Jesus’s Last Supper

Open Your Bible

Luke 22:1-38

Every time my attention is drawn to the scene of Jesus’s last meal with His disciples, my thoughts are filled with awe over the guest list. Even though Jesus knew Judas was preparing to betray three years of friendship for a purse filled with silver, He didn’t disinvite him or ask him to leave before He administered what we’ve come to know as the Lord’s Supper. Instead, He still extends Judas a piece of bread representing His body that would soon be broken. 

Then, there is Peter. Jesus knows, despite Peter’s current undying devotion to Him, that in a matter of moments, when Jesus’s defeat seems imminent, Peter will desert Him. I’m not sure whose betrayal was worse. How could he deny knowing Jesus after seeing Him raise Jarius’s daughter from the dead? After Jesus so graciously healed his mother-in-law of her fever? How, after witnessing Jesus’s transfiguration as He spoke privately with Moses and Elijah? Yet, Jesus extends to Peter the cup representing His blood and bids him to drink. The other ten who would moments later fight over which one of them should be the greatest in God’s kingdom. What a trainwreck!

Jesus’s body was broken for those who betray Him for lesser temporal goods and experiences. Jesus’s blood poured out for those whose devotion to Him will wane under unpleasant and frightening circumstances. His body exalted to a cross for those seeking to exalt themselves before the eyes of others. He was humiliated by those filled with vain and self-centered pursuits. These are the ones on His guest list. 

I know you’ve probably heard it before, but indulge me and let me say it to you again. No matter what you have done, Jesus extends you an invitation at His table. He bids you to bring your sins to Him and feast on the salvation He has brought about through His body and blood. There is more than enough bread and wine to cover it all. So, lift up your shameful head and take your seat at Christ’s table, rejoicing in the one whose body was broken and blood was poured out for you. 

If you struggle to believe Christ’s grace is sufficient for forgiveness and your salvation, turn your eyes to this guest list, allowing it to stand as a testimony that there is more than enough room for you at the table. Take a seat and eat.

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53 thoughts on "Jesus’s Last Supper"

  1. Kimberly Z says:

    Love how much grace Jesus extends us. Praying to be more like that everyday. I pray to give myself give a little more grace to others. Thankful for a savior who loves unconditionally.

  2. Claire B says:


  3. Michelle Patire says:

    Lexi B — I am praying for you! I know the pain of finances and the pressure it puts on a person. I’m sure all of us Shes can relate, actually! You aren’t alone. May the Lord guide you and help you in taking care of these situations. He will help you, because He is your provider. He will not withhold what you need. May you see Him come through for you as you make wise decisions. May He bless your good stewardship and help you to stay focused on the things that matter most to Him <3 you will get through this!

  4. J AC says:

    I love that Jesus says He “fervently desired to eat this Passover” with them. It made me think about community and fellowship. Bringing all the messy parts of our lives together at one table to celebrate, mourn, support, and love on one another. I am working on two different communities in my life and hope to never lose focus on the important thing- the people in front of me, rather than my clean house or the food served. May I fervently welcome in some lost sheep and help them feel at home like Jesus did. Also I need to remember how Jesus was able to invite to His meal those who he knew would hurt him. It is so hard to be welcoming when someone has hurt us. Prayers for healing and a welcoming response to those hurts.

  5. Kenya Rafferty says:

    Jesus has an incredible amount of patience. He knows who he has surrounded himself with and yet he loves them. He invites them into the kingdom of eternity through his own sacrifice. They remain blind to His truth, but he loves them still. It can be hard to believe He does the same for me, but He does. He invites me in and loves me.

  6. Natasha Walson says:

    This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Catherine McVey says:

    So grateful and thankful for this today and all of your comments. It’s been a tough weekend BUT GOD! So thankful for His mercy and grace and His invitation to Come to the Table. Have a blessed day everyone.❤️

  8. Dawn Enns says:

    Thank you for your grace & mercy Jesus ❤️