Jesus Walks on Water

Open Your Bible

Mark 6:1-56, 2 Kings 2:11, Ezekiel 34:4-5

When Jesus invited His disciples to steal away, sit, and rest for a while, you can imagine how readily they took Him up on the offer. Some passages in Mark’s Gospel make it sound nothing short of chaotic. With so many people coming and going, the disciples didn’t even have time to eat (Mark 6:31). But they’d seen the Son of God in all His glory, healing and saving and bringing dead people back to life. He was who the prophets said He was. They believed! Most of the time.

Sound familiar? The chaos swirls and the demands of the day rise like waves, ready to wipe out all our best intentions. But Jesus says, “Come away. Find the quiet. Rest a while.” The disciples tried, but chaos followed. When Jesus and the Twelve got into boats and sailed off “to a remote place” (v.32), word spread, and there was a crowd waiting for them when they reached the shore.

Jesus, being the compassionate Son of God, got out of the boat and taught the people well into the night, right there at the edge of the shore. The disciples, naturally, got antsy. “Send them away,” they said. “They must be hungry for dinner.” His response? A gentle nudge forward to faith: You’re right. You feed them (vv.34–37). But feed them what? All they had on hand was some fish, a few loaves…and Him (v.8). It’s Me, you guys. Believe.

After that miraculous feast, Jesus sent the disciples ahead again by boat, but chaos still followed—this time in the form of wind and waves. Jesus walked to them, holy feet on top of the water, and they cried out in fear at the sight. But He told them: “Have courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Mark 6:50). It’s Me, you guys. Believe.

This would be the pattern. Wherever Jesus and His disciples went, people rushed through the streets to find Him, hoping just to brush against the robe of the one who could make them well. “And everyone who touched it was healed” (v.56). And the Twelve saw it all. They were standing right there. Still, they struggled to believe. Still, Jesus had to constantly remind them that He was who He said He was. It’s Me, you guys. Believe.

We’ve seen Him too—up close in our lives and in His Word—changing hearts, healing sickness, and bringing hope to the dark. And still, here in the chaos, we struggle to believe. 

But the Son of God stands and calls to us, just as He called to the Twelve. He calls us to come away and rest for awhile, to remember He is who He says He is. Yes, we are weak and weary, but we are invited to stay near the very Son of God. We can rest in the knowledge that He still has the power to feed and calm and heal.

It really is Him, friends. We can believe.  

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74 thoughts on "Jesus Walks on Water"

  1. Stacy J says:

    I’m right there in the chaos with you. I have 3 young children (7, 4, and 1). I can never get up early enough to get time to myself but somehow when I do get 5 minutes to myself during the day I often spend it trying to quickly get something done. This was a good reminder of how Jesus values rest in the midst of chaos. He is calling me to rest in Him during those small quiet moments of the day.

  2. Jen Brewer says:

    I love your words Ashli! Stay at home mom of 3 year old and 8 month old here and can relate to so much of what you said. Got behind on being in the Word this week and missed it. Thanks for sharing and your encouragement ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Paula Strong says:

    The verse that stuck with me was verse 11. In my version it said “Quietly withdraw, don’t make a scene. Shrug your shoulders and be on your way.” So many times I get so angry and want to shake some sense into our world. We need to be like Jesus. Easier said than done. I have to really limit my time on social media. I am working on a quiet spirit.

  4. Terany Garnett says:

    It’s amazing to see Jesus who had so much compassion to teach when He was tired and even when Jesus got frustrated He still held the mission in mind

  5. Chelsea Little says:

    Such an awesome reminder! Move past the offense because someone somewhere else needs the healing you bring!

  6. Monique Simmons says:


  7. Melissa Mcronney says:


  8. Schenelle Guebara says:

    @jeanniewilson this is such a good idea