Jesus Gave Thanks

Open Your Bible

Matthew 15:35-37, Luke 10:21-22, John 11:14-15, John 11:38-44, Luke 22:14-20

I babysat a lot in college, mostly for families in the church I attended. Stepping into their homes, I got to see the sweetest spiritual rhythms and routines as parents taught their children about following Jesus, and I loved getting to join in for all the dinner and bedtime prayers, Bible-story reading, and worship-music dance parties. My absolute favorite memory ever, however, is of one of my little friends asking his mom, “Does Jesus like cheese sticks? I think he does. What about mashed potatoes? I think he does.” These are the greatest things he has in his life, so, of course, Jesus would like them, too! 

While I draw so much joy from this memory, in reflecting on today’s reading, it did make me wonder if I only give thanks for the cheese stick and mashed potato moments. It is absolutely necessary and wonderful to give thanks for these things, and I want the childlike faith that pushes me to give thanks for both the largest and smallest things in my life. But I can also find myself only giving thanks for the things I am excited about or happy to receive. Do I give thanks when, instead of mashed potatoes, I get broccoli for dinner?

It is humbling, encouraging, and even a little convicting to read the wide variety of situations Jesus gave thanks in. He gave thanks when He was tired after a long day’s teaching but wanted to feed the hungry crowds around him. He gave thanks at the joy of seeing His followers return from the good work He sent them to do, and He delighted in the ways they’d listened to and trusted in His words. He gave thanks in deep sorrow and grief, mourning the loss of His close friend but thanked the Father in advance for raising Lazarus. And He gave thanks when He was on the cusp of the darkest, scariest, most intensely painful thing He ever experienced: His own death. 

In all these things, Jesus gave thanks. In Scripture, I can see that His life was filled with similar emotions and experiences that I know weigh down my praise and make it difficult for me to find things worth giving thanks for. But in His example, I see giving thanks as a multipurpose tool. It is a cup of cool water when we need reminders of what is good and true as we build resilience. It is a megaphone to tell whatever emotional or physical burden we carry, “I know who is in control.” It is a yoke that shifts my burdens where they actually belong—on God’s perfect and strong shoulders (Matthew 11:29–30). As you also learn from Jesus’s example, try giving thanks to God for who He is and all He has given, maybe even giving thanks for the thing that is the hardest of all to be grateful for. I pray that in doing so, you will find whatever you need in Him.

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67 thoughts on "Jesus Gave Thanks"

  1. Jeannie Cross says:

    (Giving Thanks): “It is a megaphone to tell whatever emotional or physical burden we carry, “I know who is in control.”. This brings me such great comfort. I am continuing to thank God in the hard time I’m in!

  2. Ada McCloud says:

    In the depths of my depression I thank you God. For without this dark, the light won’t be as bright.

  3. Jayma Goodman says:

    It’s proven over & over again that the Lord also gave thanks. How he gave thanks was so extreme, which makes sense. But we need to remember that when we are also giving thanks everyday in such small ways.

  4. Kieran Elliott says:

    Jesus gave us much thanks, despite the fact that due to our sin we don’t deserve it. He is a gracious god!

  5. Genie Heaton says:

    My husband and I have been in a financial struggle post Covid. He’s in sales, and people just aren’t buying with the economy. I have been so bitter about it, and for so long just stayed in a constant state of pity party. Within the last few months my perspective has really changed from God why are you putting me through this to I understand your plan is great, and even though it’s been tough, you’ve never let me down. Today I’m thankful for this struggle. How dare I question it. Jesus knew he was going to die on the cross and still have thanks. I’m so grateful for this struggle, it has brought me closer to Him and changed my life in so many ways.

  6. Stacy Barbeau says:

    Who He is and what he’s doing!*

  7. Stacy Barbeau says:

    I loved how she said giving thanks always, in good and hard or negative circumstances shows we know who is in control! Praise God when I don’t like my circumstances, that I have a good Father who still gives me results to be thankful for who

  8. Melissa Pidcock says:


  9. Lauryn Clark says:

    While I was reading Luke 22:18 it reminded me of John 19:28-29 when Jesus says he is thirsty and drinks sour wine before giving up his spirit. I have never caught that before and it is amazing how Jesus told his disciples the plan. Catching little nuggets like that is so exciting!

  10. Linda Fenwick says:

    Thank You Father God for teaching me forgiveness and grace so that I can also forgive myself and others

  11. Lolly Regan says:

    I’m thankful for what I think I lack because it draws me close to God in realization that I have more than enough in Christ Jesus

  12. Lakechia Smith says:

    “I know who is in control”❣️

  13. Julianne Jacob says:

    It went wonderfully and they are home now!! Thank you for prayers

  14. Katie Nordgren says:


  15. Connor Graves says:

    Wow I needed this..

  16. Jessica Kolar says:

    “I know who is in control” and I will give thanks to him for everything and in everything.

  17. D Wilson says:

    I don’t comment often but pray for your requests. Encouraged today to be thankful for a family situation that makes me sad. Reminded of how much I have to be grateful for and expressing my thankfulness to our Father lifts my spirits and gives me perspective. Thankful for these posts and prayers and those that pray for this group as a whole, I feel included in those prayers. Thankful for so many prayer warriors in this group.

  18. Lisa Semoy says:

    Amen amen and amen

  19. Munchkin says:

    As I read about how Jesus gave thanks in all circumstances, I think of how many things I take for granted just because they have always been there. My brain tends to see the negative, but there is so much to be thankful for. God has delivered me from suicidal thoughts. I could never thank Him enough for that. Yes, I may still get depressed, but my brain no longer goes to that dark place. I need to remember that everything is my life is a gift from Him, even if I don’t see it or understand it. May I have a more thankful heart.

  20. Anna Faith says:

    Thank you Jesus!

  21. Catherine McVey says:

    @Victoria E. thank you for your prayers

  22. meg alba says:

    I feel this so deeply!!! My husband is a police officer and this week I did solo parenting with three kids. I reminded myself everyday to be thankful for the chaos bc I am tired yes but these are my special gifts.

  23. Victoria E says:

    GramsieSue- praying for Steve. Traci Gendron, praying for you as well. Nancy, praying for you. I should have waited to consolidate these in one post , I am praying for other requests listed here as well !

  24. Victoria E says:

    Martha Hix praying for you and your family this season as well.

  25. Victoria E says:

    Catherine McVey I am praying for you!!

  26. Colleen DeVeau says:

    LORD God, I thank You for every person in this community. I pray for every person connected to them. I pray for hope, joy, and peace for each one. I pray for comfort and strength for the weary. I thank You for every battle You have allowed us to walk through. I thank You that You have always been so close in this times even when we have felt alone. Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us. Thank You for always keeping Your promises to Your beloved. Thank You so very much for all that You are. Amen.
    Thank You all for your prayers and thoughts.
    I am going through yesterday and today’s comments that I might pray for every one of you who have commented here and even for those who do not.
    I love you and I know for a fact that God loves you so much more. Keep clinging to Him. He can and will never fail.

  27. Shelby Arevalo-Daszkiewicz says:

    I am amazed by today’s reading. They put His grace and thanks on every circumstance into perspective for me.

  28. Deanna Rasch says:

    Martha, my husband will be smoking his first turkey this Thanksgiving. Saying a prayer of gratitude and peace, thinking of you.

  29. Claire B says:


  30. Blessed Beth says:

    This study makes me feel so good, so thankful for every, yes everything in my life because our Lord and Father want to work through us , making us the best we can be. Oh yes what a feeling of peace this gives me.

  31. Tami C says:

    SHARON JERSEY GIRL yes Chela is coming home for Thanksgiving! We live on Long Island so close by. Your offer is so amazingly kind! I am just counting the days and then 3 weeks until the semester ends and we regroup. I am in the “waiting” right now. So hard to know what to do and how to support her.

  32. Kimberly Z says:

    Thanks so much for all the sweet prayers! Still a wait ing game but praying it all works out. Happy Friday ladies. Praying for you

  33. Catherine McVey says:

    Good morning She’s! I love this study so much! For many years I have tried to be positive and thank God for all things and pray without ceasing. But when I was diagnosed this August with multiple myeloma it took my breath away. I couldn’t figure out “why “. But God has shown me that he could heal me in an instant but He will walk with me through this journey and will work this for my good. My son needs salvation and was very broken when he found I had cancer. I’m praying that he will see my faithwalk and turn his heart to the Lord! Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I’m thankful for all of you !

  34. Traci Gendron says:

    MARTHA HIX – prayers as you go through the holidays without your husband.

  35. Traci Gendron says:

    This may sound strange to some, but I am thankful for how Tanner’s illness changed me. God knew that I needed something big to make me turn to Him. It taught me to realize how precious every moment is. To not waste life. Am I perfect at this, NO, but I am aware and I don’t think I would have become this person without this challenging hardship. I wish Tanner would have been healthy enough to receive the stem cell transplant. That is harder to accept. But GOD was ready to bring Tanner home with Him.

  36. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “As you also learn from Jesus’s example, try giving thanks to God for who He is and all He has given, maybe even giving thanks for the thing that is the hardest of all to be grateful for.”
    I thank you and praise You God – my Father, my Defender, my Refuge, my Savior! Thank you for every blessing You have ever bestowed on me. Thank you for my SRT sisters and for this community. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” – Psalm 150:6

    Thank you to everyone who is praying for my future DIL Emily, please continue as her recovery is slow.

    Praying for you @Martha Hix – and @all who will be celebrating the holidays with a loved one missing – an empty seat at the table. ❤️

    Praying for all your requests – may God answer according to His will.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  37. Kerry Terry says:

    I love seeing others find joy in the ‘little’ things, the ‘every day’ things. My husband has that child-like way at times. It is uplifting. It convicts and encourages me to think similarly; living intentionally with gratitude. Thank you for this series! May you all be blessed today!

  38. MARTHA HIX says:

    Thankful for all you She’s! ❤️
    Thankful that parts of my house are coming back together after it flooded July 15…. Even the boxes that are everywhere!
    I am thankful I will be going to Waco to visit my daughter and her family and my son will be coming from Dallas for Thanksgiving!
    My husband, who passed away unexpectedly 8/20/21, was absolutely remarkable when it came to smoking a turkey and his presentation of it on a platter. We miss him daily, and are especially reminded of our appreciation of his culinary skills during this season of food preparation and feel his loss amidst our gratitude and thanks.
    Please pray as we travel and share time together! I am praying for your requests as well and happy holidays!

  39. Donna Scheiman says:

    Amen and Amen

  40. Sarah Ritchie says:

    I am thankful for all of you here. Long time reader but have only recently started commenting. Your collective wisdom and grace touch my heart daily.

  41. Sarah Ritchie says:

    Thankfulness as a heart posture. I love this!!!

  42. Cassandra Rose says:

    I’m praying for you Nancy! Alzheimer’s is a heartbreaking path and I pray that God continues to give you strength and courage.
    Katie, I’m praying God will show you true strength and grace as you battle cancer.
    Julianne, I’m praying for a safe delivery and the quick recovery of your daughter! May God give her strength.
    I ask for prayers in healing my broken heart. My parents and I have been estranged for a little over a year and I’m trying to find the blessing in losing the relationships I had with them. I’ve been struggling and humbly ask for prayers of healing and courage.

  43. Cheryl Blow says:

    Wherever we are we can give thanks. It is a sacrifice of praise. So many of you are going through tough times and are praising God. This touches my heart! You are brave and fearless trusting and thanking God in the midst of your trouble! Praying for all of you!
    Lord help me follow your example and my sisters’ example!

  44. Mari V says:

    This morning, I’m going to be transparent. Again. Without giving details, I’m thankful for my mom even when she’s convinced that she has done nothing wrong. I’m going to focus on the fact that she’s loving and caring and her convictions are between her and God. Happy Friday sweet She’s!

  45. Taylor says:

    Finally jumping in with you all as what has been a whirlwind of 2 weeks. After being sick for over a week, I’m finally feeling almost 100% again. Also with the craziness of post-season I have been everywhere but here. God put an exciting opportunity in my path but then called me to turn it down. It’s hard to be thankful when you feel like God holds something good in front of you just to take it away, but I trust He is in control and everything is working for His glory and my good.

    I pray everyone has a great weekend <3

  46. GramsieSue says:

    Even when He knew that His time was at hand, Jesus gave thanks to God.
    Yes, even then.
    I have a cute little art work on my wall at home that says:
    “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
    It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
    I think too many times I am waiting and asking for the storm to pass…

    But God…

    He’s teaching me to learn to dance in the rain.

    Prayers for those of you in your storms.

    Steve was really feeling good yesterday, but today not so much.
    Thankful for all you prayer warriors.
    Hugs to all ❤️

  47. Christy Moye says:


  48. Aimee D-R says:

    I am grateful for so much, for Your Mercy and Grace above all. In Jesus name, Amen

  49. Donna Wolcott says:

    Julianne, congratulations on the birth of your new granddaughter. I hope all went well and praying blessings on all. I’m loving this study and the suggested prayer writings each day. Sisters, lifting your requests as I read. Thanking God for each one of you.❤️ Have a blessed day!

  50. Foster Mama says:

    Good morning Sisters,

    If you can, please repeat any requests you’ve had this past week, that have not already been mentioned today by someone…I don’t want to forget anyone.
    Much love ❤️

    ME: Goddaughter and family’s mental health, financial and housing situation; to know Jesus and not fall into snare to “hate” Him; that I would be a light;
    freedom from my being weighed down by my own weakness;
    relationships with my past babies;
    salvation and avoid future for my current baby

  51. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  52. Kerry Rowley says:

    I am thankful for SRT. I have been here for many studies. My life has been changed.

  53. Cee Gee says:

    What stood out to me today is that Jesus gave thanks as a witness of Who He is.
    John 11:42-
    I know that you always hear me, but because of the crowd standing here I said this, so that they may believe you sent me.”
    I often pause and say, “Thank You, God” when I find favor when I am shopping. Sometimes there is someone nearby and sometimes not, but I feel like that is a simple way to show who I am in God to any who do hear.

    On a lighter note, I just have to say that I like broccoli, but insert the word ‘liver’ in that sentence and we have an entirely different conversation! ☺

    THANK YOU, KAYLA DE LA TORRE for this beautiful and enlightening devo!

    Praying for all requests seen or unseen. NANCY S – So good to see you! You remain in my prayers regularly along with LYNNE FROM ALABAMA , LINDA IN NC, and GRAMIE SUE – and any other SHE who is a long-term caregiver.

    Thank you all again for your prayers! I am starting to feel normal again with just a little way to go!

  54. Dawn Prenatt says:

    In the Give Thanks book, the prayer prompt for today was to thank God for the example of His Son.
    Reflecting on today’s scripture readings, and seeing how Jesus met every single moment with genuine gratitude, this song verse came to mind because I felt so speechless – I’ve got nothing else fit for a King.
    Today’s devotion was also spot on, driving home the opening statement of this study, that thankfulness and gratitude is more than words, it’s a heart posture. One which I know I don’t have all the time, and makes me feel the need to bow down and kneel before our beautiful Lord.
    Lord, you are everything. Guide my heart as I move through this day to turn my heart to you in gratitude and my eyes to Jesus as my example. Amen!
    Praying for all my ladies here!

  55. Adrienne says:

    Thank you, Kayla De La Torre for reminding me that Jesus gave thanks for everything… “As you also learn from Jesus’s example, try giving thanks to God for who He is and all He has given, maybe even giving thanks for the thing that is the hardest of all to be grateful for. “ (And by the way, loved ones, as someone who follows a plant-based diet, I LOVE broccoli and NOT cheese sticks and sometimes not mashed potatoes! If you don’t love broccoli… give it a chance.. It is so unappreciated!)

    I wish you a day filled with peace, love, thanks and broccoli, my sweet sisters! ❣️

  56. Dawn Prenatt says:

    Praying for your daughter, Julianne and joining you in that prayer of thanks!

  57. Meagan says:

    I’m grateful to be reminded of thankfulness during a very hard season of life. Bitterness is so cruel and I am trying to overcome it with thankfulness.

  58. Searching says:

    The last paragraph of the devo was very moving, thank you Kayla.

    Copying CEE GEE’s idea from yesterday in sharing the Bible Gateway verse of the day – a good reminder to me that studying God’s word will guide me through whatever.
    Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. KJV

    Praying for:
    KIMBERLY Z – housing for your sister and ability to leave situation
    TAMI C – Chela, relief of anxiety & pain of homesickness. Love that SHARON JERSEY GIRL reached out with an option yesterday
    LINDAK – smooth recovery after friend Karen’s surgery
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – Emily’s recovery and pain relief
    COLLEEN DEVEAU – total subsiding of heart issues, continued progress for your dad
    JULIANNE JACOB – for a smooth and healthy delivery for your daughter, and for the welcoming of your granddaughter this morning. Congrats

    KELLY (NEO) ❤️ thank you for the great share from HRT. I went there and took a screenshot of the whole devo for today, through the tears, as it reminded me that we are either feeling lonely, overlooked, forgotten or cast aside Now, or we have felt that way in the past, or will feel that way in the future, and/or know someone feeling that way – but we are none of those things in Christ.
    CEE GEE – “practice makes perfect” ❤️
    SUSAN REAGON – thank you for sharing the remembrance of God’s word over the years
    NATASHA R – yes, we should rejoice in what He starts, and pray we are able to recognize the starting, or able to look back and see the unfolding of His work. Hong Kong! Thankful His word and these studies are available around the world!

  59. Nancy S says:

    In the midst of his Alzheimer’s I’m thankful for the husband I love so dearly, & for our Lord, who is walking this journey with us, one day at a time.

  60. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Wow, giving thanks is a multipurpose tool…when I difficult times it realigns our sight back on our Father and reminds us of Who is in control!! ❤️❤️
    Love this!

  61. Mari Gomez says:

    Thank you Jesus! I’m looking forward to the next two weeks of this study. It’s really helping me posture myself towards God this Thanksgiving. Especially as I am inundated with messages about Black Friday Sales. That is not what this season is about at all.

  62. Julianne Jacob says:

    Pray with me as I give thanks and wait for the birth of a grand daughter this morning. My daughter is at the hospital and will have a c section in a little over an hour. Giving thanks to a good loving God who knows all.

  63. Wendy Rodgers says:

    So good!! I’m thankful I found this study!

  64. Brenda says:

    On today’s section of the podcast I listened to, they brought up that Jesus gives thanks for the cup of his suffering. This models giving thanks in all circumstances for us. This made me feel the ick, because I know I don’t do this. As the devotional today says, do I give thanks for the broccoli instead of the mashed potatoes I get for dinner? I know I don’t. Lord please change my heart for a more thankful posture for all the things in my life, both things I want and things that are challenging. Happy Friday She’s. Praying for all requests.

  65. Kelly (NEO) says:

    From HRT: “Jesus thanked God for being near.

    For you who feel alone in the world, you who feel overlooked, forgotten, and cast aside—consider that when the Son of God gave thanks to the Father, it was for the opportunity to draw near to us and to respond to our deepest needs.”

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – praying for Emily’s recovery. May this draw her to Jesus.

    KIMBERLY Z – praying your sister finds favor and is able to get the apartment.

    MICHELLE SCHROCK – praying for the heart of your student to have a better outlook.

    MARI V – prayers for your brother and SIL to find work quickly.

    SEARCHING – praying for your relative’s job issues to be resolved and for the little one so behind in school.

  66. Karen Roper says:


  67. A Walton says:

    Praying for Aliya. I know how frustrating it is to deal with governments and trying to gain citizenship. Praying she and her mom find someone to help as I found in this situation the people with authority try to look for every reason to say “no”. As difficult as it is, God is the ultimate authority and he rules over all. Thankful he is so good.