Jesus Christ Is the Same Forever

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 13:1-25, Joshua 1:5-9, Matthew 25:34-40, Revelation 1:8

So much has changed in my life in the last ten years. My mom slipped into the other side of eternity, we moved cities five times and added two children. All the change sometimes feels like a spinning ride at the fair—constant movement with no certain reference point—whirling circles that sometimes leave my soul feeling nauseous.

But as life spins me around, I’m learning to fix my gaze on the unchanging reality of Jesus Christ. Everything else I depend on for a sense of wholeness shifts. Fades. Dies. A parent’s departure or money dwindles as gas prices peak, and my trust in God’s character becomes my stabling agent—my constant. God remains the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). 

What feels like spinning circles in your life? 

I think maybe God led the writer of Hebrews to remind readers of God’s never changing character because we all face instability. The first-century Jewish believers maybe even more so. Their whole faith system spun on its head. They no longer needed the temple sacrifices. They no longer needed to live bound to their religious laws. They no longer needed to hope to hear from a prophet. Jesus was greater than all these things. Generations of religious history twirled on the point of Christ like a dreidel. Their fixed reference point of following the law spun to a new reference point, following Christ (Joshua 1:5–9, Matthew 25:35–40). 

What is your reference point these days? What do you focus on?

Part of what sometimes spins us in circles spiritually is social media. We hear all kinds of thoughts on who Jesus is—what it means to follow Christ—the kind of life we can “claim” as believers. It can be easy to have our faith spun in circles based on half-truths. Maybe our reference point for truth and wholeness sometimes needs refocusing. The author of Hebrews encourages readers not to be led astray by various kinds of teachings, and to be established by grace rather than following certain religious regulations (Hebrews 13:9). Are we led astray by various kinds of teachings or trying to keep up to our own version of regulations? 

Sometimes I am distracted. Sometimes my soul is weary from it all, and I sit on my back deck, stare at the trees, and cry. And the Spirit of God reminds me of His peace “through the blood of the everlasting covenant” of Christ and reminds me of His will for me (Hebrews 13:20–21). And I can see my reference point again—the unchanging, steadfast God of the universe who is with me and always will be (Joshua 1:9). My soul stops spinning. And I can follow Him again. 

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50 thoughts on "Jesus Christ Is the Same Forever"

  1. Lois East says:

    Thankful that in an ever changing world He is constant!

  2. Sydney Scott says:

    I get distracted by a mirror. A mirror I place up to my soul. Am I good enough? The answer is, God doesn’t look at my mirror, but looks at me through Jesus. Only in Jesus am I good enough. Without Him, I am not. When Covered by Him, I have His righteousness. I am saved, I am being saved, I will be saved by Jesus. I get distracted by my ability, the way others see me, worries of the future and the outcome of present decisions. Jesus never changes. The eternal covenant of His blood is enough for me, for His people, for His glory. He will give us everything we need to follow Him- His own self ❤️

  3. L Maddox says:

    The Lord is teaching me and training me to fix my focus on Jesus and His sure return. Today’s words really resonated with me in a season of life as a newlywed, military wife, and figuring out upcoming transitions of moving (again), transitioning jobs, and first time home buying. So much is happening, but I am reminded that none of this on earth is my stability. We were never meant to be stable on earth! Praise God for the eternal stability we’ll have with him!

  4. Jessica Fehland says:

    Thankful for this study! ❤️

  5. Alayna P. says:

    I’ve enjoyed this study alongside Leviticus so much. I feel closer to God. So thankful for our God who is the same yesterday, today and forever ❤️

  6. Sarah D. says:

    Praying for you all!! Thank you all for your prayers for me. I am so thankful for She Reads Truth and the community we have here. Excited for the upcoming Advent season, it’s always such a fun time with SRT.

  7. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I think my reference point has been me. It has been my image and the way I look. I want to maintain a certain look and since having a baby two months ago, certain parts of myself are Not the same as they once were. I want to live in a place where I can be content with who I am because God says I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

  8. Mercy says:

    Being strong and courageous is not a simple suggestion offered by the Word of God, for “just in case” moments. It is a mandatory commandment for a godly character we ought to have if we are to walk on this earth, to wrestle with a cunning devil and a deceived human race whose hearts are full of deceits (“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” Jeremiah 17:9). The Lord is kind, the Lord is long suffering toward His children. He was like that yesterday, today and forever. We were lost, blind, and pleasure-seeking, but with a new heart and a new spirit, we are on our way to be God-seeking, being renewed day by day, through the Alpha and Omega. The Lord gives us hopes, the imagination of what is to come, by the power of His Holy Spirit, we could see glimpses of what no eyes have ever seen, ears have ever heard or mind has ever imagined, but we are revealed the truth by the imagination of hope that keeps us going. Is He not the God that calls things that are not as if they were? Yes He is, still now and ongoing. Does our imagination has a sure foundation to rest on or is it delusional? He calls me strong though I am weak, He calls me healed though I am still hurting, He calls me redeemed though I am still bearing the loss. Who will believe the report of the Lord? Maya Angelou (a civil right activist) quotes this, “Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage”. Have courage to face the unknown, even the courage to face ourselves and our true conditions. Have courage to know we win with God on our side (The Lord is within her, she will not fall-Psalm 46:5). If any day finds us shrink back in fear, we know Who to ask for more courage to go back out there and conquer. Courage is a godly virtue we need to identify ourselves with (as Joshua has to learn to identify himself with). The race of Christian life is a meaningful one, but it is like an obstacle course that will require much courage, strength, hope and joy to endure (this reminds me of the American Ninja Warrior show for some reason- excuse my sidetrack). However, there is an art to run the race so that you won’t exhaust yourself, and that is called grace. Grace is the most beautiful art of all from the Author of Life, the Author & Finisher of our faith. Grace is designed for times of desperate needs, not for peaceful and happy times, and is sufficient for all weaknesses. By that grace, we can approach God – who is the source of all things-to get more supplies of what virtues we may need to run this race victoriously without exhausting ourselves. I used to tell my husband, you get exhausted so often because you haven’t learnt how to run on God’s gas. I am still learning this art and I think it’s the greatest discovery for my walk with God. Run your race on God’s gas. After all, the glory is for Him, the sacrifice of our thanksgiving is for Him, and this race is dedicated for Him and authored by Him. He will provide the gas/fuel that we need to finish it for Him. Lifting our sisters and their struggles in prayers (I am giving you a big hug and if I may sit with you in silence). May the God of all grace be with you, sit with you in these moments of life, to fulfil this verse “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”(Genesis 18:14) so it’s no longer just a verse you read on a book but a testimony of your own experiencing. May you all have a lovely weekend. Be blessed dear beautiful sisters.

  9. Angie Mills says:


    Happy birthday! I, also, am sorry to hear about your breakup. I also wanted to give you some encouragement.

    I am a 45-year old single lady. I desired a husband for a long time. No one ever asked me out on a date. I tried a reputable online matching site and was matched with someone. We talked over the phone and emailed, but when we met in real life it es a disaster. On the way home, I thought about the women of faith that I almost admired throughout history and they were all single!

    Although I want a husband, my greater desire is to be used by the Lord. I have so much more freedom to do so as a single person.

    About ten years ago, my young niece noticed that her mom had her dad and her grandmother had her grandfather. She innocently asked me if I was happy. When I asked her why she asked me that, she said that I didn’t have any one like her mom or grandmother did. I responded that I have Jesus and with Him I am happy. I decided then and there that if the Lord had me single just to let the girls that I come into contact with that they can still be a complete person with Jesus and no husband, then I am happy to fill that role.

    I pray that the Lord would show you the desire He has for your life. Keep listening. Keep walking with Him. Keep trusting Him. He will make it clear what He wants for you.
    May His grace continue to be evident in your life.

  10. Angie Mills says:

    Grace be with you all. — Hebrews 13:25


    From, outline of Biblical usage for Hebrews 13:25:

    Good will. Loving-kindness. Favor.
    Of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues.

    God’s grace is with us! How has God shown us His grace in this book of Hebrews? Through Jesus!

    J. Vernon McGee’s outline for the book of Hebrews does such a good job of summarizing Jesus’ work in this book. You can find that outline and a commentary for it. Look for it by searching J. Vernon McGee Hebrews Outline in an online search engine.

    Consider all the ways that God has shown His grace to us through His Son in this book. We have also seen how God is faithful to us throughout this book. Even the discipline He gives us is His grace to us because it shows His love for us and it produces the fruits of peace and righteousness in us.

    God gives us so much grace. Let us be thankful in awe and reverence for His great grace and worship Him alone.

  11. Susan says:

    Sisters, praying for each need that was mentioned as I read. I was speaking to a dear friend yesterday. She was sharing comfort and scripture with me. She reminded me that we seldom get to see our prayers go to completion. That Sunday many years ago we heard the same sermon on Ez.37. The same Holy Spirit prompted us to pray those words over my son Andy. We prayed and continued praying, even when we saw nothing. BUT GOD, was working and bringing life from dead bones in Andy. Through the years we got to watch the change and his service to the Lord. She reminded me as I cried, that we got to witness the completion of those prayers…home with Jesus! Not in the time I would have chosen, but in my Father’s time, which is always right. Ladies, keep crying out to the Lord! He hears, He knows and He is faithful! Whether it is marriage,loss, relationships…anything…cry out to Him. I’m preaching to myself!

  12. Kimberly Z says:

    @Grace praying for you during this time! I pray you always remember your worth comes from Jesus Christ and you can feel the Holy Spirit within you. @Taylor praying for you and your heart during time! As a fellow single girl I understand the emptiness you can sometimes feel. God has a plan for you just like he has one for me. Happy early birthday!

  13. Lexi B says:

    Churchmouse, Arina, Grace B, Maryann: praying for you. Praying for peace and Gods comfort as you move through these trials. He’s always near.

    Joanna: praying for a successful interview for you today!

    Taylor: Happy Birthday! Sorry to hear about your breakup. I understand the desire for marriage (I’m right there with ya). Praying for your heart and peace in the waiting. ❤️

  14. Rhonda J. says:

    @ Mary Ann Graves- I just wanted to share a praise with you about alcohol in my life! I have drank a glass (at most a glass and a half) EVERY night for many, many years! Not only did I like it to pair with my food, but it also was a bonus at the end of a day, and a comfort and aid to my back pain. But over the last few years I have really felt convicted to stop, for it seemed everyone around me loves alcohol and find it the center of every meal out or every meeting at the pool, in others words it seems to be what everyone revolves around here in paradise (and everywhere) to escape the problems of the world! Now I know there is an acceptance of moderate drinking in the Christian community, but I kept hearing programs renouncing it as not something Christians need to be doing. So this past January I fasted with my church for the coming year. Do you know I WAS DONE with wine at that point?! I took a few sips and it no longer tasted good! I have since no longer want it to be part of my life! Now I did order it at dinner the other night with my husband and a friend in town visiting…but it just no longer taste good and I threw most of it away! AND…I have not had a migraine since January!! What a praise! God knows what is best for us, soul, spirit, and BODY!! God provides, and takes away if we ask!! I still have a struggle with judging my husband for his drinking but remember that it is not mine to wrestle with, it is for him. (although if it was harmful to himself, me, or others it would be for me to deal with!) But we change ourself, God sanctifies us to grow more like Him. It may be slow, or sudden like in my case and many others, but turn it over as many times as it takes!! Praying for you my sister!!

  15. Angie Mills says:

    Grace be with you all. — Hebrews 13:25


    From, outline of Biblical usage for Hebrews 13:25:

    Good will. Loving-kindness. Favor.
    Of the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues.

    God’s grace is with us! How has God shown us His grace in this book of Hebrews? Through Jesus!

    J. Vernon McGee’s outline for the book of Hebrews does such a good job of summarizing Jesus’ work in this book. You can find that outline and a commentary for it here:

    Consider all the ways that God has shown His grace to us through His Son in this book. We have also seen how God is faithful to us throughout this book. Even the discipline He gives us is His grace to us because it shows His love for us and it produces the fruits of peace and righteousness in us.

    God gives us so much grace. Let us be thankful in awe and reverence for His great grace and worship Him alone.

  16. Michelle Patire says:

    Jesucristo es el mismo ayer, y hoy, y por los siglos.

    Hebrews 13:8

    I saw this in Spanish translation during my study. I’m not fluent but I like to learn little bits in case I meet a Spanish person who needs encouragement.

  17. Michelle Patire says:

    There are two Michelle’s with two LL’s lol! Hi other Michelle! :) good to see you posting regularly.

    Happy birthday tomorrow @Taylor! I can relate to waiting on the Lord for marriage. Remember, God is your inheritance and He also withholds no good thing. He will bless you in His perfect will. Believing these words for myself and speaking them over you. May He heal your hurt and give you joy on this birthday weekend. Be blessed, He who formed you knows your hearts greatest needs. May you feel Him near you.

    @Mary Ann Graves — thank you for sharing. I pray you confess your weaknesses with the community around you, as well. We are the body and we are here to bear each other’s burdens. You are not alone and may God give you grace upon grace and good direction to find help or counsel. You have brought it into the light and God will strengthen you and deliver you. You are not a slave, but a daughter of the King and He will sustain you.

  18. Syd, Lucie says:

    Beautifully Written – thank you for the encouragement:)

  19. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    One other prayer for @Mary Ann Graves – praying that the Holy Spirit, who lives within you, will give you the power to overcome your addiction to wine. Alcohol can have a strong hold on a person – but God is stronger, God is greater, He is healer and awesome in power! I am confident you can do this through Jesus Christ, who gives us strength. Philippians 4:13

  20. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) What a comforting thought. I think of all the ways I have changed over the years – sometimes the changes were not so good – other times they were very good. My moods change (sometimes) by the hour! My thoughts are ever changing. Praise God that He is constant, never changing always the same! His mercy and grace are abundant! All glory to God!!

    @Sharon Jones – welcome! It’s always nice to “meet” new SRT sisters! Prayers & praise for your daughter as she comes out on the other side of cancer!
    @Grace B – Praying that God will give you grace and strength and that He will not only save your marriage, but completely restore your relationship with your husband and his relationship with Christ.
    @Searching – praying for Shannon’s family and for mom who’s having by pass surgery.
    @Taylor – Happy Birthday! I am so sorry to hear of your break-up. I have been following your story and praying for you for quite some time now. May God give you grace as you heal and go forward. And may He, in His time bring the perfect special someone into your life… I am happy to hear you have your weekend of celebrations planned out. Enjoy every minute of celebrating the wonderful you God has created! (Psalm 139:13-14)

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

  21. Cass McKinney says:

    thank you Seana Scott for this word… I loved reading this book with the SRT community, and the message is always insightful. This one really hit today. I often sit on my back deck and just listen for the Lord to come through the trees, with tears in my eyes, weak and weary. but the this message is just the reminder I needed for this day
    thank you

  22. Kristyn Mohrmann says:

    Such a great reading today! A good reminder to keep my focus on Jesus.

  23. Jennifer Lamb says:

    Will be praying for you Grace. I’ve been through this in my marriage too and I know the physical, spiritual, and emotional toll it takes on you. Praying for wisdom, strength and peace as you walk through this season.

  24. Jackie says:

    Yes, the only stability in my life is God. These days I feel I am hanging on to Him for dear life as everything around me spins out of control. Thank God for His unchanging ways.

  25. Rhonda J. says:

    Welcome Sharon Jones, I love your introduction to learn a little about you! You will love reading and being a part of SRT and the She’s!!

    I am sad Hebrews is over and I wish I could read it every day, such good truth and balm for my soul!

    Prayers for you Grace, stay strong and know your worth is in our Lord and Saviour, although betrayal from our spouse is so hurtful. I have been there and had to move forward through divorce, which was very painful.

    Hoping you She’s have a fantastic Wkd and draw close to the One who knows us like no other.

  26. Rebecca says:

    Happy birthday to Taylor! Enjoy your fun weekend!

  27. Rebecca says:

    My heart aches for those sisters who are suffering right now (Grace, Arina, Churchmouse) and praying for peace and comfort. I love and am strengthened by the reminder that my reference point is the unchanging God of the universe.( No matter the chaos and shifting sands of our lives!)He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!

  28. Sharon Jones says:

    I have been a Christian for a long time now.
    Just turned 50 in September- which is funny in how freeing that is. I am married to a believer and an awesome guy – Tony. We have 3 kiddos my oldest is in his 2nd year at university who has no idea what he wants to do when he is done. He is getting a criminal justice degree. My middle is a senior she can’t wait to go to university next year. My youngest is a girl and a freshman in high school. They are all believers. We spent time as overseas missionaries when my kids were young. My husband works currently in a state side ministry to lower income families. I love my job I work with families and schools who have deaf or hard of hearing children as a consultant. Life is a mixed bag of blessings!

    We have the since 2019 been going through a tumor diagnosis with our middle. She had chemo for year and half. We are on the other side of that now just continue praying tumor is dead and never grows again. The tumor was in the nerve in her left eye so they can’t really tell. Praise the Lord – she had total return of her vision and color. She just had her port removed.. Though that is another story as she had a 2 hour vascular surgery for them to remove part of the catheter that broke off the port.

    My husband and I facilitate a Bible study at church – we have been studying Revelations. It has been a great study.

    I struggle with finding time daily in the word and so decided to order the monthly boxes to focus myself that will start next month. So I jumped in and started this study last Saturday.

    I had forgotten what a beautiful book Hebrews is. I am sad to have it over. I am not sure how much I will actually comment in here but I thought I would introduce myself in a way.

    We are all cracked pot and broken vases working out our salvation through Faith and completely depended on Christ. I am far from perfect my family has struggles – as we all have sin that entangles us. There are many ways that we can be distracted to taking our eye off what is really important in life and focusing instead on exactly what we shouldn’t. My prayer for us all is that we consistently return our focus to Christ, his word and prayer.

    May you all be blessed.

  29. Danielle B says:

    @grace and @maryann praying for you both.
    @arina I pray that you will fill God strengthen you today in a way that eases your weariness

  30. Taylor says:

    Clinging to Jesus as my anchor during what’s been a hard week. My boyfriend and I broke up on Wednesday night, so my heart is hurting yet I feel some peace that this was the right decision for us. I trust that I am walking in God’s will for my life laying down this relationship, so I know I’m exactly where I need to be. I’ve been reminded of God’s faithfulness through reading Hebrews, so I trust the Lord will provide. May it be soon Lord.

    Also tomorrow is my 27th birthday so I’ve planned a fun-filled weekend getting my hair done today, a birthday dinner with friends tonight, birthday dinner with my parents tomorrow, and a massage after church on Sunday. I pray everyone has a blessed weekend and lifting up all the prayer requests <3 The Lord is near

  31. Aimee D-R says:

    Father Your Grace, the Blood if Jeses…let then always be my reference point, my hope, my peace, my strength in You. In Jesus name, Amen

  32. Emily McGhee says:

    Being reminded to be content right where God has me

  33. Angela Flowers says:

    I have a friend that is starting to stray, her reference point is changing. She is believing things that are not true, and it hurts to watch this spiral downward. I pray for her, but she is not someone who takes counsel well. Today’s reading and devotional are good reminders to plant ourselves in his word and love by faith and not by sight. @Grace, there are many good internet filters out there. We have it on every computer in our home. Will pray in the meantime.

  34. Angela Flowers says:

    I have a friend that is starting to stray, her reference point is changing. She is believing things that are not true, and it hurts to watch this spiral downward. I pray for her, but she is not someone who takes counsel well. Today’s reading and devotional are good reminders to plant ourselves in his word and love by faith and not by sight.

  35. Kristen says:

    Grace, you did the best thing you could do by turning to Him and His Word. Fix our eyes on Jesus! He is the Rock on which to stand. There is a hymn that is called, Turn Your Eyes to Jesus. I don’t think we can post the link, but you can search it on YouTube. Praying for you and your husband! Also praying for Mary Ann and all of you ladies!

  36. Khaliyah Taylor says:

    Hi Grace, I’m praying for you this morning. I also wanted to share a resource. Check out fierce marriage. They have a website with a blog and a podcast and some books too. They specifically have some articles on this topic that helped me when I was going through the same thing.

  37. Michelle says:

    @churchmouse your words hit home for me as I am going through some stuff right now. Thank you for sharing your heart. God’s got us.

    Grace and Mary Ann- praying for you!

  38. Kelly (NEO) says:

    From HRT:
    “Verse 8 assures us that the foundation is steady, unchanging, and sure. Jesus stays the same.
    We never have to worry if there will be a need for another sacrifice.
    We never have to worry if there will be a need for another mediator on our behalf.
    We never have to look for another covenant. We will never need another gospel than the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Therefore, we can be confident in all the beautiful truths we have learned in this book. The foundation will never move and we are free to live faithfully and follow where God’s word leads us.

    In a world that is always changing and grounds that seem to always be moving, I am grateful for a God that was, is, and always will be.”

    GRACE B – so sorry for your heartache. I encourage you to seek a counselor to walk you through these betrayals. Praying yoir husband’s heart will be pierced and he would seek help too

    JOHNNA MCCOWEN – praying for your interview. May you find favor!

    MARGARET W – praying the Lord will give you relief from your pain so that you can travel.

    SEARCHING – praying for Shannon’s mom

  39. Melanie B says:

    Praying for you Grace and Mary Ann.

  40. searching says:

    “Are we led astray by various kinds of teachings or trying to keep up to our own version of regulations?”
    I think of this question or some version of it many times as I read or talk with people, wondering what Bible are they reading or how they derived their belief system from God’s word. Not that I am a bible scholar or have any sort of edge on understanding it, but I can’t wrap my head around some things that go against what I’m reading. Lots of prayer about this.

    Loved the reminder of being kind, especially to strangers, as I am putting together a package of hopefully helpful things to send to Shannon’s family while they wait with his mom. Praying she gains strength for the bypass surgery.

    Praying for you and your husband, GRACE B. Love and hugs to you during this painful time.

    MARY ANN – praying for the Lord’s strength to conquer your addiction. With His help, you can do this!

  41. Johnna McCowen says:

    Thankful for our unchanging God. Carrying the peace of today’s reading into my job interview this morning.

  42. Gayle R says:

    Praying for you GRACE. May Jesus soothe your ❤️ and mind.

  43. J M says:

    Dear Grace, praying for you this morning and hoping you will trust in the Lord to heal your broken heart. I pray your husband will be restored to honor your marriage. Praying for all my sisters to have peace in their hearts today. ❤️

  44. Churchmouse says:

    There is much instability in my world right now. It’s good to be reminded of the anchor of my soul. When things seem spinning out of control I remember that God is working His plan and He is good. I hold onto Who He is when I’m not sure what He’s doing. The surety of the Word keeps me grounded. I know I’m heaven bound yet I’m earthly bound now. It’s easy for my mind to drift to “what if?” But that is speculation on what may never even occur. I have no crystal ball.

    And God in His wisdom doesn’t give me one. It’s so much better to open my Bible and dwell on the solid Rock of Truth. I know all I need to know about the future. He is worth me now and He is coming again. One day I will see Him face to face. One day all wrongs will be set right. I need not worry. God’s got me.

  45. Kristen q says:

    Praying for you, Grace and your marriage. You are absolutely doing the best thing by seeking Him and reading His Word! He is a Rock on which to stand. As we have read in this study, fix our eyes on Jesus. In fact there is a hymn I’ve heard called Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus! This song talks about how the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace! Here is a link:

    Mary Ann praying for you too! Praying for all of you today and I would appreciate prayers too! I definitely need them as well!

  46. Arina says:

    Today is just one of those days where it feels like my faith isn’t strong enough. To run the race, to endure. Being satisfied with what I have, not afraid of what might come, it feels like too much to ask. He will never leave me are just some words right now. I know tomorrow might be better, or worse. So I cling, with the little strength I have left, to that other verse: He is the same. Always. Yesterday, today, forever, it doesn’t change who He is. Faithful even when I feel like I’m not good enough. Always with me even when I have no idea where He has gone. My anchor even when it feels like I’m sinking.

    Grace and Mary Ann – Praying for you

  47. Mary Ann Graves says:

    Praying for you. I also need prayer to help break my addiction to wine.

  48. Dana says:

    Praying for your heart dear Grace. I’m so sorry for what you are going through. You’re in the right place pressing in to Him and His Word. May we all have the presence of mind and heart to follow your example and turn to Him first. ❤️

  49. Grace B says:

    Asking for prayer. My husband has broken my trust yet again seeking out any sort of perverse content online and my heart feels shattered tonight. I know too much of my self worth comes from him and I feel worthless and empty when this behavior is repeated. I’m choosing to come read Gods word and I’m so comforted by His constant unwavering faithfulness. If you think of me, please pray for me and my marriage.

  50. Kim Teeter says:

    I am so thankful that our Heavenly Father knows just what we need and provides.