Jesus Teaches Against Hypocrisy

Open Your Bible

Matthew 23:1-39, Mark 12:38-44

I stood in the wooden church pew, too short to see the stage, and watched my mom from the side, singing loudly, “Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee, how great Thou art…”  We attended church every Sunday. The pastor mesmerized my mom and dad with his inspirational preaching, which often included the call to “sow a financial seed.” 

So, Mom and Dad donated generously toward the church and a global ministry to feed children overseas, even while chipping away at credit card debt. Then one Sunday, the pastor was gone. Grown-ups whispered. We stopped going to church. Years later I learned the elders fired the pastor due to embezzling the tithes and offerings. 

I imagine the Pharisees and teachers of the law in Matthew 23 operated similary. Jesus says of them: “Hypocrites!” “Blind guides!” (vv.23,24).

Jesus revealed what was hidden behind their religious robes, long prayer garments, and honored positions: they were nothing they claimed to be; rather, they were “like whitewashed tombs” (v.27) and cups full of sin (v.25). They taught the law, but they followed the letter of the law not the spirit—and they cared more about the gold in the temple treasury than the righteous work of the temple itself (vv.16–22). 

It’s easy to shake our heads in disgust at this pastor or the Pharisees of the world, but if I’m honest, I think we all have hypocritical tendencies. There are a myriad of ways we exalt ourselves in our mental comparison games. Maybe this is why Jesus emphasized that the greatest among us will be a servant (v.11) and warned that “whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (v.12). We desire greatness, but greatness in the kingdom means humility in humanity. 

This means we don’t use position and power to exalt ourselves. Even if we’re never caught, one day all things will be laid bare—and we will all give an account. And then, the humble will be exalted.

Let’s not follow the footsteps of hypocrisy. Let’s be careful to make sure the greatness we pursue is the greatness of servitude.

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53 thoughts on "Jesus Teaches Against Hypocrisy"

  1. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Kelly for asking and to all those who prayed for me. Still no answers from the pulmonologist and probably more tests. My mind always thinks the worst. So I wait and see what’s next. Others lifted in my prayers today spoken and unspoken. Thank you all you she’s!

  2. Mercy says:

    After reading the harsh rebuke the Lord unapologetically gave to the Pharisees, we need to be aware that things must take a turn. Sitting on a fence won’t be an option anymore. Judgment starts in the house of God and this message is for the church, not the unbelievers. We need to know the real Jesus and live him out. The real Jesus, not the one who is okay with anything and everything that destroys us, all in the name of what we misunderstood as Love. God always always loves, but His love abides in Truth that keeps us safe. Looking at the passages today, it was so disheartening to see much resemblance taking place, how the church is being killed/crucified/ scourged/ persecuted from within (Matthew 23:34) by the chiefs, and what’s more scary….making the new converts twofold more the child of hell (Matthew 23:15)- what a dark side of church the Lord revealed. May we intercede and pray even more for the church to overcome the wolves in sheep clothing. The Lord warned us of the yeast of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:12) of spiritual pride, self-righteousness, hypocrisy that can spread and spoil the WHOLE batch. May we take time to examine the red flags to discern signs of the yeast, and come out (2 Corinthians 6:17). There must be a separation between the children of God and the children of hell. What agreement can exist between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. Like a prophet once said, I never sat with the band of revelers, nor did I celebrate with them. Because Your hand was on me, I sat alone, for You have filled me with indignation (Jeremiah 15:17).

    @Laura: speaking truth hurts since truth is the double edged sword that cuts open people’s hearts and any hidden wrongful intentions. Cuts like surgeries. You did the right thing speaking truth to your daughter. For your question about the wedding robes, my KJV study notes said that these garments at weddings are provided by the host for the guests to put on. It’s a tradition and guests are normally offered these when coming into the feast (like a coat check service). I think it was a really cool tradition, probably very costly for the host. The guest that was without the robe had clearly refused the provision of the host (the king) in this case. And this robe symbolizes the robe of righteousness provided for all whom He calls/invites.
    @Searching: thank you!
    @Michelle P: you were missed. Shark week is challenging, emotions can be all over the place. Hope you will feel better soon sister.
    @Dorothy: praying for potential job change, may all be well.
    @Tami C: praying for your daughter’s speedy healing.
    @Julie A: for provision of leadership for the youth club. May God bless you with more wisdom and courage as you lead the new group.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    I am sure I often more often than do hypocritical things vs. trying to serve others or just simply serve the Lord. I recently have felt called to volunteer but have yet made the jump to go do it. This was a great reminder. @Sarah D. I love a good God moment! @Rebecca W. Love your comment on mental comparisons. I do this ALL the time! Praying for all your request today ladies ❤️

  4. LaShandra Fluno says:

    Praying for a humble heart.

  5. Kim Simons says:

    “Greatness in the Kingdom means humility in humanity” chewing on this…

  6. Dorothy says:

    Well I have an answer to my prayers about whether to leave what I’m doing now, I received a phone call last evening from a friend of my sister’s (whom I’ve become friends with) and she offered me a job. It’ll be less money but it will also be less stress on my body and me. It won’t start right away. She runs some houses for mentally disabled adults and I’ll be working in the evening or night at new one she is going to start. Mainly making meals, giving them their meds and making sure they “don’t get out of hand”. In other words being a mother figure to them. I’ll miss my little girls but it will be so much easier on me.

    Be blessed and know God DOES answer prayers sisters.

  7. Michelle Patire says:

    @Traci G– Jesus is the greatest example of service. I pray you look to Him to learn how. You have gifts. May He highlight the gifts He wants you to employ in serving others. We are made to live and serve one another. I pray the Lord continues to show you the value of serving.

    I’ve been kinda quiet on here. Don’t have much to share, or rather, don’t always feel up to sharing the things God is doing. He is faithful, when we are faithless. I think I’m feeling sensitive bc my time of the month is around the corner. I have been really believing God uses our menstrual cycle as a means to be nearer to Him. Has anyone else noticed He brings a lot to the surface in this time that He wants you to confront? The world says many things about our cycle, but lately I’ve noticed it as a gift from the Lord in drawing near in our emotional and physical weakness.
    All things work together for good….

  8. Lehua K. says:

    Life has been a whirlwind again and I’m still catching up on the readings. Thank you KELLY (NEO) for asking! I started on my own on Monday and it’s been a lot better at work.. I’ve been praying a lot that God will expand my capacity as His strength fills in the (many) gaps in my areas of weakness. That I may be used to bring Him glory in my workplace and that I learn to slow down and prioritize better. My (former) supervisor is still on payroll for the next 2 weeks (he took vacation so he can still be available to help if needed, he’s just not in the office) and he needs to tie up all the loose ends before he leaves. I pray that he does or that I’m able to fill in whatever he doesn’t finish, because I don’t know what some of these are (lol). Leaving it to God and trusting ❤️

    Our Women’s Bible study started meeting up again and we’re in a larger group setting now. It’s been refreshing. We’re reading Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen and learning to take our thoughts captive. Definitely needed ❤️ my cat also went to heaven yesterday, I’m glad I got to see him during the holidays. I pray that my parents’ home will be filled with peace and harmony, now that they are truly empty nesters.. I pray their marriage can be strengthened in Christ.