Jesus’s Parable About the Kingdom of God

Open Your Bible

Matthew 25:1-46, Isaiah 60:19-21, 2 Peter 3:11-14

I’m sipping my coffee and reading this chapter, and something inside me feels uncomfortable. Jesus didn’t mince words, did He? But alongside the unbending reality of what comes if we slumber (Matthew 25:12,41), we get a glimpse of the celebration that comes in choosing Jesus while we wait. Tucked within words that seem harsh, the promise and fulfillment lies in our hope in Jesus. Here we see Jesus speak of the culmination of all that He came for. 

The message surrounding each parable is the same: 

Jesus is coming back for us. “When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate them one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats” (vv.31–32).

We don’t know when. “Therefore be alert, because you don’t know either the day or the hour” (v.13). 

The choices we make while we wait matter. “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful over a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Share your master’s joy” (v.21). 

Our choices tell the story of what we hold close and dear. Both the virgins and the servants understood their jobs. But as the foolish virgins and the lazy servant waited, a nap and a covered-over pile of dirt took priority over what’s to come. They didn’t long for more than what they had.

I’ll be honest—as I read this, I find myself tempted to do more. Get the oil! Invest and double the profit! Doing secures our place in the kingdom, right? But being known by Him and invited to enter the wedding (Matthew 25:10, Revelation 19:9), and hearing “Well done, good and faithful servant,” (Matthew 25:21) isn’t about perfectly completed spiritual checklists. In the waiting, our hearts are revealed. 

When He returns, He will divide those who love Him from those who don’t (vv.32–33). In the waiting, we need to love Him. 

Loving Him means we long for more than what’s in front of us. We anticipate the joy of His arrival with so much expectation that we run to stock up on oil well before we need it. We set our hearts on the words, “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world’” (v.34). 

As His bride, let’s be diligent so that we can be found by Him without spot or blemish and also at peace (2Peter 3:11–14). Let’s lay down today’s fleeting urgencies for tomorrow’s everlasting promises. 

When the call comes in the middle of the night—when He comes looking for His sheep—let’s be prepared for the only light we’ll ever need (Isaiah 60:19–20). May we run to meet Him because we’ve been waiting.

(43) Comments

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43 thoughts on "Jesus’s Parable About the Kingdom of God"

  1. Kris says:

    A couple years ago I read that passage about the talents. and I had a thought, “why is it the man with one talent was the only one who buried one? Why didn’t the guy with 5 talents bury a couple and invest the other 3?, or why didn’t the guy with 2 talents bury one and invest the other?” So I asked God about that. And what He told me has changed me forever. He said that when a person has very little, they often think of themselves as inferior, or “not enough”, or they are afraid to lose the very little they have. They have a totally different mindset than someone who has a lot, someone who can risk more and still have something left over. Then He began to show me times when He used very little to do a lot of good. Like the 5 loaves and 2 fish (Matt 14:17-19). The poor widow with only 2 small coins. (Mark 12:41-44). The woman with just a handful of flour and a little oil. (1 Kings 17:7-16). He showed me that people who have very little need to be encouraged to understand that even they can do big things for God’s kingdom. He sees them as very valuable vessels, just as valuable as some one who has a lot to offer. I have often been in a place of “very little”, and didn’t think that the very little I had would make a difference. But God showed me otherwise, He showed me that even the marginalized, even the downtrodden, even the inferior have a place in His kingdom, He sees all of us as valuable, and we all have something worth giving. I encourage you to not see yourself as less-than just because you don’t have hours to spend on spiritual things, or you don’t have a huge bank account to give, or that you aren’t as talented as someone else. God has given you enough to do great things for His kingdom, whatever that is. We need not compare ourselves to others, but just look at what He has given us and use what is in our hand for His purposes. It’s not about volume, it’s about a willing heart. God can bless whatever you have and make something great out of it.

  2. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning (almost noon now!)
    I had a stabbing headache this morning, and no coffee this morning (I was cursing you Mercy! lol, jk) but coffee..Is it that hard for me to give up things I love and want for a few days to draw nearer to you Lord?! I am still about my own business in ways, rather than His. I know I do a lot..but mind you…it’s because I WANT to (and love to!), but what about the things I don’t want to do because of human nature selfishness and laziness?! The phrase “good for nothing servant” stood out to me! Not because I think I am that servant-Now that is. I certainly was for most of my life in spite of being a Christian. That’s what’s important…what are we doing with what we know? That’s when it’s so important to be spending our time with what really matters and lay the rest down. Love, charity, giving, empathy, compassion..not when we are “scheduled” in our time, but ALL the time!

    Thank you SO much Searching for sharing the comment from our dear Sister Dorothy! I used to love her “yelling” at us in urgency at the end of every comment!! She was passionate about our Jesus! Can you imagine that moment she got to enter into HIS kingdom and got to see her parents, her son George and sister Carol?!

    Taylor–I feel like you and others are like are little sisters! And we are praying along side of ya’ll in the wait. God will make it all happen in His timing. I know you hear that often..but really, once you find him and marry…you are waiting on the next thing and the next. That’s the life process.

    @Lexi–missing you, hope all is well.

  3. Changed Life says:

    May I continue to serve God in a way that brings glory to his name. May people see my actions and recognize that I choose to live a life centered on Jesus, and see the goodness of Jesus through me. More of Jesus, less of me.

  4. Claire B says:


  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    One of the commentaries for Matthew 25 states the main point of these parables is clear: “our readiness for Jesus’ return is determined by our stewardship of the resources that He has given us.” This I must remember, my readiness is determined by my stewardship of resources God has given to me — not to someone else. What am I doing with what God gave me?? It’s a thought to ponder – it’s a time to examine my heart, my motives, my readiness. Oh God, may You find me watching, waiting, and ready for Your return! Help me in the waiting.

    I have a praise! After a long and difficult labor and a delivery that went nothing liked planned – my daughter gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby girl on Palm Sunday! Thank you Jesus!!!…talk about waiting – it was so difficult as a mom to have to wait and wait (and wait) for updates and for the arrival…but SO worth the wait! I am over the moon with joy at meeting our very first grandbaby!!!

    @Terri – praying for this new believer Rosa and praising God for a “new name written down in glory”!

    @Taylor – I am so sorry that this relationship didn’t turn out the way you had hoped. But I too, along with @Mari V, am so proud of you for not settling. God has someone very special for you, its so hard in the waiting – but so worth it! …Continuing with you on this journey and praying all the way!

    @GrammieSue – I will be praying for Madi and her upcoming c-section. Prayers that all goes well for her and the baby and that she will have peace with her scheduled section. Prayer for you as the mom of the mom as you watch, wait and pray…praise God for Steve’s progress, continued prayers for his recovery.

    @Kim Buttonberry – praises for your husband’s successful eye surgery! Prayers for the memorial service and for the family to come to know the Lord.

    Have a blessed Thursday!

  6. Allison Bentley says:

    A couple studies ago Max Lucado was on the podcast and said “sin at its root in the unwillingness to wait”. This stood out to me so much then and I just prayed yesterday for the struggle of waiting (waiting on my kid who is the ultimate “I can do it” toddler, waiting on the seasons to change, waiting on practically everything) and now it is being affirmed that “the choices we make while we wait matter” ! God is so good at nudging us when we’re on to something! I pray for you sisters as we wait, wait for the job, the man, the child, the miracle, the mercy, the grace, the forgiveness and all the things in between- Lord help us to hold tightly to your hand while we wait for your goodness!! Happy Thursday She’s- I know this week is heavy but just know while everyone (specifically thinking of the women who had been with Jesus since the beginning-some since birth) was waiting (probably in the deepest darkness they’ve ever seen) for Passover to end Jesus was doing something good!!! Sunday is coming-the day of Jesus’ return is coming so let’s all wait well!!!

  7. Cheryl Blow says:

    Be diligent. This stood out to me. It means having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties. We must continue being about the work the Lord has given us. To Love God and love others. Help Lord to keep loving You more and others more.

    Praying for all of you today!

  8. Mari V says:

    @Taylor….sweet girl!! I’m sending you a huge hug and SMILE. AS a mom of young adults, I am SO proud of you for not settling! YES, you deserve better! A young man that LOVES Jesus with all his heart and mind and soul so that he could love YOU next! Praying for your heart. OUR Jesus has YOU!