Jesus Is Crucified

Open Your Bible

Matthew 27:1-66, Isaiah 53:1-9, John 3:16

Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:1-66, Isaiah 53:1-9, John 3:16

When I read through this part in the Gospels, I always read it with the resurrection in mind because we have the luxury of knowing what happened after Jesus’s death. But what if I was there when it happened? What if I was one of the people following Jesus around at that time? As I’m watching Him, this man who says He’s come to save the world dies so helplessly, receiving an excruciating punishment—what would I be thinking and feeling?

In Matthew 27, I see all the different types of responses to Jesus and His pending death. Judas hangs himself after seeing the direct outcome of his actions. Religious leaders are laser-focused on getting Jesus killed. Roman soldiers, other criminals crucified next to Him, and bystanders, mock Jesus. Roman centurions at the crucifixion notice the abnormal darkness and earthquake. The women who followed Him are watching from a distance. Joseph of Arimathea uses his wealth and position to get Jesus’s body for a proper burial.

The best His followers could do at that time was to either quietly observe from a distance or provide a place to bury His dead body. I think I would have done the same if I’m honest. And while doing so, I would have said “oh, perhaps this wasn’t it…” and added it to my list of unmet expectations.

There is something to be said about the proximity of the guards to Jesus—their job was to watch Him and everything around Him closely. They probably heard everything Jesus was saying and how He was responding to His pain. Perhaps they sensed Jesus’s humility, meekness, and vulnerability amid His suffering. Perhaps they saw how He was still speaking with His Father in both love and agony, holding nothing back. Then they saw daylight turning dark when it wasn’t supposed to, and they felt the earth shake! Although they weren’t followers of Jesus, they saw it all and exclaimed what no one else would in this situation—this is the Son of God! To them, this was the only conclusion they could draw based on everything they saw.

It is easy to see the power of Jesus in His resurrection, but I want to have the eyes to see Him as my Lord and King in His death! I want to be so close to Him that I won’t miss anything. When I think hope is dead, Lord help me stay close to you and see who you really are.

Written by Minnie Lee

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34 thoughts on "Jesus Is Crucified"

  1. Adrienne says:

    I am listening to a podcast right now. (Imagine that… many of you know I am a self-proclaimed “podcast junkie”!)

    The Truth for Life podcast from March 13 is very good and focuses on Peters denial. It is a good listen. (Yes, I am behind! I unsubscribed from about TEN the other day!)

  2. Sarah D. says:

    Good morning/afternoon ladies!!
    Had such a sweet Good Friday service yesterday. Today I am remembering how it may have felt for the disciples, sitting in the silence of Saturday. Praise the Lord, we know what happens next!! It reminds me that God is working, even when I can’t see it. He sees the whole picture. He has a plan, and it’s better than anything my broken, human mind can imagine. I am so quick to make things about me, when the focus should be on Jesus…I have this unsaid expectation that my “friend” will ask me out this weekend…and even though that is a desire, I have to remember that if God wants it to happen, He will make it happen. I pray if it does, I would continue to give thanks in everything. Every good thing is a gift. I want to be constantly in awe of Jesus- of his sacrifice on the cross, and the JOY and FREEDOM that is found in Him, because He lives!! Praise the Lord. Praying I would focus on Him and He would grow me, even in this “in between” phase. I am living in an answered prayer right now through my job and the community I have at my church. So much to be thankful for.
    @Taylor, praying for you!! So sorry it didn’t work out, but sounds like you have a great perspective on it. In it with you!!
    Have a wonderful Saturday ladies!

  3. Cheryl Blow says:

    What Jesus endured for our sins! May it never become all about tradition! May I find avwsyb

  4. Traci Gendron says:

    RHONDA J – I remember seeing the Passion of Christ in the movie theater. It wrecked me. I left with such strong emotions. We are so undeserved of Jesus’ act of obedience and love. His taking on of our senseless sins. Some are so petty and yet we cannot stop. Yesterday those emotions were strong again. It is so painful to think of what Jesus had to endure. Yet so beautiful the love He has for all of us.

  5. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “But what if I was there when it happened? What if I was one of the people following Jesus around at that time?…what would I be thinking and feeling?” And that is the question I can not answer. Would I have remembered all that He taught, everything He warned that was going to happen, would I have known with confidence that He would rise again? Or would I have feared, doubted, mourned the loss? But, we all know the end of the story – He did rise and He is coming again. I pray that I will live my days waiting – yet serving, watching – yet sharing the gospel, expectantly and obediently. Thank you Jesus for becoming sin for me so that I could become your righteousness. Thank you for being willing and obedient, even to the death on the cross. Thank you Jesus.

  6. Kim Buttonberry says:

    When I try to imagine the experience of the disciples and followers of Jesus as He was crucified, I think maybe they thought over and over- “What are we going to do? What are we going to do???”

    All of their hopes went into the tomb with Jesus. The devastation, the shock and horror of what He went through, the fear of going forward without Him… Knowing that they would be considered enemies of the ‘System’ all by themselves now… No wonder they were in hiding together in their grief.

    Did they quarrel with each other? Blame each other for doing or not doing SOMETHING that might have prevented this tragedy? Having to just sit and be in their grief during the Sabbath, not knowing what would follow….

    I want to ponder this also. During the times in my life when I have had to just sit in my grief, from various types of loss, trying to make sense of the true non-sense… but with the luxury in these times knowing that the Tomb is empty, where the followers of Jesus had no such thing.

    Today in Ohio it is dark and gloomy, raining a little. How fitting for the day of waiting.

    But take heart, Dear She’s! Sunday is coming!

  7. Allison Bentley says:

    Isaiah 53:1-9 is such a beautiful overview. Thank you SRT for digging deeper today. Also I never noticed before Matthew 27:50-53 and will definitely do some digging on my own here. Thank you Minnie “When I think hope is dead, Lord help me to stay close to you” ! Praising God for His son today! Happy Saturday She’s ☮️❤️

    1. Kendra C says:

      Same!! Matthew 27:50-53 were the verses that really caught my attention, though I’ve read them numerous times throughout my life. The hope of His return has been so palpable for me the past few months.

  8. Mari V says:

    “I want to be so close to Him that I won’t miss anything.” I love this Minnie! My quiet time is SO important to me. I have to have it! Can’t leave home without it! Its what starts my day. I love, love, love my time with my Jesus. I love hanging out with all of you EVERY morning and can’t wait to meet you all someday! TODAY is a VERY VERY special day for me. My son Caleb was born today 23 years ago!! I can’t believe it…23 years ago! I am SO blessed God chose me to be his mom and for Caleb to be my son! He’s is such a blessing to my life and my daughter! He goes above and beyond for the both of us. In his younger years, he was never home (and not home today either). Since Spring break would always fall on his birthday, he was always on a missions trip with our church and in high school he would go with the high school ministry to Mexico. Now as a young adult, he still not home, but he goes away and spend time alone. I am blessed!