Jesus’s Death and Burial

Open Your Bible

Luke 23:44-49, Matthew 27:45-56, Luke 23:50-56

Few experiences are more revealing than suffering. Have you ever seen a friend’s character shine brightly in the face of an unthinkable loss, a heartbreaking betrayal, or a frightening diagnosis? Our moments of deepest grief show us who we are, and we can see it’s the same with Jesus. Though the end of His earthly life was marked by pain, betrayal, humiliation, and a violent, unjust death, here we see a man who died as He lived.

Jesus isn’t stoic in His darkest hours. There’s the cry of despair, echoing the psalms: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Matthew 27:46). But there’s also a humble submission as He takes His last breath and entrusts His spirit into the Father’s hands. (Luke 23:46). Despite the rejection of the crowds and all the humiliation they could throw at Him, He faces death with a sense of completion. He has followed God faithfully to the end, and the story isn’t over.

Even creation mourns, as “darkness came over the whole land until three, because the sun’s light failed” (vv.44–45). We read of earthquakes and the temple curtain ripping like garments of grief. But in this darkness, He is not alone. The women who followed Him watched from a distance, bravely keeping vigil. Maybe they hope He really will come down from the cross. If not, they will care for His body, giving Him the dignity He was denied in death.

A Roman centurion watches too. Perhaps he’d heard stories and rumors about this teacher that angered the crowds in Jerusalem and the Roman government alike. Likely he was just there to do his job, to keep order and stand guard for these crucifixions. Does he recognize the injustice in this death? Or is it Jesus’s constant forgiveness and love that opens the soldier’s eyes to the truth: “Truly this man was the Son of God!” (v.54).

In this darkest hour, it feels like all hope has died. Jesus—the one the disciples hoped would save Israel, the one who healed the sick and confounded the expert teachers, the one who faced violence and false accusations with clarity and purpose—is dead. Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy man and member of the Sanhedrin, offers Jesus a proper burial in a borrowed tomb. The women who loved Him wait and rest on the Sabbath, with plans to care for Him in death as they did in life.

We know this is not the end, but we cannot rush past this part of the story. Jesus has shown us how to suffer well, and knowing He has experienced the darkest depths of pain can give us hope. He was not alone, and neither are we.

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48 thoughts on "Jesus’s Death and Burial"

  1. Julianne Pictou says:

    Jesus showed us how to suffer well. Mercy. I can’t even think of how his death must have felt. Especially in such a cruel Roman society. This man. Full of love and peace. Innocently enduring. How will I face my trials ? How will I suffer? Now I have a model.

  2. Allison Bentley says:

    I just cannot get over the references to women in these passages (and yesterday). Sisters- you are important!!! Important enough to be mentioned multiple times during the last days and hours of Jesus’ life!! Especially during the time when women were not important. It just sheds so much light on who Jesus was is and will always be!!!

  3. Allison Bentley says:

    I just cannot get over the references to women in these passages (and yesterday). Sisters- you are important!!!

  4. Mari V says:

    WE are not alone! I have to admit sometimes it’s pretty scary BUT We are not alone, and it gives me great comfort

  5. Sue Dalos says:

    @Kristen. Your prayer posted this morning is spot on, let us all pray.

  6. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Jesus has shown us how to suffer well, and knowing He has experienced the darkest depths of pain can give us hope.”… This takes me back to January, 12 years ago. My mom who was a child of God, a vibrant believer, lay in a hospital bed dying. It would be 2 weeks before she went home to be with the Lord. But during that time, I never heard her complain about pain. Never once did she ask, “why me?” “Why now?” She never questioned God’s plan, she only repeatedly said, “if it’s God’s will He’ll heal me, if not – I’m ready to go.” Her greatest concern was leaving my dad and wondering who would take care of him. She dictated to me her testimony that was to be on the back of the bulletin for her memorial service. She picked out the songs she wanted sung, and who would sing the specials. She even chose her outfit that she would wear for burial. In my eyes – she suffered well. She was a testimony of Christ in her living, and a testimony of Christ in her dying. — I only hope that when my time comes, I will do the same. “He was not alone, and neither are we.”

    Praying for your requests as I read through them. Thank you to all who are praying for my in-laws salvation!

    Happy “Thankful Thursday” to my dear SRT sisters!!

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    ..and the veil was torn from top to bottom in the temple. This here is a huge statement and important for Christian to remember. The access to God, that once was through a priest, is now available to all through Jesus Christ! Isn’t it amazing that we don’t have to go to a temple or church to bring our sins, problems, lamenting, prayers to God, that we can simply call out to Jesus. His brutal death, so powerful…for each one of us, that calls us our Savior! Hallelujah, thank you Jesus. I will submit to you in all my ways, sanctify me Lord, and bring me closer, to glorify YOU. Amen

  8. Carol Crossman says:

    I remember as a young girl, on Good Friday everything was closed and quiet from noon to three in our village in central New York State. I long for that type of reverence and remembrance for Jesus our Savior.