator. In the face of the deafening storm and sure signs, the sailors feared for their lives, and looked to Jonah with eyes of blame and hands ready to heave-ho.

God’s pursuit is relentless exactly because He is so loving. He could’ve crushed Jonah under a tremendous sea surge and found another man. Jonah had his chance, and he clearly took the coward’s way out, right? God gave him a clear instruction (something we all long for), and Jonah ran like a frightened child in the other direction. Why didn’t God give up on Jonah?

God wanted Jonah. Goodness, isn’t that amazing? I sometimes feel like I’m a substandard version of the person who should actually be living my life. And the truth is, I do fall short. I do worry that there is someone who would be a better mother to my kids, wife to my husband, friend to my friends. But despite my imperfections and failings, I am the best mother for my children, wife for my husband, and friend for my friends. God gives specific callings to specific people (Ephesians 2:10). That means God wants me for my particular calling and life.  

We can’t escape God and His storm gale of purpose. He pursues us with love that is filled with a beautiful intensity unlike anything else we have ever known.

“Where can I go to escape your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.”
– Psalm 139:7-8

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43 thoughts on "Jonah’s Call"

  1. Cecelia says:

    This was such encouragement today. It’s easy for me to forget, in the face of my life, that God doesn’t make junk. I am his masterpiece. Now. And always. And I am becoming.

  2. Kristin Erickson says:

    Does anyone struggle with doubting their calling from God? I have been called to be an actress and at one point it was so very clear that God was calling me to this. Work was coming regularly and I felt I didn’t even need to try, it was definitely his divine works in play. The more work I got I realized I tried to take my career/calling into my own hands. I’ve tried so hard to control it. Now, with work being more sporadic and not coming as frequently (which is the nature of the business), I have started to doubt, doubt everything really but more importantly doubt his calling on my life. It’s a terrible feeling when you feel misguided or you have lack of direction. I continue to pursue my calling cause I still get little nuggets of guidance, they just aren’t big nuggets like they used to be. Any of you ladies experience something similar? How do you respond to your own doubts?

    1. Maria says:

      I have done a lot of praying and soul searching on my calling Kristin. Looking back at my career, I now think that I used “how things were going” as a measure of God’s calling for me. Something great would come my way as an answer to prayer then when it became difficult or rocky I would have doubts and take it as maybe this wasn’t my calling. But maybe God was trying to teach me something through those difficult times and wanted me to stick it out when I ended up abandoning my direction. The most clarity comes to me in times when I search the verses in the Bible that mention “God’s will….God’s calling…God’s purpose…” and pray through those words then spend time listening (the sitting and listening part is really hard for me). I still can’t say I have the answers but I am now more open to laying my life in front of God for Him to use me at His will.

      1. Julia says:

        Thank you for this encouragement! I was literally just praying about this!

      2. Kristin Erickson says:

        Thank you Maria! That helps a lot! I like the sitting and listening part, we can forget to do that so easily. God bless!

  3. Erin says:

    Uh, this is so comforting. The knowledge that even when I feel like I’ve missed an opportunity, or have dropped the ball, that God is sovereign– that he doesn’t give up on me, or “adjust” his calling for me. He has known my very footsteps all along, bringing Kindom-building, evil-killing goodness out of even my misfires. Oh, such arrogance, thinking we are integral enough to screw things up. Sin still hurts us and others when we fall to it, but God is already a hundred steps ahead with purpose to bring out of the pain– if we have humble hearts, eyes to see, and ears to hear.

    1. Kristin Erickson says:

      “The knowledge that even when I feel like I’ve missed an opportunity, or have dropped the ball” – I have felt this SO many times – “that God is sovereign – that he doesn’t give up on me, or “adjust” his calling for me.”
      Oh man, Amen to that! Said so perfectly! Needed to hear that!

  4. Jessica cebc says:

    Great reminder that I am the best person for the life I’m living.

  5. Diane Huntsman says:

    Oh goodness! Such revelation this morning! I too am a runner! If I don’t feel valued or needed I will run from you! I will ignore the call of God to invest in the people He’s placed in my life if I don’t get the response from them I want! Jonah ran bc he did not want to deal with the people he deemed unworthy.. he didn’t want them to get the chance God wanted to give them.. he was in full blown rebellion against Gods call upon his life.. I am more subtle in my running though.. I just begin to pull back.. to check out.. to silently pout bc I don’t feel needed.. this too is running! This is succumbing to my feelings and not digging my heels in and being who I need to be to the people God has called me to reach.. to love.. to make a difference in their lives! I am selfish like Jonah, I only want to minister to the people that I want to minister to.. what a fool I’ve been! So thankful for revelations through Gods truths! Lord help me and my sisters obey Your call on our lives NO MATTER HOW WE FEEL!!

    1. Heidi V says:

      I’ve been there too Diana. And got sent me my own storm. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Heidi V says:

      Im sorry about the name typo. Bet that happens way too often.

      1. Diane Huntsman says:

        Haha! No worries! I get it all the time! ;)

  6. Ashley BB says:

    Perfect soundtrack to todays study:

    1. Alexis says:

      Beautiful song! Thank you for posting the link. As you said, perfect song for today<3

  7. Deb Thompson says:

    God gave him a clear instruction (something we all long for), and Jonah ran like a frightened child in the other direction.!!!!! Wow!!! How often do we think that is the answer to all of our problems. If we only knew what God was doing. If only He would just tell me exactly what He wants from me then i will do it. Oh, we! of little faith! Our relationship is tied specifically to FAITH! We must have faith and follow. I’m so glad he pursues me even when I fail to follow, even when my faith is small and even when it’s not what I want.

  8. Kristen Clegs says:

    I needed to be reminded that only genuine love is relentless. In spite of Jonah’s fears and weaknesses, God wanted him. God insisted on using him to complete a great work – not because Jonah was great, but because God can use anything, thru His power. Even me. I am Jonah.