Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet

Open Your Bible

John 13:1-38, Psalm 51:6-7

Why did Jesus get up from supper to wash the disciples’ feet? If I’m being honest, I think I would have previously explained that He was being an example for us on servant leadership. We often see this ceremony repeated at weddings between a bride and groom. It is sometimes used as an illustration for running a successful business. As Christians, we talk about Christ being the head of the church as a servant-leader. And that all would be partially true. In fact, Jesus does give the disciples practical instructions to repeat this practice and heart posture (John 13:14–17). However, I think if we only see the foot-washing story as a practical application for relationships and business, we have missed an essential attribute of God: His righteousness.  

In verses 3–4, John pulls back the curtain on Jesus’s motives: “Jesus knew that the Father had given everything into his hands, that he had come from God, and that he was going back to God. So he got up from supper…”  

It doesn’t say that there was no other servant to wash the feet and that is why he got up from supper. It doesn’t say that the disciples were arguing about who should smell the stinky sandals, so in exasperation, he got up from supper. Rather, Jesus was meditating on Calvary, so he got up from supper.  

Through washing the feet of the disciples, Jesus metaphorically showed what the cross was about to accomplish for us: He imparts His cleansing righteousness to the filthiest parts of us.  

When our thought life disparages our best friend in moments of judgment or our tongues cut at our spouse’s vulnerability. When our deepest sin and shame bubble to the surface of our consciousness. Past, present, and future, Jesus stoops down. Dirty water washes over a heart of stone to reveal a heart of clean flesh.  

Peter was tempted in the same way we are often tempted (vv.6–9). “Jesus, I need you for some things, but this right here? I got it. I can handle it on my own.” Jesus doesn’t commend Peter for his self-sufficiency or pat him on the back for his resilience. He gently but firmly corrects him, “‘If I don’t  wash you, you have no part with me’” (v.8).  

Let us daily examine our lives to uncover where we are still hoarding idols in the shadowy, cobwebbed corners of our heart. But when we fail, let us be like King David, a man after God’s own heart, who repented of adultery and murder and understood his need for forgiveness:  

Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean;  
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. 
—Psalm 51:7

We rest in the promise that You will love us to the very end.

(44) Comments

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44 thoughts on "Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet"

  1. Terri Baldwin says:

    Love one another as He has loved us. Thank you Jesus for cleansing our filthy, sinful hearts ❤️ may we remember and be your obedient servant !

  2. Nads says:

    Sorry AIMEE ROGERS for the loss of your cat. Thinking of you.

  3. Aimee Rogers says:

    I had to put one of my cats to sleep today. I had her for 8 years. It was a hard decision but she was very sick and likely not to make it even with treatment.

  4. Tami C says:

    I too can have a sharp tongue, and mostly with my husband. I “try” to not react but it doesn’t seem to work! I want to be slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to anger. It’s usually the opposite. Lord forgive me and thank you Jesus for cleansing me of my unrighteousness

  5. AG says:

    @Taylor my pastor preached something similar to this as well and I thought it was a really neat sermon – basically how on Palm Sunday Jesus came in peacefully on a donkey while most thought he would come overthrow the government and become the leader then and there.. this goes to show so much about who Jesus is. We may not always think how He does, but we must trust and know His way is the best. I enjoyed this devotional and thought it shared a way of looking at this story in a different way than I typically do.

    Sharing a praise – since moving to my new town I haven’t made a ton of friends so lately I have been praying that God leads me to a good group of friends who will lead me closer to Him and then today leaving the gym two people invited me to dinner with them and we had a great time! So thankful for a God who listens and cares.

    Praying for all of the requests.

  6. Seeking Understanding says:

    Something I’ve missed before. In verse 4, Jesus “got up from the meal…” to wash their feet. Not when they entered to keep the house clean, not to purify before eating, but either during or after the meal. This seems like strange timing. Does anyone have any insight on this?

    1. Diane Mom says:

      Maybe he was giving one of the disciples time to do it. It was a physical need they all knew about. Jesus was showing love in action. He was also demonstrating his action on the cross, as the d votional today

  7. Hannah Njie says:

    Praying for your sister x

  8. Hannah Njie says:

    Dorothy, I think Kasey was giving examples of our lives where Jesus can wash us clean e.g. when we have unkind thoughts about a best friend or we say something unsupportive to our spouse. These are the times when Jesus stoops down to cleanse us.
    Your devotion sounds great.

  9. Hannah Njie says:

    Dorothy, I think Kasey was giving examples of our lives where Jesus can wash us clean e.g. when we have unkind thoughts about a best friend or we say something unsupportive to our spouse. These are the times when Jesus stoops down to cleanse us.

  10. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that I would walk in the righteousness and true identity that I have in Jesus. We can find our identity in so many things, and I pray I would find it in Jesus.

  11. Traci Gendron says:

    I agree with TINA. I have goosebumps and tingling on my limbs reading this. So much undeserved love for us. I confess that I struggle with the way some are thinking these days. I judge. I live in an area that is very liberal in thinking. We had transgenders lay in our downtown square as if they were dead from people not accepting them. I struggle with how to show love and not seem as if I’m condoning behavior that doesn’t aline with God’s. BUT I am so imperfect and don’t align with God perfectly either. oof I need to be on my knees…

    Thank you for praying for my little Stella. She is a bit better, but her gait is off.

  12. Traci Gendron says:

    DOROTHY – I think she means when we “think” (our thought life) judgement on others secretively, we are sinning. When we are critical of our spouses and give them a mouthful. I could be wrong…It brought to mind the verse Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

  13. Rhonda J. says:

    Meagan…thank you for that honesty! That caught me as well, the tongue lashing the husband! I am very guilty of that as well. I am very critical and trying to work on that. Lord cleanse me.

  14. Megan Russell says:

    I need this. I resonate so much today. My tongue cuts my spouse. He’s a pastor and when we fight I judge him so much for being up on that stage and preaching to people things that he is not living out. There’s resentment there for me and I want to forgive him and see the best in him. Lord, search me and know me. Jesus, please wash me and show me my sin so I’m not pointing out all the failures of others in at attempt to assuage my own guilt. I am just as dirty and sinful and hypocritical as the next.

  15. Megan Russell says:

    I need this. Jesus makes me righteous

  16. Dorothy says:

    I’m sorry but I’m very simple minded and don’t understand what Kasey was saying in this sentence could someone please explain it to me, “When our thought life disparages our best friend in moments of judgment or our tongues cut at our spouse’s vulnerability.” Thank you. Otherwise, her devotion was great. I totally agree with her when she says, “Let us daily examine our lives to uncover where we are still hoarding idols in the shadowy, cobwebbed corners of our heart.” I know this is something I need to start doing.
    As I have mentioned in the past my Bible is a devotional Bible and for today’s reading in John they have something I would like to share. It’s under what they title “Reflection” — “Loving the invisible God is almost easier than loving other people. We expect too much from each other, which often leave us disappointed and divided, and we expect too little from God, which leaves us with little strength to each other. APART FROM GOD, WE CAN’T LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS SELFLESSLY AS GOD INTENDED. GIVE YOUR HEART COMPLETELY TO GOD, and you won’t be able to contain your love for others.” (Emphasis is mine)
    Sisters, I let you know that George got to go home Saturday, well I will get to see him tomorrow — and hold him.
    Please continue prayers for my sister, I will be heading to the hospital to see what comes next in a little bit. I hope we can get her to go to a rehab place for a few days.
    I was supposed to start my new job today but with all that is happening with my sister it is being postponed — my new employer is a friend of my sister’s and understands.
    I do have one more praise though, Saturday I had a nephew get married and it wasn’t an April Fool’s prank.
    Be blessed and always, ALWAYS turn to and trust in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit.
    Sorry about the length of the post.

  17. MARTHA HIX says:


  18. Arina says:

    Having read 1 and 2 Chronicles, verse 1 stood out to me: “Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.” Jesus wasn’t like all those kings who sooner or later became prideful and disobedient. He wasn’t like us who also will fall short for sure. His love is completely. He loved till the very end, unto the cross. He loved into the grave and over that till He rose again. His love is forever complete.

  19. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s!

    A cleanse; to renew, restart, refresh, reprogram..

    I love the idea of a fresh start, and thank God we can have that simply by humbling ourselves and repenting! Asking for HIS manna to guide us and feed us each day through the Holy Spirit that lives inside us!! What a unique, crazy thing, that with Jesus leaving, that he gives us something better then him here physically, that we have him inside us, our temple. And because Jesus went to the cross for OUR sins, we in turn can live in heaven eternally with him. Wow. So humbling. Do we see that. How unfathomable is that? Why can’t we turn everything, every single thing in our life over to him. We can trust him completely. After spending WEEKS reading Chronicles, of how our trust and obedience makes ALL the difference!! Lord forgive me, we just don’t get it. I do when I’m in your word, and then the next second I’m living in the world… forgetting… OH how it brings the Psalms and the word of Paul to live in this conundrum of sin and cleansing ritual. Oh my soul…Lord revive us, refresh us, restart, reprogram us this Easter. Only you can do this for me. Amen.

  20. lisa chapek says:

    Right there with you Cindy! Let’s try this again. In thinking of Jesus’ invention to wash the filthiest parts of me, I thought of another verse “confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. James 5:15. So, here goes. I have been prideful, expecting more of others than I expect of myself. Looking out for the praise of men even in the midst of ministry. I have been foolish, responding with my emotions rather than waiting on the Spirit. I have been doubtful, seeing the work of the enemy and cowering at the taunts of Goliath over me and my family and seeing him as more powerful and present than my Father. Even in this confession, Jesus is healing me. I was led to use the words “I have” instead of “I am” because “I am” is Gods name and He doesn’t see me or label me in those sins. I am chosen, loved, forgiven and cleansed. I will be changed according to His promise. Pray for me as I pray for you so that we might offer up the fervent prayers of the righteous and see His kingdom advance.

  21. lisa chapek says:

    In thinking of Jesus’ invitation to wash the filthiest parts of me, I thought of another verse “confess your sins to one to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much” James 5:16 So here goes, I have been prideful expecting more of others than I expect of myself, having an eye out for the praise of men even in the midst of ministry. I have been foolish, reacting with my emotions rather than submitting to the Spirit. I have been doubtful, seeing the work of the enemy and cowering from Goliaths taunts as if the enemy were more powerful or more present than my Father. Even in these confessions, Jesus ministers to me! I felt His urging to use the words “I have” in my confessions instead of “I am” because I am is the name of God and these sins are not how He sees me or labels me. I am loved, forgiven and cleansed. I will be changed according to His promise. Pray for me as I pray for you that we all may be healed and offer up the effective prayers of the righteous!

  22. Cindy Hanna says:

    Wow! Sorry! Hate when I accidentally hit return and it posts while I’m still trying to get my thoughts straight. Please Disregard my first incomplete comment. Ugh!

  23. lisa chapek says:

    In thinking of Jesus’ invitation to wash the filthiest parts of me, I thought of another verse “confess your sins to one to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much” James 5:16

  24. Cindy Hanna says:

    Since foot washing was an expected custom in those days… To me, Jesus’s washing of the disciples feet also seems like him saying…“Welcome to my Father’s house (kingdom)“

  25. Donna Wolcott says:

    Yesterday I attended a beautiful Holy Week service at another church. There were the scripture readings of this week, lots of hymns to sing and special music. As I sat in that space and listened to the readings, I thought of Mary, how much did she understand what would happen to her son. As a mom it brought tears to my eyes. My church has several Russian/Ukraine families and on Good Friday they hold a foot washing service. Very powerful! May we look up this week in gratitude for the gift of salvation paid at such a price.

  26. Cindy Hanna says:

    I have always viewed the washing of the disciples feet as an act of hospitality as well as cleansing. If a person was held in honor by his host then the host or a family member would perform the service. A ritual of welcome that invites the guest to par

  27. Cindy J says:

    One thing from last week’s podcast has really stuck with me. As we read through Chronicles we see prophets, priests and kings (and I would add sacrifices). Jesus came and He is all those things. He is the great fulfillment and completer of all the OT. This truth has really grabbed a hold of me right now. The worship songs at church yesterday were all about Christ as King; the reading of the lives, downfalls and deaths of earthly kings those songs hit deep with a newness in my heart.

  28. Mari V says:

    He loves ME to the very end!! I needed to hear this, this morning. Sometimes I feel like such a failure and I mess up. It’s not like intentionally I’m wanting to mess up. It’s as if I’m at war with my humanness and what God wants yet, HE Loves me nonetheless. This encourages me to do better, and to try harder to love those around me even when it’s hard. Happy Monday sweet She’s.  I’m not going lie, I’m so grateful this is a short week and we even get Monday the day after Easter Sunday off. It’s going be a nice break for me.

  29. Kaylie Plemens says:


  30. sarah oster says:


  31. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I had never thought of the feet as the “filthiest part” when I’ve previously read John’s writing. I do remember thinking – oh, that’s gross, touching someones dirty feet! Thank you Kasey for bringing this to life, making it real. Jesus does cleanse the filthiest parts of us. Nothing is to sinful that He won’t forgive. Praise God that He sent the perfect Lamb to be a sacrifice for our sin – once and for all! …I’ve been listening to this song a lot recently and just on Saturday watched it sung on Youtube. It moved my heart in such a huge way – to know the blood of Jesus was applied to my sin and washed me white – I am so unworthy. The song – “Thank You Jesus For The Blood” sung by Charity Gayle

  32. Allison Bentley says:

    3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; – John 13:3. I know this rings true for me and my life BUT do my actions reflect this? What could I accomplish if I had no fear because no matter what it all comes from God and we’re going BACK to God?? Digging deeper on this today! Thank you @RachelS for pointing this out- love how the Bible is so intertwined!!

  33. Candace Smith says:


  34. Allison M says:

    Don’t let my heart ever get hard again, Jesus. Keep it soft so that I can be used by you.

  35. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  36. Libby K says:

    I love this as well. I’m so thankful for my sisters in Christ who shed new light on a scripture that I have read hundreds of times.

  37. Rachel S says:

    I love the inclusion of the Psalms words ‘Cleanse me with hyssop’. Hyssop was used in that first Passover to brush the lambs blood on the door frames. Hyssop was traditionally a cleansing plant, it was also one of the last things to touch Jesus on Earth as He was dying on the cross. To the Jewish people of the time, this would have been very symbolic. Jesus, the Passover lamb, here to cleanse us from our filthiest sins. Thank you Lord Jesus for your love.

  38. Taylor says:

    So thankful for Jesus’s sacrifice that washes every part of my filthy, sinful heart. Yesterday my pastor talked about how on Palm Sunday, the people in Jerusalem didn’t actually grasp what Jesus was about to do. They saw him as a military ruler, as someone who would end the Roman rule in Jerusalem. Even though the people got it wrong, Jesus still went to the cross for them anyway. And He still went to the cross for US, even when we don’t get it. Thank you Jesus <3

  39. Aimee D-R says:

    Father it can be so hard to model Your servant heart. Fill me, Holy Spirit, with Your presence that I model Jesus to others. Amen

  40. Searching says:

    I’m with you TINA and KELLY (NEO). When I got to “the filthiest parts of us”, I could only think Wow, and thank you Jesus.

    And this – we lean on Jesus spiritually, how awesome to have leaned on Him physically. May we feel His arms around us as we seek Him.
    22 His disciples stared at one another, at a loss to know which of them he meant. 23 One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him. 24 Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, “Ask him which one he means.”
    25 Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?”


    INIDIANA ELAINE – thank you for sharing the Palm Sunday research

    DOROTHY – so happy your grandson got to go home, and I know you can hardly wait to go see him. Safe travels, and thank you for the hosanna background.

    ZOEY FERENS – You didn’t mention where you were missing days but I just checked and I have all days in the app and at SRT website. If you’re using one of those and haven’t already tried, maybe delete & reinstall app, or clear history online and try website again, and my favorite … turn off and start over :)

    RHONDA J – continuing to pray for a great week with your grandson!

  41. Elaine Morgan says:

    Lord, not just my feet… I love Peter’s response! Wash me clean like only you can dear Jesus!! I’m so grateful for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus!

  42. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Totally agree, TINA!

    So thankful that Jesus “imparts His cleansing righteousness to the filthiest parts of us.”

  43. TIna says:

    Oh my days KASEY MOFFETT..

    You have floored me. You have me tearing up.. seriously..

    I literally just put my pen down from writing in my diary about Jesus washing the disciples feet..
    My thoughts were that we should never believe we are too ‘above’ others that we cannot love and serve them..

    But I LOVE what you said..

    Through washing the feet of the disciples, Jesus metaphorically showed what the cross was about to accomplish for us: He imparts His cleansing righteousness to the filthiest parts of us.

    OMG! I feel a change, a shift in my thinking..

    Past, present, and future, Jesus stoops down. Dirty water washes over a heart of stone to reveal a heart of clean flesh.


    So so good!

    Off to contemplate, pray and think on this..

    BUT GOD..


    Precious sisters, covering each of you in love, hugs and prayers from across the pond. ❤❤