Jesus’s Last Supper

Open Your Bible

Luke 22:1-38

Every time my attention is drawn to the scene of Jesus’s last meal with His disciples, my thoughts are filled with awe over the guest list. Even though Jesus knew Judas was preparing to betray three years of friendship for a purse filled with silver, He didn’t disinvite him or ask him to leave before He administered what we’ve come to know as the Lord’s Supper. Instead, He still extends Judas a piece of bread representing His body that would soon be broken. 

Then, there is Peter. Jesus knows, despite Peter’s current undying devotion to Him, that in a matter of moments, when Jesus’s defeat seems imminent, Peter will desert Him. I’m not sure whose betrayal was worse. How could he deny knowing Jesus after seeing Him raise Jarius’s daughter from the dead? After Jesus so graciously healed his mother-in-law of her fever? How, after witnessing Jesus’s transfiguration as He spoke privately with Moses and Elijah? Yet, Jesus extends to Peter the cup representing His blood and bids him to drink. The other ten who would moments later fight over which one of them should be the greatest in God’s kingdom. What a trainwreck!

Jesus’s body was broken for those who betray Him for lesser temporal goods and experiences. Jesus’s blood poured out for those whose devotion to Him will wane under unpleasant and frightening circumstances. His body exalted to a cross for those seeking to exalt themselves before the eyes of others. He was humiliated by those filled with vain and self-centered pursuits. These are the ones on His guest list. 

I know you’ve probably heard it before, but indulge me and let me say it to you again. No matter what you have done, Jesus extends you an invitation at His table. He bids you to bring your sins to Him and feast on the salvation He has brought about through His body and blood. There is more than enough bread and wine to cover it all. So, lift up your shameful head and take your seat at Christ’s table, rejoicing in the one whose body was broken and blood was poured out for you. 

If you struggle to believe Christ’s grace is sufficient for forgiveness and your salvation, turn your eyes to this guest list, allowing it to stand as a testimony that there is more than enough room for you at the table. Take a seat and eat.

(53) Comments

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53 thoughts on "Jesus’s Last Supper"

  1. Drew Warren says:

    There is more than enough room for you at the table❤️

  2. Ada McCloud says:

    There is room at the table

  3. Rhiannon Schmidt says:

    So interesting that he told them to get a sword! My mind jumped to Ephesians 6:17 where we are told to put on the armor of God, including the sword of the Spirit. Could this be more than literal? Could he be acknowledging that they would need the Spirit after he is gone? I know the Holy Spirit has not come yet, but maybe it is a sign of what is to come.

  4. trina beckwith says:

    I loved this reading. It was beautiful and was exactly what I needed today.

  5. trina beckwith says:


  6. Kyle Hopkins says:


  7. Portia Strange says:

    Praise God for this devotional! So good! I, too, have often been in awe that Jesus still invited Judas, Peter, & the 10 to feast with Him at the Last Supper. Knowing they’d betray, deny, & abandon him. Yet, in His grace, He still invited them to be with Him, partaking in the beginnings of the New Covenant. We aren’t to use this Scripture as an excuse to ‘keep on sinning that grace may abound,’ but as a reminder that when we do sin (which we all inevitably will), we are still able to partake in His Supper all because of Him. His grace, His mercy, His compassion, His kindness, His Gospel, His goodness, His power, His crucifixion, His resurrection, His Spirit. Praise God!

  8. Kyle Hopkins says:

    “Take a seat and eat” Yana says it beautifully

  9. Lolly Regan says:

    I love to picture a wonderful feast, with friends and family and even enemies all laughing and smiling and just enjoying the warmth and light coming from our Master ❤️ bring me here Lord. I want you!

  10. Terri Baldwin says:

    Love this—-“lift your shameful head and take your seat at Christ’s table, rejoicing in the one whose body was broken and blood was poured out for our sins.” BELIEVE in Christ’s grace!

  11. Susan Lincks says:

    Jesus, the loving and giving host. A supper of champions.

  12. Sydney Smith says:

    Amen J AC! I too loved Christs comment that he had looked forward to this meal. I enjoy fellowship and He shows us here that is good! And yes we learn so much from this guest list and Christs willingness to love- so thankful for a beautiful example!!

  13. Emily Rehm says:

    There are no exclusion to those invited to receive the grace of Christ. Yes and amen!

  14. Kimberly Z says:

    Love how much grace Jesus extends us. Praying to be more like that everyday. I pray to give myself give a little more grace to others. Thankful for a savior who loves unconditionally.

  15. Claire B says:


  16. Michelle Patire says:

    Lexi B — I am praying for you! I know the pain of finances and the pressure it puts on a person. I’m sure all of us Shes can relate, actually! You aren’t alone. May the Lord guide you and help you in taking care of these situations. He will help you, because He is your provider. He will not withhold what you need. May you see Him come through for you as you make wise decisions. May He bless your good stewardship and help you to stay focused on the things that matter most to Him <3 you will get through this!

  17. J AC says:

    I love that Jesus says He “fervently desired to eat this Passover” with them. It made me think about community and fellowship. Bringing all the messy parts of our lives together at one table to celebrate, mourn, support, and love on one another. I am working on two different communities in my life and hope to never lose focus on the important thing- the people in front of me, rather than my clean house or the food served. May I fervently welcome in some lost sheep and help them feel at home like Jesus did. Also I need to remember how Jesus was able to invite to His meal those who he knew would hurt him. It is so hard to be welcoming when someone has hurt us. Prayers for healing and a welcoming response to those hurts.

  18. Kenya Rafferty says:

    Jesus has an incredible amount of patience. He knows who he has surrounded himself with and yet he loves them. He invites them into the kingdom of eternity through his own sacrifice. They remain blind to His truth, but he loves them still. It can be hard to believe He does the same for me, but He does. He invites me in and loves me.

  19. Natasha Walson says:

    This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Catherine McVey says:

    So grateful and thankful for this today and all of your comments. It’s been a tough weekend BUT GOD! So thankful for His mercy and grace and His invitation to Come to the Table. Have a blessed day everyone.❤️

  21. Dawn Enns says:

    Thank you for your grace & mercy Jesus ❤️

  22. Annie says:

    Thank You, Jesus, that You gave Your body and blood for me! You are my Savior and my eternal Hope.
    Amen and Amen.

  23. Donna Wolcott says:

    When I read these passages, my mind jumps ahead to the rest of the night and the next day. Jesus knowing what is coming, unselfishly, worries about His followers. Thank you my Savior.

  24. Lexi B says:

    Michelle P- I really loved your illustration of a child being invited to sit at the dinner table after they had done something wrong. I don’t have kids either but I have been that child. Jesus knows the worst about us, and yet despite who were are, we’re all invited to the table.

    Ladies if you could pray- I am getting hit with a bunch of unpleasant finacial surprises that are making life harder than normally lately, one that is making me consider switching banks. I need prayer for wisdom in this decision and just endurance overall. These last few weeks have been hard.

  25. Dorothy says:

    Yana’s devotional was unbelievable, awe-inspiring and wonderful to read. The last several paragraphs reminded me of the song “Come to the Table” by Sidewalk Prophets here are some of the words:

    “He said come to the table
    Come join the sinners who have been redeemed
    Take your place beside the Savior
    Sit down and be set free
    Come to the table
    Come meet this mightly crew of misfits
    These liars and these thieves
    There’s no one unwelcome here
    That sin and shame that you brought with you”

    The first time I heard this song I cried. YouTube has a beautiful video to go along with the song.

    Christ Jesus I thank You for suffering the way You did so I could be forgiven for my sins and have eternal life. I am a “misfit” who has faith but stumbles and becomes weak at times. Thank You for allowing me at Your table. My faith will not waiver but I can be weak at times. I know I can turn to You and Our Father when that happens. In God’s name, amen.

    Be blessed and THERE IS ROOM for you and me at Christ’s table, no matter what, sisters.

  26. Traci Gendron says:

    Knowing Jesus sat with his betrayers knowing what they were going to do is amazing. I could never do that. Knowing He sits with me when I mess up brings such comfort and some tears.

  27. Arina says:

    Verse 7 stood out to me. “Then the Day of Unleavened Bread came when the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed.” Jesus, the ultimate Passover Lamb had to be sacrificed. The time came and He was willing. There will have been such weight on this meal, knowing that He would be the One to fulfill it. He provided the real deliverance, the ultimate passover of sin and punishment.

  28. Rhonda J. says:

    It still saddens me and astonishes me of how I believed myself to be a Christian my whole young life, yet compromised that relationship over and over in sinful lifestyle! Oh what a merciful God we serve! Most of the time I can honestly say that I didn’t realize the significance of the wedge that kept growing and the sadness God must have felt for his daughter. How could I call myself a follower and do the things I was doing I still can’t fathom. I was sure one of these or all mixed together, these disciples at the last supper. Jesus knew I would come to church and eat with him, then leave and go my own way each week. And I feel like that is many people today, so I try not to judge them in their sin, but just show them Jesus, and lead them to getting deeper into his word and examples. Then one day..we might get it! The aha, of my Lord, the Almighty is patient with us. What a beautiful thing. Come to the table. But lean into Him, and study his word daily (thank you SRT), and follow his commands…I hope to be a Peter or a Paul, or a David, or a Moses…we are all messed up and sinful, and set apart from God, But God…there is hope. And amazing Grace…how sweet the sound. It really resonate with me on this morning and most mornings when I am in fellowship with him…as a mighty Lord and Creator of all things, or a Father pulling me into his lap, or a friend holding my hand…He is all things, even a Holy Spirit inside me…sanctifying me daily to be what I need to be to live in eternity with him. Oh Glorious Day that will be! Praise God! Make this week a calling, coming in close to Jesus, sit at his feet and value his words to you. You are is daughter, no matter how messed up we are, he loves you, and adores you, and he can work all things for his good, and does.

    @JLJ- Miss you sister and your beautiful, poetic thoughts! I pray all is okay.

  29. Allison Bentley says:

    I always focus on Judas ate too but really we all get to eat- Judas the betrayer, Peter the denier, the other disciples who were so vain and argued about who was the best, me the sinner and yet Jesus tells us “when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers”!! Sisters I am praying for us all – that we may go with boldness and share the love of Jesus with our neighbors, that we will treat thy neighbor with love and kindness and that most of all our eyes be fixed on Jesus so tightly that satan cannot sift us out!!!! Happy Monday!

  30. KV says:

    Such a heart-moving passage and devotional. Thank you.

  31. Erica Romero says:

    Thanks to God for always saving a seat for me at His table.

  32. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  33. Michelle Baier says:

    When I finally came to Jesus I was in a dark place of alcoholism and never thought I would get out. It is only by His grace and mercy that I made it out to walk in His light. Thank you Jesus.

  34. Linda J says:

    Love the guest list analogy in today’s devo and the comparison to my family gatherings. Great perspective

  35. Michelle Patire says:

    Wow. This really ministers to me.

    “I know you’ve probably heard it before, but indulge me and let me say it to you again. No matter what you have done, Jesus extends you an invitation at His table.”

    The Lord continues to remind me the grace of His dinner table. Literally during this devotional, I was struggling mentally with a current relational issue and feeling shameful I don’t handle things like Jesus. I just feel so thankful He says, “Come sit with me anyway. Let’s eat and talk.”

    It’s like when your kid does something wrong but you ask them to come sit and eat dinner with you. They hang their head and take their seat. You offer them grace and a meal. You still love your kid and want them close to you. You want to nourish them and keep them healthy. Spoiler alert I don’t have kids. But I’ve been with families long enough to see the crazy love between a mom and their little one. Jesus calls us His children.

    Hi Shes. I hope we all remember His mercy. There is a song by Chris Renzema called “Mercy”— it has been coming up recently. He’s a very honest artist. May we receive and extend it as Jesus does.

  36. Tasha Dacayanan says:

    How powerful!! Jesus loves us all despite our wrongdoings❤️❤️❤️

  37. Hali Y. says:

    it’s simple—today’s prayer is to never, ever underestimate the glorious gravity of what Jesus did for me. my heart swells with a warm gratitude. happy monday, shes! <3

  38. Jazmin S. says:

    Luke 22: 31-32 stood out to me today. Jesus is warning the disciples that the upcoming trial’s they will go thru will be like when Job was tested by satan. Designed to destroy our faith, shake us to our core and have us believe that God is not for us, that He’s left us during those hard times, that nothing we have believed about Him is real. That is the biggest lie! We can’t even blame satan or be mad at him because that’s his job, John 10:10 the enemy comes to lie, kill and destroy BUT GOD came so that we can have life and have it abundantly!!!

    Our senior pastor is doing a series on being born again, learning who Jesus is and who we are in Him. Yesterday our pastor said one of the best things his spiritual advisor has told him is “Don’t waste a trial” a trial is a time to grow your faith,a time to get to know the Father and who you are in Him.
    I know right now for me during my current trial, the one thing that keeps me going is knowing that God loves me, I have to say that to my self everyday, multiple times a day. I have to remind myself of who He is and that Jesus gave up His life willingly for me, so I can know Him. So even when I feel like my life is falling apart and the world tells me my situation and the restoration of my family is impossible I say Amen! Because I serve a God who can do impossible things, He is the God of miracles and when my trial is over I will say BUT GOD!!! He did it, it was nothing I did, He brought me through He did what the world has been telling me won’t happen.

    Don’t waste a trial, Jesus died on the cross and was born again so we can have eternal life. He is our strength, the one who stands in the gap and intercedes for us to the Father so our faith will be made strong.

    This is my prayer for all of you beautiful sisters today!

  39. Kathy Allen says:

    The devotion today led me to think of how many family gatherings I planned to be magical, photo-op ready for Southern Living magazine, only to have someone at the table (maybe even me!) with a dominating agenda, another with gossip to share, one put out by a menu item not to their liking or an uninvited guest that tagged along. How patient and welcoming Jesus was at this ultimate of gatherings with the humans around his table. It is always so dear to me when I see glimpses like this of how much Jesus understands our lives and how much we can learn from His loving response. WWJD!

  40. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

    I was once a lost sinner. I am forever grateful that Jesus made room at the table for me. He turns no one away who is truly searching for him. There is no sin too great that His shed blood and broken body does not cover. His grace is greater than all my sin! May I always be reminded of what Christ did on the cross for me and for all who humbly come to Him.

    Today is the day that – Lord willing – we give the gospel to my mother-in-law & father-in-law. Please pray that NOTHING hinders us & that they would receive Christ.

    @Alexis Rose & @ Emily – praying that God will touch your bodies, open your wombs & allow you to conceive. I will add you both to my prayer list & will continue to pray fervently!!

    Have a blessed Monday my SRT sisters!

  41. Theresa says:

    It is an amazing thing to experience the forgiveness of Jesus. There have been areas of my life I’ve held back only to live in shame and suffering alone. That’s not his desire for me or for you. He desperately wants us to surrender our messy and broken lives to him because he wants to sit with all of us. This is the radical love of my God! Although he knows I will fail again, although he knows I will deny him, betray him, and put my pride ahead of him, he has still invited me to sit with him. And beyond that he offers his forgiveness freely and sustains me even in my weakness.

  42. Christine F says:


  43. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    Let me tell you about my Jesus. He loves me even though…. Blessed Monday dear Sisters!

  44. Taylor says:

    So thankful for Jesus’s sacrifice and His open invitation into His unconditional grace and mercy of which I am so undeserving <3 My pastor preached a great message yesterday titled "I'm not giving up". We sang the song "There is Another in the Fire" where one line of the lyrics states "I'll count the joy come every battle, because I know that's where you'll be." My pastor preached on 2 Corinthians 4 where Paul speaks about God's glory shining through our weakness and brokenness, and how we can't experience the resurrection power of Jesus without suffering. However, through our suffering, God is doing much more than just getting us through it. In fact, He is preparing us for eternity and transforming us into the image of Jesus! It was definitely encouraging as I was feeling pretty down yesterday. I hope everyone has a blessed day <3

  45. Aimee D-R says:

    Thank you Jesus for making room for me, a sinner saved by Your Grace, at Your table. Amen

  46. Brandi says:

    I love this so much!❤️

  47. Tara B says:

    We have all been extended an invitation – Lord, I pray for humbled hearts in all of us. That we recognize everyday that we are sinners. That we seek to be transformed by Your Word and to desire to shine Your Light to a lost and dying world that is all around us. May someone here today who does not know You, draw near and give their life fully to You. Give us eyes to see, ears to listen and a body ready to reach those who are lost and need You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

  48. Brenda says:

    One thing I never really noticed about the Last Supper is that Jesus ate it with all the disciples even though he knew Judas was going to betray him and Peter was going to deny him. Wow.

  49. Searching says:

    Thank you, Jesus, for Your sacrifice and Your forgiveness when I came to my senses and came to You begging for the forgiveness You so freely give – freely given because You paid the price in full on the cross.
    There is a song from several years ago by The Perrys (southern gospel) called If You Knew Him – the 2nd verse is:
    If you’re wandering in the darkness
    Come and step into the light
    Nailed scarred hands reach out to help you
    To pull you safe from death to life
    Friend I too have stood where you stand
    Could I trust in things unseen?
    But just one step in His direction
    Then in love He ran to me

    His love for each of us, to the point of dying on the cross – the tears flow in gratitude this morning.

    LINDA – praying for your daughter and son-in-law. For safety and protection for your daughter and healing for your son-in-law’s mental illness. May the demons be defeated and flee, and his mind be filled with the love of the Almighty God.

  50. Becky Berube says:

    Gods word is perfect. I love reading on my phone because of the commentary and community. Thank you, @SRT team, for all your work to make each study pointed and pure, while also giving us meaningful background, insightful commentary, and a living community of believers to walk with.

  51. Kristen says:

    @Jenni I saw your post from yesterday about not understanding. I head over to the Enduring Word Bible Commentary. I don’t understand everything either. I also listen to some trusted teachers like: R C Sproul, John MacAuthor, Steve Lawson, Voddie Bauchman, and Paul Washer.

    Thank you@Kelly Neo. I’m about to go to a commentary too!
    Hope this helps. Praying for you and the others today.

  52. Kelly (NEO) says:

    We all face the same battle as the disciples here. We think we are teady to follow Jesus no matter what, yet He knows just how weak we are. BUT He prays for us and has sent His Spirit to help us!

    Jesus says, “Simon, Simon, look out. Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.”

    The CSV commentary notes:
    The Greek word translated “you” is plural here, referring to all of the disciples. This seems to be a reference to the testing of the faithfulness of Jesus’ followers, not an indication that Jesus is handing them over to destruction.

    Then He says, “But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

    The commentary continues: Here, the Greek word for “you” is singular and refers to Peter.”

  53. Mary Ann Graves says:
