Jesus Prepares for Ministry

Open Your Bible

Matthew 3:1-17, Matthew 4:1-25, Isaiah 40:1-5, John 1:1-13

Our lives are marked by movements and shifts, the chapter breaks in our story. From graduations and new jobs to marriage and milestone birthdays, a big life change is an event that deserves our attention and preparation. This is why we have rituals to mark those moments when our before becomes an after. Even Jesus, the human incarnation of God, has those turning points in His life.

Chapters 3 and 4 of Matthew tell one of those before-and-after stories. In all the familiarity of this Gospel account, it’s easy to forget that most of what we know about Jesus’s life occurs within three years of traveling, teaching, and healing. While a full three decades of “before” exist, the page turns at His baptism.

Jesus comes to John—the famous wilderness prophet—for baptism in the Jordan River. Of course Jesus doesn’t need to be baptized the way others do. He has no sin to repent of, no unrighteousness to turn from. When John protests and asks why, Jesus says it’s “because this is the way for us to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15). Allowing this holy, imperfect human to cleanse Him in the same river their ancestors crossed centuries before is a statement of humility. Jesus is going first in every act of righteousness that He will call His followers to participate in as well. And in response, “a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased’” (v.17).

After this public commitment and affirmation of belovedness, the very next sentence drops us into a new challenge: “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (Matthew 4:1). It’s helpful for me to step out of my familiarity and personally imagine this scene: Jesus has been fasting for over a month, and by this point He was famished. Before, we saw Him submitting to John’s leadership. Now we see Him facing the temptation to take charge and elevate Himself, whether by meeting His needs for food, testing God’s care for Him, or taking a shortcut to power. I can’t help but wonder what the exhausted, hungry, human part of Jesus thought and felt in those moments. And still, He holds steady, faithful, true. 

Jesus emerges from the wilderness ready to call His first disciples and take decisive steps into His ministry. He takes up John’s mantle, calling the people of God back to repentance, back to the kingdom. He calls for reformation where the leaders have lost their way and speaks for the poor and the outcast—perhaps the very sort of people who would feel drawn to John’s prophetic preaching and baptismal cleansing in the first place. All of those secret, unwritten chapters of his life have been built to the moment written by an earlier prophet: “Every valley will be lifted up, and every mountain and hill will be leveled….And the glory of the LORD will appear, and all humanity together will see it…” (Isaiah 40:4–5).

(67) Comments

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67 thoughts on "Jesus Prepares for Ministry"

  1. Rebecca Madden says:

    The fact that Jesus was baptized by John truly does show his humility. He is so humble and so kind, when everyone was turned against him. I love the way John speaks about Jesus before he arrives. He makes it known that he is not the savior, but is here to spread good word about the one true savior; Jesus Christ.

  2. Kayla Bentley says:

    The thought of just dropping everything and leaving it all behind to follow Jesus is such a freeing thought. Imagining being there to see him preach and perform miracles gives me chills.

  3. Sara Margaret Morris says:

    Great devotion today, loved the before and after concept I had never thought of.

  4. I read this paragraph completely about the comparison of latest and preceding technologies, it’s remarkable article.

  5. Danya says:

    Thank you Madie. I can relate asvi too fell in this state yesterday too. Lord forgive me

    Left ypur eues to the hills from whence comes your help. Your heart comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.

  6. Kiara Hardimon says:


  7. madie varney says:

    Needed to feel his spirit today. Was really low on the ways of new parenthood, working and not being able to give myself and jesus the adequate attention they all need. I was led into temptation today I was bitter, angry and impatient with whoever got in my way. I let the devil control my actions and for that I am repenting.

  8. Morgan Garrett says:

    “Follow me” stands out to me.
    Jesus fully God, fully man, took on sin and was baptized as a way of being made new in Christ. We too can “Follow Him” once we confess our sins, repent and confess we are a sinner and faithfully come to Jesus and ask Him To be our savior can be made new by the waters of baptism.
    Jesus also experienced temptations like we do daily- lust of flesh, eyes, and pride of life. Yet He overcame them by the Word Of God(our sword in the armor of God we have). We too go through the same temptations that Jesus faced. We too should “Follow Him” and when tempted rely on and remember the Word of God to overcome our temptations.
    When we accept Jesus as our Savior and are made new in Christ. We need to “ Follow Him” on sharing the Good News and reaching other people for the Kingdom of God.

  9. Tara B says:


  10. Anna White says:


  11. Karen Breaux says:

  12. Courtney Davenport says:

    “Jesus is going first in every act of righteousness that He will call His followers to participate in as well.”
    There truly is no sin that Jesus can’t forgive, there truly is no trail that we can’t overcome in Jesus strength. He goes before us and will NEVER leave us! Praise be to God!

  13. Melissa Richards says:


  14. Kassady Ledet says:


  15. Dawnelle Priest says:


  16. Carissa Caulum says:


  17. Roxane Richardson says:


  18. Tami C says:

    Amen! What beautiful comments! The lyrics from the song “Lion” by Elevation was taken from the Isaiah scripture. I love when I get to see the connection! I didn’t know it was a bible verse. Good night ladies!!

  19. Claire B says:


  20. Adrienne says:

    P.S. GWINETH52… I’ve read some Kate Bowler. The one you are referring to is one that is on my library list! I took a screenshot of that Psalm and the comment on sleep. Thank you.

  21. Adrienne says:

    Hey, CEE GEE… you’re coming to my house to clean too, right? Heeheehee!

    GWINETH52… not sure what stage of life you are in. I am in menopause and have had pretty good results using a Mixhers product each day, designed for menopausal symptoms… my sleep is so much better, and I started seeing positive results after only about a week(?) I still have issues sometimes, but think it is probably a bit of anxiety or something.

    And, LAURA DIANNE… I am so sorry about the most recent communication from your daughter. One of our many prodigals that we pray for. It is sad that so many of us have them. And, yes, the words you used… accept versus repent… that is spot on!

  22. Mariah Agnes Matakena says:


  23. Teresa Donley says:

    I’m so amazed at how exciting it is to read the words in Matthew, even though I’ve read them many, many times. Each time, something different speaks to my heart. I thought about the faith it took for the disciples to just hear Jesus say, “Follow me.” And they did. Right that minute. Just left what they were doing and followed Jesus. I’ve always liked the song, “I have decided to follow Jesus.” It says, “ Though none go with me, I still will follow.” And it says, “No turning back. No turning back.” I pray that every day, in every circumstance, I choose to follow Jesus.

    I’m moved by the stories of how suicide is impacting and has impacted your lives, your loved ones’ lives, and your communities. My dad committed suicide 36 years ago. At that time, many people wouldn’t even say the word. And as a family, my mom, my sister and I felt the stigma of that time. My mom told me later that if she had it to do again, “No one would have known he committed suicide. I would have told everyone he died from a heart attack.” Even though there was/is a stigma attached to suicide, I’m glad we didn’t hide it. So many people were moved to share their own stories. And we received so much love and good counseling because we were truthful. I’m praying for you and your husband, MERCY. I pray God removes all thoughts of suicide and depression from your husband, and surrounds him with His love, which sends the devil scurrying. TRACI, my heart hurts for you in the loss of your son and the upcoming anniversary. I pray you feel the love of your SRT sisters praying for you, and that you feel the comfort that only God can provide. May you be blessed in the support group you started – you are a blessing to every person who attends. My prayer for all my SRT sisters who are dealing with depression is that God will shine his light into your lives, and begin to lift the veil of depression. I love verses that speak about God’s light. He truly is the light of the world, and shines a great light on a dark world.
    I’ve prayed for each request as I’ve read them.

  24. Gwineth52 says:

    Writer Kate Bowler in her latest book offers “lenten blessing for when you can’t sleep” featuring Psalm 116:7 …
    “Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” (CSB) Amen & Amen

  25. Donna Wolcott says:

    I’m getting a late start today. Great readings and comments.
    Kris and Julia C may I add an Amen!
    Kim and Tina, I also wonder about Jesus the boy, teenager, young man. Tina I can imagine all that you commented. It is beautiful imagery.
    I wonder too about the disciples as they were called, many were married and possibly had children. Such a decision to make and such a depth of faith.
    Prayers for healing of bodies and minds.

  26. Mercy says:

    The humility of our Lord Jesus is just so profound. It is His core, it is His substance that He is so meek and humble. I was wondering, how much humility can we have, is it perhaps on the surface, when getting to the core, pride might pop up. I pray for humility and meekness in my character to be like Him. Our Lord gave honor to John whom came before Him to prepare a way for Him. Giving honor is lacking in our culture, even in some church culture. People forget the ones who helped them in their humble days, who went before them as pioneer to prepare the stage, but our Lord Jesus did not. He is God, Son of Man, Saviour, Lord of all, yet He gave honor where honor is due. What a great example.

    Amen to what KRIS was saying, preparation is an inner ministry. Thank you for your wise observation that preparation might feel unproductive and long. Amen. We need to allow God’s processes to come through us, to do the inner “surgeries” and adjust us to Him, heart intentions, thought patterns, strength, obedience, even our reflexes. It all takes time and we are His product. He will launch us when we are ready, or else it will be hurtful for us to go out pre-maturely.

    “…throw yourself down” -Satan said. This gave me chills, it’s the suicide temptation. Lord have mercy. This happened to the tenant next door, and he did it, this EXACT thing. He was such a gentle person. His car got stuck in the snow one time, and we helped push it out because of the ice underneath the wheels. Who would have thought that was the last time we spoke to him? Lord have mercy on us, the people around us who suffer quietly, and break the suicide temptation for anyone whose Satan targets. Let them be saved.

    Thank you so very much ladies for your prayers and encouragement. I believe we are called for a time like this. United, in hope, in faith, in the power of God’s might, to pray against these evil forces bombarding our families, neighborhood, cities, nations. We come against them in the Name of Jesus to break the chain of suicide, mental illness, depression, addiction, gender confusion. And the Lord is our banner. The Lord is our victory for our families, neighborhoods, communities and nations. No Less! God is able when we invite Him in to fight our battles.

    He who is in us, is stronger than he who is in the world. The prayers of the righteous person always prevails much. And this is the confidence we have towards Him, that when we pray according to His will, He hears us. And to those who believe, all things are possible. All things are possible. And in this, we have confidence.

    Indeed, this is what the LORD says: “Even the captives of the mighty will be taken away, and the plunder of the tyrant will be retrieved; I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children”- Isaiah 49:25.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  27. Gwineth52 says:

    Good Day Shes. Plenty prompts by the devotional & community conversation into deeper internal dialogue … remembering He Spent three decades before unveiling His mission. He though perfect passed through the same baptismal waters as sinners. He was driven by the Spirit itself into 40 days of testing. He refuted Satan with scripture. He chose & called His disciples. Like Sister She, Kris, implored: Follow His example. Sit with Christ in His humanity & our own humility. Listen. Learn. Study. Prepare. Pray to enter deeply into personal healing through relationship with Him. In time, unending, alone. Forgive me Lord when I jump first into “doing” without first “knowing”, or sometimes without even “thinking”. And as another She wrote, constantly lean on Jesus, for He “holds steady, faithful, true. So help us God.
    PS: Trying a new bedtime regimen. Taking a sleep aid as prescribed by physician. Reciting Bible verses & seeking out psalms. Shaking off the devil who steals. With every tool God in His mercy provides.

  28. Kimberly Z says:

    @MERCY – praying for your husband! As you know after my dad’s accident suicide is so real and so scary. Praying for anybody who feels like their life is not worth something. After my dad’s accident it was hard to find a way to make an impact on peoples lives so they wouldn’t think of doing something like that. I hope my prayers for people make a difference. @MIA FAITH – I am astounded by your strength to be able to help others after such a hard thing you went through. I pray I can find a way to help people like you have through it based off my personal experiences with suicide. Praying for you all today!

  29. Cee Gee says:

    SEARCHING – my dear sister, I meant to tag you in my first comment! Re: OBEDIENCE!
    I was doing housework and realized I had not done that. ❤


    JACI ROBINSON Welcome to comments! ❤

    Ok, I am officially done now; back to housework! I can’t whistle while I work, so I’ll be thinking of y’all as I work and pondering this great lesson!

  30. Kris says:

    If any of you are interested in learning about the power in fasting, I recommend Jentezen Franklin’s book, “Fasting”. It’s an easy ready, short, small book, but the POWER is unbelievable. I’ve not read anything like it before on fasting. It makes you WANT to fast. A friend of mine read it, and we’ve been passing it around our church. Its changing people’s view on fasting.

  31. Traci Gendron says:

    CEE GEE – Yesterday you posted “There Was Jesus”. That song helped me walk through the last couple of years of my son’s life. We played it at his service. It is so beautiful.

  32. Traci Gendron says:

    KRIS – thank you for your words on preparation.

    LAURA DIANNE – That had to hurt. I’m sorry. You are strong and I see your faith in the situation with your daughter.

    ERB – God first! Thank you for wording it this way.

    JULIE C – I enjoy your comments!

  33. Michelle Patire says:

    Cee Gee ❤️❤️❤️

  34. Michelle Patire says:

    Christ be our light ❤️

    Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts
    Shine through the darkness
    Christ, be our light!
    Shine in your church gathered today…

    My mom regularly played this song at church growing up. I’m sure she still plays it at the church she is at, today. It is very common. Thought of it, as we continue to intercede for @Mercy’s husband and those struggling with suicide and the heartbreak of it (@Mia Faith & her group). ❤️

    God bless each She. Grant us the mercy and grace to do Your will God, above our own, as we see in these chapters. Help us rely on Your Word when we are weak and tempted. Thank you for Your grace, Jesus. Amen.

  35. Jaci Robinson says:

    Hi everybody I’ve been reading along with the books for a year now but never posted on here. I love reading your posts!! And feeling Gods presence!

    In todays reading in chapter 4:13, when it says how Jesus left Nazareth made me think of how a human, it is hard for us to leave our homes and settle some where else. I wonder how Jesus’ humanity felt away from what he knew in Nazareth as He was stepping into His new ministry that would eventually lead to His death. This is so humbling to know how Jesus felt everything that we feel today!

    Hope you all have a great day!

  36. Traci Gendron says:

    When I really need to eat, it is not pretty. I become hangry. Desperate to get to some food. I don’t think I could have held out. But God I want to be faithful. And then I think of all that I experienced with my son’s illness and realize I’m stronger, with and because of God, then I realize.

    It’s amazing the faithfulness that John had as a witness about the light that was coming into our world. And yet, scary part, the world did not recognize him. I see so many not recognizing Him now. Wanting to do as they wish. Not realizing the emptiness in that. It makes me think of the lack of discipline we see in parenting. Children thrive with boundaries just as we thrive when we accept God’s boundaries. His lessons. His teachings.

    Prepare the way of the Lord. Make a straight pathway. We will be lifted up and the ground will become smooth. AND the glory of the Lord will appear, and all humanity will see it, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

  37. Cee Gee says:

    KRIS, sounds like we were on the same page!

    Speaking of that, I just live how JEN YOKEL used that analogy!❤

  38. Cee Gee says:

    5 And the glory of the Lord will appear,
    and all humanity together will see it,
    for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

    Today, the phrase that stood out to me is – the GLORY of the LORD! So.. I did a phrase search on Biblegateway. Very enlightening!

    Our title today is “Jesus Prepares for Ministry. How do we prepare for ministry? (Thank you, Julia C, for your contribution there!) If we follow Jesus example as He intended, we will be obedient, we will declare our belief in Him ad Savior of the world, we will walk with Him moment by moment, we will hide His Word in our hearts (the sword if the Spirit), and we will continue following His example until our last breath. How appropriate that the verse of the day in Bible gateway is:

    “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”.
    We are commanded to prepare our loved ones’ hearts for ministry by our example just as Jesus led us by His example. That’s a big charge. Have I been faithful in that area of my life?!

    MERCY – I recently learned of another suicide. I have linked my heart and prayers to yours. Love, love, love the prayer MICHELLE PATIRE posted in this! ❤

    Joining also in prayer for college kids, HS kids, and including middle school and down to K-4! We see by SARAH D”S comments that even at that age, they are vulnerable to rebellion! ❤

  39. Kris says:

    I’m pondering “preparation” this morning. I’m not that good at it. I like to just jump right into something. I recently made a new recipe. I did not read all the instructions, and ended up adding something to something that wasn’t supposed to be done that way. IF I had read thru the instructions before I started, I would have read that part and done it correctly. If I had properly prepared, I would have known what I needed to know before I started. I realize this is a small thing compared to Jesus preparing for ministry, but if HE had to prepare, shouldn’t we? Moses spend 40 years in the wilderness preparing for his ministry. Paul spent 3 years studying the Word before he started his ministry. We sometimes want so bad to be in ministry, but Jesus just wants us to sit at His feet and learn, study, prepare. I was teaching a bible study at a recovery home for women, and after a few months I realized I wasn’t as prepared as I thought. I had run out of material, I hadn’t spend the time preparing. God then put me in a “wilderness” experience, where I spent a lot of time alone with Him, just reading, studying, letting God change my heart, letting Him heal me in places I didn’t know needed healing, building my relationship with HIM. We should never feel bad about the preparation period. It can be lonely, it can seem unproductive. But when it’s over and God leads you to your place of ministry, you will see the fruit of the work you put in. Be blessed as you walk through your preparation time, be encouraged to know you are doing the right thing.

  40. Laura Dianne says:

    So many good things to ponder. I think I am going to love this study more than others because I just need to think more about Jesus. what a gift we have been given. Other religions believe in “God” but they don’t have Jesus. They may believe Jesus was a great teacher, a good prophet. They know “stories” about Jesus, they but stop short of believing He is God’s Son. Why? I think it is all about repentance, isn’t it. That word really stuck out to me today. Jesus had nothing to repent, yet He still modeled humility. Jesus called others to repent. We are nothing without repenting our sin, humbling ourselves and turning to Jesus. The world today doesn’t like the word repent. Instead it pushes the word “accept.” Those two words, in certain context, are opposite in some ways, aren’t they? If we repent, we turn away from sin, but if we accept, we turn towards our sin.

    This verse in Isaiah spoke to my heart today: “Every valley will be lifted up,
    and every mountain and hill will be leveled; the uneven ground will become smooth
    and the rough places, a plain. And the glory of the Lord will appear, and all humanity together will see it, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

    We recently received what seems to be a very final message from our estranged daughter that basically said she never wants to reconcile with us, never. That we have hurt her so deeply that she can never be around us. We had a glimmer of hope because we found out that she had broken it off with her partner and she had reached out to grandparents, so we had hope. But then this message from her after I reached out to see if we could get together and reconcile. Her message rocked me, but it didn’t break me. I cling to Jesus, knowing that He is still working. And He can lift up this valley, He can level this mountain, He can make uneven ground smooth. And when He does, humanity will see that it was the Lord who did this. When our daughter comes back, someday (may it be in my lifetime, Lord), it will be a witness to everyone who knows our story, who will hear her story, who has been praying for her. And the Lord will be glorified!

  41. Cheryl Blow says:

    I love how this speaks of Jesus being the light of the world! This is what our lesson for the 2-3’s has been and how Jesus wants us to be a light in this world! This week’s lesson is about how we don’t have to be afraid of storms because Jesus is our light in the storms! I love how God uses the children’s lessons to remind me that God is with me in the storms of life.

  42. Mia Faith says:

    The podcast was so good!!
    MERCY, the suicide/mental health crisis is overwhelming. As some may know, my son died by suicide almost 10 years ago (April 1 will be 10 years). Since that time, I began a bereavement group in my area for families who have lost a loved one to suicide. We have families who have lost someone from age 11 to mid- 70s.
    I have several family members who are struggling right now.

    Joining you in prayer for this crisis.

    Btw- Christians do die by suicide. This is happening in ALL walks of life.

  43. Mari V says:

    Also today is our teacher’s birthday. I’m not the greatest planner, but I feel the children and I planned something cute for her. Please pray she feels special as she hasn’t been feeling well and missed yesterday, but will be there today! I didn’t make it a big deal with the children as I didn’t want them to blow the surprise. Its going to be SO cute!

  44. Mari V says:

    I am a child of God! WE are children of God (John 1:12) THANK YOU JESUS! Love you sweet She’s! Happy Tuesday to you all!

  45. Tricia C says:

    TINA ha ha. I had to laugh at what you said about your grandchildren today. We take care of two of our grandchildren most every weekend and I often hear that from them. Lol.

  46. Tricia C says:

    KRIS thank you for sharing that yesterday. What a beautiful story of God’s redemption.

    ERB I am sorry I was unable to attend at the time of the communion. I am a virtual ICU nurse and was at work at the time and got a little bit busy. I am hoping I will be able to join in the next one. Thank you for doing that.

    MERCY I am joining you in prayer. We just had a 32-year-old man from our church commit suicide a few weeks ago. He had such a broken family. My heart just aches. I pray that the Lord would give us eyes and hearts to see those who are hurting and help us and allow us to share the wonderfulness of Jesus. It certainly doesn’t take all the pain away that people are going through but it can give hope for the wonderful things to come. 

  47. Rhonda J. says:

    Gm She’s
    Good scripture and devotions today, and comments!
    I have to run and get ready for pain group this morning after waking up a little late! I am leading and always a little nervous still. The book we are reading is Be Patient. I can’t remember the author at the moment, but it is based on Job and reading through it! So, that makes it a harder challenge to lead when we are discussing such an important, lots of opinions, book!!

  48. Carol Jones says:

    Where do I find the podcast. Carol

    1. Tricia C says:

      CAROL there are a couple different places. If you go to the website and the reading for Matthew, you should see the podcast there to click on. Also, if you do use iPhone and go to your podcast app, you can search for it. Just put in she reads truth. I am not sure what it would be for android. I hope that helps. Blessings to you! ❤️

  49. Tricia C says:

    ERB thank you for sharing that quote.
    I think it’s amazing how the disciples didn’t even have a second thought about following Jesus. They just left everything and followed him. They had no idea what they were in store for. I imagine they really didn’t know much of anything about Jesus and all of a sudden they were prompted to Follow him. That has to take such great faith. I pray that I can be so faithful to follow Jesus through whatever comes along. 
    Have a wonderful day Sisters. 

  50. Terri Young says:

    In listening to wk 1 podcast and reading the scripture, I am so moved that in before Jesus preached a single word and discipled the disciples, he was left hungry, weak and temped. During this time people, his own family, were calling his crazy and fake. It both convicts my heart and brings peace knowing that is exactly where Christ finds us. Hungry, weak and right in the middle of temptation or sin. It convicts my heart knowing how I have.failed that test so many times, yet, Jesus knows exactly how it.feels..What an example to follow.

  51. Kim Compton says:

    It always makes me wonder what Jesus did do his first 30 years. Are any of his wood carvings still around

  52. ERB says:

    Mathew 4:3-10
    *love Jesus’ responses!! Even in His weakened condition He responded and reacted out of KNOWING God and submitting to Him alone!! He pushed His flesh aside and allowed the Spirit to come forth!! In other words, it was God first, NOT Him or His immediate was trust and obedience, and dependence on God alone!! Wow!! Much more going on underneath the surface of these words… so very DEEP!! Lord, help me to put You first in ALL things and areas of my life!! Your kingdom come, Your will be done!! Amen.

    Isaiah 40:3-5
    *God is SO good to give us glimpses and confirmations of what He is to do and what He has done!! They become markers and constant reminders for us!! ..These verses here brought to mind this quote:
    “I love the Bible so much, in part, because God is the same on page one as He is in the closing phrases of Revelation. And if He was the same in the garden of Eden as He was on the cross and all the moments in between, then I have every reason to believe that He remains the same even today. No matter what we face in our  lives—or corporately as the bride of Christ in the present world—we must cling to the promise of God’s presence today as urgently as our predecessors did, for He has not changed one single bit.” -Alex Florez
    So encouraging, comforting, convicting and exhorting!!

    John 1:1-5
    *LOVE these verses!!! They take us back to the beginning… and tell us who God is!!! He is Life and Light!! There is nothing that lives without Him, and there is nothing that He cannot overcome!! Just letting that sink in…DEEP!!! Wow!! SO Grateful!!!

  53. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I can’t imagine how tired, hungry – exhausted Jesus was when Satan came at Him. It stays right within the character of the evil one. That’s when he comes to try and do his damage to us, when when we are tired and weak, he especially loves to “kick us” while we’re down. That’s why it is so, so important for us as believers to put on the amour of God each day. It is what gives us strength and protects us from Satan. Jesus used the word of God to battle Satan – the word is the sword of the Spirit! (Ephesians 6:17) side note: interestingly enough – Satan also used the word, but out of context.

    This is a good reminder for me to be in the Word each day, and to memorize scripture in order to use it as a sword against the evil one.

    @Kelly Neo – I also understood the “us” in vs 15 to be Jesus and John.
    @Tina – I copied to my notes what you said…”He considered all this in preparation for our much needed saving.. Jesus lived, but quietly until the time came for Him to seen, known and to bring the good news of salvation by his grace..” Everything Jesus did was in God’s perfect timing! Thank you for your insights today.

    Have a blessed Tuesday dear sisters!

  54. Lindsey Osterhaven says:

    Love this so much!

  55. ERB says:

    KELLY (NEO) great questions!! Multifaceted comes to mind… There is SO much depth to everything God says and does!! It would be interesting to pray about this and see what the Spirit reveals…

  56. Adrienne says:

    Matthew 4:16… “The people who live in darkness have seen a great light,” I pray our world will see this light. Let it be evident in all of our lives, sweet sisters. Jesus’ early years led up to the culmination at Easter, of this light that saves us. Let it save those that are living in darkness too. Amen!

  57. Searching says:

    TINA ❤️ we are at that age where the kids think we’ve always been :)
    I too have often wondered about the silent years of Jesus growing up – and yes, surely He did all the “normal” things until His ministry began.

  58. Searching says:

    Obedience got my attention again today.
    John the Baptist’s obedience in baptizing Jesus. And I’m in awe every time I read these words –
    Mt 3:17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
    Jesus’ obedience in resisting temptation, countering each “offer” with Scripture. The evil one is still targeting vulnerable areas for humans and twisting God’s words into what he hopes are traps. Lord, I struggle with memorization along with some of my sisters here. May Your words come to mind when I am tempted, strengthening me to turn toward You.
    The obedience of the disciples when called. This gets me every time. Stopping in the middle of work, walking away from family and leaving them to do the job – such a powerful call to them by Christ.

    Our prayers today echo Christ’s words in Mt 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Praying for the prodigals, sisters.

    MARIA BAER – joining you in praying for college-age women (and men) in today’s world, including high school as KRISTIN S mentioned. These young people are constantly bombarded with the craziness and ungodliness that is so prevalent in our world- praying each of them will confidently cling to the Lord.
    KRIS – thank you for such a moving testimony ❤️
    MERCY – such heartbreak around your family and town. Continuing to pray for your husband and your family, and for his coworker and family, and the family of your neighbor in their grief – that the light of God’s love reaches them in the darkness. ❤️
    CEE GEE – such a good song, may we keep that in our minds – there is always Jesus. ❤️

    KELLY (NEO) ❤️ I think satan had to have recognized Jesus, yet in his arrogance thought he could thwart God’s eternal plan – and he continues to work frantically against us in our faith.
    On the “us” you highlighted, Jesus and John is who I thought of when reading it.

  59. Karen Elizabeth says:

    The longest I’ve ever fasted is about 26 hours. I keep thinking I would like to do a 48 hour fast during Lent, but it feels too overwhelming (not to mention the logistics with a family to feed…do I just sit and watch them eat? That seems weird, but maybe I’m just making excuses). 40 days?!?! I cannot even image. The physical and mental weakness must have been crushing. But Jesus remained perfect, sinless, wholeheartedly faithful on God. He did not give in to sin, he did not give in to temptation. It brings to light my own human weakness and sin. Thank you, Jesus, for defeating temptation and sin, remaining the perfect lamb of God to take away my sin and failure.

  60. Aimee D-R says:

    Your kingdom come , Your will be done Lord Jesus!

  61. Tina says:

    My grandchildren laughed at my knowing the words to a song from back in the day, now rejigged with a different beat and vibe.. ” How do you know the words to this song?” They asked. I told them it was a song from my teenage years, and oh how I loved it back then. They said. “No nana, this is new, the person singing is young, you can’t have heard it before..” The more I tried to tell them, its an old song, the more their comments and responses were almost ageist. I could hear in their words ” you were never young, surely?” “Really ” The best one to my face was.. ” but you’re old!”
    My response was, “..and your point is”

    I clearly arrived on this earth old!

    I think, as JEN said, Jesus had three decades being ‘anonymous’ though sinless, working with Joseph as a carpenter. I imagine he would have laughed at knock knock jokes, learned to cook, helping mama Mary make the morning bread and told ‘stories’ to pass the days.. I had never thought of or about this before..
    Jesus’ story jumps from birth to baptism, to wilderness temptations, and witnessing..

    BUT GOD..

    He considered all this in preparation for our much needed saving.. Jesus lived, but quietly until the time came for Him to seen, known and to bring the good news of salvation by his grace..
    Praise God from whom every last detail is thought through, and through whom all things, good, bad, ugly, are worked for good, through the gift of jesus. Thank you Lord God, Thank you for your gift of Jesus..

    BUT GOD..



  62. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Mt 3:15 “this is the way for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Who is “us”? Jesus and John? The Trinity? Those who come after Him in baptism?

    I wonder whether Satan recognized God the Son from the time he was in heaven. Did he think he was powerful enough to disrupt the unity of the Godhead?

    Have a double blessed day, Shes

  63. Ali Sherrow says:

    The reading today is SO good. I often forget just how “weak” Jesus probably felt when He was tempted by satan. Such a good reminder for when I am. So grateful.

  64. Julia C says:

    “Jesus is going first in every act of righteousness that He will call His followers to participate in as well.” Thank you, JEN YOKEL.

    Dear Father,

    Your Kingdom has come. Your beloved Son, righteous and humble, has come.

    What else can we do in response than turning to You?

    May we follow His example, by preparing our hearts for You.

    May we follow His example, by remembering Your presence when we are tested.

    May we follow His example, by saying “It is written” when we are deceived by lies.

    And when we don’t have the strength to do so, may we lean on Jesus, knowing that “He holds steady, faithful and true”.


    1. Julie Ganucheau says:


  65. Mary Ann Graves says:
