“Who is Jesus?”
They all asked the question. Those who walked the streets with Jesus, who encountered His teaching in the synagogues, who witnessed Him healing the sick and eating with sinners—they were compelled to understand who this man was. That was 2,000 years ago. And here we are, asking the same question today.
Even now, sitting in my Nashville office, surrounded by modern technology and Western comforts, I can think of no more foundational question to ask. The answer frames what I believe about God. It frames what I know about myself and how I view the world around me. And, on one hand, my response as a Christian is simple: Jesus is the Son of God. But because that is true, is there not infinitely more to know?
Theologian Charles Hodge said, “The gospel is so simple that small children can understand it, and it is so profound that studies by the wisest theologians will never exhaust its riches.” I believe he’s right, and I believe the same is true with the central figure of that gospel, the person of Jesus Christ. We cannot exhaust the depth of Him, but we can know Him.
The Gospel of Matthew is a great place to start.
Beginning with a genealogy, Matthew lays out his account of who Jesus is: the Messiah that the Jewish people—and the world—had been waiting for. He presents Jesus as the Son of God, born of the Holy Spirit, baptized by a prophet, and tempted by the devil. He shows Jesus as teacher, healer, servant, and friend—a man who walked the earth but was not bound by it.
In telling us who Jesus is, Matthew tells the story of our salvation.
It is a story written from the foundation of the world (Matthew 25:34). In these two chapters alone, our historian Matthew references five Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Christ’s birth (1:22;2:5,15,17,23). He is Immanuel, “God with us,” the one who “will save his people from their sins” (1:23,21). Jesus is not just part of this story—He is the story.
I hope you’ll read along with us these next four weeks as we explore Matthew’s Gospel together and discover the true answers to that all-important question. Jesus is the Son of God. He is the Savior, the Christ, the Messiah.
This is the story Matthew tells. This is Jesus.
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125 thoughts on "Jesus Is Born"
Praying to open my heart to receive his word, His story.
Jesus is the answer for everything. The book of Matthew starts his journey of life turned into breath and I am so excited to learn more. One thing I liked that was stayed was that “we cannot exhaust the true depth of Jesus, but we can know him”. I feel like that describes our world perfectly. Jesus is the creator of the whole world and sometimes I feel like we forget the “depth” that that statement carries. He literally made the sun, moon, all the stars, man, woman, birds, trees, wind, fire, etc.. Who are we to question him? He is creator of all
I pray God opens my heart.
I’m a born again Christian and before I knew God I knew Satan. He can do very bad things but my wonderful husband has introduced me to God now I can see the amazing things that HE can do. Satan can touch me no longer. Satan doesn’t have a grip on me anymore. All it took for me to believe is the name Yahweh to flow out of my husband’s mouth and it healed me and made me a new woman. Now I have a son to teach so he can learn the amazing things God can do.
Jesus Christ is LOVE !
I love how there are only 4 women quoted in the genealogy. And each one had a background and a past of hurt and suffering but are pillars and the foundation of the birth of the one who heals the one who forgives and restores. Jesus was unraveling these things from the beginning.
Praying that God open my heart ❤️
Praying God opens my mind and my heart up the next 4 weeks. ❤️
No picture today
Thank you for your story and the salvation it brings, Lord.
This is so good ❤️
Jesus is my Savior! He is my best friend! The ONE I can turn to and count on through any trial or emotion I face. When I spend time with him my mood or situation seems to shift in a positive way. Thank you Jesus for coming in human form. For experiencing the trials, emotions and struggles we face, and still did not sin. Thank you for dying in the most horrific, brutal torturous way, and rising again. You overcame death and sin. Because of you, with my faith and belief and devotion to you, I have eternal life in heaven awaiting me. My life now and everything in it is only temporary.
While waiting on your return as impatient as I am some days when I turn on the news, I do my best to exemplify you in everything I do and share you with others. You loved EVERYONE. Only if EVERYONE would love you in return.
Who is Jesus? The son of God, a child can understand it, and a theologian will spend his whole life studying Jesus! Wow! Our God speaks to each other own level! Jesus isn’t just part of the story he is the WHOLE story! So excited for this study! ❤️
I’m having the same experience.
My app isn’t working. Just reading from the book but would love to use the app as well.
Hi there! This is a glitch that we are experiencing on our end. We appreciate your continued patience as we work to resolve the issue.
I am new and also can’t download I submitted an email to support
Sadly the app isn’t working with me either and it’s worked well the past 2 years. So disappointed since this material has been such a blessing!
Hi there! We are so sorry that you are not able to get the Matthew reading plan through the She Reads Truth App. We are experiencing a glitch in our app that isn’t allowing our subscribers to download the plan just yet. Rest assured, we are working to solve this issue as quickly and effectively as possible.
Question. New user. When I go to My Plans and click on this plan it gives me to option to GET or PREVIEW DAY. When I click GET it says since I am a subscriber I can download. Download Now? I do, but nothing happens. I can do PREVIEW DAY but I only get day 1. Is this normal? Is my app not working?
Hi there! We are so sorry that you are not able to get the Matthew reading plan through the She Reads Truth App. We are experiencing a glitch in our app that isn’t allowing our subscribers to download the plan just yet. Rest assured, we are working to solve this issue as quickly and effectively as possible.
Same problem!
Hi there! We are so sorry that you are not able to get the Matthew reading plan through the She Reads Truth App. We are experiencing a glitch in our app that isn’t allowing our subscribers to download the plan just yet. Rest assured, we are working to solve this issue as quickly and effectively as possible.
I’m having the same issue, but not just with this plan ALL of the plans;(
Am I the only one who thinks the app has multiple bugs? I bought the book to go with this plan and cannot download it. Been a subscriber for years. What is going on
I’m having the same problem. This is the first time I’ve experienced it. I reached out to customer support and am awaiting it to be fixed.
Hi there! We are so sorry that you are not able to get the Matthew reading plan through the She Reads Truth App. We are experiencing a glitch in our app that isn’t allowing our subscribers to download the plan just yet. Rest assured, we are working to solve this issue as quickly and effectively as possible.
Love this ❤️❤️
new here & ready for the great journey of learning ❤️
Can’t wait.
I am behind on this study of Matthew, but working on catching up. I am excited to learn more about the book of Matthew and I continue my journey of reading the Bible and gathering a better understanding.
Such a perfect first day read!
He’s not just part of the story! He is the story!!! ❤️❤️
“This is Jesus! He’s not just part of the story He is the story!”
WOW this! Jesus is the story and He is our story! Praise be to God!
Glory to God
So glad the app is fixed
God is so good. Thank you King Jesus!!
Ready to dive in
Try Apple Podcasts or Spotify for the podcast!
MISSY CSONKA… I have an iPhone, and it is available on my phone’s podcast app. I used the magnifying glass and searched for “She Reads Truth” and tapped on the first search result (that included the word “podcast” after SRT.) The thumbnail is of Rachael and Amanda, laughing. They are wearing jeans and blue and dark tops. Hope that helps. Maybe you asked on the FB group, and I am late to the party!
Excited to dive into Matthew with this community.
Is the podcast only available on the SRT Website? I tries finding it in the app but do not see it anywhere. Kind of frustrating that everything it not in one place. Maybe I am missing some thing?
Any help is much appreciated ❣️❣️
Spotify or Apple Podcasts! It’s free through either of those!
If you have an iPhone, it is available through Apple Podcasts!
Hello SHES!! Hope everyone is having a good day in The Lord. Ready for another great study with the guidebook and all you
@Kris, thank you for sharing your story – it testifies of God’s mighty power and that He can take something Satan meant for evil and weave it into a beautiful testimony of His love, mercy and grace!
Yay for the app working and that I see it wasn’t just not working for me! Good to see you all on here!
Jesus be in the place where @Mercy and her family dwells. Fight against these spirits that come to create hopeless and doubt… Lord, have mercy and this town and surrounding area and give them light in darkness. Nothing is hidden from You, God. Fight against these spirits that come to kill, steal, and destroy. Lord, bring victory and love into the places that are clouded by the enemy. Surround Mercy and her family with protection and words of hope and love. Let them not be fooled by the darkness, but stand opposed to it. Bring truth and justice. Avenge those who are broken, Jesus. Please protect the innocent and give direction to those who are lost. Please have mercy God, and care for those who are in danger and naive to the enemy’s schemes. God bring your love and truth. Let people see the enemy for who he really is… a liar and the father of it. Lord Jesus, have your way and be near to Mercy. Help her continue fighting by Your Word and relying on Your strength to get through this time. Please protect her husband and help him see clearly that is going on. Let him have the mind of Christ, which belongs to every believer. Lord have mercy and give him wisdom. We know You see him and know him intimately. Thank you Jesus for Mercy. Bless her and keep her, today. Amen. ❤️
Happy Monday everybody! I held my breath this morning with this new study and prayed it would work! Praying for you all today. @RHONDA J – hope your appointment goes well! I go in every six months because of a suspicious melanoma that was taken off and do the same thing!
Woo hoo! The app works this morning! Celebrating the many beautiful comments posted. It’s wonderful to “hear” everyone’s thoughts again! Caught a cold while traveling last week and had to worship online yesterday. Glad to be back into my routine. Have a blessed week!
Kris, thank you so much for sharing! I went through a time where I cheated on my husband and wanted a divorce- and was the bad guy. (which was bad, but at that time I didn’t see it that way). My whole twenties and thirties were bad choices! But God, He finally got a hold of me and turned me around. I am a slow learner. I try to use my messes to minister to the ladies in jail. I am so glad that you were restored and God gave you a beautiful daughter and the blessing of her family and grandkids! I regret many things that could have been a beautiful blessing. Are you in our FB group?
Hello Rhonda, I found the SRT group you created on Facebook. I answered the question and have when I go to the group it is still stating my request to join the group is pending. I have been a SRT reader and member for 6 or 7 years. I do not comment often so perhaps you don’t know me. I would very much like to participate in the Facebook group. Thank you, Jennifer.
Hello she’s. Happy new study. This verse grabbed my heart today:
“Now, daughter who is under attack,
you slash yourself in grief;
a siege is set against us!
They are striking the judge of Israel
on the cheek with a rod.” (CSB)
Another translation:
“Now muster your troops, O daughter of troops;
siege is laid against us;
with a rod they strike the judge of Israel
on the cheek.” (ESV)
It’s a warfare warning. Notice: it calls out to daughter, not son. Is it to the mother who was about to lose their child? To have a Saviour born, many other baby boys (under 2) were killed. Yet, it’s the Lord’s will. At times I struggled with these realities, but God has His plans. Even through history, with the holocaust, with this baby massacre, and nowadays abortion,… God’s plan still prevails. We can still praise and worship Him even though we don’t understand.
@RHONDA: prayer for your appointment skin cancer removal to go well.
@MARIA BAER: strength and grace to cover the young women, and young men in this generation.
@ERB: special thanks for yesterday, and to your mom DORNA for hosting us.
I want to lift up prayers over the nations for God to scatter the spirit of suicide, mental depression/confusion/ hopelessness, substance addictions that steal and cut short lives.
My husband had a rough week last week with suicide thoughts as I shared, then to find out his co-worker also attempted suicide last week and hence missed work. And a single man in our neighborhood (renter in a house next door to us), he committed suicide successfully around Valentine’s day, jumped off a hotel downtown. His family travelled from another province to come gather his stuff. What is going on? I would appreciate your joining prayers that the men and their minds are protected. And I noticed these are usually individuals who live alone (their families live hours away), and they are without boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, and winter months are dark with no sunshine. It is really hard. Homelessness in our city increases a lot too because of increasing depression and people turn to drugs for some joy and relief to forget, and lose their home/ rent quickly that way. May the Lord scatter every demonic stronghold in people’s mind, and break every evil whispers of death. Thank you ladies for your reinforcement through prayers.
Be blessed dear sisters.
Yes He is the story! So looking forward to this study. I’ve been reading SRT studies for many years but have not really interacted online with the rest of the Shes here. Hope to connect with all of you!
❤️❤️ Jesus IS the story!
Promised Peace: A King from Bethlehem
Micah 5 :God’s enduring faithfulness and the unfolding of His divine plan for redemption. The prophecy of the coming Messiah from the small town of Bethlehem reminds us that God can bring forth greatness from humble beginnings. In the midst of hardships, the promise of deliverance and restoration provides hope. The chapter underlines the power of faith, obedience, and trust in God’s plans.
Micah 5:4 “He will stand and shepherd them in the strength of the Lord, in the majestic name of the Lord his God. They will live securely, for then his greatness will extend to the
ends of the earth.” May we observe his glory today even in the minutiae.
Heather, Carly and Julia – Amen
Maria joining you in prayer
Rhonda I hope all turns out well.
for all on here and quietly behind the scenes. May your day be blessed.️
Every time I have read Matthew, I always skip the genealogy. But today, I felt conviction from the Lord to thoroughly read it. I was so impressed that 42+ generations were outlined in this gospel, but also was reminded that the Lord’s timing is perfect and He is faithful to His promises. Even back to Abraham, the Lord fulfilled so many prophecies that pointed to Jesus. Thank you, Lord!
God’s grand play of redemption, setting the stage for Jesus’ ministry and His ultimate sacrifice for humanity. Through the genealogy and the miraculous birth, we see the integration of divine prophecy and human obedience in God’s salvation plan, reminding us of God’s omnipotence, faithfulness, and His closeness to us.
What a profound start to this study! I can see how this is a perfect launch from PEOPLE OF REMEMBRANCE because Matthew remembers the prophesies that Jesus fulfilled. I love how the NKJV footnotes every one of those prophesies in its translation.
Sharing the chorus of “There was Jesus” by Dolly Parton/Zach Williams. It gets me every time I hear it.
“In the waiting, in the searching
In the healing and the hurting
Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
Every minute‚ every moment
Where I’ve been and where I’m going
Even when I didn’t know it or couldn’t see it
There was Jesus.”
And then the bridge:
On the mountain, in the valleys (There was Jesus)
In the shadows of the alleys (There was Jesus)
In the fire, in the flood (There was Jesus)
Always is and always was
No‚ I never walk alone (Never walk alone)
You are always there
CARLY LEWIS – Dwelling! Apologies for missing that typo on my cracked screen! ❤
Knowing Jesus more deeply is my desire. I teach 2-3 year olds at church. I love watching their faces as we teach them about Jesus and God. It’s so simple for them. Sometimes as adults we make it too hard! He is Immanuel, God with us.
I loved getting to read everyone’s comments! Praying for all of you! Have a blessed day!
Jesus- the one we waited for. That long genealogy passage used to be something I kind of “skimmed” but I’ve come to realize what beauty and grace it shows. How long the wait was for Jesus to come!! All the characters and misfits mentioned in this list show us how desperate the need for a Savior was. Reading it now causes my heart to rejoice, because I know that God can redeem even the most broken stories to bring about his purposes- even mine. Thank you Jesus!
May we be able to walk this earth and not be bound by it. To remember who we belong to. To keep our eyes up.
I’m looking forward to this study.
MARIA BAER – My church is also filled with college students. I’m thankful for your comment to be aware of what they are feeling.
He IS the story! I love it! Thank you SO much for last’s nights Communion. Though I was on my own, I did NOT feel alone! It was beautiful! And so were the worships songs! THANK YOU all again for praying for me yesterday as I shared my testimony. It went GREAT because YOU ALL were praying for me. I’m out of time this morning and running late. See you all tomorrow.
TINA – You caused my heart to smile so big! Before I even finished reading the first sentence in the study description, that very song popped into my mind and I was going to share it! Thanks, sis; love you so! ❤
KELLY NEO – You used my other planned comment! “Jesus is not just part of this story—He is the story.” When I read that I thought, “Ooh, that would make a great print to display!”
SEARCHING – ❤ Joseph’s obedience – yes! We studied Genesis 22 in SS yesterday and were (as always) amazed at Abraham’s obedience. Same with Joseph – his whole future, from the earthly view, was in jeopardy. Who among us would encourage our son to marry a woman pregnant with someone else’s child?! Crazy, AWEsome obedience! What models for us!
CARKY LEWIS – Dwellung ❤
ERB – That verse un John was alsi in my planned comment! Absolutely one of my favorite verses! ❤
Praying in agreement for each need and excited to take this journey with y’all!. ❤
Yay, the app is working perfectly! I have missed reading all your comments. They always make me dig a little deeper into God’s Word. Praying for the request shared here today! Thank you Tina for the words to that old hymn. I am going to take the time to listen to it today.
@Kris – thank you so much for sharing that. I am not pregnant or understand the depth of what you felt in those moments, but I can definitely relate to feeling like no one understands where I’m at. Thank you for reminding me that God sees me and understands. I know I will get through this time of my life. It is not easy to be humbled before the people closest to me. I’m not really sure all of why it is happening. But I keep believing God exalts those who submit to Him and are obedient to His word. I am praying for the confidence to continue in the work He has called me to do in this season.
God bless you, Kris. I am thankful to hear how God comforted you in one of your lowest moments. Thank you. ❤️
Thank you, Jesus, for the She Reads Truth staff & community.
Thinking of all of you this morning… I was just about to list names but there are too many to list and I wouldn’t want to leave anyone out! Thankful for each of you!
Jesus IS the story! Yes!
I love the Gospels! Excited to see what I learn about Jesus through this study. Looking forward to reading all your comments and praying for your requests!
Happy Monday
So excited to be back reading with She Reads Truth!
Amen! Who is Jesus? He is the story! Love that!
I love this word “dwell” in our reading today— “and they shall dwell secure,” and “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The word “dwell” invokes a lingering, not just a passing through. Merriam-Webster defines it “to live as a resident.” My prayer for all of you reading this study today is that you will dwell secure, to live as a resident in the security and peace of knowing that Jesus dwells with us.
40 years ago I gave birth to my oldest daughter, conceived out of wedlock. I was a very young, immature 23 year old, very lost with no direction. I was very blessed to be a part of a church who helped me a lot!!, but I remember one time during that pregnancy, crying out to God that there was no way He understood what I was going thru. My parents and siblings had been so disappointed in me, rarely spoke to me. I felt very alone and unloved. I knew I had done wrong, and I thought I’d have to pay for it the rest of my life. But as I cried out to Jesus that one night, telling Him how I felt abandoned by my family and disliked by many others, He spoke so lovingly to me. He said “I know how you feel. I have heard what people are saying about you. You forget that not many people believed My mother Mary, either, and many terrible things were said about her and to her, just like you are experiencing. I was inside of her and heard all the words, too. I do know what you are going through, because My mother Mary went through the same thing. That’s why Joseph took her away.” I had never thought about what the crowds were saying about Mary’s condition, or that Jesus felt the rejection right along with her. This was a very pivotal point in my Christian walk. I am happy to say that today my daughter loves God, is married to a wonderful Christian man, has 2 beautiful kids, has a masters degree in counseling and works as a private counselor. She is a success story all the way around. God took a bad situation and worked it out for good. When we look at the people that surrounded Jesus as He was born and raised and grew into His time of ministry, we have to remember that MOST people did not believe in Him. I don’t know if you are in a season where nobody believes in you, but you can be sure that Jesus does. He sees you, He believes in you, He has such hope for your life, He sees your value and worth. You are not hidden from Him.
Beautiful testimony Kris!❤️
Maria, I am both happy and sad for the college students in your church. I’m so happy they are there and so sad they are afraid. I also live in a college town and the students are in my prayers constantly. They are our future.
GM She’s!
Another study begins! I would really like to count all the continued studies I have done with SRT over the years! I like that they mix them up with book studies and themed studies, short ones and longer ones. So blessed by SRT and you all!
Last night’s communion was a success and so very special participating together! I hope we will do one for Easter together! ERB you were wonderful! Your mom is so beautiful and sweet as well. What a wonderful bond you two seem to have!
Tina..thanks for sharing that song! I instantly went to youtube to listen. I grew up singing hymns and I have a playlist on youtube of hymns and had forgotten this one, so was able to add it!
It’s always a good time to share SRT on FB on your page, you never know who might be blessed by your simple act of obedience (sharing what you know/have in the gift of Jesus).
I have an apt to get to this morning, getting ANOTHER skin cancer removed. (I have had many, many, MANY removed over my last 30 years) Way too much sunbathing in my younger years…but anyway, I always get nervous now at one point one may be melanoma. I have one more scheduled to be removed 2 weeks from now as well, and see two more popped up that are different from my normal looking ones. Anyway- God knows, and goes before!
Love ya’ll and keeping you all in my daily prayers!! :)
Belief is a verb!
I’m sure each of you like me, have read the account that Matthew tells many times. Praying today that I will (and each of us) return to read it with fresh eyes. It amazes me that no matter how many times we read the scriptures – there is always something new to learn and apply.
Thank you Jesus, that You willing left your throne in glory – to come humbly into this world of sin with one purpose, to save your people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21) Where would we be if it wasn’t for the love of God.
@Maria Baer – joining you in prayer for the young college women.
@Laura Diane – praying that God gives you peace and closure from the tourmoil.
Continuing to pray for all your former requests. Have a blessed Monday!
@Erb – thank you again for organizing the time to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
This is going to be so good. The last one was great as well but with the app not working for most of it i could only see some of the comments on the website. Happy to pray for you all and not just some. @Maria Baer. Joining you in prayer for the College students and I am adding High school. So many strange things for them to navigate in this world. Have a wonderful day SHE’S
Praise Jesus now and forever. Many blessings to you all. ♥️♥️
Oh Jesus I want to know you even more deeply. Amen
Mathew 1:24
*he did as the Lord commanded. This really stands out to me!! Joseph didn’t reason, question, excuse or doubt after the Lord spoke!! He KNEW God’s voice, listened and immediately obeyed with unwavering faith!!! Wow!!! May I be more like this!! Doing only and exactly as You have asked & commanded!! Amen.
John 1:14
*SUCH a GIFT!!! Thank You Lord!! And yes! May we observe, honor, recognize, obey and glorify You in ALL things!! Amen.
I need to focus on Jesus more, and myself less. I feel like I’m on a chaotic roller coaster and I need Jesus to bring some peace and closure to the turmoil. Lord Jesus, I need to keep my eyes on You.
KRISTINE LOUGHMAN… I thought of that too. Let us learn from what is so familiar, sweet She’s. Oh, how many times have we read the accounts of Jesus birth and Joseph’s dreams? (Even through Joseph, like Jesus and Joshua were very common names during that time, I had never made that connection between two Joseph’s and their dreams, KELLY NEO… thank you for that. That is what I learned today, Kristine!) We are all so familiar with these accounts, as we focus on them a lot during Christmas. But I love that we are reviewing them during the Lenten season, as well. Let us always be “People of Remembrance” and remember why He came.
And thank you tech team, that all seems to be right again in the (tech) world. ❤️
Jesus, thank you for coming to us, walking with us, and loving us always. Amen.
It’s so nice to read everyone’s comments! Thank God the app is working again! Prayers sisters, looking forward to another study with you all.
I know! It was so great to be back on the app!
I am so looking forward to this study. Sisters, I need to ask if you can join me in prayer. As some of you may remember I joined the prayer team in my church, and it was massively stepping outside my comfort zone. But it has been THE most rewarding experience.
But my prayer is not for me— it is for the college age women students that come to our church. I live in a college town and many of these young women come to worship. One theme keeps resonating in their prayer requests— FEAR. As I write this, I’m tearing up because I can tell they love the Lord, but there is a fear and anxiety in them. One of them a few weeks ago was literally shaking as I prayed for her. Sisters, it breaks my heart to see this generation going through this. So will you join me in prayer for our young women? I am feeling very protective of them, like a momma warrior. So please, remember them in your prayers.
I pray we all fall in love with Jesus in this study, more and more!!!
I am the weepiest thing this morning. When I got past the title and the list of Scriptures to “Who is Jesus?” – I was overwhelmed with thankfulness for what my Jesus (MARI V ❤️) has done for me.
I wonder at the thoughts that must have been swirling through Joseph’s mind from the angel’s words Mt 1:21 “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
He believed and obeyed.
Praying through requests, sisters.
What a perfect story to be reading as the world slowly awakes from its winter slumber and readies itself for the glorious unfurling of spring. There is such hope in this season as we speed towards the Easter narrative. I know many of us have probably read Matthew countless times. May we find something new in it each day this time around!
Oh, Amanda, loved “Jesus is not just part of this story—He is the story.” And I would add, He wrote me into that story in blood.
I wonder whether Joseph felt a connection to the other “dreamer” of the same name? Joseph’s dreams were not symbolic like the other dreamer’s, but I thought it was an interesting parallel.
Happy Monday. Praying for your requests ❤️
Thank you Jesus for saving me from my sins. Thank you for being with us and for us. ❤️
“Then, if Jesus Christ be ‘God with us,’ let us come to God without any question or hesitancy. Whoever you may be you need no priest or intercessor to introduce you to God, for God has introduced himself to you.” (Spurgeon)
Dear Father,
Thank You for coming to us, or as Spurgeon says: for introducing yourself to us.
You meet us right where we are: in our sin.
But You don’t stop there. You have come to save us from sin, from its penalty, its power, and its presence.
May we rejoice in this truth and run into Your arms without hesitation.
Tell me the story of Jesus write on my heart every word
Tell me the story most precious sweetest that ever was heard
Tell how the angels in chorus sang as they welcomed his birth
Glory to Thy in the highest peace and the tidings to earth
Tell me the story of Jesus
Tell of the cross where they nailed him right in the anguish and pain
Tell of the grave where they laid him tell how he lived it again
(Tell me the story so tender clearer than ever I see
Still let me weep while you whisper love great and grand some for me)
Tell me the story of Jesus.
This old hymn, written in 1899 by Fanny Crosby came to mind as I read the study..
Indeed, write on my heart every word.
Lord may my heart be open and my mind clear as we settle in to finding out, gleaning from and learning more about Jesus.
Happy Monday, dear hearts. Prayerful that you online Communion was a success and that you were all blessed.
Much love, Tina. ❤️
Such a beautiful hymn! Thank you for sharing ❤️