Jesus Teaches the Crowds

Open Your Bible

Matthew 5:1-11, Luke 6:20-26, Matthew 5:13-20, Matthew 6:1-4, Matthew 7:7-12, Matthew 7:24-29

I was being swallowed by waves of deepening fears. In this crowd full of levity, I was keenly aware that my words begged patience from their hearers. It would take time to say what I meant to say, and even then, would my words only be parading depth? Or was there something true in them? And was this the time for them to be said? I felt alien and out of place. 

I gave my speech before the crowd and finished by inviting them to join me in a blessing over the couple whose wedding we had gathered for:  

“May your devotion to your home, to your community, to the work before you, grow and bear good fruit, but would your commitment to each other supersede them and be unmatched—except only by that great love which gives all these loves existence. Would all your loves grow to emulate that kind of faithful devotion that holds us all in eternal affection.”  

I’ve been pondering this blessing. This encouragement was given for this particular moment in time, but it was encouraged by pointing to a future of greater blessing. A vision of future beauty and goodness comforts us now because there is continuity: the seeds are already planted.

When Jesus says that the poor, or meek, the hungry and the grieving are blessed, He is declaring a current comfort to those suffering based on a future reality that has already begun to break in.  

Jesus is announcing a new order. If you’re suffering in the old one, hold tight.  

For inherent in this new kingdom is a righteousness—an awareness of God’s right order—that is perfectly at home. Now we are empty and deprived because the world is upside down; we are not at home.  

This is Jesus’s message to the masses. He begins with comfort.  

If we’ve started living upside down to cope, though, God’s coming kingdom may make us a little woozy. If we’re already keenly aware that something is terribly askew, well, God has some good news: we’re going to be well. Spiritual and physical poverty are what’s not at home in the right-side-up kingdom.  

In fact, it is our very commitment to this right-side-up kingdom that makes it visible. However much friction we experience in living according to that vision, all those rains, floods, and winds will only show that this foundation stands the test. God’s dominion is a truer reality. 

When we live this way, our light will shine out to others, but our left hand won’t see the right’s actions. The righteousness that Jesus will fill us with is hidden; God is at work in, through, and around us, even when we don’t know it.  

When I stood trembling in my shoes, blessing the couple and feeling like a failure, God was busy shining. Though all I felt was my lack, He was speaking blessing through me and over me.  

Eventually, God’s blessings fill all lack. 

(67) Comments

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67 thoughts on "Jesus Teaches the Crowds"

  1. Ada McCloud says:

    Make me hungry and thirsty for you, Lord.

  2. Mia Van der Walt says:

    Amen Lord. Stir a new fire in my heart.

  3. Caroline Gilbert says:

    Lord Jesus, I miss the intimacy we once shared. I pray you storm my heart again allowing me to feel your tender loving spirit. The mundane tasks of motherhood engulf my spiritual well-being and in my weakness I keep you an arms length away . Please draw near and allow my arm to gently drop so we may be close once again. I miss you.

  4. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord you are good and so worthy

  5. trina beckwith says:


  6. Courtney Usher says:

    Today’s passages made me think of the Broadway Musical Godspell as the parables is a well known scene in the show. How funny it is that each time this show is practiced or performed the gospel is being preached (semi-accurately). How odd is it that we will pay broadway ticket fees, high school., college, community theatre fees to hear the gospel preached but won’t take 2 to 3 hours out of our weekend to sit in service and/or serve in the church. But we will sit and hear a similar message for 3 hours. Why must we be entertained to be invested? Does this go to show as Christians this place is not home?

  7. J Lynn says:

    Love this!! ❤️

  8. Kyle Hopkins says:


  9. Chantel Wolff says:

    This world will make us weary and is not our home. We need to take heart that we will have peace if we keep our eyes fixed on our eternal home.

  10. Chris Unander says:

    Pray you have light and hope today

  11. Susan Lincks says:

    Amen to this beautiful commentary and thank God for loving me.

  12. Courtney says:

    Aurora, my sister, that was a beautiful blessing that God gave you to pour out over that couple and us. Thank you for blessing us with it.

  13. Michelle Baier says:

    Praying for the prayer requests. For me this is telling me to keep my eyes and heart focused on Jesus, to follow His path. And when I stumble and fall He will pick me up and guide me back to Him.

  14. Alexus Cehelnik says:


  15. Tasha Enderby says:

    I am reading this series in the message too, I think it brings familiar passages and turns them upside down. I am often at the end of my rope, no more to give and there is were I find God always for faithful then myself.

  16. Tasha Enderby says:

    Your I’m good company Aimee this is my first go round here as well and I often fall short, give up or loose interest but I am here and praying for God to give a thirst to us both to desire more of his word.

  17. Jennifer Rose says:

    I was the same but this is my second one ( I did the advent ) and I can keep up . It’s so much easier since it’s in the book and on the app. And very doable! Best wishes.

  18. Chelsea Wilson says:

    Thank you for sharing this! It puts a whole new meaning on Jesus teachings! ❤️

  19. Samantha Collier says:

    I’m feeling similar to the writer today. I’m filled with fear as I’ve been ignoring bill collectors and have to call them back. A lot has happened over the past few years (boyfriend died, injured my back and live in chronic pain, beat addiction) and I’m happy about that but I still have intense fear over everything. God is the reason I’ve made it through and I have to trust Him with everything. He’s never left me. It’s hard. So grateful for Jesus and the word.

  20. Victoria E says:

    Foster Mama thank you for the prayers ! Aimee welcome ! Sisters if I can ask for prayer I have another ultrasound tomorrow at 430 EST. Thank you !!

  21. Truth Seeker says:

    Welcome to SRT
    Stay with this study and read the community comments and you and your life will be so blessed
    at SRT you find a safe welcoming place to study the Word and to be blessed by your SRT Sisters and you can respond to requested prayers , ask for prayers and you will be overwhelmed by the response of your SRT sisters in Christ.
    WELCOME Dear Sister In Christ!

  22. Aimee Rogers says:

    Hi everyone. I just started the group. I still have to go back and read the days I missed but I wanted to start with the current day so I could keep up. I have tried studies like this before and I always fall short. I am never able to keep up with it. I am praying that I will this time.

  23. Terri Baldwin says:

    Blessed are those who hunger and search for righteousness, for they will be filled. – Matthew 5:6

  24. Kenya Rafferty says:

    So much of todays reading led me to wonder if I act in a way that pleases God. Not because I want to get all the promise out of it, but am I truly seeking righteousness and acting in a way that will naturally bring me those blessings? Jesus makes it seems simple in all of his teachings, but he also knows that we live in a broken world and it can take a lot to live differently than our world. Am I doing that?

  25. Claire B says:


  26. Whitney says:

    Sometimes I feel like I have looked up from the ground and realized I had built my house on the sand, and it collapsed with a great crash. However, not once has He turned away from helping me rebuild. I believe that’s true love.

  27. Mercy says:

    @Tricia Cavanaugh: praying for godly thoughts to take over in your mind. I hope you have a great evening at your work sister <3
    @Jordan Stover: just caught up on the comment I saw you posted from yesterday, I am praying for you to have full night of rest dear mama. Giving you a big hug and sending you lots of love.

  28. Mercy says:

    I pray that I would never lose the flavor of being salt, to be able to sustain what God places this salt to sustain, leaning on His power to disinfect, to cleanse, to preserve, to keep rottenness away. Fun fact, the word salary comes from salt (“sal” in latin), roman soldiers got paid by salt for it was such a necessary commodity back then, since no refrigerators were available, salt to cure/preserve meat, pickled vegetables and such were the only way to prolong food for a household consumption. Without salt, human life cannot be sustained. I pray that we have the grace of salt within ourselves (Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one). Be blessed dear sisters.

  29. Samantha M. says:

    I love reading scripture in different translations, I think after hearing NIV for so long the sermon on the mount lost its punch for me but hearing the Message of this verse has me tearing up, “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.”
    – Matthew 5:3

  30. Rachel_espinoza says:

    God is at work in, through, and around us, even when we don’t know it. Love this!

  31. Samantha M. says:

    I love reading scripture in different translations, I think after hearing NIV for so long the sermon on the mount lost its punch for me but hearing the Message of this verse has me tearing up, “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. – Matthew 5:3

  32. Kristin Haakenson says:

    “…a future reality that already has begun to break in.” Amen!! Thank you for today’s beautiful devotional, capturing so well this mystery.

  33. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I can’t remember if this was on the podcast or where I heard this all day. This is all that I can think about. It is in 2 Corinthians 10:5-“casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”
    The last part just speaks to me. I need all of my thoughts to point to Jesus. Right now I am struggling because I am eating way too much and I just don’t understand why. It seems sort of silly but I really feel like when I go to put something in my mouth, if I can turn my thoughts to Jesus, and would this be something that he would want me to eat. I want everything that I do and say and think and bring him glory. I know that is not possible all the time as much as we might try, but with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, that’s what I want to do.

    Does that make sense? Is that clear as mud? Lol

    I trust that you ladies had a wonderful day. My day is just beginning as I get ready to go to work. Blessings to you sisters. 

  34. Kimberly Z says:

    @Alayna P. Praying for your aunt! I know first hand how scary it can be. Praying for your family as well! @Rhonda J. I always love your music recommendations! I agree it’s a great way to memorize verses.

  35. Alexis Adams says:

    The word authority stuck out to me both yesterday and today: for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes. – Matthew 7:29

    Jesus your way is truth- help us to submit to your authority and not bow to the cultural pressures around us. Help us be willing to be be humble, meek, poor, and rejected for you because your way is true, and ultimately brings greater joy than anything on earth!

  36. Alexis Adams says:

    The word authority stuck out to me both yesterday and today: for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes. – Matthew 7:29

  37. Foster Mama says:


    It is now later in the day so I will repeat tomorrow but, I’m reaching out….How are you?!

    God bless ❤️

    @ VICTORIAs(x2/)… continuing to pray re: the “2 under 2”

  38. Lara-Turiya Molitschnig says:

    Thank you LISA CHAPEK! I also struggled understanding this verse. Thank you for this great explanation. It kinda links to be humble. I am trying my best to practice humility everyday, however, it seems easy to fall into the trap of pride. Reminding myself that everything good that happens to me, everything wonderful God provides me with is thanks to God, because of his great mercy – his love and promise.

  39. Bunny Lightsey says:

    Every morning when I pray, usually the first thing I say is “Lord forgive me for my own faithlessness and failure the day before.” And I always have such a heavy guilt and shame because I am not worthy! Reading many of your comments and of course the commentary for today I realized that he does fill my lack! When I am not sufficient he is! We are so blessed to serve a faithful loving forgiving God!. And thank you She’s for your wisdom!

  40. Lolly Regan says:

    Lord I need you.

  41. Buttonberry says:

    Boy, I sure missed the mark in my previous comment, a reply to RENE’s question. Lisa Chapek has a wonderful response, correctly referring to the FALSE prophets that Jesus was referring to.

    Dating myself, but as Rosanna Rossannadanna would say,

  42. Dawn Enns says:

    Tha k you Jesus.❤️

  43. Dorothy says:

    “God’s dominion is a truer reality.” When I read these words I said AMEN Aurora. How many times have I strayed and thought my ways were best only to come back to the Almighty’s ways — too many to count.

    Be blessed and turn to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit anytime — good or bad, happy or sad, in need or in plenty sisters.

  44. Michelle Patire says:

    “Jesus is announcing a new order. If you’re suffering in the old one, hold tight.”

    Love this writer. Very thoughtful words. God bless them!

    Good morning, Shes. Well, it is morning here in Pennsylvania. May the Lord bless us and help us to live out His words. Those who live out His words have sturdy character. May we have a character that testifies of His glory and goodness to others. May we shine in a way where others desire to have such confidence in the Lord. May they see us and know God is worth trusting and surrendering to. I think of believers who struggle to give their all to God or the unbelievers we know. May they see our lives and know God is worth it!

  45. Buttonberry says:

    As an answer to RENE’s question- I think the key to verse 26 might be found at the end of verse 22: ‘because of the Son of Man’
    If we experience mistreatment or persecution because of being a Christ follower, we should not be surprised, or say, Why me? Jesus is reminding us how the prophets were treated, and their faithfulness to God will be rewarded. That’s where the rejoicing will come from.

    We might face the choice to stand strong for Christ or shrink back. I pray for strength in preparation for what I may face in the future, that I will be equipped by Holy Spirit to stand firm, and trust in the Lord no matter what is coming at me.

    It seems like I have a looser hold on this temporary life here as I grow older. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of loved ones in my life who I adore and enjoy. But this life is hard, for us all, and my longing for the next life grows a little stronger all the time.

    Have a blessed day, dear She’s!!

  46. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s!

    What great insight in the devotional today! I love the Beatitudes, they are so beautiful. There is a new song by Elevation Worship (featuring Pat Barett) “This is the Kindom” that is so lovely and a great way to memorize the verses (which for me is so much easier in song!). I am fasting this week as I pray and long for God to lead me this year in great expectation as he did last year. I pray for you all nightly that you will reach to God in expectation as well, and will give you clarity and comfort, and peace for each day! His manna is enough, He is enough. Remember YOU have the Holy Spirit in you, given by his power to guide and counsel you, and most importantly His Word.

  47. lisa chapek says:

    Hey Rene! It is about arrogance but also about the desires in our hearts that would draw arrogance to us. The false prophets had a calling to speak what God told them to speak to the nation. However, they loved the comfort of being accepted in the places of power. So they bent their message to please the king in order to have a place in the court and to have an easy life. It took courage and an unwavering trust in the Lord to be a true prophet. So it’s a warning to us to keep our trust and allegiance in the Lord no matter what. If our hearts crave the praise of people or society, then that is our only reward – and it’s a reward that won’t last because people’s opinions are fickle. If we train our hearts to desire to please the Lord, we have blessing now in His presence and reward in heaven that lasts forever

  48. Kenna Morrison says:


  49. Susan Richardson says:

    “God’s dominion is a truer reality”. May we all live this way. Seeking His Kingdom and letting it come through us!

  50. Karen says:

    Thank you for your faithful service Aurora. Your words are a light to my heart and allow me to rest in our God who “fills all the lack.”

  51. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    What I want the most is truth and love. All falseness removed, I want love that never changes. When I peel back the years of my life, all the way back, I recognize this constant desire began in my earliest childhood memories. And as I face my 50th birthday this year, I am comforted in knowing that what I have always wanted isn’t childish. It’s not something I should have grown up or out of. It is the calling of God. He is what (or Who) I have always wanted. He has always been the answer to every question. Jesus is the truth and He is the love that never changes. Contentment washes over me as He fills every void, and He transforms all I ever thought I knew without Him. So, the only longing I am left with is for others to know Him too. I want others, especially my family and friends, to know this peace that Jesus gives. I want my life to be the salt and light He taught about. Lord, let my life be like salt, to preserve and flavor the world with the truth found in Your Word. Let the light that shines from me be the best reflection of You. Your truth is the only flavor I want, and Your Light is what I want to see. A heart that is pure is not mixed with other things. Purify my heart Lord, I only want You. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (-Jesus, Matthew 5:8). Maranatha.

  52. Shari Miller says:

    Jesus came to earth and taught spiritual truth to the people. He taught them and us what to value – what is worth cherishing and living for. He taught, encouraging us to set our purpose on what is worthy, righteous, and good.

  53. Rene Savage says:

    26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,
    for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets. – Luke 6:26
    This passage really spoke to me but I don’t fully understand it. I know we have to be careful to be put on a pedestal. Is this about arrogance?

  54. Rene Savage says:

    26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,
    for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets. – Luke 6:26

  55. Jeanie Mclellan says:

    I am so thankful for all the blessings that God gives me daily.

  56. Jazmin S. says:

    Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us what we need to live everyday for You and your Glory. Being followers of Jesus is not easy it’s a challenging walk everyday, but your words encourage us to walk the walk set before us. For this world is only temporary and our focus is on the life to come when we see you. That’s our reward,

  57. Taylor says:

    I pray I have eyes to see God’s blessings that are all around me instead of being acutely aware of my lack. So glad we serve a God of comfort who chases after us each day with His never-ending love! @Michelle Patire I’m glad thinking of things you were grateful for helped you fall asleep! I was feeling anxious last night and did the same and repeated Psalm 23:1 over myself and was able to fall asleep shortly thereafter.

    @Tasha Colley I loved your comment as it was a good reminder that God is bigger than my failures, than my anxieties, my doubts and disbelief.

    I pray my light would shine brightly today as I interact with my patients and get dinner with a friend tonight. Lifting up the prayer requests and just wanted to say thank you for all the kind messages of encouragement <3

  58. Christine F says:


  59. Sara Gedde says:


  60. Aimee D-R says:

    Father work in, around and through me. I recieve Your Blessings. In Jesus name, Amen

  61. Tasha Colley says:

    God is bigger than our failures, he is bigger than our unfaithfulness, and he is bigger than our questions and disbelief. Praise for that!!! May my eyes be turned more on what he is doing and less on what I cannot. Amen.

  62. Elaine Morgan says:

    Our Father in heaven showers us with His blessings if only we will receive them. Most of which come from us having love for one another. Give and you will receive as you have given. It seems so easy but we often get distracted by our fleshy desires and focus on ourselves instead of others. Father, please forgive me and my selfishness. Give me your eyes to see the needs of others around me and give me your heart to love and care for them.

  63. Sasha Cooper says:


  64. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Thank You, Jesus, for coming to fill every area of lack that separates me from the Father. Help me to remember that because I have placed my trust in You, it is Your righteousness and perfect obedience that the Father sees when He looks at me. Holy Spirit help me to hear and obey so that I may be more like Jesus every day.

  65. Andrea P says:


  66. Nicole Isom says:

    God, I thank you for blessing us with your instructions. Help us to see your goodness, grace and mercy throughout our trials and circumstances because no matter what, you are right there with us. There is a future that’s better for us than this suffering we are enduring in your Name. Help us in our unbelief to see you clearly.

  67. Lily Ye says:

    I was always worrying about my failure and lack.I didn’t realize God’s blessings can fill all lack. This touches me.