Jesus Promises His Presence

Open Your Bible

John 14:1-31, John 15:1-25, Isaiah 42:16

As a little girl, my mother owned a Singer sewing machine. Some of her favorite patterns came from the brand Simplicity. Like most sewing patterns, Simplicity patterns consisted of tissue paper printed with numerical guides and instructions. She would gently take a piece out of the small rectangle package and use straight pins to pin it to the fabric. Once she had the tissue paper in place, she would cut along the dotted lines. This left numerous geometric shapes that, to the untrained eye, would look like nothing of importance. At the end, she would take each piece of cut fabric and stitch them together to create a finished product. Each pattern she used had step-by-step instructions for cutting, stitching, and assembling clothes. Over the years, she got so good that there were things she could make without a pattern. My mother etched the steps in her memory and heart because she sewed often and spent a lot of time with her sewing machine.  

As Christians, God gives us patterns to follow to help us stay in communion with Him. His ways do not come as folded tissue paper with numbers and lines for our instruction; He wraps them in grace, the promise of His presence, and the Word of God. And where the straight pins would be to hold the grace in place, we have the gift of peace and His Son, Jesus.

In today’s reading, Jesus reveals the pattern for His disciples to follow in preparation for their ministry. He took the time to encourage them by sharing that He would not leave them as orphans (John 14:18) while beautifully unveiling the call to abiding obedience for those who follow Him. Like we do at times, they struggled to understand what He was saying and how He was calling them to serve others. They were so focused on understanding Him in the natural world that it caused them to question what Jesus was sharing with them spiritually. He silenced their questions with the following words.

I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.
—John 14:27

Just as Jesus reminded His disciples that He would never abandon them, that same promise applies to us. God calls us to trust Him, and that trust grows by spending time in His presence. 

As believers, we look to Jesus to understand God’s character better. And as we mature spiritually, we move from knowledge of Him to being changed by Him through the gift of the Holy Spirit. We study the patterns in His Word so that as we walk daily with Jesus, we may lean on the promises etched on our hearts from time in His presence. 

During this Lenten Season, may we all bask in the gift given to us by Jesus and rejoice in the promises to come. 

(49) Comments

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49 thoughts on "Jesus Promises His Presence"

  1. Michelle Patire says:

    Hello ladies. I came late to do my devotional today– the sun is shining over here in the Pocono Mountains, PA!!! The spring has sprung. For those in the cold/snow still, hold tight. Better days ahead!!

    @Molly R & @Sarah R — praying God would carry you both through these tough days. I encourage you to read @Gwineth52’s poetic post. We are linking arms in spirit and praying around you ladies. God has carried me through some dark days the past three years. I know He is the same God for me as He is for you. May you continue to come to Him and know He loves you both so dearly. I believe you will both get through this time. You will find joy and peace… be still and know He has you forever in His heart.

    @JMW- God bless you in your workplace. God calls us to be the example sometimes – even to our bosses. It is not easy… But may you hold tight your convictions and continue steadfast in prayer. God bless you in your obedience and give you wisdom each moment you are in need.

    @Pam C- May God bless your mother as she moves forward with this diagnosis. My grandmother passed away in her 80s last year from stage 4 cancer. It is hard when your up there in age – to know what to do. May God be near to you. Grateful you see blessings in your life despite the hardships. :)

  2. Claire B says:


  3. Jennifer Anapol says:

    My first love language is quality time, so it really speaks to me that Jesus would choose to make his home in my heart. I pray I would stay connected and attached to him, so that I would produce much fruit.

  4. Gwineth52 says:

    Oh my dear Molly R…You did indeed write a long post this morning.
    Please allow me to thoughtfully unpack what I heard you say.
    The situation: Negotiating ailing/aging parents & siblings; home schooling; homesteading.
    The feelings: “Tension. Ups & downs & unknowns. Heavy heart. Pulls. Pressures. Demands. Longing for the peace & serenity of Advent.”
    YET. Before closing.
    I also heard you say “thankfulness “ & “temporary”.
    No one. Absolutely no one.
    Not a single She among us has The Answer or The Advice.
    Other than what we try to do/you try to do:
    “Keep opening your Bible”.
    Through the fear. With fragility.
    We trust God meets us wherever we are.
    We believe Jesus promised to never abandon us.
    What the Father can not remove (the Cup)
    He can resurrect (the Empty Tomb).

    Our Lord in Heaven, we pray without ceasing,
    for the sweet sister She,
    troubled by so many things.
    Guard her.
    Guide her.
    Grant her peace.
    Amen & Amen

  5. PamC says:

    Oh how I have missed you all! It’s been a rough time & I have missed most of this study (Very uncharacteristic!). I too have memories of home sewn clothes that matched, & my mom sewing dolls clothes. My grandmother was the one that sewed without patterns…she made them, designed them for Vogue at one point in her youth. I was a dolt & wanted store bought. What I wouldn’t give to have something made by Mom or Moma today.
    My mom has received a cancer diagnosis & at 90 she’s decided that she’d rather not do the whole chemo, surgery, etc. I have no clue…
    And lime so many others, we’ve had endless winter here in Northern CA, damage from wind & rain…
    Just overwhelming…
    But GOD…
    He got us the money for a double tax hit, found us a contractor at our church, has us in the most amazing, Spirit filled church…and y’all…
    But God is so good. The Goodness of God & I’m So Blessed are on constant replay around here.

  6. Pam Philpott says:

    It just makes me think of that song ‘don’t let your heart be troubled, hold you head up high, don’t fear no evil, fix your eyes on this one truth God is madly in love with you!’
    It just feels it like this is what Jesus is telling us. This world is full of fear but He gives us peace. This world will persecute us but He accepts us. What a wonderful thought as we focus on lent! ❤️

  7. Pam Philpott says:

    It just makes me think of that song ‘don’t let your heart be troubled, hold you head up high, don’t fear no evil, fix your eyes on this one truth God is madly in love with you!

  8. Amanda Rose says:

    Thank you!!! Such a good reminder!

  9. Dorothy says:

    As I was reading Kimberly’s devotional it took me back to my childhood, my mom used to make mine, my sister’s and her clothes a lot when I was young. I have family portraits where my mom, sister and I all have the same dress or skirt on because she made them. There’s one where I was real young — a toddler — I had a dress and my sister and mom both had skirts all out of the same fabric. The other thing she would do would be make our Barbie dolls dresses to match from the scraps. My sister and I would always want the ones from the store but all our friends would want the ones we had. Enough reminiscing.
    I believe I’m a living example of how faith in God works, especially the last couple of weeks. I don’t know if I said but Baby George’s umbilical cord had a knot in it when they birthed him, did the C-section. I believe God did what He did with Dani’s blood pressure for that reason. I also believe He had me call for the wellness check on my sister the day I did because of her having fallen. I believe God had me not start my new job and had my father’s allotment be more than usual this time because He knew I’d be needed by my sister. I call them “God things”, but what ever you want to call them, if you BELIEVE GOD, CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL GET YOU THERE what ever you face. Christ was asking His disciples to believe and that’s what we need to pass on to those around us. Nothing, NO NOTHING, is IMPOSSIBLE with the Triune by your side and your BELIEVE. So sisters are we ready to walk the walk and show those around what it means to be a True Believer in God and Christ.
    My sister is going to rehab today, please pray she will do well. My sister’s and my friend and I are going to her house to pick up some things for her later today pray all goes well with my nephew. I get to see and hold Baby George today also :). Busy day for me.
    Sorry for the long post.
    Be blessed and BELIEVE AND WALK THE WALK sisters.

  10. Kat D says:

    I encourage you to read Ryan Diaz’s devotion on He Reads Truth for today. He addresses the struggle of loving one another that several have mentioned. “We (all) want to be known and loved” and “We forgo the transactional connection that dominates human relationships and instead love people with God-given freedom that makes room for the faults and failures of others.”

  11. KimN says:

    The reading from Isaiah really got me this morning after all we read in Chronicles. I’m not sure of the exact timeline but this promise from God was made during failure of an earthly king. Maybe during the reign of one of the evil ones but even the “good” ones messed up.
    But God does not and is faithful! His plan cannot be altered by disobedient rulers or followers.

    John 15:21 also stuck out in light of Chronicles. When we don’t know God, we can’t follow and obey Him.
    So “keep opening your bibles” sisters! Even when you don’t feel like it. Even when you feel disconnected or weary or distracted or alone or afraid. Abide in Him. Come near and let Him draw you close. Let Him prune the branches that keep out His light, prune away the things that keep us from Him. Praying for each of you; requests spoken and unspoken. That God would meet each of us right where we are and that His will be done. In Jesus name!

  12. Rhonda J. says:

    Good morning Shes and friends!
    How lovely to come here each morning, through the years, and share in our lust for understanding God’s word and how it applies to our life today! The simple answer is- JESUS. And the scripture today was like a balm to my soul…direct words to his disciples and US. They comfort me and remind me to stay connected to those important words. No matter how they hate us, Jesus has us in his hands. They hated him, therefore we should not be surprised they will hate us. It seemed so strange and unfathomable decades ago. Yet today we see them hating Christians.

    The first school shooting in the late nineties was at a small high school that no one had heard of. That was my high school that I had graduated at and had nieces and nephews at. Some victim families even attended our church. The shooter actually targeted a group of Christians that gathered together each morning. When IN sin, the ones in Christ stand significantly APART (against) from them and cause anger because they see their sin, but don’t want to recognize it as such and they lash out against them. We see that in all areas of our society now, which we didn’t see before. The devil is creating more boldness in these last days. Luckily we know how the story ends, our God is in control. And thanks to Jesus choosing us, and us responding to that call, we are saved. Overwhelming.

  13. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  14. Maria J says:

    As I looked out the window this morning, before I started reading today’s devotional, the sky looked grey and foreboding. Ugh, another grey winter like day. Yet, as the sun continued to rise those dark clouds lost their menacing look and turned pinkish, then orange and now white and puffy. It’s as if they’re shouting a promise that spring is finally coming and what may have seemed dark and dismal was only my perception until light unveiled the truth. The dark days and trials many of us are enduring are like that. We need His word, His presence, His life and light to show us what those trials are accomplishing in us.
    Maybe those trials are also like pattern pieces that when God stitches them together something beautiful is created instead of a collection of barbed bits of cloth.
    Thank you for the devotional KIMBERLY. Praying for you MOLLY and all the other requests mentioned.

  15. Carly Smith says:

    Hi Molly, thank you for sharing honestly where you are at. My family has also had a hard time lately with many unexpected things that came our way. And I wanted to share that your acknowledgment of God’s goodness is also what has been keeping me going! The song “The Goodness of God” has been my anthem lately. Even when I am broken down in grief and sadness I have been feeling God saying “Here I am! I am good and I am chasing after you with it- I won’t leave.” Just keep remembering that!

    We also homeschool (and I say we faux-stead haha), and live in the PNW :) You are amazing to do all of that! It’s hard work!

  16. Carly Smith says:

    Hi Molly, thank you for sharing honestly where you are at. My family has also had a hard time lately with many unexpected things that came our way. And I wanted to share that your acknowledgment of God’s goodness is also what has been keeping me going! The song “The Goodness of God” has been my anthem lately. Even when I am broken down in grief and sadness I have been feeling God saying “Here I am! I am good and I am chasing after you with it- I won’t leave.” Just keep remembering that!

  17. Traci Gendron says:

    Prayers MOLLY R and JMW.

    Today’s scriptures are just so good. I get emotional this time of year. To think that Jesus loves us so much he laid down His life for us. I feel unworthy. I’m trying to love others better. To see them as God’s children. To never forget who’s children we are.

    Flying out this morning. Prayers for safe travel are appreciated!

  18. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Molly, I am in a VERY similar season. The parallels are uncanny. I am exhausted and wrung out. For the first time in 4 years I skipped a community study. I couldn’t focus enough to get through Chronicles. I came back on Palm Sunday. Praying for you and for some sunshine.

  19. Amanda Gray says:

    I want to abide in Him. And over the last few years, I feel so weighed down with how the world grows increasingly more evil. It steals my joy. And it leaves me even questioning if we can be plucked from His hand. I desperately want to get back to that really sweet intimacy with Jesus that I had.

  20. Karen Elizabeth says:

    Molly, praying the Holy Spirit provides comfort and peace, as well as guidance for decision making during this difficult time ❤️

  21. Kimberly Z says:

    @MOLLY R. Praying for you during this overwhelming time. My heart aches for you and all that you have going on. God knows how strong you and your family all are. Somedays when we go through these unpredictable times it feels like we are just putting one foot in front of the other just trying to survive each day but just know it’s so much more than that. @JMW – praying your manager situation gets better. I’ve been there before and I know how hard it can be. Happy Tuesday ladies! What a great reminder of all of that our savior has done for us and will do for us!

  22. Rebecca W says:

    As a child being separated from my mom (parents) was so hard. I was one of those kids that got homesick going to my grandparents, camp, even college! It’s such an empty feeling. Yet my parents always assured me they would come back! Now as an adult I can sometimes get that same lonely feeling but can rest in His reassuring words, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” So grateful that I know the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

  23. Kerry Rowley says:

    Praying for your MOLLY R. You are in a tough season of life. My parents passed when my children were younger and I really struggled to be a good wife, mom, daughter. I pray God’s peace for you and for His strength. Your children will learn important life lessons as they watch you care for your parents.

  24. Rebecca W says:

    @Molly, prayers lifted on your behalf sweet sister. Such a difficult season of life. God will use this time to reveal more of Himself to you in your struggles. It’s such a paradigm shift when our parents relinquish their place as head of the family and it falls to us. So we lean on our heavenly Father whose position never changes! Praying that spring will return and with it a feeling of warmth and light. ❤️

  25. GramsieSue says:

    I listened to the podcast yesterday…so good.
    Usually I only think of Immanuel, God with us at Christmastime. But they brought that up. Jesus came to be with us. His Spirit is with us. He never leaves us. So even in this week leading up to His Crucifixion, the time he returned to the Father…He is still with us. So thankful.
    Prayers for you Molly in this difficult time.
    Praying for JMW and Aimee Rogers. For Rhonda J as you heal, For Victoria E and Elijah, for Lynne from AL, praise for your grandchild Dorothy and so many others.
    Hugs to all ❤️

  26. Corrin says:

    I am so thankful for the gift of Jesus. Ladies I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️

  27. Molly R says:

    My heart has been so heavy with all that has been happening with my parents since the beginning of the year: My dad’s fall and subsequent hospitalizations, the reality that his Parkinson’s is advancing, the need to get them out of their house (my mom’s childhood home) and into more appropriate housing given their decline both mentally and physically, the layers of memories/heartache/drama that come with multigenerational situations – especially when they are pressurized by immediate need and time sensitivity….
    There’s just been so much – ups and downs, unknowns, the going between being the daughter and sister in a very stressful situation to coming back home to my 4 kids (ages 3-11) and all the demands of a homeschooling/homesteading lifestyle. I have been pulled in so many directions, sometimes all in one day, that it has left me very heavy and weighed down. Just yesterday as I was doing THIS study, I remember back to the Advent study. I felt SO PEACEFUL during that season! It was one of the best Advent seasons for peace and simplicity I had known in a long time. I couldn’t help by letting a snarky chuckle go at the thought of me then and how much I didn’t know was coming after the turn of the New Year.
    I had so much hope of feeling that same life-giving, life-sustaining peaceful hope as I did then…. it’s been a much darker, more tense time. BUT….BUT… in His goodness and grace He has still been there. I know it! I feel it!! Sometimes it has been VERY hard to acknowledge, but when I stop and think about facing this season in true darkness….I shudder.
    It is a heavy, dark time. I find myself longing for that feeling of a warm day, sunshine, laughter, and a lightness of heart that matches. Ironically, even winter seems to be hanging on with my dark season, adding to the struggle. We watched snowflakes fall yesterday (in the Pacific Northwest) and my heart physically ached for the sun, and the SON, to come part the clouds reflected in my soul.
    I know this season is temporary, and I am thankful not to be alone, but I could sure use some prayers to stay the course, to rest when I can, and to not feel like I am dragging my family along in this season of heaviness with me. This isn’t the Lenten Study I imagined, but I am so thankful it is the one GOD knew I NEEDED!!!
    Love you all, thankful to bring this to you. Sorry for the LONG POST!!!

  28. Nads says:

    Sorry AIMEE ROGERS for the loss of your cat. Thinking of you.

  29. Allison Bentley says:

    Help us to see Your light in a dark world! Thank You for Your promise of Your presence!!!

  30. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  31. Cee Gee says:

    KIMBERLY DAVIS – thank you for this encouraging devo! Just a humorous FYI – The patterns are cut on the solid line; the dotted line represents the seam line. I, too, made many clothes using Simplicity patterns and I love how you used them in this devotion!

    SEARCHING – thank you for the prayers! Your comment on ‘leaning’ yesterday really touched my heart!

  32. Candace Smith says:


  33. Laura D. says:


  34. Aimee D-R says:

    Holy Spirit please prompt me of Your presence today and always. Amen

  35. Jaime Grace says:

    Praying for you, JMW. ❤️

  36. searching says:

    John 15:12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
    Simple words that many times feel confusing, impossible or both. When those words are twisted and turned by others, the only thing I know to do is to pray and study God’s word so that His truth is reestablished in my heart and mind.

    TRACI GENDRON – I struggle too with loving without agreeing or condoning, without laying aside my beliefs to show love. As I struggle, I pray for the lost to come to the saving knowledge and truth of Jesus as that is their (and our) only hope. Lord, help us to show Your truth through how we live. And glad Stella is feeling better.

    AIMEE ROGERS – so sorry to hear about your cat. I’ve been there and it was difficult (and painful) to acknowledge what was best vs how I wanted the situation to be. ❤️

    LISA CHAPEK & CINDY HANNA re: posting too soon … it is so easy to do! At some point, one of our sisters mentioned creating our posts in “notes” and then pasting it into the comments.

    TINA – Amen!! ❤️

    JMW – praying for situation, the manager and you

  37. Taylor says:

    “God calls us to trust Him, and that trust grows by spending time in His presence.” SUCH good truth today! When life doesn’t go the way we thought it would or wanted it too, we need to TRUST. Through the Holy Spirit and spending time in God’s Word, He draws us into that posture of trust. Lord, may it be so in my life. Holy Spirit, change me to trust you even in the unknown.

    Lifting up all the prayer requests! Love you all <3

  38. Elaine Morgan says:

    I’m praying for you JMW. Have you tried to pray for your manager? It’s been my experience that when I pray for those who have hurt me I have more peace about it. Share all the things you are feeling with Jesus and ask Him to give you peace. Could it be that He is trying to guide you away from that job?

  39. Tara B says:

    Praying God’s Word from today for you and over you, JMW- I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled- John 14:27

  40. Kristen says:

    @JMM praying for you and your manager. Prayers for all of you today.

  41. Blessed Beth says:

    Todays scriptures and Kimberley’s words so touched my heart. I love that His words are fresh and meaningful every day. I am so humbled and honored to be one of His daughters.

  42. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Open my eyes, Lord, to see the million ways You are with me today.

    AIMEE ROGERS – sorry about your kitty.

    JMW – praying God will strengthen you in the struggle and show you how to be His light in the situation.

  43. Carol Rimmer says:

    May God help you in your situation, JMW

  44. Mary Ann Graves says:


  45. TIna says:

    I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.
    —John 14:27

    Jesus’s life was about the gospel, the miracles, the sermons, the understanding, the sharing of things/ life to come, but I believe His calling was to offer up His life for a world full of blasphemers, traitors and liars.. undeserved.
    He had come to offer His life for ME, the blasphemer, the traitor, the liar, the cheat, the undeserved of such an act of great great LOVE, and yet..

    BUT GOD…

    This is the truth, the absolute truth of jesus’ story. What He came to do… to plead my case. He had come to take my punishment… my place for sins committed..

    That ALL was not lost, that ALL was indeed to be victorious because He had come to buy me/ us forgiveness, freedom… life eternal.

    I have for a long time now, been moved by and in Holy Week, it is a memory of thoughts I have had, memories that have been embedded in my soul… I have tears at the thoughts of what another.. The Son of God would do for the love of me, of us.
    I am reminded in these days to breathe in and fully understand, again, the price that He paid for one such as I..
    As if that wasn’t enough, He tells me to have peace, granted, HIS PEACE, but peace non the less about this Wonderful, amazing, life changing gift of HOPE, bought for me/ us with His blood..
    What can I say..but..

    Thank you Jesus.

    Thank you.

    Thank you.

    Thank you Jesus..


    Blessings dear heart.. prayerful your day is covered in His love and grace ❤

  46. Antoinette Burnett says:


  47. Dana says:

    Praying for you and with you JMW

  48. Tina says:

    JMW, I am sorry for your troubles, praying this verse from above and today’s study..

    I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.
    —John 14:27 will capture your heart and help you to know, absolutely and without question you are not alone.
    God be with you sister. X

  49. JMW says:

    I do not often post comments but I do read yours and pray for your requests. It strengthens me to think that we are a group of women who try to live like Jesus wants us to. Even though sometimes it’s very hard! I have an issue at work right now with my manager which keeps me out of sleep. It’s hard for me to let it go because the things she says and does are not righteous. Can you pray for me so I can let it go and trust Jesus in this situation?
    Thank you ❤️