Jesus Gives the Greatest Commandment

Open Your Bible

Mark 12:1-44, Joshua 22:1-5, 1 Peter 2:4-8

I didn’t grow up going to church, not at first. But somewhere along the way, my mother taught me the Lord’s Prayer (yes, the King James Version). I didn’t know it was spoken by Jesus, or that it was His instruction—an outline of sorts—for how to talk to God (Matthew 6:9–13). Still, it became a touchstone for me when I was afraid, an anchor when I was overwhelmed, and a hope for lasting connection to the God I had yet to meet. 

The Jewish faith has a version of this. It’s a prayer from Deuteronomy 6 that for many is spoken daily, morning and evening, and in temple services. It’s called the Shema, and it’s quoted by Jesus in today’s reading from Mark 12. When the scribes and Sadducees came to probe Jesus about His understanding of Scripture, He was, naturally, able to answer their questions. One scribe in particular asked Him, “Which command is the most important of all?” (Mark 12:28). Jesus responded:

“The most important is Listen, Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, 
with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
The second is, Love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no other command greater than these” (vv.29–31).

The scribe agreed, as Jesus was referencing the central command of the Jewish faith, given to the Israelites after the Ten Commandments (Deuteronomy 6:4–5). This command begins with the Hebrew word shema, which means “to hear” or “listen” and also implies action—a life lived wholly loyal to God. It’s as if Moses was saying, “Pay attention! This is important!” The Shema is a reminder of who God is: the one true God, who loves us. Because He loves us, we’re to love Him back with everything we’ve got: our whole being, affection, intention, and will—our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

The Shema is the foundational principle for every other commandment that comes before and after it. Perhaps, in giving His people a Law they could not keep (Joshua 22:5; 24:21–24; Matthew 5:17), God wanted to remind His people of the one thing truly necessary for covenant relationship with Him. Jesus praises the scribe for understanding what is at the heart of the entire Law. 

God gave everything of Himself to restore relationship with us—from humbling Himself to be born as a baby to dying a painful death on the cross. He’s devoted and wants our devotion. He wants us to actively love Him, and then display that love by loving our fellow image-bearers as He does (Genesis 1:27; Mark 12:31). No, we won’t always get it right, but He knew that too! So, He sent His Spirit to make us more like Jesus, to love like Him and shape our lives around Him. Jesus is the touchstone and the cornerstone (Mark 12:10–11). Everything begins and ends—then begins again—with this God who loved us first (1 John 4:19).

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37 thoughts on "Jesus Gives the Greatest Commandment"

  1. Melody Bates says:

    I just love how God is opening my eyes to connections between the OT and NT. I was unaware of the connection of the Lord’s Prayer to the Shema until today.

    I read about surrendering control of everything to God in my devotional this morning an it so connects with today’s reading about loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. If you give any part of that to the control of anything or anyone else then you are committing idolatry.

    Father God, I pray that I am surrendering my life to you in an acceptable manner. Search my heart, O God, and if there is anything or anyone that has control over me other than You, remove it now. Amen

  2. Mary Stilin says:


  3. Traci Gendron says:

    Joshua 22:5 to love the Lord your God, walk in ALL his ways, keep his commands, be loyal to him, and serve him with ALL your heart and ALL your soul. How often do I walk away from my morning study and fall back into complacency? Pulled back by the world. I pray to remember what I just studied and let it mold me into being more like Jesus.

  4. Emily McGrath says:


  5. Sarah Ritchie says:

    I love this Shannan. Powerful reminder for today.

  6. Jill Lee says:

    It strikes me how sincerely wrong the chief priests, scribes and Sadducees were. They devoted their entire lives to a set of beliefs that at their heart missed it completely because they were not motivated by love for God and others- the central and foundational commands. How often do we get it wrong for the same reason?

  7. Monie Mag says:

    Jesus told the sadducees they didn’t know the scriptures or the power of God. This probably didn’t go over well for a group that were suppose to be experts in the first books of the Bible. If I don’t know scripture, God’s word=truth, if I don’t know God’s power it would be easy to doubt God’s ability to actually do what he promises. I’m so thankful for the freedom to read and study God’s word=truth with all of you. Praying we all walk in the truth and power of the one true God❣️

  8. Rhonda J. says:

    Good morning! If you have not watched yet the show The Chosen, I encourage you to do so! It really shows what we are reading in this study and leading up to Easter in such a relatable way! I know you will love it!