Jesus Is Our Returning Savior

Open Your Bible

1 Corinthians 15:35-58, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Corrie Ten Boom’s memoir The Hiding Place chronicles the Nazi occupation of Holland during WWII. Under constant watch, Corrie and her family decided to form an underground network of resistance, hiding Jewish men, women, and children in homes across Holland, including their own. They knew the day would come when the Nazis would learn the truth—and soon that day came. For their crimes against Germany, Corrie and Betsey were both sent to Ravensbruck Concentration camp, where their bodies deteriorated under the weight of overwork, malnutrition, and disease.

If that were the end of the story, it would be a tragedy. But day after day, in the flea-ridden dormitory that the guards would not enter for fear of being infested themselves, Corrie and Betsey read the Bible aloud for all the imprisoned women of Bunk 28. Holding daily services, they learned that the Word of God speaks boldly, even in—perhaps especially in—the darkest circumstances. And while their health faltered, their hearts grew more convinced that they would be together with God when the ordeal was over, whether through death or through survival.

Our temporary bodies hold eternal souls. My body is susceptible to illness, breakdown, injury, paralysis, and even death. But my soul is eternal. My body might stop working all together; organs might fail, and my womb may never function as it was designed to function. That is okay with me. Because my body is not me. It is a temporary home for God to do His work in the world. Even if that work is in a place I do not recognize. Even if that work is in a concentration camp.

Death—real death—is not physical. Spiritual death is eternal separation from God, and that kind of death has been swallowed up forever, because our Lord Jesus Christ took the penalty for our sin as He hung on the cross. Now, “Death has been swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54). So while our bodies might deteriorate, our souls will grow closer to our Creator. And one day, when Christ returns with a shout (1 Thessalonians 4:16), we will be raised to be like Him, bearing the image of heaven. “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye… we will be changed” (1 Corinthians 15:50–52).

I pray that no one will ever experience anything as cruel and inhumane as a Nazi concentration camp. But all of us will at some point experience the impact of disease, death, and disappointment on this side of eternity. Those earthly losses are deep, and our heavenly Father grieves them with us. Yet in that grief, He invites us to shift our gaze to Him, to trust that He has plans that far exceed what we can see in this world, beyond the physical realm.

When my time comes to shed this shell, I pray that God will give me the courage to believe the truth; I lose nothing when I lose a human body, because I gain everything in Him. For the believer, Christ’s resurrection has secured eternity with Him. One day soon, He will return for us, and we will always be with Him, forevermore (1 Thessalonians 4:17). “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

(32) Comments

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32 thoughts on "Jesus Is Our Returning Savior"

  1. Sara Afghanipour says:

    What a wonderful devotion. I truly feel and sense that one day when my body no longer exists, I will be in the arms of my Heavenly Father. I cannot wait. And I do not fear death because it only brings joy and peace to know I will be with my father

  2. Jovita Setiawan says:

    This is so good, so eye and mind opening. A life changer. Thank you

  3. Ana Love says:

    I always need the reminder that in grief it’s important to shift our view to focus on the lord. I had never head the story of the women in concentration camp but for me it’s so convicting to know that in those circumstances they sought the Lord rather that complaining about where they were at!

  4. Roz Ann says:

    Lost my grandmother on Monday, I was told yesterday. Needed this today. Thankyou ❤️.

  5. Leslie Godwin says:

    I only just found this app today, although have been reading my She Reads Truth Bible for a while now.
    I didn’t even know I needed this devotion today, but God did. This was beautiful.

  6. Steph C says:

    Death is not the end. It is not something to be dreaded. It has no power over us. As our eyes close in physical death they open to everlasting joy in the presence of our God and Savior. ❤️

    1. Kelli Paskey says:

      Beautifully said, Steph!!

  7. Michelle Sexton says:

    I really needed to read this today. I’ve been struggling with bronchitis and sinus infection for 2 months now. I’ve felt discouraged the last couple of days. This is exactly what I needed today. ❤️

  8. Virginia says:

    I was listening to an interview with N.T. Wright the other day. I think he explained it well. When someone we know and love is sick, we often describe them as “a shadow of their former selves.” But in Christ, we are currently a shadow of our future selves. The best is yet to come! We will be raised immortal and incorruptible with Christ when he returns.

    1. Lisa S says:

      “In Christ, I am a shadow of my future self.” Yes, this.

  9. Laurie Smith says:

    Thank you. This gives me hope and helps me to focus on God and the bigger picture.

  10. Beth Meagher says:

    In my 3rd year of remission from lymphoma and living this. I have had more illnesses in the past 2 years than in the first 50, COMBINED, due to immunosuppression. God is close-Abba- but struggling mentally and emotionally with my usually strong self now broken down. I feel the lessons are here, being learned, but will only see one day in hindsight. If you are struggling, you are not alone. We are sisters in suffering, but overcoming daughters of the King. Praying we all feel his breath today…

    1. Caitlin C says:

      Praying for your strength and healing. ❤️

  11. Martha says:


  12. Pam Karlberg says:

    I am in a season of watching my elderly Mom’s earthly body deteriorate, despite all our efforts to keep her strong. Yesterday it just hit me again, and there were some tears. Yet I am reminded today that she has a glorious future with the Lord, with a new body. She still has her mind and will enjoy hearing this lesson today. There is great hope in Christ. Thanks be to God!

  13. Mari V says:

    When my kids and I first moved into my moms home after a 20+ marriage. I cried and pleaded with God, “please take us HOME now”. It was such a painful time. Such a very scary time. I still long for that day when we were all meet Our JESUS face-to-face. BUT GOD (as Tina always says). It’s through this time that I have become stronger. I don’t believe I’d be this strong if it weren’t for that experience and when I’m still continue to go through. And it’s all been for God’s glory. And it’s comforting to know that it’s temporary. One day we will all be with Jesus, forever!

  14. Pam Green says:

    Seeing the words “I am not my body” really got my attention, even though I know this truth. Small wonder, when I consider all the time I spend focused on my body!

    1. Ashley P. says:

      Yes! That made me stop and ponder also.

  15. Kim says:

    What a wonderful reminder that gives us an eternal perspective and a heavenly filter for this life! Thank you!

  16. Carrie W says:

    I’ve often struggled with how to teach my small kids that “The wages of sin is death,” for fear that in their cocky little man heads they’ll say, “Hmph. I sin all the time, and I’m still alive. Mom is an idiot.” But today’s scripture reading got me thinking about all death as an unnatural separation of something meant to be joined. In our most common usage, it is a separation of the physical body from the spirit. But there are other separations — even in the most minor infractions, there is a relational rift. Trust is broken, hearts get far. Think of the Fall — humans are not only separated from God but the creation, each other, themselves…

    Praise God for the hope that he will reconcile and reunite! Even after death, it’s not that we are finally free of our physical bodies forever (like the gnostic heresy), but that they are restored, rejoined and remade! I really liked the way the He Reads Truth author pointed that out today too.

  17. Debbie Hogan says:

    Beautiful scripture reading today with a beautiful devotion to follow. Thank you Claire for these encouraging words of faith today.

  18. Monica Davis says:

    Waiting for the Lords Day,

  19. Aimee D says:

    Shedding this Earthly shell for His Devine design. What powerful perspective.

  20. Allison says:

    I love The Hiding Place! I’ve read it over and over again. What a beautiful story! And what a great reading today! May is a month that cause me to think of death more often than most, it’s when my mother does when I was a little girl, my dad’s birthday is this month, and he’s been gone 15 years. But, that isn’t real death! How wonderful! The power of the Easter of a couple weeks ago going strong!

  21. Angie says:

    “Because my body is not me. It is a temporary home for God to do His work in the world. “- Love how that is worded, thank you – easy to carry in my heart.

    Thank you also for the reminder that
    at it’s best, everything here is dust, worthless
    compared to what we will be provided in the eternal.
    God makes each star uniquely gorgeous
    Individual splendor given by God-for God, will be ours in heaven.

    Living in hope now,
    Looking forward to eternity
    with our LORD.

    Thank you Jesus

    1. Summer Chavez says:

      Yes that line resonated with me as well!

  22. Shawn Parks says:

    Look down into God’s Word for instruction, strength, and wisdom.
    Look around to the work that He has called me to on earth.
    Look up to heaven to await His return and I am taken to my forever home far from sin and pain.
    Open my eyes, Lord, that I may see!

  23. Churchmouse says:

    Aging is not easy. Yet it also brings me closer to the day I will see Jesus face to face. That makes the difficulties tolerable. I can’t imagine life without Him. That would not be life at all. Praise God that Jesus defeated death and heaven is our forever home.

  24. Janice says:

    What a wonderful devotion today, thank you.

  25. Kristen Marino says:

    I love how Claire explains this. Death -real death- is not physical. Real death is spiritual. It’s eternal separation from God, and that kind of death has been swallowed up forever, as our Lord Jesus hung on the Cross, He paid the penalty for our sins. “Now death has been swallowed up in victory”. I didn’t think of real death being a separation from God, but now that clicks. I once heard or read that we have no idea how awful that would really be. Even the unbelievers on this earth still are in a world where there is a Sovereign God. Evil may seem to loom large, but we have no idea all the things He stops and protects us from. He is still in control, protecting, providing, and reigning. I’m so thankful that God had a plan to rescue us. Jesus made the only way for me to get to be with Him forever. I’ve been through so many hard things, and God has been with me and helped me. However, as Claire also said above, For the believer Christ’s resurrection has secured eternity with Him!

    1. Ashley P. says:


  26. Dana says:

    Needed this today. Thank you ❤️