Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath

Open Your Bible

Matthew 12:1-50, Genesis 2:3, Acts 2:32-36

I sit up a little taller when my favorite hero enters the scene on the movie screen. I smirk knowingly when I see his confident stride. Why? Because I know the secret that the villains will soon discover: he means business. I might as well be the one in distress because I feel like he’s come on the scene with the sole purpose of saving me.

Eventually, I always come back to reality. I realize it’s a movie, my overactive imagination has run away again, and real life is actually better. That’s right. I said it: real life is better. Unlike the fictional stories we see play out on the big screen, we have a real Savior who risked everything for our safety.

Sisters, we are the ones in distress our Lord has arrived to deliver. His strength delivers us from the demands on our schedules, lies of deceit that make us determined to work harder, and the disbelief that He is enough.

And so much more. For some, identifying ourselves as those needing someone to save us on a day-to-day basis is frustrating. However, there is freedom in the fact that we don’t always have to be the strong ones. Our obsession with strength is the result of the fallen world we live in, and the Lord of the Sabbath has come to set us free. 

God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, resting from all His work (Genesis 2:3). He did not do it because He needed the rest. He gave us rest as a rhythm for recognizing our need. He is and always has been Lord of the Sabbath, inviting us to draw near to Him and submit to His strength and provision.

Although we usually focus on the Lord’s humility, today’s Scripture reading encourages us to observe the characteristics we often ignore. These scriptures reveal that our Lord is determined to restore all He once called good. 

Thankfully, He continues to do the same today, all with the intention of showing all with the intention of showing us His true and better way. Today, we invite the Lord of the Sabbath to set our rhythms as we worship Him through surrender. When we do, we remember God made Jesus’s enemies His footstool (Acts 2:34–35). Because of that sacrifice, we are free from cultural demands that deny the extent of His dominion. And when I sense Him on the scene, ready to help me set a new routine, I sit a little taller because my Savior sees my needs. 
Jesus’s authority has made way for true rest, and His boundaries bless us in ways only He could ever envision. Honoring Him as Lord of the Sabbath always leads to surrender. I pray we choose it every time it is offered.

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40 thoughts on "Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath"

  1. Mercy says:

    @KIMBERLY Z: thank you for your love sister ❤️

  2. Mercy says:

    @MICHELLE PATIRE: friends grow with us or grow apart, growing in faith is a very narrow road, and so many friends fall off and this hurts. Praying for your new job opportunity and meaningful friendships. Sometimes I struggle with this too, and I have to learn to be content with having a friend in Jesus, I am still learning to cope.
    @KIM BUTTONBERRY, EILEEN DOWD: so sorry, prayers over your heart and the families during such losses. Life is short. May we learn to live life with grace and no regrets.
    @CEE GEE: amen on the bold attacks from religion, I have seen it in real life, real wolves. I think that’s why the Lord cautioned us to be wise as snakes/serpents, since they escape very quickly and quietly from danger.
    @SARAH D: prayers over God’s hand leading and protecting your heart.
    @AIMEE ROGERS: deliverance over this wicked sickness. Our God is the mighty mighty healer.
    @KAT D: amen to the weariness series, and yes to the rest/replenishing of His power.
    @THERESA: continuing prayers for your recovery, and Arlo’s teeth, so sorry about Sydney, may God make a way out of this situation.

    Be blessed dear sisters.

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Thursday ladies!! @SARAH D – praying for you and courage it takes to trust Gods timing when it comes to dating. I pray you’ll know when it’s right. I feel your anxiety on so many levels. @THERESA – praying for Sydney and her strength to keep pushing forward until she hopefully gets a heart transplant. @MIA FAITH – still praying for you and your family. @KIM BUTTONBERRY – so sorry about your friend. Praying for you to have strength during this time and Gods tender mercies towards you. @MERCY – ❤️ Praying for ALL of you ladies!

  4. Michelle Patire says:

    @Aimee Rogers & @Mercy – praying for your needs as well, today. ❤️

  5. Michelle Patire says:

    Thank you so much to everyone who shared compassion with me about my mental health, yesterday. I don’t own a laptop, so navigating social media is tricky. I end up regularly deleting apps from my phone to stay disciplined and take monthly breaks twice a year. It’s become so helpful to have that routine. But still when I am on them, I struggle. I actually spent some time yesterday removing a lot of people I don’t talk to anymore. Just so that I have more “real” connections.
    I also tried out a new part-time job today, at a cafe. Being self employed and doing Instacart is awesome, but I was just sort of spiraling yesterday after being alone so much & having a few slower work weeks. So maybe this job will help. It is all in God’s hands. I was hesitant to go because my last two jobs working for others have left me traumatized emotionally. Some major trials to my faith and my heart. But this job does not seem “toxic” at all. Weirdly, this job is not a W2 job, it’s also 1099… so, still self employed. Lol.

    Also my heart goes out today to Kim ButtonBerry & EILEEN DOWD ❤️ who both lost dear friends this week. What a weight lifted to know they are with Jesus, but it is not easy to lose someone dear… praying God’s loving kindness and peace to you as you grieve. May He be a friend and close comfort to you. May you be able to honor your friends lives in the way you feel is best. God bless you both and the Lord be near to their loved ones..May they see Jesus in these lives that have passed.

  6. Kris says:

    Sabbath Rest. What a gift we’ve been given. This first came about when the Israelites left captivity where they were forced to work 7 days a week, long hours. God came to them and told them they didn’t have to do that any more, He was giving them a full day off to just enjoy Him and His goodness. What a gift!!! and our culture is trying so hard to take it back! ugh! I’ve had periods of times when I worked 7 days/ week, when I was first divorced, because I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough income. I worked 2 jobs. Yes, literally 7 days a week. For about 3 years. I don’t know how I did it, other than I turned a blind eye to the situation and just did it. I missed so much. I didn’t trust God to provide for me, or to change my spending habits. BUT, finally I have learned to trust His provision AND He has changed my heart on spending. It’s been a beautiful thing! I no longer work 7 days a week, and I am so thankful for the peace it brings to my heart and mind and body.

    I would also like to suggest taking a Sabbath Rest from social media. Maybe you are one of those who can’t live without it, but just try a few weeks of staying off your phone on Saturday or Sunday. Give it a Sabbath Rest. You’d be surprised how God will bless you

  7. Kim Buttonberry says:

    Dear Shes, could I ask for prayer? I lost a dear friend suddenly yesterday afternoon. Apparently she had a heart attack while on an errand with her husband, but they were unable to revive her.

    We had only been friends for a few years now, but one of those friendships that grew quickly and deeply. We had much in common. I know that God brought us together, and I know she is with Jesus. But it’s still a blow to my heart.

    Thanking you all in advance for your prayers.

    1. Eileen Dowd says:

      My heart grieves with you, Kim, at your sudden loss. May Our God comfort and sustain you during this time.

  8. Mari V says:

    “There is freedom in the fact that we don’t always have to be the strong ones.” Thank you, Liv Dooley for these wise words of Wisdom. When we are weak, HE is strong for us. Today my family and I are coming along my sweet SNL and my brother as they put rest her daddy. This man may not have been her bio dad, BUT he was “her daddy” and even was given his last name. Thank you sweet She’s for a just being present HERE. Love you all!