Day 15

Jethro’s Visit

from the Exodus reading plan

Exodus 17:1-16, Exodus 18:1-27, Deuteronomy 17:8-11, Acts 6:1-7

BY Jen Wilkin

The story of Jethro coming to the aid of Moses is an echo of an earlier story. In today’s reading, Moses has been charged with Israel’s care, but the task soon proves to be too much for one person. Observing his solo leadership efforts, Jethro says, “What you’re doing is not good” (Exodus 18:17).

Not good. Jethro’s words echo God’s words in Genesis 2: “It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). If there is to be orderly ruling and subduing, if there is to be fruitfulness and multiplication as God has decreed, the work cannot be done alone. Just as God provided Eve to be a necessary ally to Adam, He now provides Jethro and the leaders of Israel to be necessary allies to Moses.

Don’t miss this: The concept of self-reliance is wholly foreign to the Christian faith. We are created to need God and others. We are designed for interdependence and community. There is no such thing as a Lone Ranger Christian. It matters that we understand this as we listen for the echo of our own story in that of Moses.

You and I may not be called to bring orderly rule to a nation, as Moses did, but we are called to submit our hearts to God as He brings orderly rule to our hearts as new creations in Christ. The Bible calls this sanctification. In God’s name, we take dominion over sin. We cultivate the fruit of the Spirit (Acts 6:1–7). Like Moses and Adam, we are called to rule and subdue, to be fruitful and multiply. And like them, it is not good to attempt the good work alone. Nor is it necessary. God has provided necessary allies for us.

First, He has sent His Spirit to comfort and convict. Any effort to grow in holiness apart from the help of the Spirit will teach us, as Jethro says, “The task is too heavy for you. You can’t do it alone” (Exodus 18:18). But He also sends help in the form of Christian community. He provides us teachers to guide us through the Scripture, mentors to guide us in wisdom, brothers and sisters to encourage us and hold us accountable. 

What sin are you striving to rule in your own strength? The thing is too heavy for you. Ask for the Spirit to train and convict you. Seek the ready help of the family of God. Trade self-reliance for the gift of dependence on the Spirit and interdependence with the saints. “In this way you will lighten your load, and they will bear it with you. If you do this, and God so directs you, you will be able to endure” (Exodus 18:22–23).

Post Comments (39)

39 thoughts on "Jethro’s Visit"

  1. hannah rodgers says:

    Needed to be reminded of God’s graciousness towards us today. I have a one week old baby and twin three year olds and an almost six year old. I am so glad to have God doing this with me as well as the community He put in my life. It’s such a good reminder that I don’t have to do this alone.

  2. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Praying for you HEIDI

  3. Angela says:

    As women in the word of God, are we answering the call when others around us are in need? What opportunities are present to be like Aaron and Hur? There are times when we need to lean into support and times when we need to become support. May we recognize the opportunity and respond appropriately. Blessings, SRT family!

  4. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Michelle Patire I appreciate your insight today. Thank you for causing me to really look at and appreciate the passage regarding Jethro and how he helped so much.

  5. Traci Gendron says:

    I really liked Jen’s devotion along with the scriptures today. Seek the help of the family of God. Trade self-reliance for the gift of dependence on the spirit and interdependence with the saints. You will lighten your load and they will bear it with you.

  6. Laurie Crary says:

    Michelle, thank you for your insights.

  7. Heidi says:

    ANGIE MILLS- definitely praying His plan to support those volunteers will be experienced soon. And that He will continue to breathe His strength and energy into them during this time.
    Thank you for being such a support and encouragement for those serving under you. He absolutely sees you. ❤️

  8. Heidi says:

    I posted a back maybe during the 2nd week (?) that I’ve recently been accepted into seminary- and while I’m so excited to see the What and Why of all He is leading me into, y’all it’s A LOT right now. I already have my degrees, a small practice I’ve owned for 5 years, I’ve been practicing in my field for 20 years- so this is most certainly a switch. I have 3 young kids and that’s busy enough on it’s own, let me assure you! ;) But something our pastor said yesterday really hit me- I realized I’ve been following God’s lead and stepping where He’s asked me to out of obedience. But it’s stopped there. I’ve gone into it trying to rely on me and my own strength and organizational skills and planning and blah blah blah and school hasn’t even started yet and I’m drained. My husband has turned into my “Aaron”, holding my arms up for me in my exhaustion. God hasn’t left me to fulfill His calling on my own- and for me to try to is a direct act of disobedience, distrust, and honestly idolizes myself and my perceive abilities. This whole passage hit so close to home today- so grateful!

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