Jesus Is King

Open Your Bible

Matthew 21:1-46, Ezekiel 16:10-13, Zechariah 9:9, Colossians 1:15-20

Only Jesus knew the gravity of what the crowd was asking when they shouted “Hosanna!” that day.

It was a shout of adoration but it was also a plea, because the word hosanna literally means, “Come save us now!” And this is exactly what He would do.

The next day, Jesus walked into the temple, flipping over tables and tossing money to the floor. The hosanna-shouters must have been shocked to see the man on the donkey driving the sellers out of the temple with such authority. “My house will be called a house of prayer,” Jesus said to them. “But you are making it a den of thieves!” (Matthew 21:13).

But it’s what He did next that was truly radical: He invited the least inside.

The blind, the lame, the children all came in and Jesus welcomed them, healed them, confirmed their place among Him (vv.14–15). He cleared out those who had profaned the temple and ushered in those who humbly sought after God.

When I picture the scene I can see myself in the wings, on the outside looking in. I am nervous, I am afraid, but I am drawn to this house of God. So I watch and wait. Those inside seem to have it together, bringing riches rather than sacrifice, doing religion like a business. All I have is this humble offering in my hands, carried the long journey from my home, over rocky roads and mistake-laden miles.

Then I see Him. And right before my eyes I watch Him turn it on its side, all the pretension and injustice and darkness that kept me at bay. He sends out those who’ve come not for God but for gods.

And then? He looks me in the eye. Me. Frightened, filthy from days of travel. He looks at me and sees me. He motions for me to come in and then He tells me I belong.

I had cried out “Hosanna! Save me!” not knowing what I was really asking. And He rode on through the streets and into the city, knowing exactly what was coming. He would soon die but not before He cleansed His house of prayer and invited me in.

This is our Christ! “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” (v.42). He welcomes in the defenseless, becoming their defense. He brings the weak to Himself and makes them strong. He desires not the shiny sacrifices our pride wishes to bring but only a heart that is stayed on Him. He saves us when we call out to Him.

Only He knows what our hearts truly need as we cry out, “Hosanna!” He knew it even then.

(31) Comments

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31 thoughts on "Jesus Is King"

  1. Seeking Understanding says:

    Several passages to look into more:
    * A donkey AND a colt and sat on THEM. Plural? Or referencing the cloaks?
    * Mountain thrown into sea. Why? How? And how to have that much faith?
    * Kill him and take his inheritance. Is that how it worked? No punishment for the killer. Did/do we kill Jesus or are we killed with Him?
    * Kingdom taken away and given to those that produce fruit. Who loses? Who gains?
    * Afraid of crowds (not afraid of God)
    * Pharisees were the ones studying and interpreting the Scriptures, yet were the ones that could not see who Jesus was. How does that work in the Then/Now?

    Sorry for just the bullet points and lack of verse references. Recovering from Covid and brain still foggy. Prayers for healing please.

  2. Tricia C says:

    Congratulations MARIAM KAMEL! How exciting!

    MERCY – Thank you for what you shared yesterday.
    MIA FAITH- Praying for you and your family.

  3. Tricia C says:

    I love this so much today! Thank you Lord for saving us!

    Have a blessed weekend Dear Sisters.

  4. Adrienne says:

    He hears us, sweet sisters…. Come save us!


  5. Claire B says:


  6. Taylor says:

    Colossians 1:17 “He is before all things and in him all things hold together.” I will be repeating this to myself today as I will hopefully have a conversation with my friend today. May the outcome be love, reconciliation, and peace.

    Also asking for your prayers sisters as my dad told me last night he needs to have a biopsy of his prostate as his most recent blood test showed elevated PSA levels. I covet your prayers that there is nothing wrong. I hate that he has to wait until April 25th for the biopsy.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend <3

    1. Cheryl Blow says:

      Praying for your dad

  7. Aimee D-R says:

    We cry Holy! We cry Hosana! Come, Jesus, come. Amen

  8. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning ladies,
    Praying for you all! So excited for Easter. So thankful for what the Lord has done and is doing.
    Would love your continued prayers as I balance joy and longing in singleness, and pray through if my friend from my church likes me or not. The weeks in between Sundays (when I see him typically) are hard. Especially since my roommate is dating someone, and I try to be happy for her, but still can feel sad at times. Last weekend, my “friend” was on a hike with our young adults group, which was fun. He walked next to me a good bit and we talked. I also shared my testimony last Sunday in our Sunday school, and it has been really sweet to hear from my friends who resonated with parts of my story. He also came up after to say good job and we talked with some of my friends too. So thankful for how God uses it all to draw me closer to him. Praying for clarity, but reminding myself that God is working, even through this. Have a wonderful Friday!