Jesus Visits Zacchaeus

Open Your Bible

Luke 18:18-42, Luke 19:1-28

Scripture Reading: Luke 18:18-42, Luke 19:1-28

What a collection of characters appear in this reading: a rich and pious ruler who can’t yet give all, disciples who have already left home behind, a poor man with persistent faith in the Messiah’s compassion, a rich extortionist ready to leave it all behind, and a crowd following each step of the journey toward this fateful moment of the Son of Man’s ministry.

Each encounter is different and often surprising. We are struck by trying to imagine a camel shoved through a needle or a short man from his treetop vantage point being invited to host a famous person.  

If “the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10), then it seems there’s no formula. Jesus’s response to each is individualized. For instance, we’re not all called to sell all our possessions, but we all are called to find freedom from the perceived security of riches. We’re not all given our sight immediately; it takes the disciples experiencing what is written about Jesus before they see. We are all invited to see Jesus as He is, though, like the man begging who uses a messianic title and appeals unceasingly to the Lord’s characteristic compassion. 

Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. Despite all the obstacles—other people, his limitations, his choices that had left him wealthy but unpopular—Zacchaeus found a way. When he does get a glimpse, he finds he is already seen and known. Jesus is not only ready to be with him, but willing to sacrifice His reputation to do so. Zacchaeus suddenly finds he is willing to sacrifice to be with Jesus too. The bond to his wealth is broken. A higher allegiance has been found.  

In the parable that follows, we are reminded that our resources are a gift from God and are meant to be used. Indeed, to abdicate the responsibility that God has given us is to have a distorted view of who God is: harsh and abusive.  

Jesus was nearing Jerusalem. Everyone was expecting Him to then take up His reign. Yet this parable reminds listeners that, while He has been given all authority, we are entrusted with responsibility and resources to care for His world as He would until He returns to reign.  

Resources are not meant to be the source of our security, they are given to do business: God’s business. When they become used for our business alone, then we have begun to follow ourselves and not Jesus. Like we learn from the ruler inquiring about eternal life: we could never work our way into the goodness God wants to lavish on us. This surprising reversal of who is the fortunate one reminds us that there is greater wealth to be had than what’s in our wallets.

Written by Aurora Eagen

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45 thoughts on "Jesus Visits Zacchaeus"

  1. Mercy says:

    After reading today’s devotional, I was reminded and enlightened on a few points:

    1- Wealth by multiplication/by trading/by interest is God’s idea. I do see wealthy Christians being demonized often- a form of evil persecution. The parable praised the ones who multiplied successfully the resources God gave, and the one who did nothing was thrown out. May we know that it’s the Lord’s will that we ought to successfully multiply our resources with honesty and integrity for His Kingdom. Staying poor (a form of godliness) is NOT His will for us, actually a form of bondage. Amen to Aurora’s note, when we have wealth, “Resources are not meant to be the source of our security, they are given to do business: God’s business”.

    2- God can see our heart and our efforts trying to find/locate him : story of Zacchaeus, being short to climb a tree, hated by people, doing research which route the Lord might pass by ,he overcame all inconveniences hoping to get a glimpse.

    3- Wealth is a test of man’s heart. The sorrow and hesitation that the rich young man demonstrated when Jesus proposed to him selling his stuff, it brought out the root problem, he could not trade wealth for God. Even though, truth be told, when we agree to trade all- a tough test, we will get all back in this present time (Luke 18:29-30).

    @Lexi B: your van fix and managing expenses.
    @Rhonda J: Kate’s prison ministry and your homeless ministry <3
    @Taylor: praising God with you :)
    @all shes: please know you are absolutely amazing and beautiful. And nothing can keep you from the love of God. His love will find you, pursue you, and pick you up wherever you are.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  2. Annie says:

    Praise the name of the Lord! He alone is our true comfort. May I remember my security comes from God alone, not my finances.

  3. Lexi B says:

    Taylor! So glad you got the all clear on your pap. Praise God!

    God is definetly having me go through a walking out faith season. It has been hard but every devotional, bible reading, even the Chosen…the subject is the importance of faith. Fear man, it so gets in the way of faith and lately I have had the same fears pop up. Praying that I remember He who promised is faithful, and to walk by faith- not by sight!

    With that being said, I’ve had some unexpected and expected business/life expenses come up and just need prayer for peace and trust that God will take care of it. One of the expenses involves my business van and I am praying that it is not an expensive fix!

    Happy Friday She’s!

  4. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Afternoon sweet sisters!

    Love all the insights today. Our Lord, God and Savior, Mighty yet gentle, is always allowing us to see new things to savor of His character and goodness. I can’t ever seem to get enough of the things Jesus did in his short 3 years of active ministry among the disciples. The Chosen series really brings this period alive, and praise God is bringing more people to dive into the bible.

    I feel a big revival coming to America, and I get excited thinking we are on the cusp of big things that our God is going to reveal! Persecution may also come against it, but I am ready to stand firm. Sometimes that frightens me, but other times, I KNOW God is in control, and we must stand on that truth. We must trust him in ALL things. The good times and the bad times. In the small he gives, we must do much with it!

    I met a lady yesterday at church, we are meeting with her so we can help grow her women’s prison ministry, and it just amazes me how God can work in one single person to grow something so big and wide for his kingdom. She felt the call for the broken and lost, and it grew to be a big ministry in her hometown of Texas, but now she is here in Fort Myers. The door has been shutting on her for the last 2 years, and now it has finally opened, and already, last week she had 12 women, going into prison, give their lives to Jesus!! Lord, bless this woman Kate, and guide us to be a partner with her ministry to touch women in their lowest point, and show them that YOU LORD are the only answer to endure and change their life around! Thank you ladies for joining me in this prayer, amen. Also, I pray this afternoon at the homeless ministry that you lead me to talk to someone that needs you Lord. I want to feel the Holy Spirit use me and to help me in my OUT LOUD praying (that is so bad!) (if that is possible??!! )

    Have a great Friday evening and wkd! (usually I save my ramblings for Saturdays, so pardon me!!

  5. Dorothy says:

    Every time I read the Scripture about Zaccheus I start singing the children’s song Zaccheus. The church I grew up in we would do hand motions with it, not exactly sign language.

    Two phrases stood out in today’s devotional: “We’re not all given our sight immediately” and “We are all invited to see Jesus as He is”. There is something about these two phrases that spoke to me, I can’t quite pinpoint it but they just spoke to me.

    Be blessed and listen and look for God and/or Christ in what you do today.

  6. Traci Gendron says:

    During the year I was doing BSF, I learned that it is almost impossible for a camel to get through the opening of a cave. Their knees bend backwards and the can’t get low enough to go through. Brings some light to “a camel through the eye of a needle”.

  7. Carol Crossman says:

    What a beautiful way to end the week. Follow Jesus! Amen

  8. Dawn Enns says:

    What a beautiful reminder to put our faith in God aline. ❤️