Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

Open Your Bible

Matthew 10:1-4, Mark 6:7-56

Scripture Reading: Matthew 10:1-4, Mark 6:7-56

Jesus was the most perfect person ever to walk the earth. Often, we relate it to what He said and did. Rarely do we relate His perfection to His emotional state. But Jesus was perfectly emotional, never overreacting or underreacting in any situation. 

When we read about the life of Jesus in the Gospels, we see His heart of compassion. Jesus and His disciples were tired and hungry (Mark 6:30–32). They were looking forward to rest and recovery when the crowds gathered. What did Jesus feel? Compassion. 

He didn’t see them as obstacles in the way of self-care. He didn’t see leeches who needed to go away. The most perfect human laid eyes on the crowd and saw lost sheep without a shepherd. In His compassion, He deals with their spiritual need by teaching them and then deals with their physical need (Mark 6:34). 

Can’t we relate to the disciples’ reactions to the people? “Come on Jesus, we’re tired, it’s late. We’ve been on a mission trip. Let’s send them away. Hold up, you want us to feed them? Do you know what that would cost us?” I get tired just making a meal for our young church plant. Yet in His tiredness, Jesus takes five little loaves of bread and two fish, blesses them, and satisfies over five thousand people (v.42). His compassionate and costly hospitality is a beautiful example for us. Can people around us taste the hospitality of Christ in our actions?

This narrative also highlights the compassion of God throughout Israel’s history. Jesus is the better Moses all of us have been waiting for. A mediator between God and sinful man, who feeds the people the “manna” of His Word and delivers them from the wilderness of sin and death. Jesus is the better David, the compassionate Good Shepherd who lays down His own life for the sheep (Psalm 23, John 10:11).

And this is how Jesus regards you and me today. He isn’t repelled by our sins and weaknesses. They’re why He came. We were sheep without a shepherd, and He had compassion on us. Are you tempted to think of Him as distant or begrudging? His perfect heart is perfectly compassionate and excited to demonstrate lavish love toward you. Don’t be afraid to approach or need Him. He came so that we might one day be perfectly and finally satisfied forever. 

Written by Beverly Berrus

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71 thoughts on "Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand"

  1. Summer Stevenson says:

    Thank you Jesus for being emotionally perfect for me!!!

  2. Melanie says:

    Anyone who touched His robe was healed!!! Amazing. I have been praying for my healing for years. Lately healing scripture jump at me. So wondering how do I touch the robe of Jesus? I know it’s not literal but trying to dig deep

  3. Melanie says:

    Anyone who touched His robe was healed? I have been praying for my healing for years. Lately healing scripture jump at me. So wondering how do I touch the robe of Jesus? I know it’s not literal but trying to dig deep

  4. Mercy says:

    Like many of you, the verse that grabbed me fully today was : “For they CONSIDERED NOT the miracle of the loaves: for their heart was HARDENED”. What caused their hearts to be hardened? The storm? The toiling? Likely yes. Pharaoh’s heart was too hardened in the plagues. The disciples sore afraid and troubled, they were tempted to think otherwise of their Master. We should watch out for the condition of our hearts when in troubling times, when in the deep valley of suffering, not on mountain top, but the drudgery valley, that is the EASIEST time our hearts are tempted to consider not the Lord or His promises. We can be tempted to distrust God, to unforgive God for allowing things to happen.

    @Jeni B: you’re a hero. May God hold your hand and go before you to provide every physical needs, emotional needs, protection for you, 3 kids and your ex husband.
    @Tara B: praying for grace for everyone in your family. May compassion, calmness, gentleness, healing words be with you all to soften any tensions/hardships.
    @Dorothy: “mentally perfect” vs. “emotionally perfect”, thank you for this. Only by God’s power that this could be achieved. Totally impossible for us… but possible with God.
    @Lolly Regan: I echoed your prayer. I too need to learn to show compassion and endurance to my dear husband, who is a wonderful gift from God.
    @Lehua K: praying for your new promotion/transition to go smoothly, with confidence in God’s leading, no anxiety or fear. More focus for your side hustle.
    @Taylor: sorry that your account got hacked :( Praying for God’s protection over your personal information and the reinstating of the account.
    @Michelle P: grace for new strength and more patience to endure (Isaiah 55:12). Hugs to you.

    Be blessed dear sisters.
    Trust God and lean not on our common sense/understanding.

  5. Rebecca W says:

    Dear Jeni, prayers for you, your boys and your step daughter. You are doing the right thing by opening your heart and home to her. Jesus will be with you all as you begin a new chapter in your life. May you feel His presence and peace during this challenging time. He loves you all!
    @Michelle Patire, prayers for renewed joy to fill your heart. He understands your temporary frustrations and sadness. May a break through of blessings be right around the corner!
    @ Taylor prayers for you for corrections to your hacked account.
    @ Le??? (Forget the spelling) lifting you up for peace and confidence as you begin your new job with responsibilities. May Jesus guide you and your decisions.

  6. Lolly Regan says:

    Lord please allow me to have compassion on my husband. Help me to see him as a sheep without a shepherd and serve him in love. Please teach me to let go of my selfish fears and protection methods so that I might show him the hospitality and love of Jesus… the one who came for us, loved us in our filth, and died so that we might be together ❤️ amen

  7. Dorothy says:

    When I read what Beverly wrote about Christ being “emotionally perfect”, I thought how true that is. But I also thought, “This would mean Christ is mentally perfect”. How many times have I emotionally or mentally had a breakdown and not fully understood why? Jesus’ compassion for everyone — even those who persecuted Him — has always amazed me.

    Father God help me when I emotionally or mentally struggle through my life problems, remind me to turn to You and Your Word and Your Son, Christ Jesus to get me through. I know You are always with me. Amen

    Be blessed and turn to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit even in emotional and mental crises because they ARE ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU sisters.

  8. Lexi B says:

    I ended up reading both she reads/ he reads truth devotionals today. Both were so helpful, and this sentance from HRT stood out to me: God let me participate in the miracle of abundance even though I brought nothing to the equation but myself.

    I struggle a lot with feeling inadequate in my business. So much to learn and so much I don’t know. Yet God is blessing it. I need to remember this when I get down on myself.

    Jeni B- Praying for you and your family. God will provide even if you can’t see how. He will do it.

    Taylor- so sorry to hear about your Spotify! I love mine and would be so distraught if this happened. Praying everything gets sorted out soon.

    Lekua (I hope I spelled your name right!) Praying for your transistion time in your work, that God gives you peace as you step into your new role. Prayer for your side business that it florishes!