Jesus Is the Son of God

Open Your Bible

Matthew 13:53-58, Matthew 14:1-36, Isaiah 41:10, 1 John 5:1-6

“Have courage! It is I.”

When we read these words in Matthew 14:27, from the viewpoint of our modern context, it’s easy to miss their significance. It’s easy to dismiss them as a much needed encouragement, and little more. The disciples, after all, were frightened. They were stranded in a boat, far from shore, their vessel “battered by the waves.” Jesus went out to them, walking across the water, which only terrified them more (vv.24–25).

To calm their anxieties, Jesus said, “It is I,” clarifying who He is. And immediately, Peter recognized his teacher. The climax of the story would seem to come later, when Peter joined Jesus in the waves. But the truth is, this verse is a bombshell. Jesus is making a statement of cosmic proportions.

In a few short words, Jesus was not merely identifying Himself, not in the usual way. This statement is not like announcing yourself at your parents’ back door: “It’s me! Just popping by!” Jesus was not just identifying Himself as the man they know and love. Instead Jesus is making a monumental claim, one that Matthew’s Jewish listeners certainly would have noticed. He is identifying Himself as God.

“It is I”—translated from the Greek words ego eimi—is a reference to an Old Testament story. About 1,500 years earlier, God identified Himself to Moses in a similar way (Exodus 3:14). In other words, Jesus wasn’t simply identifying Himself in the midst of the storm; He was identifying His place in human history. Jesus is no ordinary “good person” who loves God and happens to know a lot about Scripture. Jesus is God Himself, the God who identified Himself to Moses and who has always been with His people. He is the God who is more than able to command the threatening waves below Him.
It’s an audacious claim, blasphemous even, had it not been true. And it’s a claim that continues to assert its power today, promising that Jesus is with us and reigns in authority over it all. Jesus is not just another prophet. He is not just another priest. He is not just another rescuer. He is not just another king.

He is the intimate presence and the almighty authority of God.

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44 thoughts on "Jesus Is the Son of God"

  1. Donna Wolcott says:

    Dear sisters, may we also remember, “it is I, during our joys and thank Him for these times in our lives. He is very much present in our celebrations! Prayers for your needs this Monday.

  2. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Lord, save me!” Peter was doubtful and afraid. He was so confident at first, what happened? He took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on what was happening all around him…how often to I do that? We can not take our eyes off of Jesus for one second, if we do, we start to sink. There is much going on in this world – all around us – if we keep our eyes on that, we will crumble – we will doubt and fear. BUT GOD has prepared a better solution, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. When we do, we have nothing to fear – He never leaves us or forsakes us!

    @Taylor – welcome back! Praying that you will overcome your anxiety and that God will give you wisdom in your situation.

    Have a blessed Monday sisters, and keep on looking up!

  3. Karen Breaux says:

  4. Michelle Patire says:

    @Searching, the part about the people be offended at Jesus also spoke to me. I thought I could easily be one of them. Imagine growing up with someone your whole life, but they are worlds smarter, kinder, wiser, and “greater” in many ways than you… You look at yourself and you see your “lack” and feel insecure.
    I could imagine myself doing that because I do that with my own circle! They needed God’s healing in their insecurities. Lord, heal me in those places and forgive me for my offense and judgement.

    Thank you all for the prayers over the weekend. I was really struggling mentally, so I appreciated them! I took some time off serving at church yesterday for some space to rest and process with the Lord. Still continuing to train at this new job. It is not super hard to learn with my hospitality and cafe background :) praying to make a difference for the Lord there, as long as I’m needed.

    @Taylor – may God give you the wisdom you need for these conversations. May you trust Him to work all things together for good. May you find God’s love in these places of hardship. He goes with you and gives you what you need – peace, words, wisdom, the mind of Christ. Praying you be still and know He is God over your situation. ❤️

    @Danielle B- thank you for your prayers. After reading your posts over the weekend, I want to pray for you! Praying God be near to you and your family. I pray you don’t lose hope in each situation. I pray you continue seeking Him for all things. I pray you see His goodness with your family situations, your car, and any other distress in your life. Thankful you are here with us. God loves you, Danielle!! ❤️

    @Molly R- relate a bit to your nightmare thing. May God give us wisdom and grace to know how to respond well when they occur. May we have the wisdom to know He is there fighting for us and that the enemy is overcome. ❤️

    @Mia Faith ❤️ God’s covering over your heart and your family, right now.

    @Mercy – thinking of you and your husband. God’s wisdom and strength to you. May you continue to love each other to the best of your ability. ❤️ God’s grace grace to you.

    God bless each one of you ❤️ Happy Monday!

  5. Cheryl Blow says:

    I had never realized that when Jesus said it is I that He was declaring the same thing God had told Moses. What a wonderful insight. He is the s as me yesterday, today, and forever! We have the same Jesus with us as Moses, and the disciples, and every believer since!

    ”Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.“
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  6. Searching says:

    A few things got my attention this morning –
    From Matthew 13:55 & 56 Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? …. Where then did this man get all of these things?
    Then vs 57 – And they took offense at Him.
    Taking offense at someone sharing knowledge with me – that is not my typical response (unless they were totally obnoxious about it – I’m convinced that Jesus was not). So that leads me to believe He stepped on their toes with what He was teaching- so they lashed out rather than taking a good hard look at themselves.

    Feeding the 5000 men, plus women and children … so that’s what, maybe 8-10000 at least? And then 12 basketfuls left over – Abundance is the word that comes to mind.

    And Peter sinking is a good reminder to keep my focus on Jesus.

    TAYLOR – praying for relief from anxiety and wisdom in seeking God’s will
    CEE GEE ❤️ praying for your day!

  7. Cindy Hanna says:

    Last night as I lay my head down to sleep I prayed for insight and a heart to do the work I knew I would be doing the next day. This morning I woke to read “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God… God is so good! God is so good at being God!
    KELLY (NEO) They recognized him, yet did not believe. In Nazareth and on the sea. I didn’t catch that until you pointed it out.
    JULIA C. Thank you for such a beautiful moving prayer.❤️
    MIA FAITH. You are never far from my thoughts and prayers. Continuing to lift you up to God in heartfelt prayers.

  8. Deanna Rasch says:

    @TAYLOR – You’ve been missed, glad that you’re here! Prayers for calm and peace as you deal with anxiety.