One of my favorite lecture series from my first seminary experience (I’ve recently begun a second seminary adventure at the “mature” age of 55!) was about having a “high view” of God. We had lively discussions in class regarding how, in our modern era’s quest to make the gospel relevant, we’ve all but lost the kind of deep reverence prophets like Isaiah and psalmists like David displayed toward God. In our bumper-sticker theology, “God is my copilot” culture, we’ve unwittingly minimized the omniscience and omnipotence of the Alpha and Omega in an attempt to make Him more accessible.
I remember being so convicted during those classes, realizing I didn’t revere God the way I should. I committed to being more circumspect in how I addressed Him in prayer and even how I carried His Word, holding my Bible as a precious treasure instead of carelessly shoving it into a suitcase or tossing it into the back seat of the car. I still hold to those convictions.
However, as I look back over my walk of faith in the 20-plus years since that class, it’s clear I’ve often overcorrected, swinging into the opposite side of the doctrinal ditch. I didn’t always have the spiritual maturity to understand that having a high view of God doesn’t mean we need to have a degrading view of ourselves. Of course, humans are wicked and depraved apart from divine grace, but after we put our faith and hope in Jesus Christ, we’re allowed to shrug into His robes of righteousness, knowing we have been adopted into the family of God as full heirs! (Romans 8:14–17). A high view of God should open believers’ hearts and minds to what our heavenly Father says about us, His beloved children.
Now, if we give Job’s three friends a big benefit of doubt, we can assume they had mostly good intentions when they delivered their self-righteous lectures. However, like a young seminarian armed with more head knowledge than spiritual maturity, their arrows missed the mark by a country mile!
Job understands the situation well. He says, “What strength do I have, that I should continue to hope? What is my future, that I should be patient?… Since I cannot help myself, the hope for success has been banished from me” (6:11,13). Job cannot change his bleak situation, despite his innocence.
But that’s the point. Job’s friends recognized the frailty of humanity and our propensity to sin, but their view of God is way too small. Without the context of God’s redemptive grace, we still make everything about us! In Romans 8, Paul points to the future, complete redemption of all creation as our hope in the midst of present suffering. Though we are currently “subject to futility,” all things will one day be fully “set free from the bondage” into “glorious freedom” (Romans 8:20). This is our hope.
“Now in this hope we were saved, but hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees? Now if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience” (Romans 8:24–25).
Job’s friends got the frailty of humanity part right, but their concept of God’s attention missed His compassionate heart. The Lord was Job’s only hope, just as He is ours. With Christ, our mere humanity is transformed into glory befitting children of God, no matter what suffering we may be experiencing at the moment.
Editor’s Note: Devotional was edited at 11:00 am on 3/14/19.

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70 thoughts on "Job’s Reply to Eliphaz"
I love what you said Amanda L hardships to prioritize our faith! The Lord is always near.
Gosh jobs friends had horrible advice but job handled it quite well with his response
Is that part of this season Lord to remind me to cling to where my true Hope comes? Where my true worth comes?
This! ❤️
This really opens my eyes to how I speak to myself. I really sound a lot like his friends… in the way I talk to myself and even in the way that I give advice to others. My view of God is wayy too small and this makes it all so clear. I give humanity too much power and God too little. No wonder I struggle with anxiety!!!
Lord i will stay focused on you!
What I take most from Job’s response to Eliphaz’s speech to him is that Job doesn’t try to justify himself to his friend. He turns his response truly to God. He speaks from his heart and doesn’t hide his feelings or despair. How many times do we / I go to the Lord and present what I think He wants to hear vs. what’s truly in my heart? Job reminds me of David – no filter on his emotions – presenting himself rawly (if that’s a word) to the Lord. This shows such true relationship with God. We don’t speak that freely with anyone we don’t have a true relationship with.
“a high view of God should open believers’ hearts and minds to what our Heavenly Father says about us, His beloved children.”
Rereading this plan during the uncertainty of COVID-19 is bringing me so much comfort. While I am no Job, I feel that this point in my life might be the closest I have come to be able to identify with him. With so many things being taken from our lives during these days, we must remember that we have the most important thing within us. That is our faith in Jesus, and He will always prevail.
Sometimes God puts us through a time of doubt and confusion to allow us to prioritize our faith. Even with extreme commotion going on we must know that the Lord is there even when it seems like he’s not. He hears what we are saying to him but he also must put us through terrible storms so we can appreciate rainbows at the end. He will never fail us and because he will never cease to love us.
How do you have hopes
Like Job, we want to know why God allows bad things to happen (Job 10:18). But there are a lot of things we don’t get to know in this life. It shouldn’t surprise us that we cannot fully comprehend the Almighty, that He doesn’t bow to our will. But there is good news: God is good, and we are safe in His care (v.12). We need not fear. When we, like children, don’t see the whole picture, we can still trust that God’s justice is good because He is good, and He cares for us.
The Lord was Job’s only hope, just as HE is ours.
Thanks for this !
Grace! Love jobs humanity and transparency
When everything is dark and crazy and nothing looks like it seems to be going right we must pull from the only source that will give us hope and that is from our Lord.
I lost a lot of hope over the last few years but when I read Job I remember that there is always hope in the Lord. God can alway use our suffering for good. Though we are given more than we can handle He sustains us.
Yes, I am sinful and frail. I walk away from God and choose my own way so often! But God. He redeemed me. He forgave me. He loves me. He has compassion on me. Psalm 103 – He knows we are dust but He loves us as a Father loves a dear child. He does not afflict us willingly. And He never leaves us. Even in the darkest valley He is there.
Remembering the redemptive grace promised us by our Heavenly Father is key to our journey. Not limiting our God helps us to find peace when we are suffering here on earth. We know that beyond this moment is still much that God has in store for us.
This study is coinciding with another one I’m doing and Job 6 was also mentioned today. It mentioned how 6:26 says “Do you mean to correct what I say and treat my desperate words as wind?” This refers to Job’s desire to just be allowed to talk and express his hurt and pain. Often times, we don’t need advise or opinions; we just need someone to listen. I’m trying to picture myself sitting there with these four men and the vision of Job is breaking my heart. He’s still putting everything he has left in God’s hands, even with his friends telling him otherwise. He just needs to be comforted right now, not instructed on what he’s done wrong or what he should do about it. Another lesson for all of us: sometimes your opinion is not needed. Just listen.
Well said ! I love this
I was raised in a catholic household- reverence at church and to God was all I knew. I really struggled with my faith as a Catholic, even denying God’s existence as a teenager. However, I couldn’t handle, and still can’t for that matter, the lack of reverence at most non-denominational churches. Those services are what I call worshiptainment- they’re focused on entertaining the attendees rather than worshiping God. I finally went back to a denominational church- Presbyterian- where I attend a contemporary service. However, we’re not in the dark, there’s no smoke machines, and there’s enough reverence that I feel we all are truly worshiping our creator. We do have a band that plays contemporary songs, but all the focus is on God, not the performers. You can see the people sitting around you. You know God is in that house of worship. Reverence is important.
Patience…yes, the need to wait, with great hope and great patience.!
Very interesting on others opinions regarding Job’s reply, as well as the contrast between Job’s Friend and Paul. Defiantly a difference according to Lisa’s writings. Of course, I suppose there would be a huge difference in the two due to the couple of hundred years in between and the big obvious difference- Jesus!
ROMANS 8:18 is what it out to me this morning. Our sufferings can not be compared to the day that we will all be in HIS glory. I can’t wait to meet you all someday.
I think as Christians regardless of why someone is in a mess, it is God’s kindness that leads to repentance. So regardless of why job was in the mess, even though we know by the book he was a blameless man, comfort is not always in the “why this is happening” but serving our brother or sister in whatever way Gods put on our heart even if that is listening to them vent or just sitting with them. I think sometimes the less we talk, the more the person can hear God when going through messes or even be convicted. Or if we do talk to be sensitive and filled with love and compassion.
Very true. As am reading your reply I am reminded of the comment in my life application bible, “be slow to give advice to those who are hurting. They often need compassion more than they need advice.”
God does not change. He is good and our suffering is not in vain. Job’s story always impresses me. God knew the value of this man and the faith he possesed. I see his contention more in trying to understand why the Lord has let him come to this point than a lack of faith. Yet his faith does not abandon him in who he knows God to be. Unfailing love does not fail even when we feel intense pain and extreme judgementin the midst of great loss.How mighty is our God, never depends on our lives being free from suffering, but that our faith focuses on the Way, the Truth and the Life in the midst of it. Praise Jesus!! Please pray for my upper back, neck and head having much pain this morning. Thank you Sisters. May you feel His joy and love mighty this day.
Maura, praying for you sister! ♥️
Job takes the focus away from his victimization and places it on God’s faithfulness. It’s a wrestling match of sorts. He’s broken and hurting and yet, in verse 17-19, “What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much attention, that you examine them every morning and test them every moment? Will you never look away from me, or let me alone even for an instant?” Job knows that God has not abandoned him, even in the pain and heartbreak.
Job despairs. He’s lived his life by God’s rules as best he can and within his limited understanding of a sovereign God. He seeks meaning in the midst of his sorrow. Eliphaz has not helped. Job has nothing to lose and so he pours out all his ugly emotions. He doesn’t choose his words carefully. Rather, he speaks out of his anguish, even bitterly complaining. Who can fault him? He has truly lost everything. He’s ready to give up. He just wants to be left alone in his misery. Yet in his aloneness, he still looks to His God. Job wants to know if he has sinned, if he has somehow deserved this suffering. He asks “why?” Job has not given up on God – he turns to Him in his suffering, in his confusion. Can we not relate? Suffering overwhelms. It pulls us down to our base nature and we become focused on the immediate here and now and we crave relief. We want to throw in the towel. We want to wave the white flag. We want to surrender to despair. Job challenges us to lift our feeble heads and look to our God who alone knows our suffering and sits with us there. We look to God for answers because we know He alone has them. We want to pour out all our ugly emotions before Him because He has felt what we feel. Job turns to the One he has trusted and just waits. That’s not passive. That’s active anticipation. Job waits for God to speak because he knows He eventually will. Job tunes out Eliphaz so that he can hear God. God is still his closest friend. God is still sovereign even though Job doesn’t understand.
Thx for this! ✨
I love the way you put this!
Yes thank you!
Thank you for your insight. You made sense of a challenging passage for me to read.
Day 15 of the study is Eliphaz’s third speech and Job’s reply. Job23 Maybe the commentary was switched from that day?
We’re sorry for any confusion! The devotional has now been updated. We’re so glad that you’re reading along with us! -Margot, The SRT Team
When I read about Job and his friends, I always think of the term “piling on.” Do you know what I mean? Some people tend to be dirt movers. They shovel dirt on top of you when you are already in the pit. They are ready to bury you and your despair instead of reaching down with a hand and a prayer to lift you up.
I am so grateful that our relationship with God through Christ is one of hope. He doesn’t pile on, He lifts us out of the pit. Once we are on sure footing, He walks with us through the darkest of days shining His light in paths of righteousness.
And so my conviction in today’s passage is to not be a “piler oner” but a prayerful partner. Not a self-righteous finger pointer but a humble comforter.
4 Now in this hope we were saved, but hope that is seen is not hope, because who hopes for what he sees? 25 Now if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience.
Is this Romans’?
Romans 8:24-25
I believe there was a mismatch of the devotion to the readings. However what I did get was that Job is begging God to let him die. Begging Him to rell him why this is happening to him. Jobs despair isnot only what’s happening physically and in his circumstance but spiritually he feels forsaken. I think it speaks to the point that the more suffering goes on it effects more and more parts of us. First financial. Then relational. Then mental. Then emotional and finally it feels like spiritual depravity. I have been so so low in a valley that i have begged God mercy on my soul. When loss comes and the season of lanent is long its very hard to see Hope. But the verse Romans 8:18 says thst none of what we go through here is eternal. All of it is temporary.
That is the true gift. I struggle in these times to focus on the Giver when it seems He is not plucking me out of calamity. What I am learning is to first find Hom in the tunnel…as I feel around in the dark. Then I can bear the suffering with the Comforters by my side. And always and truly…He brings me cliser to Him…which feels like Hope in the midst of the storm.
Hi Lori, the devotional content has now been updated. We’re sorry for any confusion! So glad you’re here reading with us. -Margot, The SRT Team
Confused by the commentary of this. Doesn’t seem to go with the passage. Also the quote from Job 25 is from Bildad not Eliphaz
Hi Jess, the devotional has now been updated! Our apologies for any confusion. We’re so grateful for you! -Margot, The SRT Team
In Job 6 I see Job giving up on his ability to handle things anymore.
He places the power still within God’s hands as he feels God is against him.
vs. 4 Surely the arrows of the Almighty have pierced me; my spirit drinks their poison. God’s terrors are arrayed against me.”
and again in vs 8-10 he is asking God to “crush him, that it would be over for even that would be a comfort” because I think he is afraid in his pain he will dishonor God
“It would still bring me comfort, and I would leap for joy in unrelenting pain that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.”
In vs 11+ he goes back to the fact that he is done, unable to handle anymore as he is made of flesh
In vs 14 he states that friends help sad friends and yet his “friends” have evaporated because they are afraid –
I think, because he has always been the strong one and suddenly everything is taken from him.
They are all afraid –
the unrighteous who are pretending, fear that if Job really wasn’t who he said he was and “this” happened to him, it will happen to them
the righteous are afraid because if Job really is as righteous as they have believed him to be, why should such a thing not happen to them also? Job intensifies these mens fears in vs. 28-30 when he states again he will not lie about it, and yet he continues to suffer.
In chapter 7 he shares some of his pain
Then in vs. 8 The eye of anyone who looks on me will no longer see me. Your eyes will look for me, but I will be gone. Job feels that all the things that brought him respect and honor…who he “was” are gone (That verse preaches to me because what makes me who I am is God, not successes or failures – but in extreme times, either good or bad, I can forget that. – I digress)
I thing vs. 11-16 are Job saying, “sometimes I just need to vent” and after he does a little vs. 17 comes back to, Okay I am done, you are God and I am not. I don’t get what is happening. If I have done wrong, you know God that my heart is repentant so why continue on. I don’t understand, I feel finished, but you are God, and I am not.
That is what I get from the Job part.
In Romans, I think the difference is, Jesus has just been on the scene
They KNOW He is the Son of God and
they know His sacrifice and suffering
No suffering they can endure can begin to compare to Jesus’ sacrifice
and that brings hope
because their future is NOT built on them being and doing exactly everything right anymore
their future hope is on Jesus Christ and the way He has provided
they know (we know) they will never be enough
they know (we know) Jesus is always enough.
This explanation was super helpful ! Thank you!
Yes! Thank you!
Love this breakdown. It is so easy to get lost in all the words. Thank you
Angie, thank you for this! I struggle to understand Job, and you have really helped!
Awesome!! Thank you!
Amazing analysis !!
Thank you for this! Really insightful!
I have found that sometimes it’s easier to camp out “in the dry land of our own deficiency.” There’s a kind of perverse pleasure in the whole “woe is me” mindset. I want God to make everything better right now with no effort on my part. But at some point, I’m going to have to be willing to pack up my tent – my responsibility, not God’s – and move into “the glorious land of God’s sufficiency.”
Right now I feel like I’ve got it all packed up – the grief and pain of missing my mom, but moving it is the hard part. It’s happening in small steps, but it’s happening. Some days I get a lot of it moved toward God, but then I’ll move a little bit of it back. But God is faithful and He is so present. He consistently reminds me of the truth of His character and His promises. He is sufficient and He will see me through this. He will move me to the place of “open-mouthed wonder that morphs into belly-laughing gratitude.”
“Open-mouthed wonder that morphs into belly-laughing gratitude”… ha, I love that line. Did you read that somewhere, if so, where? Love that vision so much! Thank you.
Beautifully, truthfully spoken
I have to confess. I am so confused. Where is Job talking about God’s goodness in response to his friend’s rebuke? I understand Lisa’s point that we overcompensate and throw ourselves down and bask in our lowliness while disregarding the immense grace and goodness of our loving God. I am just struggling to see this in Job’s words. Can anyone point to which verses I should focus on? Thank you!
I agree. I know that is what Job does but am not seeing it in the scripture of this section. I heard the man from Hillsong day that he based this song on the verses above from Romans 8:14-17.
Thank you for this teaching, and thank God for His grace and mercy. I need Him every minute! Please pray for the healing and freedom from my automatic and tormenting thoughts.
Praying for you!
Prayed just now for you, Kristen.
Exactly. …And precisely why Peter began to fall into the water when he saw the waves instead of keeping his eyes on Jesus. What a good reminder to keep our focus on the goodness of God rather than on our suffering. I must remember to bring my pain and heartache to the cross, but not to sit and only weep about it, but also to shed the burden on them and take on His yoke! What a good and gracious God we serve!
This has blessed me so much. Thank you Lisa.