Jesus Rises from the Grave

Open Your Bible

Luke 24:1-53

Sometimes, in everyday conversations, you learn the most about someone. There is something about walking alongside a companion in step, in rhythm, in sync that welcomes vulnerability. When we draw near to a friend by walking beside them, sitting in their presence, or sharing a cup of coffee, our true selves are revealed. In ordinary moments, the extraordinary becomes known.

In today’s reading, we see that Jesus revealed the most extraordinary truths about His character in everyday moments. In Luke 24, Jesus walked alongside two of His followers the day He rose from the grave, a day full of the uproar of confusion. Jesus’s tomb had been found empty that morning, and two of His closest disciples were walking on the road to Emmaus trying to make sense of all that had happened. The stories they had heard, the events they had witnessed, and the questions behind an empty tomb were all conflicting and confusing.

What is our response when we have trouble making sense of the resurrection story, whether believing it ourselves or trying to make it understandable to someone else? Instead of only attempting to convince someone else of this truth, we can live out His presence within us in the everyday. We need to allow Jesus himself to draw near (Luke 24:15). 

Jesus met those who were having trouble understanding who He was by walking on the road with them and having conversations with them. Allowing those He walked with to ask questions and recount what they believed. He gave them excerpts of stories they knew from the Scriptures they had learned. It was the truth of the words He spoke that made the difference—the prompting of the Holy Spirit within Him.

Weren’t our hearts burning within us while he was talking with us on the road 
and explaining the Scriptures to us?
—Luke 24:32

His Spirit, the whisper of His drawing near, sparks that burning in our hearts. The truth that Jesus is alive and has risen from the grave is revealed not only in words but in the witness of a life changed. 

A conversation can arise, causing confusion or controversy regarding the resurrection while walking trails, in the coffee shop, or on a neighbor’s porch. These are places where Jesus Himself can draw near.

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39 thoughts on "Jesus Rises from the Grave"

  1. Sandydee says:

    May my actions and words be a reflection of Jesus to others. Long time SRT reader and I too have loved this study, one of my favorites. Thank you!

  2. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning everyone! My annual evaluation went really well yesterday. I think the Lord has been growing me in so many ways, even by keeping me at this job, despite how extremely difficult last year was for me. I am thankful that I have been doing well in my job and just taking one day at a time. :) praying for you all!

  3. Rhonda J. says:

    He is Risen. I can’t imagine the whirlwind of those quick few days. I often think back and recount the week before my mom passed away. I had went to visit because she was feeling bad and I really wanted to figure out what was going on. It was a week of ups and downs, conversations with her I remember, doctors comments and treatments, family and friends coming in and out. A whole week of emotions that you look back on (9 years ago) and try to sort it all out and recount. I think that’s why the accounts of the resurrection are all rather different in the details. For awhile I had the texts between my sister and I that I could refer back to, but now they are gone and we sometimes relay the facts that we still question of how it all went down.

    I am so thankful we have the accounts our risen Saviour! He Lives! He Lives! Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with us, and talks with us… As the song goes! He is with us through the Holy Spirit, through the written account (the bible), and “the witness of a changed life.”

    Help me Lord to live this amazing story through my life, my words, my friendships, my testimony. May I glorify you Lord. Those around me that walk through darkness and don’t know you, may they see you in me.

    I ask for prayers for my dear grandson Brayden. He has such a challenging family life with lots of struggles. He is only 14, and just can’t control the anger that is within him with his parents. I pray that they come to Jesus to get this situation sorted out before it’s too late. It will keep escalating, and unfortunately we live far away. But we can pray, and I know God loves my dear Brayden, and I hope he remembers to pray to him and finds comfort in him. That he is seen and heard, in Christ alone. Lord touch this family. Thank you She’s!

    My husband and I are going to The Chosen tonight so I am very excited, yet it is 3 hours long and with a bad back…it is hard to do things at night but only lay down to find relief. Tomorrow night I am going to a Tobymac concert! I pray God will let my back tolerate these nights out!

  4. Mary Ruiz says:

    I’ve been reading plans from SRT for years and I have to say this one is by far the best one that I have read! I have enjoyed it tremendously. I am sad that it’s over

  5. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  6. Stephanie Campbell says:

    Reminds me of the song “Because He Lives”.

  7. Taylor says:

    @Sarah D praying your eval goes well and there are other opportunities for you at your job!
    @Kimberly Z I feel you on having to semi-force yourself to go. I definitely did for my first group meeting and still feeling a little hesitant about the second meeting, but knowing God is there and everyone in my group is nice makes it easier to go! Praying for you <3

  8. Taylor says:

    So thankful to finish another amazing study with this amazing community :) I think our next study is about rest? I am very excited for that one as I really struggled to slow down and rest. I pray I would live out Jesus’s presence within me every day as well as continuing to stay strong in daily devotional time to draw near to Him as He draws near to me.

    Love you all and praying for you ladies <3 Just as I thought I was finally over my cold, I woke up with a little bit of scratchy throat and sneezing a bunch during my devo time. Praying it's nothing and passes quickly!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!