Few experiences are more revealing than suffering. Have you ever seen a friend’s character shine brightly in the face of an unthinkable loss, a heartbreaking betrayal, or a frightening diagnosis? Our moments of deepest grief show us who we are, and we can see it’s the same with Jesus. Though the end of His earthly life was marked by pain, betrayal, humiliation, and a violent, unjust death, here we see a man who died as He lived.
Jesus isn’t stoic in His darkest hours. There’s the cry of despair, echoing the psalms: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” (Matthew 27:46). But there’s also a humble submission as He takes His last breath and entrusts His spirit into the Father’s hands. (Luke 23:46). Despite the rejection of the crowds and all the humiliation they could throw at Him, He faces death with a sense of completion. He has followed God faithfully to the end, and the story isn’t over.
Even creation mourns, as “darkness came over the whole land until three, because the sun’s light failed” (vv.44–45). We read of earthquakes and the temple curtain ripping like garments of grief. But in this darkness, He is not alone. The women who followed Him watched from a distance, bravely keeping vigil. Maybe they hope He really will come down from the cross. If not, they will care for His body, giving Him the dignity He was denied in death.
A Roman centurion watches too. Perhaps he’d heard stories and rumors about this teacher that angered the crowds in Jerusalem and the Roman government alike. Likely he was just there to do his job, to keep order and stand guard for these crucifixions. Does he recognize the injustice in this death? Or is it Jesus’s constant forgiveness and love that opens the soldier’s eyes to the truth: “Truly this man was the Son of God!” (v.54).
In this darkest hour, it feels like all hope has died. Jesus—the one the disciples hoped would save Israel, the one who healed the sick and confounded the expert teachers, the one who faced violence and false accusations with clarity and purpose—is dead. Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy man and member of the Sanhedrin, offers Jesus a proper burial in a borrowed tomb. The women who loved Him wait and rest on the Sabbath, with plans to care for Him in death as they did in life.
We know this is not the end, but we cannot rush past this part of the story. Jesus has shown us how to suffer well, and knowing He has experienced the darkest depths of pain can give us hope. He was not alone, and neither are we.
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48 thoughts on "Jesus’s Death and Burial"
At this point, as the reader, we know that Jesus’ death & burial isn’t the end of His glorious story. Yet, his disciples were ‘none the wiser.’ From the perspective of His disciples, family, & friends, Jesus’ story isn’t quite ending how they thought it would. I can only imagine how heavy their hearts were as they walked from their respective homes to the market to purchase the spices & ointments. They were just violently & unexpectedly thrown into an ocean of grief, trying to decide what would be best for their Lord’s burial. And then having to walk from the market to the tomb, crying, emotionally spent, perhaps even comforting one another. Perhaps so lost in their grief, that they forgot to even consider who would roll away the stone for them. Perhaps they hoped the Roman guards would show the slightest compassion in removing it for them. Perhaps praying on the way that God would provide someone to do so.
“And the temple curtain ripping like garments of grief”. I had never thought of it like that. I do not believe I will ever forget it! It was as if God himself was showing His grief at what we had done to His Son. Powerful.
Very eye opening and shows me how I should live.
I find it interesting that in Mark 14:32-42, the men were asleep when Jesus encourages them to pray in the Garden, yet the women are ‘bravely keeping vigil’ while Jesus hangs from the Cross. Vigil means a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, especially to keep watch or pray. They have been watching from afar. It’s hard to imagine what they might’ve felt & thought as they saw & heard all of what Jesus experienced.
I love that Scripture doesn’t say that Jesus loved the women more than the men because of that or vice-versa. Jesus loved them both just the same. So much so that he died & was buried for them both. They all still needed salvation, despite their ability or inability to stay awake, watchful, & pray. Just like you & I.
Suffering well, he was the example of true hope
Tina: spot on as always.
It gives me great comfort knowing we are not alone! @TAYLOR I’m so glad to hear your small adult group went well! I thought of you today while I went to my own young adult group :). We make meals at the Salvation Army every so often. I dont know many people in the group so I always have to semi force myself to go :). I thought if Taylor can go to her group so can I haha. @SARAH D. Praying your eval went well! I always get nervous for those when I know if something was truly wrong they probably would have said something by now. @ALLISON BENTLEY love your comment on us not being alone. So simple but also so true. In a time where I feel like my struggles are things people don’t struggle with me I remember we are not alone.
Amen. Thank You for Jesus!!!
I don’t think I realized either how dark it was! That the sun stopped shining. And what do the people do? Continue to crucify him. The curtain tore before he died. What did they do? Continue to crucify him. So blind in their own rage and plan that they missed all the final signs – after all of the other ones they had missed before. Am I that blind sometimes that God could turn off the light in my life and I still wouldn’t see what He has promised and is giving me?
When the centurion says “Truly this man was the Son of God!” I wrote in my book: no, He IS the Son of God! ❤️
Sharon, Jersey Girl, my mother lived & died a similar testimony as your mother. I felt that we were nearly able to walk her to heaven’s gates by her grace & composure, her total trust in God’s plan for her ultimate good, even as she (& we) prayed for physical healing that didn’t come. The example she set was amazing, as she placed her life & death in God’s hands, & he showed her such tender mercy-no pain, no fear, peace that truly surpassed understanding & thereby was shared with us. I pray often that as I age (70 now), I will have the faith, courage & peace to face whatever challenges come that first Jesus showed, then my mother, & 12 years later, my father.
Lord help me to always praise You, even in my pain and suffering. Amen
Amen @Tina!! Beautifully said!❤️
Sisters…so much hits me in these familiar passages but isn’t it amazing how they speak differently depending on circumstances. Having grieved the past year over my church’s decision to disaffiliate from the denomination I hear Jesus message of forgiveness …. In his death he showed us how to surrender with his very last words. Yes our whole church will lose and neither church that arises will be the same as it once was. Whatever decision is voted upon Monday evening…may we ALL move forward with the same grace and forgiveness and love that Jesus did until his last breath.
“knowing He has experienced the darkest depths of pain can give us hope.”, these words Jen wrote in today’s devotional are ones that will stay with me. To know someone has gone what you have gone through is ALWAYS, ALWAYS helpful. No the circumstances may not be the same but the experience is.
When I lost my son the people who could relate to me and who came at the right time — I still say it was God’s doing — were my maternal aunt and uncle. They had also lost their oldest son at the age of eighteen, the circumstances weren’t the same, but the feeling none the less were. They arrived within five minutes of my finding out he was dead. I to this day don’t know who called them or most of the people who showed up at my house while they were searching for my son. What I do know is the Lord was with me during that time.
Sisters please pray for me, I going to tell Finley’s family tomorrow that I am going to have cut back to only Saturdays with starting in April. Last night was hard, my back hurt. I had to change her a lot more than usual.
Be blessed and ALWAYS, ALWAYS reach out to God and Christ in your times of need and in joy sisters.
Jesus showed us how to suffer well. Mercy. I can’t even think of how his death must have felt. Especially in such a cruel Roman society. This man. Full of love and peace. Innocently enduring. How will I face my trials ? How will I suffer? Now I have a model.
I just cannot get over the references to women in these passages (and yesterday). Sisters- you are important!!! Important enough to be mentioned multiple times during the last days and hours of Jesus’ life!! Especially during the time when women were not important. It just sheds so much light on who Jesus was is and will always be!!!
I just cannot get over the references to women in these passages (and yesterday). Sisters- you are important!!!
WE are not alone! I have to admit sometimes it’s pretty scary BUT We are not alone, and it gives me great comfort
@Kristen. Your prayer posted this morning is spot on, let us all pray.
“Jesus has shown us how to suffer well, and knowing He has experienced the darkest depths of pain can give us hope.”… This takes me back to January, 12 years ago. My mom who was a child of God, a vibrant believer, lay in a hospital bed dying. It would be 2 weeks before she went home to be with the Lord. But during that time, I never heard her complain about pain. Never once did she ask, “why me?” “Why now?” She never questioned God’s plan, she only repeatedly said, “if it’s God’s will He’ll heal me, if not – I’m ready to go.” Her greatest concern was leaving my dad and wondering who would take care of him. She dictated to me her testimony that was to be on the back of the bulletin for her memorial service. She picked out the songs she wanted sung, and who would sing the specials. She even chose her outfit that she would wear for burial. In my eyes – she suffered well. She was a testimony of Christ in her living, and a testimony of Christ in her dying. — I only hope that when my time comes, I will do the same. “He was not alone, and neither are we.”
Praying for your requests as I read through them. Thank you to all who are praying for my in-laws salvation!
Happy “Thankful Thursday” to my dear SRT sisters!!
..and the veil was torn from top to bottom in the temple. This here is a huge statement and important for Christian to remember. The access to God, that once was through a priest, is now available to all through Jesus Christ! Isn’t it amazing that we don’t have to go to a temple or church to bring our sins, problems, lamenting, prayers to God, that we can simply call out to Jesus. His brutal death, so powerful…for each one of us, that calls us our Savior! Hallelujah, thank you Jesus. I will submit to you in all my ways, sanctify me Lord, and bring me closer, to glorify YOU. Amen
I remember as a young girl, on Good Friday everything was closed and quiet from noon to three in our village in central New York State. I long for that type of reverence and remembrance for Jesus our Savior.
Good morning everyone!! Hope you all have a good day. We woke up to a little bit of snow today! Nothing substantial though. I have my second annual evaluation at work today so I would love your prayers for that. It’s at 11am EST. I’m hoping to see about other opportunities I could do at my job that would take me off the call center and possibly reduce some stress, so we will see. Thankful for you all! I am going through the Bible Recap in my devo time, I’m currently on 2 Kings. A lot of chaos and violence in it, but trying to look for God and his character in the story.
@Rebecca W- thank you for being so faithful in your prayers for me and others :) I appreciate you.
@Taylor- glad to hear your group went well and you guys are learning the history of Scripture. There was one episode of that podcast I heard that really blessed me- about desert seasons. I pray it blesses you and the community does as well :)
@Lexi B- the worship night was awesome :) it was so good for me to be there. I spent a lot of the time interceding for the families I know. It was inspiring to be around those who know Christ, too.
@Lehua- thinking of you and your job <3 you can do this!
@Anne- I saw your comment from yesterday about letting go of things from the past. I feel for you as I struggle with this too. May the Lord give reveal to you His ABUNDANT grace in your story. May He remove the shame and show you His love that covers a multitude of sins. May He bless you with patience for yourself so that you can live more freely. I am praying the same for me! I pray you would walk in the freedom of His Spirit that takes us out of bondage and brings us into the bond of His love. May He bless you and encourage you to look ahead, not backward. <3
Today's scriptures were so moving. As I read that the graves were opened, it reminded me that death is defeated! I was singing "Raise a Hallelujah" last night and declaring that death is defeated. Christ has opened the graves, torn the veil, and now the presence of God is no longer hidden by a veil but available to all! Praise God!!!
Thank you for expressing so well what we all need to ponder and recognize: the depth of his suffering and it was for me, not just for everyone, but for me. It was my sin that took him to the cross and caused his great suffering
It’s such a comfort to know that Jesus has experienced pain, grief and rejection. We have a God that has felt pain and knows our pain. Praise God for his sacrifice!
Thank you for the reminder that I am not alone in my suffering cuz Jesus is with me
Such a good reminder that we are not alone in our trials and suffering. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers ❤️ Continuing to pray for all of you! I hope everyone has a blessed day ❤️
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you Jesus.
I know my daddy loved me beyond measure and would have done much for me.
I know my mama loved me and she would have fiercely fought for me,if necessary.
I know my big strapping 6’3 + sons and grandson would drop anything for me..
My brothers who believed I was a sister to emulate, would defo down tools and come to my rescue, whatever the trouble or sadness..
God the Son, He would and did lay down His life for me. The sinner He hadn’t even met..yet.
He carried MY cross. He was nailed to that cross, arms outstretched in a love for me that brings me to tears, everytime! He took my beatings. He wore the crown of thorns that was mine, deservedly to wear. He was pierced in the side for what I would do, for my sins to come.. He prepared a way for me thousands of years before I was even a twinkle in my parents eyes.. to know the depth, length and breadth of His love. He took the words of hate and disrespect then, so I may know His forgiveness now, in my lifetime..
I have no doubt that the choices and decisions I have made in my life, will one day impact my children and the generations to come..Good or bad, but here’s the thing..
Jesus, God the Sons decision, will only ever, splice it how you like, will ALWAYS AND FOREVER BE FOR OUR GOOD!
Though we are sons and daughters of the Most High God (because of Jesus), He, Jesus, for His actions and loving kindness towards us, in taking and bearing our sins, so we could be made right with God.. surely IS TRULY THE SON OF GOD..
Thinking and praying for you all.. and sending love wrapped in hugs across the pond..
Happy Thursday!❤
I remember talking to a friend about the gory details of the crucifixion and her comment was “Stop… is it necessary to share all that gore?” My answer— YES. People like to gloss over quickly over the horrible details of Jesus’ death. His was a death that takes your breath away because of the suffering and the humiliation. But when I think of the physical pain, i think there is a tendency to read quickly because we don’t want to face the reality that the manner of his death is truly a representation of the ugliness of sin. For unbelievers, to hear the gore then turns into a call to learn more about this moment in history, but many do not want to go there. So I continue to pray that the crucifixion continues to be people to Jesus, and that they realize that this was truly the ultimate sacrifice for humanity. Be blessed, sisters.
Grief/ pain can be messy and loud…filled with unanswered questions. Yet quiet and yielding…knowing there is more beyond the grave. He modeled how to navigate it all in that moment.
Thankful for this devotion to encourage us to suffer well and to be reminded we are not alone in our trials and suffering. He Reads Truth asks us to reflect on the question: “What do I make of Jesus? Who do I believe Him to be?”
Thanks for those who prayed/encouraged me yesterday! I went to the young adult group and there was only the leading couple and one other girl, but I’m interested in the study as we will be listening to the BEMA podcast to dive deeper into the historical and cultural context of Scripture. I pray the Lord blesses this season and brings Christian friendships and community into my life. I hope everyone has a blessed day <3 Lifting up the prayer requests!
I thought the same thing when I read that
May we endure the pain and suffering in our lives with grace and mercy like Christ did. May we remember what He did for us on the cross.
Oh Lord Jesus, Teacher, thank you. Amen
Amen. God is always with us.
I read about the saints being raised from the dead and walking into the cities and am astounded or confused? Not sure which one. How crazy is that? All due to the power of our God. There must have been much chaos during the Passover days that year. But God…He did the miraculous work and suffered, died and was raised again. Just as He had said would happen! None of the others that day had predicted their fate and outcome. But God did! Praise God that He suffered perfectly. May I show grace and love when suffering is surrounding me. Amen!
So hard to remember when we are suffering. What a great example Christ is.
I had never noticed Matt. 27:52-53 in this passage from before. What was that like to have these saints who had been in their tombs, walk into the city?
Jesus is absolutely amazing! Oh to sit and reflect on what He endured, even though the whole of it is beyond our comprehension. Even the sun was mourning and darkness covered the land. How terrifying it would have been to see and feel the earth shaking, rocks splitting, and the dead walking around. Yet, hearts were still hardened and they didn’t think Jesus was the long awaited Messiah. Let’s pray for all that are still not believing, turning and repenting, and trusting in Christ alone for forgiveness and salvation, that by God’s grace, they would know Truth and anything hindering them would be completely gone, even today! May the change be real! Let their lives and desires change because they are undone by God’s grace and the sacrifice of Jesus. May they be changed for time and eternity by the Power of the Holy Spirit knowing by grace alone they have been saved and that Jesus truly is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Amen!
On one hand, no one killed Jesus. He gave up His life on His terms on the cross. On the other hand, we all killed Him because all have sinned.
Amazing Love.
Amazing Grace.
Amazing Mercy.
Jesus gave up His spirit, entrusting it in the hands of His Father. He was willing to let go, because He knew it was the Father’s will. For the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame. Jesus really has shown us how to suffer well. When my life is hard, may I follow His example. Entrusting my life to the God who will work everything for good.