Here is a glorious truth—God’s grace is for all of us. This truth flies in the face of messaging we’re constantly bombarded with, messaging that tells us to “look within ourselves for strength, purpose, and fulfillment.” That “we are enough.” It’s bad news if we are as good as it gets.
The truly good news is that God deals in the currency of grace and He prioritizes the grieved, weary, sinful, unimpressive, and broken. Who has come to beckon sinners to Himself? It is Jesus, the friend of sinners. Who has Jesus come to help? It is us. In Matthew 8, we catch a glimpse of this as Jesus heals a leper, the dying servant of a Roman centurion, a sick mother-in-law, people who were demon-possessed, and scared disciples.
If you were starting a church, would these folks be your top picks for the team? Probably not. Yet Jesus loved and chose the overlooked, the marginalized, the outcast, and the fearful to be the first followers. It tells a lot about what kind of kingdom Jesus is building and what kind of love Jesus has. Do you see yourself as an unsuitable choice to receive God’s grace? If you do, then tell others that this kind of love is available to them. When we love and approach others in the same way that Jesus has loved us, we tell the truth about what God is like.
Our dear friends from India recently told us about a Christian friend who’d been born into the highest caste in India. This man was visiting a church in another city when he met a brother who’d been born into the lowest class. When they met, this brother (the outcast) shrinked back, moving away because he was so used to others from higher castes ignoring or mistreating him. To his shock, the Christian from the higher caste instinctively pulled him in for a hug, saying, “You are my brother in Christ.” Our friends remarked, “Only the gospel can do that.”
Jesus’s love heals in every direction—spiritually, physically, and relationally.
If you’re having a hard time recognizing the love of Christ towards you today, I invite you to remember the leper from our story. Recognizing that he was an undeserving sinner, he asked the Lord Jesus to cleanse him. Jesus’s response to him is no different than His response to us today, if only we would ask. Jesus answers, “I am willing; be made clean” (Matthew 8:3).
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56 thoughts on "Jesus Extends Healing to All"
What a great reminder to love everyone. I have an acquaintance who I am not a very big fan of. I was reminded yesterday not to judge people for we will be judged by that same measure. I recently had a friend say well her intentions are not Godly…and today I am learning that is who Jesus chases. I have to open my heart to everyone. What a great reminder of how great Jesus love is. To be like him I have to open my heart.
When the “storm” comes (illness, physical pain, change of plans, loss of a loved one, financial changes, career/lifestyle changes, global pandemic…), we can have BIG faith by not only giving our burdens to Jesus but also believing that He can handle it! He will work it around for our good and His glory. It’s a two step process. Give and believe.
Mia Faith, continuing to pray for you and your family.
God is good,all the time, and God is faithful. We hold on to our Lord through His grace to us all.
Good piece
The caste system is evil. We are not designed for categories. We are designed for unity in Jesus Christ. The enemy is always looking to divide us. Let us stand united, like this man did, and stand with those. The Lord Himself tells us to associate with the humble.
Romans 12:16
“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.” (NIV)
Let us labor for love and only love. Lord God, grant us the mercy we need for this life. Help those who are deeply suffering. Those who have written their prayer requests here or hide it in their hearts. We know You see it all. Let us be present and available to Your greater love. Let us continue in Your peace and strength. Let us stay in love. Thank you, Jesus. We love you. We praise you. Hallelujah! Amen.
Praying for overwhelming peace and comfort for you and your family, Mia Faith. God is able! ❤️❤️
I had a good chuckle, thank you BEVERLY BERRUS: “look within ourselves for strength, purpose, and fulfillment.” That “we are enough.” It’s bad news if we are as good as it gets. What truth, don’t we see this in self-help books and podcasts a lot? Hee hee. It’s an illusion. We need the Lord to be good.
One point jumped out of at me by God’s grace. After our dear Lord did all the healings, all the casting out of demon-possessed/oppressed, long hours of ministry without a place to lay his head… “behold…., they begged him to leave” (Matthew 8: 34). Have you ever done all these things to serve the lost people, and they turned around to just ask you to LEAVE? They reject the blessing. Oh Lord, give grace that we are healed from people brutal rejection while doing good.
@MIA FAITH: thank you for the update. What if your husband is still alive? The angels ministered to our Lord during his fast in the wilderness. What if…? ❤️
@ERB: ❤️
@KRIS: amen to your answer. This body/tent is temporary. And the true completion is when we have a glorified body.
@CHERYL BLOW: prayers for your grandson Landry and his left eye to be healed/corrected.
@TRACI: prayers for the family in their grief.
@MARI V: safe travels for Michelle’s family and healing of breast cancer of Lisa.
@KRISTINA FINNEY: the undeserving leper was really the image of Christ’ love on the lowest of the lowest of the abandoned. Lepers were cast out into their own leper colony back then, a strict quarantine, they were spitted on, considered filthy, allowed to have no jobs, no family connections, they were that despised and abandoned, no medical assistance. So the “undeserving” standpoint is the true description, from the Jewish social and cultural norm historically, which is incredibly heartbreaking.
Be blessed dear sisters.
I pray the Lord’s hand be on you and your families always, to bless, to guide, to deliver, to lift up. May He answer even before you call, and while yet you are still speaking, God will hear (Isaiah 65:24).❤️
MIA FAITH: praying for you today, your name is written in my personal journal, too.
Today’s devotional is very heartwarming, seeing so many healings in the scripture. But what do you do when you don’t get healed? This is such a hard question for many. What comes to my mind is this: healing on this earth is still only temporary. None of the people Jesus healed while on this earth are still alive today. Our ultimate healing comes when we finally get to leave this world and be transformed into our heavenly bodies for all eternity. That’s the ultimate healing. We will all someday receive the ultimate healing that will last for eternity!!
Lord thank You for being willing always!! I believe in You, I trust in Your Goodness. Help me to share this love with others!
Today it was the story of the centurion that caught my eye. A passage I have read countless times stopped me today – I love that the Bible holds that power, that God can illuminate something new every time we open His word.
The part that struck me was the cultural world this centurion lived in. The Romans had a god for everything, and every situation in life meant a different prayer/sacrifice to whatever god they needed help from – and they had complete faith that whatever the outcome was the decision of that god. I imagine some got discouraged from time to time when the lack of response from whatever god simply meant it wasn’t meant to be, instead of the truth: those made up gods have no power to do anything! But here comes this Roman soldier, a man of influence and power, and all of sudden he is hearing of a God that is ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING! So sure is he that what he asks would get answered that he doesn’t even dream of having Jesus come perform it in person. And THEN, on top of just knowing it will happen with just a word from Jesus, this centurion asks Jesus to use his power on a SERVANT! Another aspect of the Romans was their view of how low a servant was in society – they were property.
It all seems in contrast to a Jewish culture that has a history of seeing the one true God save them over and over and some are so skeptical or lack so much faith even when they SEE THE MIRACLES WITH THEIR OWN EYES AND STILL ARE SKEPTICAL OR DOUBTING!!!
Makes me ask myself: What do I have faith in without question? Is it 100% God, or am I, too, always waiting for the SIGN to prove it, and then still doubting….
MIA FAITH, I am joining this army of praying SHE’S to surround you with the comfort and peace that only the ONE TRUE GOD can supply. May we storm the throne with pure faith that He will accomplish His will in your lives, that He will bestow double upon double portion of faith and provision during this storm. I pray that you and your family would only know the still small voice of God in the shelter of His wings! May your hearts be comforted from the questions and the pain and the feeling of being lost in sorrow. God is good, even now, even if. BUT GOD.
Praying MIA FAITH for you, your children and grandchildren. May the Lord be very near to your brokenhearts and give you peace that is not of this world. Praying they will find your husband’s body today.
Dear Mia, I pray they find your husband so you all can begin the long road to closure. May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit wrap you in peace in the waiting.
Thank you all for your inciteful comments and prayers. Thinking of many we have not “seen” in comments for awhile. Lifting all in prayer for whatever you face this day. God bless.
Oh, MIA FAITH, bless your hearts! Your update came in as I was typing my comment. Thank you for letting us know and we will be waiting with you, hands outstretched across the miles. ❤
Mia Faith I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband ❤️ I am praying for you!
“I’m willing, be clean!” If we will only ask Sometimes as believers, we still need to ask God to clean us up. “Jesus’ love heals in every direction- spiritually, physically, and relationally.” This is so beautifully written. That’s what He does for us. He loves us!
Please pray for my 4 yr old grandson, Landry. His left eye keeps pulling to the far right, crossing. It has gotten so bad he has complained that he is tired of seeing two of everything. He is seeing an ophthalmologist this morning.
MIA FAITH – ❤ Sweet sister, you and your family remain in my heart and in my prayers for “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding” and as you cling to Him in the days ahead, may He “guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” quotes from Philippians 4:7.
So many take-aways from these passages and Beverly’s devo! I identify most with the one who had no doubt of Jesus’ power, only unsure of His will. Thinking about that man. He had the faith to basically throw himself in front of Jesus (against the rules of their society which required lepers to separate from others and yell out, “Unclean, unclean!” as they came near people. And, – this gets me – he was willing to accept that he didn’t deserve Jesus’ blessing. He broke the rules of his society on the chance that Jesus might heal him, free him of sin and leprosy. Do I seek Jesus with such abandon, courage, and faith?! Jesus doesn’t want any of us to turn away from His blessing. I hope my rambling makes sense.
SEARCHING – ❤ You nailed it with your comment as always! Reminded me of our discussion on the prodigal son at life group Sunday.
Closing with partial lyrics from Even If by Mercy Me – again!
But God when You choose
To leave mountains unmovable
Oh, give me the strength
To be able to sing
It is well with my soul
I know You’re able
And I know You can
Save through the fire
With Your mighty hand
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone
I know the sorrow
And I know the hurt
Would all go away
If You’d just say the word
But even if You don’t
My hope is You alone
You’ve been faithful
You’ve been good
All of my days
Jesus, I will cling to You
Come what may
‘Cause I know You’re able
I know You can
@Traci Gendron – praying for Michelle, Jeff and Brooke. Heartbreaking.
Continuing prayers for you MIA FAITH as you wait for them to locate his body. Praying for comfort and strength. Sending you hugs and wishing I could be with you ❤️
“Jesus heals a leper, the dying servant of a Roman centurion, a sick mother-in-law, people who were demon-possessed, and scared disciples. If you were starting a church, would these folks be your top picks for the team?” That caused me to stop and ponder. The right answer would be, yes – of course! But the real answer is – I hope they would be. Jesus was drawn to the hurting, the needy and the outcasts. Typically if one had leprosy everyone would stay WAY clear of them. They wouldn’t even come close, never mind touch them – that would be unthinkable! But Jesus reached out His hand and touched him. What a perfect demonstration and example (for us to follow) of mercy, grace and love. … But God. Thank you Father God for reaching out your hand to me, when I was stained with sin. You touched me and cleansed me from all my unrighteousness and now call me Your own. Thank you, thank you – glory to Your name.
@Kristina Finney – I know it seems harsh, but the truth is none of us are deserving of God’s love because of our innate sin. I’ve heard it said like this, “we are not deserving (worthy) of God’s love, but worth it. Got Questions .com explains it better – here is just a portion of it, hope it’s helpful – the rest can be found on the website:
“Since it is God’s essential nature to love, He demonstrates His love by lavishing it on undeserving people who are in rebellion against Him. God’s love is not a sappy, sentimental, romantic feeling. Rather, it is agape love, the love of self-sacrifice. He demonstrates this sacrificial love by sending His Son to the cross to pay the penalty for our sin (1 John 4:10), by drawing us to Himself (John 6:44), by forgiving us of our rebellion against Him, and by sending His Holy Spirit to dwell within us, thereby enabling us to love as He loves. He did this in spite of the fact that we did not deserve it. “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).”
@Mia – Oh how hard this must be for you all. Praying he is found soon as to bring closure, and lifting you and your family in prayer today and each day that follows. May you be strengthened by His might. Please take comfort in knowing we love you dear sister and are all praying for you. ❤️❤️
@Mari V – praying safe travel for your friends as they come for the celebration of life service, peace and comfort in their loss. Praying for Lisa – may God give her and the doctors wisdom as they come up with a plan.
There is much sorrow and sadness in the world, but may we focus on what is good – the presence of Jesus and remember – that Satan and his demons have an appointed time, they will get what they deserve, and their time is short!
Have a blessed Friday dear sisters. May God’s peace be with you in wherever you are and whatever you do today. ❤️
Praying for you MIA FAITH.
Asking for prayer for a family that lost their 17 year old to a rare disease two days ago. Michelle, Jeff and daughter Brooke. Thank you
I was so amazed that they asked Jesus to leave. Not only asked, but begged! It seems that so many are choosing a sinful lifestyle even today. Our job is hard. We need to love and not condemn. To show unbelievers a gentle but firm faith that we walk in.
MIA FAITH, continuing to pray for you and your family. Praying they are able to locate your husband’s body today. Prayers for healing and comfort as you mourn the loss of a husband, father, grandfather, and friend. May his faith in Jesus give you peace, knowing he is in the presence of our Savior. Praying for your children and grandchildren that they will receive peace and comfort from God.
Oh Mia Faith, thank you for coming on an updating us on the situation, I just can’t imagine your despair over this, but at least you have more information. I pray that they find him soon as possible and the Lord Just keeps holding on to you tightly, and gives your words and strength for your children and theirs. We love you so much and will keep praying feverently.
Thank you for your prayers. I feel them… I truly do.
My husband loved Jesus more than anyone I’ve ever known! He had been praying and fasting for seven days- no food at all. Usually, when fasting, he’d have broths etc. for nourishment. But, this time no food at all. We think he became dehydrated and became disoriented and confusion set in. He was not thinking or processing clearly.
He step into a raging river – rains have been fierce lately. We’ve yet to recover his body. If they don’t find him today, it will likely be at least another week as we wait for the water to recede (big rains are coming this weekend).
The delay is tearing us up!! The longer it takes the worse the trauma for all of us. I’m especially worried for my children and grands.
We covet your continued prayers!
Mia Faith praying for your husband’s body to be found and praying for all of your family. Praying the Holy Spirit will comfort you and you will be surrounded by God’s love.
We are all covering you and your family with love and prayer, Mia
Dear Mia Faith my heart breaks for you …I will continue to pray for God’s loving arms to hold you and give you his peace that passes understanding. Your husband is now safe in the arms of the Lord, too….free of the suffering he had endured.
I am so sorry for what you are going through. My prayers go out to you and your family today.
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago about my friend Michelle’s dad that passed away from cancer. Pray for safe travels as they make their way here next week for her dad’s Celebration of Life scheduled for March 16, so assuming they’ll leave couple days before. TWO days ago she texted me asking for prayer for her sister Lisa (whom I also know) as she found out she has breast cancer and has an appointment next week on Tuesday with the medical team. MY heart goes out to this precious family. Asking for wisdom for the medical team that will be taking care of Lisa.
I want to echo the words of love and prayer for Mia Faith that you all have shared. Praying that the Lord will supply every need for her, comfort, safety, peace and also that which only He knows.
Good morning Sweet She’s! I didn’t get good sleep, tossed, turned, then spent time praying. MIA FAITH…continuing to pray for you and your family. WE are united here in prayer for you.
Kristina Finney- Sorry for getting your last name wrong! I hope with the coming revamping of the SRT website we will be able to edit or mistypes! And Reply directly! :-)
Have a great Friday SHE’S! Lifting up all your problems, cares and prayers to the One Who hear us!
Kristina Finley- I read it as we are undeserving because we are not owed anything by the creator that made us..and then we don’t even follow Him, but through Jesus, Yes, everyone can deserve Him because He comes for everyone, but again IF we choose Him we become His children, if not, we are separated eternally.Hope that makes sense. We are studying Job, it is helpful.
MIA FAITH, praying for you and your family.
I loved reading all of the insights you all shared to today – amen and thank you. MIA FAITH, I am praying for strength and peace for you and your family during this time of unimaginable grief and pain.
MIA FAITH, I join all of the other sisters in Christ today, asking the God of all Comfort to comfort you in this unimaginable time of grief. May He give you a peace that passes all understanding, May He guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. Know that you are not alone, you have sisters all over the world praying for you.
In that last paragraph of today’s devotional by Beverly Berrus, it bothers me to read “undeserving sinner”. No one is undeserving. Jesus came to save us all. He came to love, heal, and make a way for us to be with God in Heaven
From Beverly Berrus: “We are enough. It’s bad news if we are as good as it gets.” This is Satan’s tactic, to make us forget that we need God. From SEARCHING “Preferring demons and sin over healing.” Woa – exactly. Why do we humans so often want to stay in our sinful states and reject healing for our hearts?
Prayed along with the SRT sisters last night for MIA FAITH. May you feel His presence holding you close and comforting you in the midst of this heart-breaking tragedy. Praying in agreement with the many beautiful prayers shared here.
When I think of the broken world and all that happens daily all around us, it can seem overwhelming. Our heart breaks for those enduring suffering and loss, separation from their children and prodigals, and living with illness and mental conditions…the list goes on and on. The struggle is real. I can’t imagine a world where I didn’t know of a rare love and glorious hope that outshines the sun. But the afflictions make us rely on Him and strengthen us, because otherwise we find bandaids that soon unravel and spin us off in a perpetual cycle of sin that handicap us. We have so, so many numerous stories in the bible of those unequipped people that become the legends of the bible…THROUGH the Lord. Only because of Him. Joseph in the pit and prison for many many years, Moses in the desert, Abraham and Sarah childless of decades, David through his terrible mistakes and facing Goliath..I could keep going. Paul, dear Paul, and his many trials and in prison and still telling of His great Jesus! I love the song “Same God” by Elevation Worship. God is the same God of yesterday, today..and will be tomorrow, and through our every trial. Thank you Lord for being with us, we don’t deserve anything, you are almighty and we are just one little person in this great big world, yet you love us in a personal way and want us to be a part of your big plan! That is mind-blowing. This makes me think of Job. He knew nothing, and wrestled with God of the why. But we don’t have to know the why..we just have to trust.
Mia we are thinking of you and praying for you and will keep them coming because I don’t know how we could do it on our own, but I am praying the honoring, same God that knows and sees, is going to send you just the right people that are going to hold you up over the coming weeks, and He is going to give you an unnatural strength for your kids and grandkids. We would be there physically with you if we could, but know we are all holding you up when you can’t stand. We love you so much, and know your beautiful heart and your love for Jesus.
MIA FAITH- lifting you and your family up to the Lord. So sorry for your hurt and loss ❤️
MIA FAITH- praying for peace and comfort for you and your family this morning. Lord, you draw near to the broken hearted, please stay close to our dear sister and hold her tightly in this time of unthinkable grief.
Mia Faith I join the other Shes here in lifting you and your family up. I pray you take the time to feel your emotions and welcome God in to minister to them dear sister.
I think about how as soon as Jesus came down off the mountain the lepers and others sought him for healing. They would have been taught for most of their lives about the Messiah who would come and save them. You see the longing and hope in so many of those who asked Jesus for healing. Do I have a similar longing and hope? Do I turn to Jesus when I need hope?
Oh Jesus to have the faith of the centurion…I have faith and yet I still worry and doubt. Forgive me and thank you for loving me regardless! Amen
Moved this morning by the strength of faith of the leper and centurion – and the centurion’s humility, not having an attitude of superiority or entitlement.
And the last verse, they begged Him to leave. Preferring demons and sin over healing – may we choose Him over what the world is luring us with!
And the devo – currency of grace, love this phrasing.
MIA FAITH – On my knees, joining KELLY (NEO) and other sisters before the throne of the Almighty God, in prayer for comfort and strength of you and your family. ❤️
BG verse – 2 Corinthians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort
So Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law. That means Peter was married. What do you think his wife was doing? Was she following Peter and the guys, helping cook for the disciples and listening to Jesus’s teaching from the crowd? Was she at home taking care of her mother-in-law, annoyed that her husband Peter had basically abandoned his family to gallivant around Judea with the new flavor of the month? Maybe the wives and mothers had their own meetings at the local watering well to discuss what their men were sharing with them about Jesus… I’m so curious!
MIA FAITH I pray that at such a tragic and disorienting time that you find yourself anchored deeply in the Lord and can draw from the Lord’s peace and strength.
Dear MIA FAITH— we are praying for you and your family, sister. I just saw your message from yesterday today, and I am so incredibly sorry and heartbroken for you and your family. I hope you feel the love of this community praying and rallying around you. Much love.
MIA FAITH – praying for you and your family. “Power and might are in your hand, and it is in your hand to make great and to give STRENGTH to all.” Dear Lord give Mia Faith supernatural strength in the coming days. Surround her with your peace and your love. In Jesus’s name. Amen
Amen, Beverly, “Here is a glorious truth—God’s grace is for all of us.”
MIA FAITH – with a sad heart, I’m before the throne in prayer for you and your family, asking Jesus, who “went about doing good and healing all who were under the tyranny of the devil,” to pour a double portion of grace, love, and comfort to y’all today. Asking God to break the spiritual stronghold that has your family in its grip and bring you peace.
“I am enough” is making me feel miserable because I disappoint myself and deep inside, I know there has to be more. Thank you, BEVERLY BERRUS, for pointing us to “God’s currency of grace”! This is real freedom: we can all come to Him, because of His love and His grace. HE is enough!
Dear Father,
Thank You for the currency of grace.
You forgive our sins — every one.
You heal our diseases — every one.
You redeem us from hell — and save our lives!
You crown us with love and mercy — a paradise crown.
You wrap us in your goodness — beauty eternal.
You renew our youth — we are always young in Your presence.
(Psalm 103:3-5, The Message)
Let Jesus’s love heal us in every direction — spiritually, physically, and relationally.
I pray this especially for MIA FAITH and her family. Keep them close to You. Let them experience Your faithful love today and in the days to come.
In the words of Francesca Batistelli…
I wouldn’t choose me first if
I was looking for a champion.
In fact, I’d understand if
You picked everyone before me
But that’s just not my story.
He chose us. We are part of His team. He heals us, and He cleanses us.
Have a beautiful Friday, sweet She’s.
Please keep MIA FAITH and her family in your prayers. I know you are! ❤️